760 resultados para Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família


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As a result of the financial incentive provided by the GM / MS 1.444, since 2000, Brazil has experienced a substantial increase in the number of oral health services at the Family Health Strategy. There is, however, evidence that these teams have produced qualitatively different experiences which do not translate necessarily into improved quality of life and health. Thus, evaluative research of great importance. This study aims to assess the impact of the Family Health Strategy in oral health in a longitudinal perspective natalense the years 2006 and 2009. This is an intervention study whose design is a community trial in parallel, nearly randomized. The sample consisted of census tracts covered by oral health teams in the Family Health and the Traditional Model (Basic Health Units and non-FHS Program of Community Health Agents and areas not covered.) The sample was determined by drawing ten census tracts to form the experimental group and ten other sectors for the control group by pairing intentional based on socio-economic and geographic. To check the net effect of the intervention was performed multivariate analysis by Poisson regression. As a result of cross-sectional analysis of year 2009, it was found that the effects of the ESF in Natal were satisfactory only for the variables of injuries and for other purposes without and with negative impact on stock coverage reclaimers. However, the longitudinal analysis revealed that the ESB / ESF improved their performance in dealing with grievances, access and coverage of the type of actions and this fact is independent of age, sex and social and economic conditions. In other employees' words are related to the presence of the Family Health Strategy in the region. However it does not say that both models under study (the Family Health Strategy Model and Traditional) are different in terms of performance and it is pertinent to reflect on the need for further development of evaluation studies that use other approaches able to clarify the dynamics of the process whose results can come to the knowledge of the actors responsible for leading the ESF and encourage them to incorporate the assessment in their routine


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The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the Family Health Program (FHP) on a number of oral health indicators in the population of Natal, Brazil. The study is characterized as a quasi-random community intervention trial. The intervention is represented by the implementation of an Oral Health Team (OHT) in the FHP prior to the study. A total of 15 sectors covered by the FHP with OHT were randomly drawn and paired with another 15 sectors, based on socioeconomic criteria, not covered by the teams. A few sectors were lost over the course of the study, resulting in a final number of 22 sectors, 11 covered and 11 not covered. We divided the non-covered areas into two conditions, one in which we considered areas that had some type of assistance program such as the Community Agents Program (CAP), FHP without OHT, BHU (Basic Health Unit) or no assistance, and the other, in which we considered areas that had only BHU or no assistance. Community Health Agents (CHAs) and Dental Office Assistants (DOAs) applied a questionnaire-interview to the most qualified individual of the household and the data obtained per household were transformed into the individual data of 7186 persons. The results show no statistical difference between the oral health outcomes analyzed in the areas covered by OHT in the FHP and in non-covered areas that have some type of assistance program, with a number of indicators showing better conditions in the non-covered areas. When we considered the association between covered and non-covered areas under the second condition, we found a statistical difference in the coverage indicators. Better conditions were found in covered areas for indicators such as I have not been to the dentist in the last year with p < 0.001 and OR of 1.64 and I had no access to dental care with p < 0.001 and OR of 2.22. However, the results show no impact of FHP with OHT on preventive action indicators under both non-covered conditions. This can be clearly seen when we analyze the toothache variable, which showed no significant difference between covered and non-covered areas. This variable is one of the most sensitive when assessing oral health programs, with p of 0.430 under condition 1 and p of 0.038 under condition 2, with CI = 0.70-0.90. In the analysis of health indicators in children where the proportion of deaths in children under age 1, the rate of hospitalization for ARI (Acute Respiratory Infections) in those under age 5 and the proportion of individuals born underweight were considered, a better condition was found in all the outcomes for areas with FHP. Therefore, we can conclude that oral health in the FHP has little effect on oral health indicators, even though the strategy improves the general health conditions of the population, as, for example child health


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This study aims to map the working process in the health area starting from the meeting between the family and health teams and mental trouble carriers./MTC. The area of research was the Family Health Unit of Ozeas Sampaio, which is located in the county of Teresina-PI. As regard to the methodology procedure, we used a semi-structured interview timetable, aimed to detail the care practices, admittance and diagnostics that those teams realize with their users. Three teams of eleven workers each were interviewed. There was a doctor, a nurse and two health community agents in each team. The other tools we used were a camp logbook, in which we wrote down some informal dialogs, daily observations and feelings of the unit, and also the accompaniment of the staffs in house calls as well as the weekly meetings in the unit. Those meetings allowed us the construction of two analytic axes: 1) description of the establishment (Family Health Unit) of the organization, (municipal foundation of health and the service network), and the institutions and practice of health. 2) Analysis of the meetings between the worker and the user of Mental Trouble Carriers. In the first axis, we verified the repetition of the working logic focused on jobs in the hospital with the maintenance of the hierarchical relations between worker and the work processes which dissociate management and watchfulness in health care. We identified the lack of physical structure, the lack of self-confidence of the worker in the attention of the mental health care. At the second axis, we assess that the meetings, at the Family Health Unit (FHU) or at the dwelling of the users cause nuisance, discomfort and anxiety to the workers because they deal with issues that go beyond what is named as being the health order such as life stories, family conflicts, unemployment, hunger, sexual and psychological violence. As a matter of fact, they involve difficulties for having new relationships, reception and responsibility for this request


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The model of attention to health has been suffering alterations due to the difficulty faced to put into practice its universal, democratic and institutional layout. Since the movement of Sanitary Reform, which focused in the demands of a new health context and the process of work in the area of health, one seeks uninterruptedly, to find a way which leads to the execution of the principles of SUS. Despite having tried, the model of Sanitary Vigilance centered within the work of a multi-professional team has shown fragmentation and little adequacy to the necessity of health in the population. Whilst inserting himself in the field of health, the psychology professional has taken with him his clinic way of attending to individuals being one more in the team to act in a de-contextualised and little critical way. In virtue of this framework, the Ministry of Health invests in the Family Health Program as a new guide in the health system, restructuring the basic attention at a new logic of action. In this way, the municipality of Natal-RN implants, in the year 2002, the PSF in the Northern Sanitary District, a context in which professional teams are created where there is not an inclusion of a psychologist. Consequently, this professional is excluded of his work space in the previous Basic Unities of Health. This piece of work constitutes in the investigation of the implementation and instrumentalization of the Northern Sanitary District PSF of Natal-RN, having as its objective to analyze the implications of this execution for the structuring of the health network services and more specifically the alterations that this implementation could be making to the practice of the Psychology Professionals, emphasizing its advances, obstacles and limitations. To make this work feasible it was necessary to search for data and information from the implementation and execution of the PSF in the DSN, carrying interviews from a semi-structured guide, with 21 institutional actors (members of the team, coordinators and directors of the unities and psychologists)


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Primary Health Care, especially in the family health strategy, it is expected that the joint assistance and actions of health promotion. The Ministry of health (BRAZIL, 2007) defines health education as an eyeshadow strategy of prevention and health promotion, based on reflective practices, which allow the user to their condition of historical, social and political subject, under the vision of an expanded clinic on the part of health professionals. In this sense, there are guidelines for it professionals to develop educational activities and that they can interfere in the health/disease process of the population, with a view to the development of autonomy of the subject. This research had as objective to understand in the light of the integrality of the care, as is the production of health education practices, within the framework of the family health strategy from ethnographic study in a family health unit (USF). The location of the research was the unit of USF Felipe Camarão II in West Health District, in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil, selected from preliminary mapping of educational practices deployed in units of health of the family of this municipality, based on criteria such as time-to-deployment of USF and sustainability of existing actions. Immersion in the field consisted of participant observation with journaling, held during the period of August 2012 to January 2013, in which she accompanied team work processes in clinical-welfare actions on the USF, in households and in educational activities of group character. The results presented in ethnographic description were analyzed based on the axes proposed by Ayres (2009) for identification of integrality in health practices:the axis of the needs; the axis of the purposes; the joint axis; and the axis of the interactionsThe evidence described from observation point the presence of each axle up health education practices developed by the teams, even incipient form, namely: articulation and appreciation of knowledge and practices of popular culture with local initiatives (Pastoril do Peixe Boi Encantado, Auto de Natal e Grupo Terapia e Arte); Clinical integration with health promotion actions and coordination of multidisciplinary knowledge, with professional-user link (course for pregnant women). However, a few challenges were identified to be faced in order to move forward in these practices in integral care: the need to break with the fragmentation of actions; strengthening teamwork; need for greater sustainability policy of collective actions; intersectoral work aimed at a better role of the State in the face of the health-disease process, adding to the action of individuals.The analysis produced from observation of the processes experienced indicates the need for a better recognition of local managers that actions similar to those that occur in the USF Felipe Camarão II enable advances in completeness as allows inclusion of actors involved in the processes of health work, and stimulate participation and shared responsibility in the fight for health-disease situations


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O presente estudo discute a formação de Redes Sociais no cotidiano da Estratégia Saúde da Família, a partir de aportes da teoria sociológica sobre redes, interações, dádiva e reconhecimento. O objetivo geral é analisar as redes sociais locais em saúde a partir da interação de usuários e profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família na Unidade de Saúde de Ligéia, em Natal, RN. Seus objetivos específicos são: Mapear as redes sociais locais em saúde existentes no território adscrito; Identificar os tipos de interações cotidianas entre os sujeitos; Compreender a percepção dos sujeitos sobre o processo de formação de redes sociais a partir das interações. Caracteriza-se enquanto pesquisa qualitativa exploratória cujos sujeitos foram profissionais e usuários vinculados à referida unidade de saúde. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas e debates em grupos focais, estimulados pela Metodologia de Análise de Redes do Cotidiano (MARES), pertinente para abordar a complexidade das relações sociais e mapear os diferentes conteúdos expressos e as formas de mobilização coletiva. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da Técnica de Análise Temática de Conteúdo, proposta por Minayo. Os resultados foram interpretados à luz das Teorias da Dádiva (Mauss) e do Reconhecimento (Honneth). Os sujeitos visualizaram: Rede Virtual (28,20%); Rede de Atenção à Saúde (25,64%); Redes de Usuários (17,95%); Rede Pessoal (10,26%); Conselho Comunitário (10,26%); Escolas (7,69%). Os participantes não perceberam os arranjos familiares enquanto Redes Sociais. Os tipos de interações sociais identificadas foram: Confrontação/Negociação (41.02%); Harmônicas (25,70%); Correlativas (17,90%); Definidas pela Organização (15,38%). A formação de redes sociais ocorre a partir de interações cotidianas entre pessoas, pela articulação inseparável de conteúdos e formas, catalisadas pelo contexto, experiência e cognição, valorizando a liberdade, a expressividade e a diversidade dos parceiros de significação. Foram encontradas duas categorias, na percepção dos sujeitos, sobre a formação de redes sociais do cotidiano: Diálogo e Encontro. Validamos e recomendamos o uso da metodologia MARES: Na formação, para despertar uma visão mais tolerante e humana de si e do outro; Na avaliação qualitativa dos serviços, por facilitar a reflexão sobre a prática e (re)organização do processo de trabalho; Na comunidade, para estimular movimentos sociais existentes ou emergentes. A aposta no circuito da dádiva e do reconhecimento recíproco, durante o trânsito nas redes sociais em saúde, pode ser capaz de tecer uma práxis transformadora, pela busca e alcance de confiança, respeito e estima, nos espaços de encontro entre usuários e profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família


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This research assumes that for changes in health practices directed to an integral care, is crucial humanization, participation and autonomy of service users. In this sense, the research had investigated the issue of humanization involving users of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in city of Mossoró, having as objectives: to analyze the perceptions of users on humanization in the production of health care in daily of Family Health Strategy, from these perceptions, identify elements featuring humanized and non-humanized in everyday practices related to production of health care; relate perceptions of users about humanization with the notions of extended clinic and social participation present in the National Humanization Policy (NHP); identify difficulties and potentialities in the production of health care from the perspective of humanization. It was a qualitative approach to data collection and it was used the methodology of Network Analysis of Everyday Life (NAEL), which allowed the questioning of health practices through an interactive discussion involving participants subjected. The analysis of data through the technique of content thematic analysis was performed and the results were interpreted related the Extended Clinic references and the users participation, related with the Gift Theory discussed by Marcel Mauss. The results indicated senses humanization linked to affection, reciprocity and honesty, highlighting as essential to humanized practices the trust, bonding, listening, dialogue and accountability. Were also mentioned other elements related to the organization of health services such as access and good functioning of the health services. The difficulties and potentialities show structural deficiencies of the health system and changes in the labor process. The participation of users deconstructing and reconstructing concepts remainder humanization in the production of health care is a key factor for the sedimentation of what is proposed in the HNP. Using the privileged space of the FHE to create more active people and understanding their needs and demands, is possible path to build a participative management


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A atenção primária à saúde é um importante cenário para o cuidado em saúde mental por suas características e pelo trabalho no território contribuir para a superação do modelo manicomial de atenção. Esta pesquisa partiu do questionamento sobre como acontece a atenção em saúde mental na atenção básica nas unidades em que se desenvolve a Residência de Medicina de Família e Comunidade em um município do sertão paraibano. Objetivou investigar as demandas de saúde mental e práticas de cuidado no contexto de ESF e da RMFC do município de Cajazeiras a partir do discurso dos profissionais ali inseridos e discutir estratégias de qualificação do cuidado em saúde mental nessa realidade. Utilizou-se abordagem qualitativa em que foram realizados grupos focais envolvendo profissionais de duas equipes da ESF e uma equipe de NASF. Os dados produzidos nos grupos foram analisados a partir do referencial da análise do discurso de inspiração foucaultiana. Como resultados evidenciou-se que os profissionais percebem a demanda em saúde mental na atenção básica principalmente na forma de sofrimento psíquico inespecífico e transtornos mentais graves. A atenção a essas pessoas não consegue superar a medicalização que é identificada por esses profissionais. A prática asilar persiste como alternativa para os casos de transtornos mentais graves, sendo limitada a incorporação do paradigma da desinstitucionalização como referencial para a prática profissional. Além disso, a relação com a rede de saúde encontra vários limites destacando-se a dificuldade de produção de continuidade e integralidade do cuidado. A partir disto, analisa-se a formação médica e sua capacidade de garantir o cuidado integral na atenção às demandas de saúde mental. No campo da pesquisa, dois modelos de formação se encontram. Os residentes participantes ou graduaram-se em Cuba ou em escola médica brasileira orientada pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. Percebe-se então que a graduação, ao incorporar questões relativas à integralidade do cuidado, não é suficiente para gerar bons profissionais para o SUS. Considera-se necessário somar às mudanças na graduação a perspectiva da Educação Permanente em Saúde no mundo do trabalho, o envolvimento dos profissionais com a transformação das práticas de atenção à saúde e a construção da perspectiva da integralidade e da atenção psicossocial por dentro da Residência de Medicina de Família e Comunidade como importantes estratégias para a formação de médicos generalistas aptos para a atenção às demandas de saúde mental


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This work shows the professional staff of the Family Health Program (PSF) in Santana do Matos City perceive the Unified Health System (SUS). Their discourse and recognition of the advances of SUS, as well as their participation on the implementation of the system, are analyzed. The Brazilian Ministry of Health instituted it in 1994 in order to rebuild the health politics on a new basis, substituting the traditional model. The city-centered implementation of SUS was instituted on May 27, 1992 by the act nº 631/92 and today it experiences a Full Management of Basic Attention. In July 2001 the PSF program was started in the city with 5 teams: 2 in the urban zone and 3 in the rural one. The methodology was developed with the combination of qualitative and quantitative research with the employment of a questionnaire with both open and closed inquiries to 31 members of the program. The study appointed that, no matter how positive and enlarged be the staff s concept of health and SUS, they dont s have on understanding of the total chain of the system on its integrality, hierarchy and regionality what hinders the system performance close to the users. The PSF incorporates and reaffirms the basic principles of the SUS; however, on its everyday employment it has not yet abandoned totally the curative model, which is reinforced by the hospital-centered and physiscian-centerend culture


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A presente investigação é uma revisão integrativa cujo objetivo foi buscar na literatura e avaliar a percepção dos profissionais quanto ao atendimento dispensado ao idoso pelas equipes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Para a seleção dos trabalhos, utilizaram-se duas bases de dados, Medline e Lilacs, compondo a amostra que se constitui de dez publicações. Após a análise dos trabalhos incluídos na revisão, os resultados evidenciaram que os profissionais da ESF reconheceram a falta de preparo da equipe em relação à pessoa idosa, enfatizaram a dificuldade da estrutura organizacional e política da ESF no que se refere à velhice e admitiram a falta de integralização do cuidado das equipes à assistência ao idoso.


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Este estudo objetivou identificar as representações sociais de agentes comunitários de uma unidade de Programa Saúde da Família sobre o transtorno mental. Optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando o estudo de caso. Para a coleta de dados, recorremos à entrevista semi-estruturada, enriquecida pelo uso de Técnica Projetiva, e à análise temática para analisar o material obtido. Os resultados evidenciam representações sociais ancoradas no paradigma psiquiátrico tradicional. Esse considera a pessoa acometida pelo transtorno mental passiva, sem condições de protagonizar os próprios caminhos que, por sua vez, são marcados pelo preconceito. Desse modo, denota-se a grande necessidade de investimento na capacitação em saúde mental, junto aos atores do cenário da assistência do Programa de Saúde da Família. de acordo com o estudo, tal investimento contribuirá para a efetivação de práticas e construção de novos saberes, contribuindo para a melhoria da assistência em saúde.


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This work aims to check whether there is a congruence between the purposes of regulations imposed by SIAB and the materiality constitution of places where your information is produced, since our hypothesis is that there is a mismatch between the rules and forms, which means, between reality as it is in places and how the territory is scrutinized by the Family Health Strategy (FHS) as for the performance of their teams as to the generation of their information. For this, the methodology used was the literature, documentary and empirical research, in special about territorialization of the Family Health strategy of Natal-RN. From the empirical mediation was possible to see the gap between full exploration and information produced by the ESF and the reality of the places. Thus, we highlight the importance of considering the conditioning of geographical forms as a guiding principle of the strategy for Family Health


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A subjetividade é a argamassa de toda e qualquer produção e, diante disso, percebemos os processos de subjetivação presentes na feitura dos sujeitos, dos grupos e das instituições. Como ferramentas de análise, tomamos a ideia de dispositivo como um emaranhado de linhas que tecem as relações humanas, e dentre suas diversas linhas destacamos os gêneros como elementos importantes na escuta e intervenção clínica, de modo a ampliar o universo de referência presente nos encontros, no qual os corpos afetam e são afetados dentro de contextos marcados por processos psicossociais, políticos e culturais relevantes para uma prática psi ampliada. Neste trabalho, colocamos em análise a experiência que temos tido como supervisor de estágios em Psicologia Clínica-Institucional que realizamos no Programa Saúde da Família, na Vila Progresso, em Assis, SP, evidenciando a necessidade de diálogos com outros saberes, tais como os estudos culturais, a teoria queer e a esquizoanálise. Como resultados iniciais, percebemos nos relatos de nossos estagiários uma preocupação maior com o cuidado das pessoas atendidas que vão além das leituras psicológicas, que dialoga com questões sociais, econômicas, sexuais, de gênero, políticas e culturais, ampliando as análises e concebendo os seres humanos como híbridos, maquínicos e diferentes, o que evidencia a perspectiva de subjetividades em construção permanente. Surge a necessidade de nos orientarmos pelo viés de uma clínica crítica e ampliada.


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Este artigo tem por finalidade refletir sobre as Estratégias de Saúde da Família e de Reabilitação Psicossocial, no momento em que a atenção psiquiátrica e a atenção básica se colocam em estreita vinculação. Parte-se da experiência e da revisão de referenciais que abordam tais temas, identificando interfaces e desafios a serem superados para a transformação desses contextos sociais em espaços de trocas afetivas e materiais, de saberes e práticas mais criativas e flexíveis.