969 resultados para NB-TA


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Tämän insinöörityön tavoitteena oli vertailla täysja semimoduulihyttien tarkoituksenmukaista käyttöä laivassa NB 1361. Moduulihyttejä on käytetty Helsingin telakalla jo pitkään, mutta enenevässä määrin halutaan siirtyä täysmoduulihyttien käyttöön. Nykyään kokoonpanotelakan on kehityttävä lisääntyvässä määrin siihen suuntaan, että telakalla asennetaan valmiit materiaalit, komponentit ja esivalmisteet. Laiva NB 1361:ssä telakan omilla hyttialueilla ei tarvitse käyttää semimoduulihyttejä asennusajan ja kustannusten säästämiseksi verrattuna täysmoduulihytteihin. Aker Yards Cabins saavuttaa omilla hyttialueillaan hyötyä käyttämällä semimoduulihyttejä oikeissa paikoissa verrattuna täysmoduulihytteihin. Vertailu osoittaa, että semimoduulihytti säästää aikaa ja kustannuksia, kun sitä käytetään oikeassa paikassa oikeaan aikaan. Täysmoduulihytti on sisustussuunnittelun ja tuotannonohjauksen lähtökohta laivan suunnittelun aloituksesta lähtien, mutta semimoduulihytin käyttöä tulee miettiä, kun muut työt kuin hyttiasennukset pitkittävät hyttialueiden valmistumista.


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Una de las contribuciones más sugestivas de los Cultural Studies es la concepción del producto cultural como un objeto creador, hacedor, o promotor de significados, que está ligado, además, a unas determinadas prácticas sociales. Desde esta perspectiva, el estudio del producto cultural únicamente resultaría completo si tenemos en cuenta no solo el texto en sí mismo, aislado e independiente, sino con él también todos los procedimientos y mecanismos que intervienen en la dotación de la multiplicidad de sentidos por los que se caracteriza dicho producto, y que vienen determinados por el circuito cultural (Johnson, Jordan, Du Gay, Hall) en el que se integra. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar La tía Tula (1963) de Miguel Picazo, desde el marco teórico de los Estudios Culturales, y en concreto del circuito de la cultura, recorriendo -a partir de la propuesta de Stuart Hall- cada uno de los procesos que integran el circuito, desde su producción hasta su recepción o consumo, pasando por las fases de regulación, representación e identidad. De este modo, incluyendo en nuestro estudio estos cinco procedimientos que llevaron a la creación del producto tal cual se nos presenta, podremos acceder a una comprensión más global del objeto cultural que es la película de Picazo.


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The story Numbers of 25 which reports the incident of Baal Peor is one among several texts in the book of Numbers focusing on divine wrath, its cause and its consequences. The present article offers a detailed analysis of the account which is difficult to understand because of certain jumps in the plot and because of its allusive style. Scholars mostly agree with the idea that the story grew in two or three stages. A lot of commentators believe that the original story contains only the apostasy of Peor caused by the Moabites (vv. 1-5). A subsequent story would focus on Pinchas' action against Zimri and Kospi, and a third layer is linked to the story of the war between Israel and Midian (Numbers 31). The problem of this theory however is that it seems impossible to reconstruct an original story about the matter of Peor; one does not find a satisfying end within vv. 1-5. Furthermore, v. 5, which belongs to the first, "Moabite", section, is already linked to the theme of Midian which dominates the second and the third passage. Moreover, the assemblage of different themes and motifs seem having been done with care: Regarding the two abuses of Israel reported in the story--idolatry and intermarriage--, they often go together in late polemical Deuteronomistic and post-Deuteronomistic layers (Ezra-Nehemiah). The double focus on Midian and Moab could both be polemically directed against certain Moses traditions found in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy (concerning Moses' marriage with a Midianite women on the one hand and his stay and death and burial in Moab - in the vicinity of Beth Peor - on the other hand). As in several ANE traditions also in the Hebrew Bible the motif of "divine wrath" serves to interpret fatal historical events; in Num 25 as in other Biblical stories however it is doubtful whether the alleged incident (the plague) really have taken place and the story's plot is anchored in ancient Israel's history.


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Invocatio: Q.B.V.D.T.O.M.


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This paper proposes a methodology to predict benzene uptake rate in ambient air, using passive samplers with Tenax TA. Variations in the uptake rate were found to occur as a function of the sampling time; and were greater at the beginning of sampling. An empirical model was obtained and values for uptake rate agree with literature. Concentration prediction errors can be minimized by using sampling times of 4 to 14 days, thus avoiding the influence of excessive uptake rates in the initial days and the influence of back diffusion at the end of the sampling period.


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Lectio praecursoria, Helsingin yliopisto 28.1.1995.


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Superconductor – normal metal point contacts were investigated, using different combinations of Cu, brass, Nb and NbTi. The resulting spectra contained side peaks. The currents at which these side peaks appeared, depended on the radii of the contacts. For contacts with Nb this dependence was quadratic, while for contacts with NbTi it was linear. Based on this, we argue that the side peaks in the case of the Nb contacts are due to the critical current density being exceeded. In contrast, side peaks of the NbTi contacts are caused by the self-magnetic field exceeding the lower critical field of NbTi. The NbTi contacts did not show the expected contribution from the vanishing Maxwell resistance of the superconductor, a question which remained open.


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Andelen arrendejord av Finlands odlade areal är nästan en tredjedel. Korta avtal försvårar planeringen av produktionen och sporrar inte arrendatorn till att satsa på åkerns markkvalitet trots att det skulle vara viktigt både för miljön och gårdens ekonomi. Även arrendegivaren kan, om han eller hon så vill, med villkor som definieras i arrendeavtalet påverka hur miljöfrågorna beaktas på arrendeåkrarna. Viktiga tilläggsvillkor ska dock beaktas då arrendebeloppet fastställs. Publikationen har producerats som en del av projektet TEHO Plus - Effektivisering av vattenskyddet inom jordbruket. Förhoppningen är att guiden ökar i synnerhet arrendegivarnas intresse i jordbrukets vattenskydd.


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Julkaisussa: General hydrographisk chart-book öfwer Östersjön och Katte-Gatt till sin raetta figur och stoorleek


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Dedikaatio: Abrahamus Frosterus.