975 resultados para NEUTRON LEAKAGE


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To evaluate the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method for detection and quantitation of bacteria from the internal parts of dental implants and to compare bacterial leakage from implants connected either to cast or to pre-machined abutments. Nine plastic abutments cast in a Ni-Cr alloy and nine pre-machined Co-Cr alloy abutments with plastic sleeves cast in Ni-Cr were connected to Branemark-compatible implants. A group of nine implants was used as control. The implants were inoculated with 3 mu l of a solution containing 10(8) cells/ml of Streptococcus sobrinus. Bacterial samples were immediately collected from the control implants while assemblies were completely immersed in 5 ml of sterile Tripty Soy Broth (TSB) medium. After 14 days of anaerobic incubation, occurrence of leakage at the implant-abutment interface was evaluated by assessing contamination of the TSB medium. Internal contamination of the implants was evaluated with the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. DNA-DNA hybridization was sensitive enough to detect and quantify the microorganism from the internal parts of the implants. No differences in leakage and in internal contamination were found between cast and pre-machined abutments. Bacterial scores in the control group were significantly higher than in the other groups (P < 0.05). Bacterial leakage through the implant-abutment interface does not significantly differ when cast or pre-machined abutments are used. The checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique is suitable for the evaluation of the internal contamination of dental implants although further studies are necessary to validate the use of computational methods for the improvement of the test accuracy. To cite this article:do Nascimento C, Barbosa RES, Issa JPM, Watanabe E, Ito IY, Albuquerque Junior RF. Use of checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization to evaluate the internal contamination of dental implants and comparison of bacterial leakage with cast or pre-machined abutments.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 571-577.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2008.01663.x.


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In recent clinical studies, contamination of the inner parts of dental implants through bacterial penetration along the implant components has been observed. The aim of the present in-vitro study was to investigate leakage of Fusobacterium. nucleatum through the interface between implants and premachined or cast abutments. Both premachined (n = 10) and cast (n = 10) implant abutment assemblies were inoculated with 3.0 mu L of microbial inoculum. The assemblies were completely immersed in 5.0 mL of tryptic soy broth culture medium to observe leakage at the implant-abutment interface after 14 days of anaerobic incubation. Bacterial growth in the medium, indicative of microbial leakage, was found only in 1 out of 9 samples (11.1%) in each group. Both premachined and cast abutments connected to external hexagonal implants provide low percentages of bacterial leakage through the interface in in vitro unloaded conditions if the manufacturer`s instructions and casting procedures are properly followed.


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The distribution of masses for neutron stars is analysed using the Bayesian statistical inference, evaluating the likelihood of the proposed Gaussian peaks by using 54 measured points obtained in a variety of systems. The results strongly suggest the existence of a bimodal distribution of the masses, with the first peak around 1.37 M(circle dot) and a much wider second peak at 1.73 M(circle dot). The results support earlier views related to the different evolutionary histories of the members for the first two peaks, which produces a natural separation (even if no attempt to `label` the systems has been made here). They also accommodate the recent findings of similar to M(circle dot) masses quite naturally. Finally, we explore the existence of a subgroup around 1.25 M(circle dot), finding weak, if any, evidence for it. This recently claimed low-mass subgroup, possibly related to the O-Mg-Ne core collapse events, has a monotonically decreasing likelihood and does not stand out clearly from the rest of the sample.


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The rates of axion emission by nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung are calculated with the inclusion of the full momentum contribution from a nuclear one pion exchange (OPE) potential. The contributions of the neutron-neutron (nn), proton-proton (pp) and neutron-proton (np) processes in both the non-degenerate and degenerate limits are explicitly given. We find that the finite-momentum corrections to the emissivities are quantitatively significant for the non-degenerate regime and temperature-dependent, and should affect the existing axion mass hounds. The trend of these nuclear effects is to diminish the emissivities. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Br (0.0022 +/- A 0.0006 gL(-1)), Ca (0.113 +/- A 0.012 gL(-1)), Cl (3.07 +/- A 0.36 gL(-1)), K (2.63 +/- A 0.14 gL(-1)), Mg (0.045 +/- A 0.002 gL(-1)) and Na (2.09 +/- A 0.10 gL(-1)) concentrations were determined in whole blood of SJL/J mice using the Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) technique. Eleven whole blood samples were analyzed in the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN (So Paulo, Brazil). These data contribute for applications in veterinary medicine related to biochemistry analyses using whole blood. Moreover, the correlation with human blood estimation allows to checking the similarities for studying muscular dystrophy using this model animal.


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Background and Objective. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a known anti-inflammatory therapy. Herein we studied the effect of LLLT on lung permeability and the IL-1 beta level in LPS-induced pulmonary inflammation. Study Design/Methodology. Rats were divided into 12 groups (n = 7 for each group). Lung permeability was measured by quantifying extravasated albumin concentration in lung homogenate, inflammatory cells influx was determined by myeloperoxidase activity, IL-1P in BAL was determined by ELISA and IL-1P mRNA expression in trachea was evaluated by RT-PCR. The rats were irradiated on the skin over the upper bronchus at the site of tracheotomy after LPS. Results. LLLT attenuated lung permeability. In addition, there was reduced neutrophil influx, myeloperoxidase activity and both IL-1 beta in BAL and IL-1 beta mRNA expression in trachea obtained from animals subjected to LPS-induced inflammation. Conclusion. LLLT reduced the lung permeability by a mechanism in which the IL-1 beta seems to have an important role.


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The ground state thermal neutron cross section and the resonance integral for the (165)Ho(n, gamma)(166)Ho reaction in thermal and 1/E regions, respectively, of a thermal reactor neutron spectrum have been measured experimentally by activation technique. The reaction product, (166)Ho in the ground state, is gaining considerable importance as a therapeutic radionuclide and precisely measured data of the reaction are of significance from the fundamental point of view as well as for application. In this work, the spectrographically pure holmium oxide (Ho(2)O(3)) powder samples were irradiated with and without cadmium covers at the IEA-RI reactor (IPEN, Sao Paulo), Brazil. The deviation of the neutron spectrum shape from 1/E law was measured by co-irradiating Co, Zn, Zr and Au activation detectors with thermal and epithermal neutrons followed by regression and iterative procedures. The magnitudes of the discrepancies that can occur in measurements made with the ideal 1/E law considerations in the epithermal range were studied. The measured thermal neutron cross section at the Maxwellian averaged thermal energy of 0.0253 eV is 59.0 +/- 2.1 b and for the resonance integral 657 +/- 36b. The results are measured with good precision and indicated a consistency trend to resolve the discrepant status of the literature data. The results are compared with the values in main libraries such as ENDF/B-VII, JEF-2.2 and JENDL-3.2, and with other measurements in the literature.


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Neutron multiplicities for several targets and spallation products of proton-induced reactions in thin targets of interest to an accelerator-driven system obtained with the CRISP code have been reported. This code is a Monte Carlo calculation that simulates the intranuclear cascade and evaporationl fission competition processes. Results are compared with experimental data, and agreement between each other can be considered quite satisfactory in a very broad energy range of incitant particles and different targets.


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The tunneling of composite systems, where breakup may occur during the barrier penetration process, is considered in connection with the fusion of halo-like radioactive, neutron- and proton-rich nuclei, on heavy targets. The large amount of recent and new data clearly indicates that breakup hinders the fusion at energies near and below the Coulomb barrier. However, clear evidence for enhancement due to halo properties seems to over ride the breakup hindrance at lower energies, owing, to a large extent, to the extended matter density distribution. In particular we report here that at sub-barrier energies the fusion cross section of the Borromean two-neutron halo nucleus (6)He with the actinide nucleus (238)U is significantly enhanced as compared to the fusion of a similar projectile with no halo. This conclusion differs from that of the original work, where it was claimed that no such enhancement ensues. This sub-barrier fusion enhancement is also observed in the (6)He + (209)Bi system. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article compares the efficiency of induced polarization (IP) and resistivity in characterizing a contamination plume due to landfill leakage in a typical tropical environment. The resistivity survey revealed denser electrical current flow that induced lower resistivity values due to the high ionic content. The increased ionic concentration diminished the distance of the ionic charges close to the membrane, causing a decrease in the IP phenomena. In addition, the self-potential (SP) method was used to characterize the preferential flow direction of the area. The SP method proved to be effective at determining the flow direction; it is also fast and economical. In this study, the resistivity results were better correlated with the presence of contamination (lower resistivity) than the IP (lower chargeability) data.


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Single-phase perovskite structure Pb(1-x)Ba(x)TiO(3) thin films (x = 0.30, 0.50 and 0.70) were deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO(2)/Si substrates by the spin-coating technique. The dielectric study reveals that the thin films undergo a diffuse type ferroelectric phase transition, which shows a broad peak. An increase of the diffusivity degree with the increasing Barium contents was observed, and it was associated to a grain decrease in the studied composition range. The temperature dependence of the phonon frequencies was used to characterize the phase transition temperatures. Raman modes persist above tetragonal to cubic phase transition temperature, although all optical modes should be Raman inactive. The origin of these modes was interpreted in terms of breakdown of the local cubic symmetry by chemical disorder. The absence of a well-defined transition temperature and the presence of broad bands in some interval temperature above FE-PE phase transition temperature Suggested a diffuse type phase transition. This result corroborates the dielectric constant versus temperature data, which showed a broad ferroelectric phase transition in these thin films. The leakage Current density of the PBT thin films was studied at different temperatures and the data follow the Schottky emission model. Through this analysis the Schottky barrier height values 0.75, 0.53 and 0.34 eV were obtained to the PBT70, PBT50 and PBT30 thin films, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Basic information theory is used to analyse the amount of confidential information which may be leaked by programs written in a very simple imperative language. In particular, a detailed analysis is given of the possible leakage due to equality tests and if statements. The analysis is presented as a set of syntax-directed inference rules and can readily be automated.


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The article reviews the modelling of District Metered Areas (DMAs) with relatively high leakage rate. As a generally recognised approach in modelling of leakage does not exist, modelling of leakage by enginners and other researchers usually takes place by dividing the whole leakage rate evenly to all available nodes of the model. In this article, a new methodology is proposed to determine the nodal leakage by using a hydraulic model. The proposed methodology takes into consideration the IWA water balance methodology, the Minimum Night Flow (MNF) analysis, the number of connections related to each node and the marerial of pipes. In addition, the model is illustrated by a real case study, as it was applied in Kalipoli’s DMA. Results show that the proposed model gives reliable results.


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When an accurate hydraulic network model is available, direct modeling techniques are very straightforward and reliable for on-line leakage detection and localization applied to large class of water distribution networks. In general, this type of techniques based on analytical models can be seen as an application of the well-known fault detection and isolation theory for complex industrial systems. Nonetheless, the assumption of single leak scenarios is usually made considering a certain leak size pattern which may not hold in real applications. Upgrading a leak detection and localization method based on a direct modeling approach to handle multiple-leak scenarios can be, on one hand, quite straightforward but, on the other hand, highly computational demanding for large class of water distribution networks given the huge number of potential water loss hotspots. This paper presents a leakage detection and localization method suitable for multiple-leak scenarios and large class of water distribution networks. This method can be seen as an upgrade of the above mentioned method based on a direct modeling approach in which a global search method based on genetic algorithms has been integrated in order to estimate those network water loss hotspots and the size of the leaks. This is an inverse / direct modeling method which tries to take benefit from both approaches: on one hand, the exploration capability of genetic algorithms to estimate network water loss hotspots and the size of the leaks and on the other hand, the straightforwardness and reliability offered by the availability of an accurate hydraulic model to assess those close network areas around the estimated hotspots. The application of the resulting method in a DMA of the Barcelona water distribution network is provided and discussed. The obtained results show that leakage detection and localization under multiple-leak scenarios may be performed efficiently following an easy procedure.


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Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 (BLT) thin films were grown on LaNiO3 (LNO), RuO2 (RuO2) and La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 (LSCO) bottom electrodes by using the polymeric precursor method and microwave furnace. The bottom electrode is found to be an important parameter which affects the crystallization, morphology and leakage current behaviors. The XRD results clearly show that film deposited on LSCO electrode favours the growth of (117) oriented grains whereas in films deposited on LNO and RuO2 the growth of (001) oriented grains dominated. The film deposited on LSCO has a plate-like grain structure, and its leakage current behavior is in agreement with the prediction of the space-charge-limited conduction model. on the other hand, the films deposited on RuO2 and LNO electrodes present a rounded grain shape with some porosity, and its high field conduction is well explained by the Schottky and Poole-Frenkel emission models. The remanent polarization (P-r) and the drive voltage (V-c) were in the range of 11-23 mu C cm(-2) and 0.86-1.56 V, respectively, and are better than the values found in the literature. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.