983 resultados para Native forest seeds


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The erosion caused by running water constitutes important cause of environmental degradation and productivity reduction, which justifies its evaluation in areas of eucalypt commercial plantations, mainly in ondulated slope conditions. The present study was intended to evaluate the influence of different management systems, in an undulated eucalypt pos-planting area, upon soil and water losses by erosion. The experiment was installed in a very clayey Red Latosol (Oxisol) under three eucalypt management systems (downhill planting with burning of crop residues - EDq; downhill planting with maintenance of crop residues on soil surface - ED; level planting with maintenance of crop residues on soil surface - EN), native forest (FN), bare soil (SD), and native pasture (PN). The soil and water losses evaluations were performed in standard plots installed in the field. All eucalypt systems presented very low values of soil losses in relation to the established tolerance limit, indicating the adequacy of these management systems concerning water erosion. The sustainability of these environments regarding erosion is indicated by the fact that soil losses in eucalipt were very close to those observed in native forest (reference).


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This study presents the results obtained in a field experiment carried out at Glicério, Northwest of São Paulo state, Brazil, whose objective was to analyze changes of selected soil physical properties and water infiltration rates on a Yellow-Red Latosol, under three different management conditions. The experimental design was arranged as completely randomized split-block with twelve treatments, which corresponded to four depths (0-0.05 m; 0.05-0.10 m; 0.10-0.20 m and 0.20-0.40 m) and three conditions of soil use and management with four replications. The soil surface conditions were: conventional tillage (one disking with moulboard plus two levelling passes with harrow), nine months before starting filed experiences; recent conventional tillage (also one disking with moulboard plus two levelling passes with harrow) and native forest. The conventional tillage areas were cropped for about fifteen years with annual cultures. The considered soil general physical properties were: macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, bulk density, soil moisture and penetration resistance and, in addition; soil water infiltration rates were also recorded. According to our results, differences on general soil physical properties and infiltration rates appeared when both tilled sub-treatments and native forest were compared. Both, plots recently prepared by conventional tillage and those prepared by tillage but left nine months in rest, presented a statistically significant decrease of constant (final) water infiltration rates of 92.72% and 91.91% when compared with native forest plots.


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This paper aims to evaluate the physiological quality of Sebastiania commersoniana seeds stored in cloth bag, plastic bag and glass container and kept in two conditions: laboratory workbench and cold chamber (4 ± 2°C e 80% relative humidity - RH) for 531 days. Periodically, samples were taken in order to determine the moisture content and to perform germination tests. The experimental design was completely randomized, in factorial scheme of 3 × 2 (wrappings × conditions), for each period of storage evaluated (0, 158, 271, 389 and 531 days of storage). Supplementary, a polynomial regression was adjusted in order to describe the physiological quality of the seeds for the different conditions during the experimental period. The results lead to the following considerations: a) storage under variable temperature and air humidity (laboratory workbench) can be used for periods of over five and a half months, with the seeds stored in cloth bag, plastic bag or glass container; b) the physiological quality of the seeds was not hardly altered when stored in cold chamber in cloth bag, plastic bag and glass container for over 18 months.


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This study objective was to evaluate the effective revegetation in a Mogi Guaçu River degraded floodplain area, located at Luiz Antonio municipality (21° 31' S e 47° 55' W), São Paulo State, Brazil. Two native riparian forest remnants (RIP1 and RIP2) and three 10-year-old reforested areas, planted of native species (R1, R2 and R3), were analyzed by using phytosociological describers of the arboreal stratum (trees with DBH ≥ 5 cm) as indicators. The arboreal stratum inventory was accomplished by 180 plots (10 × 10 m each), 60 representing every native forest and 20 for every reforested area. A total of 60 arboreal species was recorded, only six species (Cecropia hololeuca, Crotón urucurana, Genipa americana, Inga striata, Nectandra megapotamica e Peltophorum dubium) occurring in all the five studied areas. Seventeen species were common to both native forests, and nine species were recorded in all the reforested areas. Sebastlania commersonlana and Guarea macrophyllawere recorded in the native forests (RlP1 and RIP2), and Cecropia hololeuca, Croton urucurana and Inga striata occurring in all the reforested areas, were the species that best characterize the physiognomy of local diversity and were the most important among the studied species. The results showed that the rehabilitation of the areas made by the reforestation created conditions to implant forests with similar structures of the adjacent natural remainders. The reforestation with native species performed in the degraded floodplain of Mogi Guaçu River, initially with the predomination of invasive grasses, has been effective at the first stage of the ecological restoration process. The reforestation is making possible the natural regeneration of species from the adjacent remnants, what indicates that the similarity between planted forests and the native ones are rising through the time. The phytosociology, accomplished ten years after the planting date, is adequate to evaluate the effectiveness of the reforestation during the restoration process of degradated areas in the Mogi Guaçu floodplain.


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This study aimed at characterizing the potential for natural regeneration of native vegetation in the under-story of an earlier Eucalyptus saligna Smith production stand. The study was carried out at the Parque das Neblinas, Bertioga municipality, SP, in a 45 ha third rotation stand; which had been abandoned 15 years ago for natural regeneration to occur. The sampling was done in 24 plots of 20 × 40 m. The sampled area was of 19,200 m2, with inventory made of 100% of the eucalyptus trees. All regeneration trees with a height ≥ 1.30 m and DBH ≥ 5.0 cm were measured, as well as adult individuals with DBH ≥ 5.0 cm; surveyed in two size classes. 1,417 individuals of E. saligna were measured, with a density of 738,02 individuals/ha and a basal area of 22.69 m2/ha. Among 2,763 natural regeneration individuals, 111 species belonged to 66 genera and 34 botanical families. The species represented 43.7% of the tree richness of neighboring native forest fragments. The total estimated density and the basal area were respectively 1,052.6 individuals/ha and 6.4 m2/ha of autochthonous trees with DBH ≥ 5.0 cm (Class 1); while for regeneration there were 3,864.58 individuals/ha, and 2.76 m2/ha of individuals with a height ≥ 1.30 m and DBH < 5.0 cm (Class 2). Shannon diversity (H') was 2.83 and 3.68, respectively, for Classes 1 and 2, and the corrected species richness for a 1000-individual sample (R1000) were 75.6 and 87.29 (Fisher's a index) for the same classes. The majority of the species (34.84%) was typical from the understory of wet tropical forest and had zoochoric fruit dispersal (67.57%). The results indicate that, under these conditions, a eucalyptus forest is able to provide adequate regeneration niches for native vegetation, and may represent a sink habitat for local populations.


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Two discussions are imposed to the designers of wood constructions. The first one deals with the technical knowledge to project and execute buildings; the second one is concerned with the preservation of the environment, use of the wood in a sustainable way. The work presents the tendencies of the wood used in the Brazilian habitation architecture characterizing the used woods; how the construction technical solutions have developed and discusses about the necessity of using the wood in a conscious way, knowing its origin and control, sustainable use of the forests resources. It focalizes, mainly, the search of the designers to harmonize the use of the wood and the preservation of the forest biodiversity, when it deals with the native forest.


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Studying the physical environment of a watershed is the basic condition for a successful planning of the riparian forest preservation, and for water production and conservation. The aims of the present study were to analyze and quantify the spatial and temporal evolution (1984 and 2010) using Landsat-5 satellite images of Cintra Stream sub-watershed, Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, processed by the software IDRISI Andes, as well as to analyze the water quality through the parameters pH, EC, DO and BOD5 at 4 different sites in the years 1999, 2008 and 2009. Considering the 1076.48ha area of the sub-watershed, the pasture class of 1984 was reduced by 25.55% in 2010, resulting in an increase in the remaining classes. The most important class was native forest and reforestation since it had an increase of 5.08%, which indicates recovery of the riparian forest. Degraded areas were identified close to the inferior limit of the sub-watershed (P3 and P4), as well as local contamination (P1 and P2) with worsening of the water quality in the remaining sites in the periods 2008 and 2009. Recovery and management of the ecological succession of degraded areas and water quality monitoring at 1 and 2 sites will be necessary to reestablish the natural condition of the area studied.


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Brazil's Atlantic Forest ecosystem has been greatly affected by land use changes, with only 11.26% of its original vegetation cover remaining. Currently, Atlantic Forest restoration is receiving increasing attention because of its potential for carbon sequestration and the important role of soil carbon in the global carbon balance. Soil organic matter is also essential for physical, chemical and biological components of soil fertility and forest sustainability. This study evaluated the potential for soil recovery in contrasting restoration models using indigenous Atlantic Forest tree species ten years after their establishment. The study site is located in Botucatu municipality, São Paulo State-Brazil, in a loamy dystrophic Red-Yellow Argisol site (Typic Hapludult). Four treatments were compared: i) Control (Spontaneous Restoration); ii) Low Diversity (five fast-growing tree species established by direct seeding); iii) High Diversity (mixed plantings of 41 species established with seedlings) and; iv) Native Forest (well conserved neighboring forest fragment). The following soil properties were evaluated: (1) physical-texture, density and porosity; (2) chemical-C, N, P, S, K, Ca, Mg, Al and pH; (3) biological-microbial biomass. Litter nutrient concentrations (P, S, K, Ca and Mg) and C and N litter stocks were determined. Within ten years the litter C and N stocks of the Low Diversity treatment area were higher than Control and similar to those in both the High Diversity treatment and the Native Forest. Soil C stocks increased through time for both models and in the Control plots, but remained highest in the Native Forest. The methods of restoration were shown to have different effects on soil dynamics, mainly on chemical properties. These results show that, at least in the short-term, changes in soil properties are more rapid in a less complex system like the Low Diversity model than in the a High Species Diversity model. For both mixed plantation systems, carbon soil cycling can be reestablished, resulting in increases in carbon stocks in both soil and litter.


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This research aimed to standardize the tetrazolium test for evaluation of viability of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. and Schizolobium parahyba Vell. Blake seeds. It evaluated the following methodologies: seeds scarificated mechanically and soaked up by 24 and 48 hours, with posterior seed coat removal and immersed in tetrazolium solution at 0.075; 0.10 and 0.20% for 2, 3 and 4 hours, 35 °C, the dark one. The evaluated methodologies that had been efficient in the attainment of satisfactory coloration, allowing the differentiation of tissues, and in the evaluation of the physiological quality of the seeds when compared with the germination test, had been: for the species Copaifera langsdorffii, seeds scarificated and soaked up by 24 hours, 35 °C, with posterior seed coat removal, submitted to the tetrazolium solution 0.20% for 4 hours, 35 °C, in the dark one, and for the species guapuruvu, seeds scarificated and soaked up by 48 hours, 35 °C, with posterior seed coat removal, submitted to the tetrazolium solution 0.10% for 4 hours, 35 °C, in the dark one.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of placing the top soil cover areas, such as tailings degraded by tin mining, in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The evaluations of the planting sites occurred in areas where tin mining was carried out, basically planting native trees over a period of seven years. This work did not come from a pre-decreed methodology of experimental design, and data was collected only seven years after planting. Thus, it was not possible to identify all variables that contributed to a better recovery of the areas. Sampling was done about seven years after placing the top soil and is determined: pH, organic matter content, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al, cation exchange capacity (T), base saturation (V%), B, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn. The native forest species existing at the site were evaluated in relation to height (in meters) and diameter of the base. For all sites where the surface layer of soil was applied, there were significant differences in the growth of native species. A fundamental aspect in the rehabilitation of areas degraded by mining, in general, is the knowledge about the soil where that recovery must be conducted. The specific procedures in the rehabilitation of those areas depend essentially on the physical, chemical, biological and mineralogical properties of the soil, which must present conditions for the adequate development of the plants. The initial idea of implanting a project of recovery of soils degraded by mining in the Amazon Forest emerged from a first visit to the field, carried out in 1998. The conditions of the already mined areas, in comparison to the exuberant forest of the surroundings caught our attention. The mining company that acts in the area had already been trying for some time to implant a plan of recovery of these mining areas, however without reaching any significant positive results. The loss of organic matter is one of the main problems of degraded areas in Brazil. The storage and reuse of a blanket of soil (topsoil) produce excellent results, but most of the miners consider this technique expensive and difficult because of operational costs and the sharp topographical condition of the mine site. Therefore, a research project was elaborated prioritizing the recovery of the soil degraded by the tin mining as a prior step to the recovery activities with native forest species. The formation of a superficial pseudo-horizon that supported the vegetation and the time that it would take for its establishment became the main objective of this research. The objective of this work is to verify the levels of elements and their traces in areas where top soils were applied for the remediation of degraded areas with local re-vegetation. © 2011 WIT Press.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the hydro-physical attributes of the Red Oxisol cultivated with maize in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, under different systems of use and periods of adoption of managements. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with split-plot arrangement, with six replications and the treatments were: six years of no-tillage system (SPD6), eight years of no-tillage system (SPD8), ten years of no-tillage system (SPD10), conventional tillage system (SPC) and an adjacent area of native forest (NF). The soil penetration resistance (PR), density, macroporosity, microporosity of the soil in layers of 0-0.05; 0.05-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m, and the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kθ) in 0.15 m depth were evaluated. It was found that the PR conditions were favorable for the cultivation to 0.20 m, indicating a structure preserved even after soil chiseling. Furthermore, the Kθ in the soil showed similar behavior between SPC and periods of SPD, although this was shown in a part of maize cycle, macroporosity values near 0.10 m3 m-3 and soil water tensions near 0.09 MPa.


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Preserving large tracts of natural habitats is essential to maintain biodiversity. Nevertheless, even large areas may still suffer from less visible impacts such as loss of ecological processes. Because mapping ecological processes over large scales is not practical, an alternative is to map surrogate species that are key for those processes. In this study, we chose four species of Neotropical large mammals (the largest apex predator: jaguar - Panthera onca; the largest herbivore: tapir - Tapirus terrestris; the largest seed predator: white-lipped peccary - Tayassu pecari; and the largest arboreal seed disperser: muriqui - Brachyteles spp.) in an ecosystem with an old history of human impact (the Atlantic Forest) to test whether areas with native forest still harbor ecological processes that may guarantee long-term ecosystem maintenance. We gathered 94 locations with recent presence of the four species to map current ranges and model suitable areas. Our results reveal that 96% of the remaining Atlantic Forest is depleted of at least one of the four surrogate species and 88% is completely depleted of all four surrogate species. We also found that only 16% is still environmentally suitable for all four, and 55% is completely unsuitable to all four of them. Our study highlights the importance of looking beyond land cover to fully depict intactness of natural areas, and suggests that ecosystems with a long history of human impact (such as the Atlantic Forest) may be suffering from ecological impacts not seen at a first glance. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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This study aim to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical attributes in of Alfissol forest in Manicoré region, AM. The mapping of an agroforestry growing area of 70×70m was made using a regular grid sampling of 10 × 10m. In each grid, soil samples were collected at 0.0-0.2 and 0,40-0,60 m depth, with a total of 128 sample points. Physical analyses were made (texture, soil bulk and particles density, macro and microporosity, total porosity and aggregates stability in water). With the exception of DMG, DMP and class aggregates <1.00 mm had all the physical attributes spatial dependence structure ranging from moderate to weak. Values were above the range established in the mesh (12.00 to 45.56 m), enabling to make a basis for future studies in forest area. The physical attributes presented in kriging maps different spatial behavior, however there are relationships between these attributes shown by geostatistics proving that this is effective tool for studies in forest area.