316 resultados para Nepal - sisäpolitiikka


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Commonly used paradigms for studying child psychopathology emphasize individual-level factors and often neglect the role of context in shaping risk and protective factors among children, families, and communities. To address this gap, we evaluated influences of ecocultural contextual factors on definitions, development of, and responses to child behavior problems and examined how contextual knowledge can inform culturally responsive interventions. We drew on Super and Harkness' "developmental niche" framework to evaluate the influences of physical and social settings, childcare customs and practices, and parental ethnotheories on the definitions, development of, and responses to child behavior problems in a community in rural Nepal. Data were collected between February and October 2014 through in-depth interviews with a purposive sampling strategy targeting parents (N = 10), teachers (N = 6), and community leaders (N = 8) familiar with child-rearing. Results were supplemented by focus group discussions with children (N = 9) and teachers (N = 8), pile-sort interviews with mothers (N = 8) of school-aged children, and direct observations in homes, schools, and community spaces. Behavior problems were largely defined in light of parents' socialization goals and role expectations for children. Certain physical settings and times were seen to carry greater risk for problematic behavior when children were unsupervised. Parents and other adults attempted to mitigate behavior problems by supervising them and their social interactions, providing for their physical needs, educating them, and through a shared verbal reminding strategy (samjhaune). The findings of our study illustrate the transactional nature of behavior problem development that involves context-specific goals, roles, and concerns that are likely to affect adults' interpretations and responses to children's behavior. Ultimately, employing a developmental niche framework will elucidate setting-specific risk and protective factors for culturally compelling intervention strategies.


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Background: The burden of mental health is increased in humanitarian settings, and needs to be addressed in emergency situations. The World Health Organization has recently released the mental health Global Action Programme Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG) in order to scale up mental health service delivery in humanitarian settings through task-shifting. This study aims to evaluate, contextualize and identify possible barriers and challenges to mhGAP-HIG manual content, training and implementation in post-earthquake Nepal.

Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in Kathmandu, Nepal. Key informant interviews were conducted with fourteen psychiatrists involved in a mhGAP-HIG Training of Trainers and Supervisors (ToTS) in order to assess the mhGAP-HIG, ToTS training, and the potential challenges and barriers to mhGAP-HIG implementation. Themes identified by informants were supplemented by process notes taken by the researcher during observed training sessions and meetings.

Results: Key themes emerging from key informant interviews include the need to take three factors into account in manual contextualization: culture, health systems and the humanitarian setting. This includes translation of the manual into the local language, adding or expanding upon conditions prevalent in Nepal, and more consideration to improving feasibility of manual use by non-specialists.

Conclusion: The mhGAP-HIG must be tailored to specific humanitarian settings for effective implementation. This study shows the importance of conducting a manual contextualization workshop prior to training in order to maximize the feasibility and success in training health care workers in mhGAP.


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Background: The relationship between mental health and climate change are poorly understood. Participatory methods represent ethical, feasible, and culturally-appropriate approaches to engage community members for mental health promotion in the context of climate change. Aim: Photovoice, a community-based participatory research methodology uses images as a tool to deconstruct problems by posing meaningful questions in a community to find actionable solutions. This community-enhancing technique was used to elicit experiences of climate change among women in rural Nepal and the association of climate change with mental health. Subjects and methods: Mixed-methods, including in-depth interviews and self-report questionnaires, were used to evaluate the experience of 10 women participating in photovoice. Quantitative tools included Nepali versions of Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and a resilience scale. Results: In qualitative interviews after photovoice, women reported climate change adaptation and behavior change strategies including environmental knowledge-sharing, group mobilization, and increased hygiene practices. Women also reported beneficial effects for mental health. The mean BDI score prior to photovoice was 23.20 (SD=9.00) and two weeks after completion of photovoice, the mean BDI score was 7.40 (SD=7.93), paired t-test = 8.02, p<.001, n=10. Conclusion: Photovoice, as a participatory method, has potential to inform resources, adaptive strategies and potential interventions to for climate change and mental health.


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Harvesting of Chinese caterpillar fungus, one of the most expensive biological commodities in the world, has become an important livelihood strategy for mountain communities of Nepal. However, very little is known about the role of Chinese caterpillar fungus in household economy. We estimated the economic contribution of Chinese caterpillar fungus to the household income, quantified the extent of "Chinese caterpillar fungus dependence" among households with different economic and social characteristics, and assessed the role of cash income from the Chinese caterpillar fungus harvest in meeting various household needs including education, debt payments, and food security. Results show that Chinese caterpillar fungus income is the second largest contributor to the total household income after farm income with 21.1% contribution to the total household income and 53.3% to the total cash income. The contribution of Chinese caterpillar fungus income to total household income decreases as the household income increases making its contribution highest for the poorest households. There is significant correlation between Chinese caterpillar fungus dependency and percentage of family members involved in harvesting, number of food-sufficient months, and total income without Chinese caterpillar fungus income. Income from Chinese caterpillar fungus is helping the poorest to educate children, purchase food, and pay debts. However, reported decline of Chinese caterpillar fungus from its natural habitat might threaten local livelihoods that depend on the Chinese caterpillar fungus in future. Therefore, sustainable management of Chinese caterpillar fungus through partnership among local institutions and the state is critical in conserving the species and the sustained flow of benefits to local communities.


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The Lesser Himalayan fold-thrust belt on the south flank of the Jajarkot klippe in west central Nepal was mapped in detail between the Main Central thrust in the north and the Main Boundary thrust in the south. South of the Jajarkot klippe, the fold-thrust belt involves sandstone, shale and carbonate rocks that are unmetamorphosed in the foreland and increase in metamorphic grade with higher structural position to sub-greenschist facies towards the hinterland. The exposed stratigraphy is correlative with the Proterozoic Ranimata, Sangram, Galyang, Syangia Formations and Lakharpata Group of Western Nepal and overlain by the Paleozoic Tansen and Kali Gandaki Groups. Based on field mapping and cross-section construction, three distinct thrust sheets were identified separated by top-to-the-south thrust faults. From the foreland (south) to the hinterland (north), the first thrust sheet in the immediate hanging wall of the Main Boundary thrust defines an open syncline. The second thrust sheet contains a very broad synformal duplex, which is structurally stacked against the third thrust sheet containing a homoclinal panel of the oldest exposed Proterozoic stratigraphy. Outcrop scale folds throughout the study area are predominantly south vergent, open, and asymmetric reflecting the larger regional scale folding style, which corroborate the top-to-the-south deformation style seen in the faults of the region. Field techniques were complemented with microstructural and quartz crystallographic c-axis preferred orientation analyses using a petrographic microscope and a fabric analyzer, respectively. Microstructural analysis identified abundant strain-induced recrystallization textures and occasional occurrences of top-to-the-south shear-sense indicators primarily in the hinterland rocks in the immediate footwall of the Main Central Thrust. Top-to-the-south shearing is also supported by quartz crystallographic c-axis preferred orientations. Quartz recrystallization textures indicate an increase in deformation temperature towards the Main Central thrust. A line balance estimate indicates that approximately 15 km of crustal shortening was accommodated by folding and faulting in the fold-thrust belt south of the Jajarkot klippe. Additionally, estimations of shortening velocity suggest that the shortening velocity operating in this section of the fold-thrust belt between 23 to 14 Ma was slower than what is currently observed as a result of the ongoing deformation of the Sub-Himalayan fold-thrust belt.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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The burden of chronic diseases such as cancer is increasing in low and middle income countries around the globe. Nepal, one of the world’s poorest countries, is no exception to this trend, with lung cancer as the leading causes of cancer deaths. Despite this, limited data is available on the environmental and behavioral risk factors that contribute to the lung cancer etiology in Nepal. The objectives of this dissertation are to: 1) investigate the ethnic differences in consumption of local tobacco products and their role in lung cancer risk in Nepal; 2) evaluate urinary metabolite of 1,3-butadiene as a biomarker of exposure to combustion related household air pollution (CRHAP); 3) investigate the association between CRHAP exposure and lung cancer risk using urinary metabolite of 1,3-butadiene as a biomarker of exposure; 4) investigate the association between CRHAP exposure and lung cancer risk using questionnaire based measure of exposure. Lung cancer cases (n=606) and frequency matched controls (N=606) were recruited from B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital. We obtained biological samples and information on lifestyles including cooking habits and type of fuels used. We used liquid chromatograph tandem mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) to quantify urinary metabolites of 1,3-butadiene in urine samples. We employed a combination of logistic and linear regression models to detect any exposure-disease associations while controlling for known confounding variables. Overall, we found that ethnic groups in Nepal use different tobacco products that have different differing cancer potency -we observed the highest odds ratios for the traditional tobacco products. The biomarker analysis showed strong evidence that monohydroxybutyl mercapturic acid is associated with biomass fuel use among participants. However, we did not find significant association between urinary MHMBA and lung cancer risk. When we used questionnaire based measure of exposure to household air pollution, we observed significant, dose-response associations between CRHAP exposure and lung cancer risk, particularly among never-smokers. Our results show that important role of local tobacco products in lung cancer risk in Nepal. Furthermore, we demonstrate that CRHAP exposure is a risk factor for lung cancer risk, independent of tobacco smoking.


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Il presente lavoro è il risultato di cinque anni di ricerca sulla performance rituale delle Nava Durgā del popolo newar a Bhaktapur (Nepal). Dal 1512, per circa nove mesi all'anno, gli uomini della casta inferiore Banmālā reincarnano le nove manifestazioni femminili della dea Durgā ed eseguono le danze in maschera. La performance della Nava Durgā è una pratica culturale molto complessa, composta da suoni, danze, processioni, momenti di venerazione (pūjā), rituali tantrici e momenti sacrificali. Gli aspetti musicali e teatrali della performance costituiscono il focus dell’indagine di questo studio. Dopo una descrizione analitica degli strumenti musicali utilizzati nella performance, alcuni elementi sonori vengono trascritti e analizzati mettendo in luce le caratteristiche tipiche della musica newar. I contenuti narrativi delle danze e il ciclo vitale delle Nava Durgā rispecchiano la vita hindu. La loro interpretazione viene realizzata in base alle osservazioni etnografiche; alcuni temi che costituiscono gli obiettivi dei devoti hindu (puruṣārtha) vengono esaminati attraverso l’approccio storico e quello etnografico, anche al fine di sottolineare il ruolo didascalico e formativo della performance. Un altro argomento discusso in questo lavoro consiste nell'identità dei danzatori Banmālā e quella del popolo newar in generale; questo aspetto è emerso in modo rilevante anche durante le fasi di mediatizzazione della performance delle Nava Durgā avvenute nel periodo del COVID-19. Da questo punto di vista, il presente lavoro costituisce un contributo alla diffusione della conoscenza della tradizione delle Nava Durgā; questo converge con l'obiettivo dei Banmālā di aumentare la visibilità della performance al fine di affermare la propria identità sia nel contesto nazionale che in quello internazionale.


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The Swinfen Charitable Trust was established in 1998 with the aim of helping the poor, sick and disabled in the developing world. It does this by setting up simple telemedicine links based on email to support doctors in isolated hospitals. The first telemedicine link was established to support the lone orthopaedic surgeon at the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) in Savar, near Dhaka in Bangladesh, in July 1999. An evaluation of the 27 referrals made during the first year of operation showed that the telemedical advice had been useful and cost-effective. Based on the success of the Bangladesh project, the Swinfen Charitable Trust supplied: digital cameras and tripods to more hospitals in other developing countries. These are Patan Hospital in Nepal (March 2000), Gizo Hospital in the Solomon Islands (March 2000), Helena Goldie Hospital: on New Georgia in the Solomon Islands (September 2000) and LAMB Hospital in Bangladesh (September 2000).


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This article uses data for Nepal to test contemporary hypotheses about the remitting behaviour and associated motives of rural-to-urban migrants and to consider the likely impact of such remittances on rural development. Possibilities for inheritance, degree of family attachment, likelihood of eventual return to place of origin and family investment in the education of the migrants are found to be significant influences on levels of remittances by Nepalese migrants. However, in Nepal, remittances do not seem to result in long-term capital investment in rural areas and so may not promote long-term development of these areas.


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Este ensaio ?? resultado da participa????o da autora do Seminar on Public Personnel Administration For Middle Level Officials (Semin??rio sobre Administra????o de pessoal no servi??o p??blico para servidores ocupantes de cargos equivalentes a dire????o e assessoramento) promovido pela National Personnel Authority do Governo Japon??s (NPA) e pela Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). A NPA ?? a ag??ncia central para administra????o de pessoal civil do governo japon??s. Entre suas principais fun????es est??o o planejamento e a implementa????o dos concursos p??blicos, as recomenda????es para a melhoria das condi????es de trabalho, incluindo quest??es como remunera????o e limites de horas de trabalho, e a defini????o de diretrizes para capacita????o e gest??o por desempenho. A JICA, por sua vez, ?? a ag??ncia de coopera????o japonesa respons??vel por promover os programas de treinamento para pa??ses em desenvolvimento com o intuito de apoiar os esfor??os de auto-aprimoramento para gera????o de progresso econ??mico e melhoria na vida dos cidad??os desses pa??ses. A JICA seleciona anualmente cerca de 8 mil participantes de 150 pa??ses e ??reas do mundo. Os tipos de atividades desenvolvidas s??o programas de treinamento em grupo, de longo prazo (ex.: mestrados e doutorados) e programas focados na realidade de um pa??s ou regi??o. O semin??rio em quest??o classifica-se na primeira modalidade de treinamento em grupo e contou com a participa????o de 11 servidores com atua????o na ??rea de gest??o de pessoas do Brasil, Gana, Kosovo, L??bano, Nepal, Ruanda, Ilhas Salom??o, Sri Lanka, Tail??ndia, Trinidade e Tobago.


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Climate change which until recently seemed a luxury for the microfinance sector, now appears to be crucial for the future of the sector. Due to their low adaptive capacity, the millions of MF clients worldwide happen to be the most vulnerable to a changing climate. Adapting previous analysis conducted in Nepal and Bangladesh by Agrawala and Maëlis (2010) to the Brazilian context, in this inductive qualitative study we aim to assess potential synergies between MF and CC actions and what strategies can be harnessed to better respond to CC vulnerabilities at client/MF level. To do so, we investigated the case of the second largest rural microcredit programme in Brazil, Sistema Cresol de Cooperativas de Crédito Rural com Interação Solidária. Albeit important overlaps between Cresol's product envelope and CC strategies exist, there is still room to realise synergies to both mitigate a new potential source of risk to Cresol's portfolio and to increase clients' adaptive capacity.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.