988 resultados para Neurosteroids, DHEA, Testosterone, Actin, Myosin II


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A key unanswered question in smooth muscle biology is whether phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) is sufficient for regulation of contraction, or if thin-filament-based regulatory systems also contribute to this process. To address this issue, the endogenous RLC was extracted from single smooth muscle cells and replaced with either a thiophosphorylated RLC or a mutant RLC (T18A/S19A) that cannot be phosphorylated by myosin light chain kinase. The actin-binding protein calponin was also extracted. Following photolysis of caged ATP, cells without calponin that contained a nonphosphorylatable RLC shortened at 30% of the velocity and produced 65% of the isometric force of cells reconstituted with the thiophosphorylated RLC. The contraction of cells reconstituted with nonphosphorylatable RLC was, however, specifically suppressed in cells that contained calponin. These results indicate that calponin is required to maintain cells in a relaxed state, and that in the absence of this inhibition, dephosphorylated cross-bridges can slowly cycle and generate force. These findings thus provide a possible framework for understanding the development of latch contraction, a widely studied but poorly understood feature of smooth muscle.


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Myosin V is an unconventional myosin proposed to be processive on actin filaments, analogous to kinesin on a microtubule [Mehta, A. D., et al. (1999) Nature (London) 400, 590–593]. To ascertain the unique properties of myosin V that permit processivity, we undertook a detailed kinetic analysis of the myosin V motor. We expressed a truncated, single-headed myosin V construct that bound a single light chain to study its innate kinetics, free from constraints imposed by other regions of the molecule. The data demonstrate that unlike any previously characterized myosin a single-headed myosin V spends most of its kinetic cycle (>70%) strongly bound to actin in the presence of ATP. This kinetic tuning is accomplished by increasing several of the rates preceding strong binding to actin and concomitantly prolonging the duration of the strongly bound state by slowing the rate of ADP release. The net result is a myosin unlike any previously characterized, in that ADP release is the rate-limiting step for the actin-activated ATPase cycle. Thus, because of a number of kinetic adaptations, myosin V is tuned for processive movement on actin and will be capable of transporting cargo at lower motor densities than any other characterized myosin.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae myosin-V, Myo2p, has been implicated in the polarized movement of several organelles and is essential for yeast viability. We have shown previously that Myo2p is required for the movement of a portion of the lysosome (vacuole) into the bud and consequently for proper inheritance of this organelle during cell division. Class V myosins have a globular carboxyl terminal tail domain that is proposed to mediate localization of the myosin, possibly through interaction with organelle-specific receptors. Here we describe a myo2 allele whose phenotypes support this hypothesis. vac15–1/myo2–2 has a single mutation in this globular tail domain, causing defects in vacuole movement and inheritance. Although a portion of wild-type Myo2p fractionates with the vacuole, the myo2–2 gene product does not. In addition, the mutant protein does not concentrate at sites of active growth, the predominant location of wild-type Myo2p. Although deletion of the tail domain is lethal, the myo2–2 gene product retains the essential functions of Myo2p. Moreover, myo2–2 does not cause the growth defects and lethal genetic interactions seen in myo2–66, a mutant defective in the actin-binding domain. These observations suggest that the myo2–2 mutation specifically disrupts interactions with selected myosin receptors, namely those on the vacuole membrane and those at sites of polarized growth.


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The class I myosins play important roles in controlling many different types of actin-based cell movements. Dictyostelium cells either lacking or overexpressing amoeboid myosin Is have significant defects in cortical activities such as pseudopod extension, cell migration, and macropinocytosis. The existence of Dictyostelium null mutants with strong phenotypic defects permits complementation analysis as a means of exploring important functional features of the myosin I heavy chain. Mutant Dictyostelium cells lacking two myosin Is exhibit profound defects in growth, endocytosis, and rearrangement of F-actin. Expression of the full-length myoB heavy chain in these cells fully rescues the double mutant defects. However, mutant forms of the myoB heavy chain in which a serine at the consensus phosphorylation site has been altered to an alanine or in which the C-terminal SH3 domain has been removed fail to complement the null phenotype. The wild-type and mutant forms of the myoB heavy chain appeared to be properly localized when they were expressed in the myosin I null mutants. These results suggest that the amoeboid myosin I consensus phosphorylation site and SH3 domains do not play a role in the localization of myosin I, but are absolutely required for in vivo function.


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Myosin Is, which constitute a ubiquitous monomeric subclass of myosins with actin-based motor properties, are associated with plasma membrane and intracellular vesicles. Myosin Is have been proposed as key players for membrane trafficking in endocytosis or exocytosis. In the present paper we provide biochemical and immunoelectron microscopic evidence indicating that a pool of myosin I alpha (MMIα) is associated with endosomes and lysosomes. We show that the overproduction of MMIα or the production of nonfunctional truncated MMIα affects the distribution of the endocytic compartments. We also show that truncated brush border myosin I proteins, myosin Is that share 78% homology with MMIα, promote the dissociation of MMIα from vesicular membranes derived from endocytic compartments. The analysis at the ultrastructural level of cells producing these brush border myosin I truncated proteins shows that the delivery of the fluid phase markers from endosomes to lysosomes is impaired. MMIα might therefore be involved in membrane trafficking occurring between endosomes and lysosomes.


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Act3p/Arp4, an essential actin-related protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae located within the nucleus, is, according to genetic data, involved in transcriptional regulation. In addition to the basal core structure of the actin family members, which is responsible for ATPase activity, Act3p possesses two insertions, insertions I and II, the latter of which is predicted to form a loop-like structure protruding from beyond the surface of the molecule. Because Act3p is a constituent of chromatin but itself does not bind to DNA, we hypothesized that insertion II might be responsible for an Act3p-specific function through its interaction with some other chromatin protein. Far Western blot and two-hybrid analyses revealed the ability of insertion II to bind to each of the core histones, although with somewhat different affinities. Together with our finding of coimmunoprecipitation of Act3p with histone H2A, this suggests the in vivo existence of a protein complex required for correct expression of particular genes. We also show that a conditional act3 mutation affects chromatin structure of an episomal DNA molecule, indicating that the putative Act3p complex may be involved in the establishment, remodeling, or maintenance of chromatin structures.


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Endothelial barrier function is regulated at the cellular level by cytoskeletal-dependent anchoring and retracting forces. In the present study we have examined the signal transduction pathways underlying agonist-stimulated reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Receptor activation by thrombin, or the thrombin receptor (proteinase-activated receptor 1) agonist peptide, leads to an early increase in stress fiber formation followed by cortical actin accumulation and cell rounding. Selective inhibition of thrombin-stimulated signaling systems, including Gi/o (pertussis toxin sensitive), p42/p44, and p38 MAP kinase cascades, Src family kinases, PI-3 kinase, or S6 kinase pathways had no effect on the thrombin response. In contrast, staurosporine and KT5926, an inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase, effectively blocked thrombin-induced cell rounding and retraction. The contribution of Rho to these effects was analyzed by using bacterial toxins that either activate or inhibit the GTPase. Escherichia coli cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1, an activator of Rho, induced the appearance of dense actin cables across cells without perturbing monolayer integrity. Accordingly, lysophosphatidic acid, an activator of Rho-dependent stress fiber formation in fibroblasts, led to reorganization of polymerized actin into stress fibers but failed to induce cell rounding. Inhibition of Rho with Clostridium botulinum exoenzyme C3 fused to the B fragment of diphtheria toxin caused loss of stress fibers with only partial attenuation of thrombin-induced cell rounding. The implication of Rac and Cdc42 was analyzed in transient transfection experiments using either constitutively active (V12) or dominant-interfering (N17) mutants. Expression of RacV12 mimicked the effect of thrombin on cell rounding, and RacN17 blocked the response to thrombin, whereas Cdc42 mutants were without effect. These observations suggest that Rho is involved in the maintenance of endothelial barrier function and Rac participates in cytoskeletal remodeling by thrombin in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.


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myr 5 is an unconventional myosin (class IX) from rat that contains a Rho-family GTPase-activating protein (GAP) domain. Herein we addressed the specificity of the myr 5 GAP activity, the molecular mechanism by which GAPs activate GTP hydrolysis, the consequences of myr 5 overexpression in living cells, and its subcellular localization. The myr 5 GAP activity exhibits a high specificity for Rho. To achieve similar rates of GTPase activation for RhoA, Cdc42Hs, and Rac1, a 100-fold or 1000-fold higher concentration of recombinant myr 5 GAP domain was needed for Cdc42Hs or Rac1, respectively, as compared with RhoA. Cell lysates from Sf9 insect cells infected with recombinant baculovirus encoding myr 5 exhibited increased GAP activity for RhoA but not for Cdc42Hs or Rac1. Analysis of Rho-family GAP domain sequences for conserved arginine residues that might contribute to accelerate GTP hydrolysis revealed a single conserved arginine residue. Mutation of the corresponding arginine residue in the myr 5 GAP domain to a methionine (M1695) virtually abolished Rho-GAP activity. Expression of myr 5 in Sf9 insect cells induced the formation of numerous long thin processes containing occasional varicosities. Such morphological changes were dependent on the myr 5 Rho-GAP activity, because they were induced by expressing the myr 5 tail or just the myr 5 Rho-GAP domain but not by expressing the myr 5 myosin domain. Expression of myr 5 in mammalian normal rat kidney (NRK) or HtTA-1 HeLa cells induced a loss of actin stress fibers and focal contacts with concomitant morphological changes and rounding up of the cells. Similar morphological changes were observed in HtTA-1 HeLa cells expressing just the myr 5 Rho-GAP domain but not in cells expressing myr 5 M1695. These morphological changes induced by myr 5 were inhibited by coexpression of RhoV14, which is defective in GTP hydrolysis, but not by RhoI117. myr 5 was localized in dynamic regions of the cell periphery, in the perinuclear region in the Golgi area, along stress fibers, and in the cytosol. These results demonstrate that myr 5 has in vitro and in vivo Rho-GAP activity. No evidence for a Rho effector function of the myr 5 myosin domain was obtained.


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Budding yeast grow asymmetrically by the polarized delivery of proteins and lipids to specific sites on the plasma membrane. This requires the coordinated polarization of the actin cytoskeleton and the secretory apparatus. We identified Rho3 on the basis of its genetic interactions with several late-acting secretory genes. Mutational analysis of the Rho3 effector domain reveals three distinct functions in cell polarity: regulation of actin polarity, transport of exocytic vesicles from the mother cell to the bud, and docking and fusion of vesicles with the plasma membrane. We provide evidence that the vesicle delivery function of Rho3 is mediated by the unconventional myosin Myo2 and that the docking and fusion function is mediated by the exocyst component Exo70. These data suggest that Rho3 acts as a key regulator of cell polarity and exocytosis, coordinating several distinct events for delivery of proteins to specific sites on the cell surface.


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We have identified partial loss of function mutations in class VI unconventional myosin, 95F myosin, which results in male sterility. During spermatogenesis the germ line precursor cells undergo mitosis and meiosis to form a bundle of 64 spermatids. The spermatids remain interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges until individualization. The process of individualization involves the formation of a complex of cytoskeletal proteins and membrane, the individualization complex (IC), around the spermatid nuclei. This complex traverses the length of each spermatid resolving the shared membrane into a single membrane enclosing each spermatid. We have determined that 95F myosin is a component of the IC whose function is essential for individualization. In wild-type testes, 95F myosin localizes to the leading edge of the IC. Two independent mutations in 95F myosin reduce the amount of 95F myosin in only a subset of tissues, including the testes. This reduction of 95F myosin causes male sterility as a result of defects in spermatid individualization. Germ line transformation with the 95F myosin heavy chain cDNA rescues the male sterility phenotype. IC movement is aberrant in these 95F myosin mutants, indicating a critical role for 95F myosin in IC movement. This report is the first identification of a component of the IC other than actin. We propose that 95F myosin is a motor that participates in membrane reorganization during individualization.


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Myosin isolated from the pollen tubes of lily (Lilium longiflorum) is composed of a 170-kD heavy chain (E. Yokota and T. Shimmen [1994] Protoplasma 177: 153–162). Both the motile activity in vitro and the F-actin-stimulated ATPase activity of this myosin were inhibited by Ca2+ at concentrations higher than 10−6 m. In the Ca2+ range between 10−6 and 10−5 m, inhibition of the motile activity was reversible. In contrast, inhibition by more than 10−5 m Ca2+ was not reversible upon Ca2+ removal. An 18-kD polypeptide that showed the same mobility in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as that of spinach calmodulin (CaM) was present in this myosin fraction. This polypeptide showed a mobility shift in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Furthermore, this polypeptide was recognized by antiserum against spinach CaM. By immunoprecipitation using antiserum against the 170-kD heavy chain, the 18-kD polypeptide was coprecipitated with the 170-kD heavy chain, provided that the Ca2+ concentration was low, indicating that this 18-kD polypeptide is bound to the 170-kD myosin heavy chain. However, the 18-kD polypeptide was dissociated from the 170-kD heavy chain at high Ca2+ concentrations, which irreversibly inhibited the motile activity of this myosin. From these results, it is suggested that the 18-kD polypeptide, which is likely to be CaM, is associated with the 170-kD heavy chain as a light chain. It is also suggested that this polypeptide is involved in the regulation of this myosin by Ca2+. This is the first biochemical basis, to our knowledge, for Ca2+ regulation of cytoplasmic streaming in higher plants.


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Two views currently dominate research into cell function and regulation. Model I assumes that cell behavior is quite similar to that expected for a watery bag of enzymes and ligands. Model II assumes that three-dimensional order and structure constrain and determine metabolite behavior. A major problem in cell metabolism is determining why essentially all metabolite concentrations are remarkably stable (are homeostatic) over large changes in pathway fluxes—for convenience, this is termed the [s] stability paradox. For muscle cells, ATP and O2 are the most perfectly homeostatic, even though O2 delivery and metabolic rate correlate in a 1:1 fashion. In total, more than 60 metabolites are known to be remarkably homeostatic in differing metabolic states. Several explanations of [s] stability are usually given by traditional model I studies—none of which apply to all enzymes in a pathway, and all of which require diffusion as the means for changing enzyme–substrate encounter rates. In contrast, recent developments in our understanding of intracellular myosin, kinesin, and dyenin motors running on actin and tubulin tracks or cables supply a mechanistic basis for regulated intracellular circulation systems with cytoplasmic streaming rates varying over an approximately 80-fold range (from 1 to >80 μm × sec−1). These new studies raise a model II hypothesis of intracellular perfusion or convection as a primary means for bringing enzymes and substrates together under variable metabolic conditions. In this view, change in intracellular perfusion rates cause change in enzyme–substrate encounter rates and thus change in pathway fluxes with no requirement for large simultaneous changes in substrate concentrations. The ease with which this hypothesis explains the [s] stability paradox is one of its most compelling features.


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Changes in the organization and mechanical properties of the actin network within plant and animal cells are primary responses to cell signaling. These changes are suggested to be mediated through the regulation of G/F-actin equilibria, alterations in the amount and/or type of actin-binding proteins, the binding of myosin to F-actin, and the formation of myosin filaments associated with F-actin. In the present communication, the cell optical displacement assay was used to investigate the role of phosphatases and kinases in modifying the tension and organization within the actin network of soybean cells. The results from these biophysical measurements suggest that: (a) calcium-regulated kinases and phosphatases are involved in the regulation of tension, (b) calcium transients induce changes in the tension and organization of the actin network through the stimulation of proteins containing calmodulin-like domains or calcium/calmodulin-dependent regulatory proteins, (c) myosin and/or actin cross-linking proteins may be the principal regulator(s) of tension within the actin network, and (d) these actin cross-linking proteins may be the principal targets of calcium-regulated kinases and phosphatases.


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The myosin head consists of a globular catalytic domain that binds actin and hydrolyzes ATP and a neck domain that consists of essential and regulatory light chains bound to a long alpha-helical portion of the heavy chain. The swinging neck-level model assumes that a swinging motion of the neck relative to the catalytic domain is the origin of movement. This model predicts that the step size, and consequently the sliding velocity, are linearly related to the length of the neck. We have tested this point by characterizing a series of mutant Dictyostelium myosins that have different neck lengths. The 2xELCBS mutant has an extra binding site for essential light chain. The delta RLCBS mutant myosin has an internal deletion that removes the regulatory light chain binding site. The delta BLCBS mutant lacks both light chain binding sites. Wild-type myosin and these mutant myosins were subjected to the sliding filament in vitro motility assay. As expected, mutants with shorter necks move slower than wild-type myosin in vitro. Most significantly, a mutant with a longer neck moves faster than the wild type, and the sliding velocities of these myosins are linearly related to the neck length, as predicted by the swinging neck-lever model. A simple extrapolation to zero speed predicts that the fulcrum point is in the vicinity of the SH1-SH2 region in the catalytic domain.


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A characteristic feature of all myosins is the presence of two sequences which despite considerable variations in length and composition can be aligned with loops 1 (residues 204-216) and 2 (residues 627-646) in the chicken myosin-head heavy chain sequence. Recently, an intriguing hypothesis has been put forth suggesting that diverse performances of myosin motors are achieved through variations in the sequences of loops 1 and 2 [Spudich, J. (1994) Nature (London) 372, 515-518]. Here, we report on the study of the effects of tryptic digestion of these loops on the motor and enzymatic functions of myosin. Tryptic digestions of myosin, which produced heavy meromyosin (HMM) with different percentages of molecules cleaved at both loop 1 and loop 2, resulted in the consistent decrease in the sliding velocity of actin filaments over HMM in the in vitro motility assays, did not affect the Vmax, and increased the Km values for actin-activated ATPase of HMM. Selective cleavage of loop 2 on HMM decreased its affinity for actin but did not change the sliding velocity of actin in the in vitro motility assays. The cleavage of loop 1 and HMM decreased the mean sliding velocity of actin in such assays by almost 50% but did not alter its affinity for HMM. To test for a possible kinetic determinant of the change in motility, 1-N6-ethenoadenosine diphosphate (epsilon-ADP) release from cleaved and uncleaved myosin subfragment 1 (S1) was examined. Tryptic digestion of loop 1 slightly accelerated the release of epsilon-ADP from S1 but did not affect the rate of epsilon-ADP release from acto-S1 complex. Overall, the results of this work support the hypothesis that loop 1 can modulate the motor function of myosin and suggest that such modulation involves a mechanism other than regulation of ADP release from myosin.