961 resultados para Nanostructured materials.
This study investigates the promoting effect of PtSnIr/C (1:1:1) electrocatalyst anode, prepared by polymeric precursor method, on the ethanol oxidation reaction in a direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC). All of the materials used were 20% metal m/m on carbon. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis showed the presence of Pt, PtOH2, PtO2, SnO2 and IrO2 at the electrocatalyst surface, indicating a possible decorated particle structure. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) analysis indicated metallic Pt and Ir as well as the formation of an alloy with Sn. Using the PtSnIr/C electrocatalyst prepared here with two times lower loading of Pt than PtSn/C E-tek electrocatalyst, it was possible to obtain the same maximum power density found for the commercial material. The main reaction product was acetic acid probably due to the presence of oxides, in this point the bifunctional mechanism is predominant, but an electronic effect should not be discarded.
One of the key objectives in fuel cell technology is to reduce Pt loading by the improvement of its catalytic activity towards alcohol oxidation. Here, a sol-gel based method was used to prepare ternary and quaternary carbon supported nanoparticles by combining Pt-Ru with Mo, Ta, Pb, Rh or Ir, which were used as electro-catalysts for the methanol and ethanol oxidation reactions in acid medium. Structural characterization performed by XRD measurements revealed that crystalline structures with crystallites ranging from 2.8 to 4.1 nm in size and with different alloy degrees were produced. Tantalum and lead deposited as a heterogeneous mixture of oxides with different valences resulting in materials with complex structures. The catalysts activities were evaluated by cyclic voltammetry and by Tafel plots and the results showed that the activity towards methanol oxidation was highly dependent of the alloy degree, while for ethanol the presence of a metal capable to promote the break of C-C bond, such as Rh, was necessary for a good performance. Additionally, the catalysts containing of TaOx or PbOx resulted in the best materials due to different effects: the hi-functional mechanism promoted by TaOx and a better dispersion of the catalysts constituents promoted by PbOx. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study investigates the promoting effect of PtSnIr/C (1:1:1) electrocatalyst anode, prepared by polymeric precursor method, on the ethanol oxidation reaction in a direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC). All of the materials used were 20% metal m/m on carbon. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis showed the presence of Pt, PtOH2, PtO2, SnO2 and IrO2 at the electrocatalyst surface, indicating a possible decorated particle structure. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) analysis indicated metallic Pt and Ir as well as the formation of an alloy with Sn. Using the PtSnIr/C electrocatalyst prepared here with two times lower loading of Pt than PtSn/C E-tek electrocatalyst, it was possible to obtain the same maximum power density found for the commercial material. The main reaction product was acetic acid probably due to the presence of oxides, in this point the bifunctional mechanism is predominant, but an electronic effect should not be discarded.
Nanoscience is an emerging and fast-growing field of science with the aim of manipulating nanometric objects with dimension below 100 nm. Top down approach is currently used to build these type of architectures (e.g microchips). The miniaturization process cannot proceed indefinitely due to physical and technical limitations. Those limits are focusing the interest on the bottom-up approach and construction of nano-objects starting from “nano-bricks” like atoms, molecules or nanocrystals. Unlike atoms, molecules can be “fully programmable” and represent the best choice to build up nanostructures. In the past twenty years many examples of functional nano-devices able to perform simple actions have been reported. Nanocrystals which are often considered simply nanostructured materials, can be active part in the development of those nano-devices, in combination with functional molecules. The object of this dissertation is the photophysical and photochemical investigation of nano-objects bearing molecules and semiconductor nanocrystals (QDs) as components. The first part focuses on the characterization of a bistable rotaxane. This study, in collaboration with the group of Prof. J.F. Stoddart (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA) who made the synthesis of the compounds, shows the ability of this artificial machine to operate as bistable molecular-level memory under kinetic control. The second part concerns the study of the surface properties of luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals (QDs) and in particular the effect of acid and base on the spectroscopical properties of those nanoparticles. In this section is also reported the work carried out in the laboratory of Prof H. Mattoussi (Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA), where I developed a novel method for the surface decoration of QDs with lipoic acid-based ligands involving the photoreduction of the di-thiolane moiety.
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Synthese von nanostrukturierten Antimoniden, wobei die folgenden beiden Themen bearbeitet wurden: rnAus chemischer Sicht wurden neue Synthesewege entwickelt, um Nanopartikel der Verbindungen in den binären Systemen Zn-Sb und Fe-Sb herzustellen (Zn4Sb3, ZnSb, FeSb2, Fe1+xSb). Anders als in konventionellen Festkörperreaktionen, die auf die Synthese von Bulk-Materialien oder Einkristallen zielen, muss die Synthese von Nanopartikeln Agglomerate und Ostwald-Wachstum vermeiden. Daher benötigen annehmbare Reaktionszeiten und vergleichsweise tiefe Reaktionstemperaturen kurze Diffusionswege und tiefe Aktivierungsbarrieren. Demzufolge bedient sich die Synthese der Reaktion von Antimon-Nanopartikeln und geeigneten molekularen oder nanopartikulären Edukten der entsprechenden Übergangsmetalle. Zusätzlich wurden anisotrope ZnSb Strukturen synthetisiert, indem eine Templat-Synthese mit Hilfe von anodisierten Aluminiumoxid- oder Polycarbonat-Membranen angewandt wurde. rnDie erhaltenen Produkte wurden hauptsächlich durch Röntgen-Diffraktion und Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Die Auswertung der Pulver Röntgendiffraktions-Daten stellte eine Herausforderung dar, da die Nanostrukturierung und die Anwesenheit von mehreren Phasen zu verbreiterten und überlagernden Reflexen führen. Zusätzliche Fe-Mößbauer Messungen wurden im Falle der Fe-Sb Produkte vorgenommen, um detailliertere Informationen über die genaue Zusammensetzung zu erhalten. Die erstmals hergestellte Phase Zn1+xSb wurde einer detaillierten Kristallstrukturanalyse unterzogen, die mit Hilfe einer neuen Diffraktionsmethode, der automatisierten Elektronen Diffraktions Tomographie, durchgeführt wurde.rnrnAus physikalischer Sicht sind Zn4Sb3, ZnSb und FeSb2 interessante thermoelektrische Materialien, die aufgrund ihrer Fähigkeit thermische in elektrische Energie umzuwandeln, großes Interesse geweckt haben. Nanostrukturierte thermoelektrische Materialien zeigen dabei eine höhere Umwandlungseffizienz zu erhöhen, da deren thermische Leitfähigkeit herabgesetzt ist. Da thermoelektrische Bauteile aus dichten Bulk-Materialien gefertigt werden, spielte die Verfestigung der synthetisierten nanopartikulären Pulver eine große Rolle. Die als „Spark Plasma Sintering“ bezeichnete Methode wurde eingesetzt, um die Proben zu pressen. Dies ermöglicht schnelles Heizen und Abkühlen der Probe und kann so das bei klassischen Heißpress-Methoden unvermeidliche Kristallitwachstum verringern. Die optimalen Bedingungen für das Spark Plasma Sintern zu finden, ist Inhalt von bestehender und weiterführender Forschung. rnEin Problem stellt die Stabilität der Proben während des Sinterns dar. Trotz des schnellen Pressens wurde eine teilweise Zersetzung im Falle des Zn1+xSb beobachtet, wie mit Hilfe von Synchrotrondiffraktionsuntersuchungen aufgedeckt wurde. Morphologie und Dichte der verschiedenen verfestigten Materialien wurden mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie und Lasermikroskopie bestimmt. Die Gitterdynamik wurde mit Hilfe von Wärmekapazitätsmessungen- und inelastischer Kern-Streuung untersucht. Die Wärmeleitfähigkeit der nanostrukturierten Materialien ist im Vergleich zu den Festkörpern ist drastisch reduziert - im Falle des FeSb2 um mehr als zwei Größenordnungen. Abhängig von der Zusammensetzung und mechanischen Härte wurden für einen Teil der verfestigten Nanomaterialien die thermoelektrische Eigenschaften, wie Seebeck Koeffizient, elektrische und Wärmeleitfähigkeit, gemessen.rn
In recent years, the bio-conjugated nanostructured materials have emerged as a new class of materials for the bio-sensing and medical diagnostics applications. In spite of their multi-directional applications, interfacing nanomaterials with bio-molecules has been a challenge due to somewhat limited knowledge about the underlying physics and chemistry behind these interactions and also for the complexity of biomolecules. The main objective of this dissertation is to provide such a detailed knowledge on bioconjugated nanomaterials toward their applications in designing the next generation of sensing devices. Specifically, we investigate the changes in the electronic properties of a boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) due to the adsorption of different bio-molecules, ranging from neutral (DNA/RNA nucleobases) to polar (amino acid molecules). BNNT is a typical member of III-V compounds semiconductors with morphology similar to that of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) but with its own distinct properties. More specifically, the natural affinity of BNNTs toward living cells with no apparent toxicity instigates the applications of BNNTs in drug delivery and cell therapy. Our results predict that the adsorption of DNA/RNA nucleobases on BNNTs amounts to different degrees of modulation in the band gap of BNNTs, which can be exploited for distinguishing these nucleobases from each other. Interestingly, for the polar amino acid molecules, the nature of interaction appeared to vary ranging from Coulombic, van der Waals and covalent depending on the polarity of the individual molecules, each with a different binding strength and amount of charge transfer involved in the interaction. The strong binding of amino acid molecules on the BNNTs explains the observed protein wrapping onto BNNTs without any linkers, unlike carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Additionally, the widely varying binding energies corresponding to different amino acid molecules toward BNNTs indicate to the suitability of BNNTs for the biosensing applications, as compared to the metallic CNTs. The calculated I-V characteristics in these bioconjugated nanotubes predict notable changes in the conductivity of BNNTs due to the physisorption of DNA/RNA nucleobases. This is not the case with metallic CNTs whose transport properties remained unaltered in their conjugated systems with the nucleobases. Collectively, the bioconjugated BNNTs are found to be an excellent system for the next generation sensing devices.
There are several heat and mass diffusion problems which affect to the IFC chamber design. New simulation models and experiments are needed to take into account the extreme conditions due to ignition pulses and neutron flux
After 10s the 90-99% of particles are released from the tungsten wall, mostly, towards the chamber. No element crosses the tungsten wall to the cooler. With 1x1022p/m2of He inside the W wall, He starts occasioning damages in the material. For case HiPER4a that is not a problem
The intermediate-band solar cell is designed to provide a large photogenerated current while maintaining a high output voltage. To make this possible, these cells incorporate an energy band that is partially filled with electrons within the forbidden bandgap of a semiconductor. Photons with insufficient energy to pump electrons from the valence band to the conduction band can use this intermediate band as a stepping stone to generate an electron-hole pair. Nanostructured materials and certain alloys have been employed in the practical implementation of intermediate-band solar cells, although challenges still remain for realizing practical devices. Here we offer our present understanding of intermediate-band solar cells, as well as a review of the different approaches pursed for their practical implementation. We also discuss how best to resolve the remaining technical issues.
La nanotecnología es un área de investigación de reciente creación que trata con la manipulación y el control de la materia con dimensiones comprendidas entre 1 y 100 nanómetros. A escala nanométrica, los materiales exhiben fenómenos físicos, químicos y biológicos singulares, muy distintos a los que manifiestan a escala convencional. En medicina, los compuestos miniaturizados a nanoescala y los materiales nanoestructurados ofrecen una mayor eficacia con respecto a las formulaciones químicas tradicionales, así como una mejora en la focalización del medicamento hacia la diana terapéutica, revelando así nuevas propiedades diagnósticas y terapéuticas. A su vez, la complejidad de la información a nivel nano es mucho mayor que en los niveles biológicos convencionales (desde el nivel de población hasta el nivel de célula) y, por tanto, cualquier flujo de trabajo en nanomedicina requiere, de forma inherente, estrategias de gestión de información avanzadas. Desafortunadamente, la informática biomédica todavía no ha proporcionado el marco de trabajo que permita lidiar con estos retos de la información a nivel nano, ni ha adaptado sus métodos y herramientas a este nuevo campo de investigación. En este contexto, la nueva área de la nanoinformática pretende detectar y establecer los vínculos existentes entre la medicina, la nanotecnología y la informática, fomentando así la aplicación de métodos computacionales para resolver las cuestiones y problemas que surgen con la información en la amplia intersección entre la biomedicina y la nanotecnología. Las observaciones expuestas previamente determinan el contexto de esta tesis doctoral, la cual se centra en analizar el dominio de la nanomedicina en profundidad, así como en el desarrollo de estrategias y herramientas para establecer correspondencias entre las distintas disciplinas, fuentes de datos, recursos computacionales y técnicas orientadas a la extracción de información y la minería de textos, con el objetivo final de hacer uso de los datos nanomédicos disponibles. El autor analiza, a través de casos reales, alguna de las tareas de investigación en nanomedicina que requieren o que pueden beneficiarse del uso de métodos y herramientas nanoinformáticas, ilustrando de esta forma los inconvenientes y limitaciones actuales de los enfoques de informática biomédica a la hora de tratar con datos pertenecientes al dominio nanomédico. Se discuten tres escenarios diferentes como ejemplos de actividades que los investigadores realizan mientras llevan a cabo su investigación, comparando los contextos biomédico y nanomédico: i) búsqueda en la Web de fuentes de datos y recursos computacionales que den soporte a su investigación; ii) búsqueda en la literatura científica de resultados experimentales y publicaciones relacionadas con su investigación; iii) búsqueda en registros de ensayos clínicos de resultados clínicos relacionados con su investigación. El desarrollo de estas actividades requiere el uso de herramientas y servicios informáticos, como exploradores Web, bases de datos de referencias bibliográficas indexando la literatura biomédica y registros online de ensayos clínicos, respectivamente. Para cada escenario, este documento proporciona un análisis detallado de los posibles obstáculos que pueden dificultar el desarrollo y el resultado de las diferentes tareas de investigación en cada uno de los dos campos citados (biomedicina y nanomedicina), poniendo especial énfasis en los retos existentes en la investigación nanomédica, campo en el que se han detectado las mayores dificultades. El autor ilustra cómo la aplicación de metodologías provenientes de la informática biomédica a estos escenarios resulta efectiva en el dominio biomédico, mientras que dichas metodologías presentan serias limitaciones cuando son aplicadas al contexto nanomédico. Para abordar dichas limitaciones, el autor propone un enfoque nanoinformático, original, diseñado específicamente para tratar con las características especiales que la información presenta a nivel nano. El enfoque consiste en un análisis en profundidad de la literatura científica y de los registros de ensayos clínicos disponibles para extraer información relevante sobre experimentos y resultados en nanomedicina —patrones textuales, vocabulario en común, descriptores de experimentos, parámetros de caracterización, etc.—, seguido del desarrollo de mecanismos para estructurar y analizar dicha información automáticamente. Este análisis concluye con la generación de un modelo de datos de referencia (gold standard) —un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento y de test anotados manualmente—, el cual ha sido aplicado a la clasificación de registros de ensayos clínicos, permitiendo distinguir automáticamente los estudios centrados en nanodrogas y nanodispositivos de aquellos enfocados a testear productos farmacéuticos tradicionales. El presente trabajo pretende proporcionar los métodos necesarios para organizar, depurar, filtrar y validar parte de los datos nanomédicos existentes en la actualidad a una escala adecuada para la toma de decisiones. Análisis similares para otras tareas de investigación en nanomedicina ayudarían a detectar qué recursos nanoinformáticos se requieren para cumplir los objetivos actuales en el área, así como a generar conjunto de datos de referencia, estructurados y densos en información, a partir de literatura y otros fuentes no estructuradas para poder aplicar nuevos algoritmos e inferir nueva información de valor para la investigación en nanomedicina. ABSTRACT Nanotechnology is a research area of recent development that deals with the manipulation and control of matter with dimensions ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. At the nanoscale, materials exhibit singular physical, chemical and biological phenomena, very different from those manifested at the conventional scale. In medicine, nanosized compounds and nanostructured materials offer improved drug targeting and efficacy with respect to traditional formulations, and reveal novel diagnostic and therapeutic properties. Nevertheless, the complexity of information at the nano level is much higher than the complexity at the conventional biological levels (from populations to the cell). Thus, any nanomedical research workflow inherently demands advanced information management. Unfortunately, Biomedical Informatics (BMI) has not yet provided the necessary framework to deal with such information challenges, nor adapted its methods and tools to the new research field. In this context, the novel area of nanoinformatics aims to build new bridges between medicine, nanotechnology and informatics, allowing the application of computational methods to solve informational issues at the wide intersection between biomedicine and nanotechnology. The above observations determine the context of this doctoral dissertation, which is focused on analyzing the nanomedical domain in-depth, and developing nanoinformatics strategies and tools to map across disciplines, data sources, computational resources, and information extraction and text mining techniques, for leveraging available nanomedical data. The author analyzes, through real-life case studies, some research tasks in nanomedicine that would require or could benefit from the use of nanoinformatics methods and tools, illustrating present drawbacks and limitations of BMI approaches to deal with data belonging to the nanomedical domain. Three different scenarios, comparing both the biomedical and nanomedical contexts, are discussed as examples of activities that researchers would perform while conducting their research: i) searching over the Web for data sources and computational resources supporting their research; ii) searching the literature for experimental results and publications related to their research, and iii) searching clinical trial registries for clinical results related to their research. The development of these activities will depend on the use of informatics tools and services, such as web browsers, databases of citations and abstracts indexing the biomedical literature, and web-based clinical trial registries, respectively. For each scenario, this document provides a detailed analysis of the potential information barriers that could hamper the successful development of the different research tasks in both fields (biomedicine and nanomedicine), emphasizing the existing challenges for nanomedical research —where the major barriers have been found. The author illustrates how the application of BMI methodologies to these scenarios can be proven successful in the biomedical domain, whilst these methodologies present severe limitations when applied to the nanomedical context. To address such limitations, the author proposes an original nanoinformatics approach specifically designed to deal with the special characteristics of information at the nano level. This approach consists of an in-depth analysis of the scientific literature and available clinical trial registries to extract relevant information about experiments and results in nanomedicine —textual patterns, common vocabulary, experiment descriptors, characterization parameters, etc.—, followed by the development of mechanisms to automatically structure and analyze this information. This analysis resulted in the generation of a gold standard —a manually annotated training or reference set—, which was applied to the automatic classification of clinical trial summaries, distinguishing studies focused on nanodrugs and nanodevices from those aimed at testing traditional pharmaceuticals. The present work aims to provide the necessary methods for organizing, curating and validating existing nanomedical data on a scale suitable for decision-making. Similar analysis for different nanomedical research tasks would help to detect which nanoinformatics resources are required to meet current goals in the field, as well as to generate densely populated and machine-interpretable reference datasets from the literature and other unstructured sources for further testing novel algorithms and inferring new valuable information for nanomedicine.
Este trabalho concentra-se na preparação e caracterizações estrutural e espectroscópica de materiais nanoestruturados à base de SiO2-Nb2O5 dopados e codopados com íons Er3+, Yb3+ e Eu3+ na forma de pós e guias de onda planares. Os nanocompósitos foram preparados através de uma nova rota sol-gel utilizando óxido de nióbio como precursor em substituição ao alcóxido de nióbio. A correlação estrutura propriedades luminescentes foi estudada por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, espectroscopia vibracional de absorção no infravermelho, espectroscopia vibracional de espalhamento Raman, análise térmica, reflectância difusa e especular, espectroscopia de fotoluminescência e acoplamento M-line. Inicialmente foi avaliado a influência da concentração de nióbio nas propriedades estruturais e luminescentes de nanocompósitos (100-x)Si-xNb dopados e codopados com íons Er3+, Yb3+ e Eu3+ tratados termicamente a 900 °C por 3h. A cristalização do Nb2O5 foi dependente da concentração de Nb na matriz, com a distribuição dos íons lantanídeos preferencialmente no Nb2O5, afetando as propriedades luminescentes. Para os nanocompósitos codopados com íons Er3+ e Yb3+ foram obtidos valores de largura de banda a meia altura (FWHM) da ordem de 70 nm na região de 1550 nm e tempos de vida de até 5,2 ms. A emissão na região do visível, decorrente de processos de conversão ascendente, revelou-se dependente da concentração de nióbio. Foi verificada emissão preferencial na região do verde para menores concentrações de Nb. Enquanto que, para as maiores concentrações, processos de relaxação cruzada levaram a um aumento relativo na intensidade de emissão na região do vermelho. A eficiência quântica de emissão dos nanocompósitos (100-x)Si-xNb dopados com Eu3+ variou com o comprimento de onda de excitação, refletindo os diferentes sítios de simetria ocupados por este íons nesta estrutura complexa. A influência da temperatura de tratamento térmico no processo de cristalização do Nb2O5 em nanocompósitos 70Si:30Nb codopados com íons Er3+ e Yb3+ foi avaliada. Material amorfo foi obtido a 700 °C enquanto que a 900 e 1100 °C foram identificas as fases ortorrômbica (fase T) e monoclínica (fase M) do Nb2O5. Intensa emissão na região de 1550 nm com valores de FWHM de 52 e 67 nm e tempos de vida de 5,6 e 5,4 ms foram verificados a 700 e 900 °C sob excitação em 977 nm, respectivamente. Por fim, foram obtidos guias de onda planares com excelentes propriedades ópticas e com grande potencial de aplicação em dispositivos de amplificação óptica. Especificamente, materiais fotônicos com banda larga de emissão na região do infravermelho foram preparados, indicando fortemente a potencialidade para a aplicação em telecomunicações envolvendo não somente a banda C como também as bandas L e S em materiais contendo somente íons Er3+ como centros emissores.
Quais propriedades magnéticas são modificadas quando se agrupam átomos de Fe/Co para formar estruturas quasi-2D, se comparadas aos nanofios (quasi-1D) de FexCo1-x? E como estas propriedades reagem com a variação da proporção de Fe/Co nos aglomerados? A fim de responder a estas questões, trímeros de FexCo1-x depositados em Pt(111) são investigados utilizando o método de primeiros princípios Real Space-Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital-Atomic Sphere Approximation (RS-LMTO-ASA) no âmbito da Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT). Diferentes configurações de trímeros triangulares são consideradas, variando-se as posições e a concentração dos átomos de Fe/Co. Neste trabalho, demonstra-se a ocorrência de uma tendência não-linear estritamente decrescente dos momentos orbitais médios como função da concentração de Fe, distinta do encontrado tanto para os nanofios de FexCo1-x (dependência linear) quanto para a monocamada correspondente (dependência não-linear). Os resultados obtidos mostram ainda que os momentos orbitais variam com o ambiente local e com a direção de magnetização, especialmente quando associados aos átomos de Co, em concordância com publicações anteriores. A mudança de dimensionalidade quasi-1D (nanofios) para quasi-2D (trímeros compactos) não afeta o comportamento dos momentos de spin, que permanecem descritos por uma função linear com respeito à proporção de Fe/Co. Ambos o formato e a concentração de Fe nos sistemas apresentam um papel importante nos valores de energia de anisotropia magnética. Em adição, observou-se que o subtrato de Pt opera ativamente na definição das propriedades magnéticas dos aglomerados. Embora todas as configurações lineares e compactas dos aglomerados de FexCo1-x sejam estáveis e exibam interações fortemente ferromagnéticas entre os primeiros vizinhos, nem todas revelaram o ordenamento colinear como estado fundamental, apresentando uma interação de Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya não-desprezível induzida pelo acoplamento spin-órbita. Estes casos específicos são: o trímero triangular de Co puro e o trímero linear (nanofio) de Fe puro, para o qual foi verificado o acoplamento do tipo Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida entre os átomos de Fe constituintes. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para o entendimento de quais mecanismos definem o magnetismo nos trímeros de FexCo1-x/Pt(111), e discutem as questões presentes atualmente na literatura no contexto destes sistemas.
El objetivo principal de la presente investigación ha sido desarrollar una nueva clase de materiales nanocompuestos orgánicos-inorgánicos basados en la capacidad de los copolímeros de bloque de auto-organizarse promoviendo la dispersión de nanopartículas, así como relacionar las diferentes morfologías obtenidas con las propiedades finales de los nanocompuestos. Para generar la nanoestructuración de estos nanocompuestos basados en copolímeros de bloque, como el poli(estireno-b-isopreno-b-estireno) (SIS) y el poli(estireno-b-butadieno-b-estireno) (SBS) en nanopartículas de plata, se han utilizado los conceptos de compatibilización y confinamiento. Es decir, las nanopartículas inorgánicas se confinaron en una sola fase del copolímero de bloque mediante tratamientos superficiales y su funcionalización física. En particular, se utilizaron surfactantes (el cloruro de tetrametilamonio, TMAC, y el dodecanotiol, DT) para favorecer la interacción entre las nanopartículas inorgánicas y la matriz polimérica. Teniendo en cuenta los cálculos teóricos de los parámetros de solubilidad obtenidos mediante la teoría de Hoftizer-Van Krevelen, y la electronegatividad propia de los diferentes elementos, los dos surfactantes elegidos tienen una muy buena compatibilidad con el bloque de estireno favoreciendo la localización de las nanopartículas de plata en este bloque.
A set of terms, definitions, and recommendations is provided for use in the classification of coordination polymers, networks, and metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). A hierarchical terminology is recommended in which the most general term is coordination polymer. Coordination networks are a subset of coordination polymers and MOFs a further subset of coordination networks. One of the criteria an MOF needs to fulfill is that it contains potential voids, but no physical measurements of porosity or other properties are demanded per se. The use of topology and topology descriptors to enhance the description of crystal structures of MOFs and 3D-coordination polymers is furthermore strongly recommended.
Mesostructured titania thin films were prepared by an evaporation-induced self-assembly process. The highly acidic sot precursors contained titanium(IV) tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) as a titanium source, a tri-block copolymer Pluronic P123 as a template, and acetylacetonate and HCl as hydrolysis inhibitors. Characteristics of the resultant titania thin films were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, N-2-adsorption/desorption analysis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). XRD and TEM investigations on the as-synthesised films revealed the appearance of cubic-like, pseudohexagonal, and lamellar mesophases; depending on the amount of water in the sols of film precursors. Template removal by a calcination process yields high surface area (320-360 m(2)/g) mesoporous materials with crystalline anatase frameworks. Water content also influences the degree of anatase crystallinity of the calcined films. Higher water content resulted in improved anatase crystallinity. These nanostructured materials are of interest for photocatalysts, pbotoelectrochemical solar cells and other photonic devices. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.