971 resultados para Mycobacterium bovis.
Mycobacterium sp. induz inflamação granuloma-tosa em diferentes espécies animais. Mycobacterium bovis e o complexo Mycobacterium avium são importantes patógenos de bovinos e suínos e podem causar infecção em humanos, principalmente imunossuprimidos. Perdas na produção, barreiras comerciais e prejuízos por condenação de carcaças em abatedouro/frigorífico estão atrelados à ocorrência dessas infecções, com prejuízos econômicos significativos. Foi realizado um estudo de casos diagnosticados como tuberculose em bovinos e linfadenite granulomatosa em suínos no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) no período de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2011. Dados referentes à raça, ao sexo, à idade e ao histórico clínico foram compilados dos livros de registro e analisados. As características histológicas das lesões em linfonodos e pulmões foram avaliadas em Hematoxilina-Eosina, com predomínio de células gigantes nas lesões de tuberculose bovina e de macrófagos epitelioides em suínos. As técnicas histoquímicas de Ziehl-Neelsen e Tricrômico de Masson foram utilizadas para evidenciar, respectivamente, bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes e tecido conjuntivo fibroso nas lesões. A técnica de imuno-histoquímica foi utilizada em aproximadamente 30% dos casos estudados de cada espécie, selecionados aleatoriamente, para a caracterização do infiltrado linfocítico. Foram utilizados os anticorpos anti-CD3 para a marcação de linfócitos T e anti-CD79αcy para a marcação de linfócitos B. Linfócitos T predominaram nas lesões em ambas as espécies, com diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as médias dos linfócitos T e linfócitos B. Foi usado o teste t pareado, com t=5,501 (p<0,001) nas lesões dos bovinos e t=5,826 (p<0,001) para as lesões de linfadenite dos suínos. Adicionalmente foram marcados macrófagos com o uso do anticorpo anti-CD68 para bovinos e anti-Lisozima para suínos. Além desses, o anticorpo policlonal anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis foi utilizado para a detecção de bactérias do gênero Mycobacterium, com imunomarcação positiva em todos os casos e, nos casos dos suínos, houve marcação anti-Mycobacterium avium.
Large-scale vaccination with BCG, the live attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis, is being adopted around the world, although sporadic complications have occurred after the procedure. Lymphadenopathy is not uncommon especially in babies under one year (0.73% of vaccinated infants), but the swelling subsides within 2 months in most cases, with no medical or surgical treatment. Brazil adopted BCG vaccination program earlier in the seventies and by 1995 more than 96% of the infant population received this immunization. We report here the occurrence of lymphadenopathy in a two-year-old child vaccinated with the Brazilian BCG strain. The diagnosis was made using a lymph node biopsy and intestinal aspirates that yielded a positive mycobacterial culture. The isolate was resistant to isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and thiophen-2-carbonic acid hydrazide, sensitive to streptomycin, ethambutol, and p-nitrobenzoic acid, and reacted positively to cyclo-serine and negatively to niacin. The pncA gene involved in bacterial activation of pyrazinamide contains in M. bovis a point mutation that renders pyrazinamidase unable to catalyze drug activation. Therefore, this polymorphism is a good option for developing methods to differentiate M. bovis and M. tuberculosis. Taking advantage of this difference we further analyzed the isolates by single-stranded conformation polymorphism electrophoresis of DNA following PCR of the pncA gene. The isolate identity was confirmed by RFLP electrophoretic analysis of the amplified fragment following Eco065I digestion, which selectively cleaves M. tuberculosis DNA. From this result it is proposed that RFLP of pncA gene represents an alternative for differential diagnosis of M. bovis.
An on-farm survey of 151 cattle farmers who had experienced a bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) breakdown on their farms was undertaken in 2003 to assess the costs associated with the breakdown. In 90 per cent of cases the cost was estimated to be less than 18,513 pound for dairy herds and less than El 1,462 for beef herds, but with a range from 229 pound to 103,817 pound. The main cost was the slaughter of reactor cattle. For the majority of the farmers, the compensation payments seemed to meet most of the costs of their breakdowns, although a majority was still left with net losses.
The prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis and other mycobacterial species in livestock specimens and milk was evaluated. An emphasis was placed upon the distribution of these organisms in milk that is readily available to the public that was either untreated, pasteurized, or treated using ultra high temperature. Twenty-two pathologic specimens from livestock (bovine, swine and bubaline) in five Brazilian states and 128 bovine milk samples from retail markets in the State of São Paulo were examined for mycobacteria. Identification was made by classical biochemical tests, thin layer chromatography of mycolic acids and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. Mycobacteria were isolated from 15 (68.2%) caseous lesions and from 23 (18%) milk samples. Eleven isolates were identified as M. bovis, and the remaining 27 nontuberculous mycobacterial isolates were represented by five species and six unidentified rapidly growing mycobacterial strains. The data demonstrate that animal products in Brazil are frequent reservoirs of mycobacteria and may pose a risk to the public.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective and Design: To determine the alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) levels in mice during acute and chronic inflammatory responses. Materials and Methods: Inflammation was induced by one of the following stimuli: carrageenin, zymosan, lipopolysacharide, thioglycollate, bacilli Calmette Guerin, PPD (in pre-immunized and non-immunized animals) and tumor cells. The concentration of alpha2M was determined in plasma or peritoneal liquid by electroimmunoassay. Results: In all the treatments employed, the plasma levels of alpha2M were higher than in untreated animals. This increase varied from 9%, 24 h after injection up a maximum of 66% 72 h post-injection. When compared to animals injected only with saline, the increases were significant 48 h after treatment with either zymosan or LPS, and 72 h after treatment with either thioglycollate or carrageenin. Treatment with BCG triggers an increase in alpha2M levels after 24 h (18.60%) and 48 h (27.90%). Immunized mice presented higher levels of this protein than non-immunized animals after challenge with PPD. The growth of Ehrlich tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity was directly correlated with the local levels of alpha2M which increased 3.5 fold, 10 days after injection. Conclusions: These results strongly indicate that in mice, the concentration of alpha2M can increase during acute and chronic inflammatory reactions with kinetics dependent on the particular kind of inflammatory agent.
Tuberculosis (TB), an infectious disease readily transmitted between animals and humans, is an great threat to public and animal health a like and has been declared an international emergency. According to the WHO, animal TB is a source of much concern, especially in the poorer countries where there is little awareness of the problem. Thus, improvements in veterinary health are essential, with regard to infection by Mycobacterium bovis, particularly in areas where the public is at risk. The prevalence of infected animals in Brazil is about 1%, whereas, in the dairy cattle region of São Carlos, the average proportion of positive tests was found to be 3. 1% from 1987 to 1996. The current research was carried out to investigate the prevalence, in the region, of dairy cattle reacting positively to the tuberculin test, from 1997 to the first half of 2001. The results were obtained by searching through the data collected by the Federal Inspection Authority, and they indicated an average prevalence of 1.3% over the period, similar to the official national average. It was concluded that bovine TB continues to be present in the region, posing a potential threat of infection to the human population.
Esophageal-pharyngeal fluids from 53 free-ranging marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) captured for a research program in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, were assayed for tuberculosis. Total DNA was extracted, amplified by polymerase chain reaction using specific primers for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. microti, and M. africanum), and observed by agarose gel electrophoresis stained with ethidium bromide. All samples were negative. This, along with necropsy and histopathology data, suggests that these animals are not shedding and probably do not have active disease.
Background: Mycobacterium spp. is one of the most important species of zoonotic pathogens that can be transmitted from cattle to humans. The presence of these opportunistic, pathogenic bacteria in bovine milk has emerged as a public-health concern, especially among individuals who consume raw milk and related dairy products. To address this concern, the Brazilian control and eradication program focusing on bovine tuberculosis, was established in 2001. However, bovine tuberculosis continues to afflict approximately 1,3 percent of the cattle in Brazil. In the present study, 300 samples of milk from bovine herds, obtained from both individual and collective bulk tanks and informal points of sale, were cultured on Löwenstein-Jensen and Stonebrink media. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based tests and restriction-enzyme pattern analysis were then performed on the colonies exhibiting phenotypes suggestive of Mycobacterium spp., which were characterized as acid-fast bacilli.Results: Of the 300 bovine milk samples that were processed, 24 were positively identified as Mycobacterium spp.Molecular identification detected 15 unique mycobacterial species: Mycobacterium bovis, M. gordonae, M. fortuitum, M. intracellulare, M. flavescens, M. duvalii, M. haemophilum, M. immunogenum, M. lentiflavum, M. mucogenicum, M. novocastrense, M. parafortuitum, M. smegmatis, M. terrae and M. vaccae. The isolation of bacteria from the various locations occurred in the following proportions: 9 percent of the individual bulk-tank samples, 7 percent of the collective bulk-tank samples and 8 percent of the informal-trade samples. No statistically significant difference was observed between the presence of Mycobacterium spp. in the three types of samples collected, the milk production profiles, the presence of veterinary assistance and the reported concerns about bovine tuberculosis prevention in the herds.Conclusion: The microbiological cultures associated with PCR-based identification tests are possible tools for the investigation of the presence of Mycobacterium spp. in milk samples. Using these methods, we found that the Brazilian population may be regularly exposed to mycobacteria by consuming raw bovine milk and related dairy products. These evidences reinforces the need to optimize quality programs of dairy products, to intensify the sanitary inspection of these products and the necessity of further studies on the presence of Mycobacterium spp. in milk and milk-based products. © 2013 Franco et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
The aim was to study the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) from State of Pará, Brazil. Three hundred and nineteen buffaloes were randomly selected into seven municipalities of Marajó Island. For comparative purposes, 128 buffaloes of five municipalities in the state of Pará were also evaluated. The seroprevalence of T. gondii was evaluated by Indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (iELISA). The samples diagnosed as positive in iELISA were subjected to Immunofluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT). We evaluated risk factors: location, breed, pregnancy and co-infection with Brucella abortus or Mycobacterium bovis. The frequency of animals positive for T. gondii in iELISA were compared by chi-square (x2) with 95% confidence. Variables with p <0.2 were subjected to logistic regression analysis; the model was built based on the odds ratios test. The prevalence of T. gondii in iELISA was 41,6% (186/447). In IFAT, 86,5% (161/186) had their positivity for T. gondii confirmed. The average prevalence in the municipalities of the Marajó Island and of the mainland was 32% (103/319) and 55% (70/128), respectively. The municipalities with the highest prevalence were Soure (53%) and Salvaterra (49%) in Marajó Island, and Castanhal (55%) and Thailândia (50%) in the Continent. The breed and co-infection with Brucella abortus or Mycobacterium bovis presented no influence on the prevalence of T. gondii. Additionally, pregnant animals were 57% more positive for T. gondii than nonpregnant animals. The presence of antibodies is an indicative of T. gondii in buffaloes in the state of Pará, and these findings represent a risk not only for farm animals, but to public health as a source of infection.
Efeito modulador de estratégias vacinais para tuberculose na encefalite autoimune experimental (EAE)
Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
A dificuldade no diagnóstico definitivo da tuberculose extrapulmonar persiste principalmente devido a baixa resolutividade dos métodos convencionais disponíveis para a detecção do Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Esse estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a contribuição da técnica imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) para a detecção de Mycobacterium spp. em casos de tuberculose pleural e ganglionar com histoquímica negativa, assim como, investigar alguns aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e morfológicos da doença. Para obtenção desta amostra fez-se a busca dos casos no Núcleo de Vigilância Epidemiológica (NVE) e Divisão de Arquivo Médico e Estatística (DAME) do Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto (HUJBB) e no Departamento de Anatomia Patológica da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), selecionando-se aqueles que haviam realizado exame histopatológico para esclarecimento diagnóstico do caso. Foram incluídos 50 pacientes, sendo 25 com diagnóstico presuntivo de tuberculose pleural e 25 de tuberculose ganglionar. Para obtenção dos dados clínicos e laboratoriais os respectivos prontuários foram revisados, e para confirmação dos aspectos morfológicos foi realizada a revisão de todas as lâminas selecionadas. Posteriormente, cada amostra foi submetida à técnica IHQ com anticorpo polyclonal Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Encontrou-se no grupo investigado, maior frequência do sexo masculino, cuja média de idade foi de 33,8 anos (desvio padrão: 14,1) sendo a maioria procedente da cidade de Belém-Pará e com nível de escolaridade de sete ou menos anos de estudo. Os sintomas constitucionais mais frequentes em todo o grupo foram a febre e perda ponderal. Nos pacientes com tuberculose pleural, os sintomas específicos mais encontrados foram tosse, dor torácica e dispneia, e naqueles com a forma ganglionar da doença, o envolvimento da cadeia cervical isolada foi mais frequente. Infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) ou Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (Sida) e etilismo foram as condições de risco mais frequentemente associadas. Na tuberculose pleural, 20% dos casos cursaram com derrame pleural associado à lesão parenquimatosa, e em 60% o líquido pleural foi do tipo exsudativo. Enquanto, na forma ganglionar, em 50% dos casos evidenciou-se lesão parenquimatosa à radiografia do tórax. Neste estudo, foi inexpressiva a quantidade de participantes nos quais foi realizada a pesquisa direta e cultura para bacilo álcool - ácido resistente (BAAR) nos diversos espécimes clínicos analisados (líquido pleural, tecido pleural e ganglionar, escarro e lavado broncoalveolar) O padrão morfológico predominante em ambas as formas da doença foi o granuloma tipo tuberculoide com necrose caseosa, independente do status sorológico para o HIV. A técnica IHQ contribuiu para o diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural em 21% (4/19) das amostras de tecido pleural e em 37,5% (9/24) de tecido ganglionar. Um resultado imuno-histoquímico positivo define o diagnóstico de micobacteriose, e quando associado aos achados clínicos, laboratoriais e morfológicos torna-se uma ferramenta de grande utilidade para melhorar o diagnóstico da tuberculose extrapulmonar.
O objetivo do estudo foi conhecer a prevalência sorológica de Toxoplasma gondii em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis) do Estado do Pará, Brasil. Foram selecionados randomicamente 319 bubalinos distribuídos em sete municípios da Ilha do Marajó. Para efeito comparativo também foram avaliados 128 bubalinos pertencentes a cinco municípios do Estado do Pará. A prevalência sorológica de Toxoplasma gondii foi avaliada pelo Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimático Indireto (iELISA). As amostras diagnósticadas como positivas no iELISA foram submetidas a Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI). Foram avaliados os fatores de risco: localidade, raça, gestação, co-infecção por Brucella abortus e co-infecção por Mycobacterium bovis. As frequências de animais positivos no iELISA para T. gondii foram comparadas pelo teste de Qui-quadrado (χ2) com 95% de confiabilidade. As variáveis com p<0,2 foram submetidos à análise de regressão logística, sendo o modelo construído baseado no teste da "odds ratios". A prevalência de T. gondii observada no iELISA foi de 41,6% (186/447). Na RIFI, 86,5% (161/186) das amostram positivas no iELISA tiveram sua positividade para T. gondii confirmada. A prevalência média nos municípios da Ilha do Marajo e do Continente foi de 32% (103/319) e 55% (70/128), respectivamente. Os municípios que apresentaram as maiores prevalências foram Soure (53%) e Salvaterra (49%) na Ilha do Marajó e Castanhal (55%) e Tailândia (50%) no Continente. Os fatores de risco raça e co-infecção por Brucella abortus ou Mycobacterium bovis não influenciaram na prevalência de T. gondii. Além disso, animais gestantes foram 57% mais positivos para T. gondii do que animais não gestantes. A circulação de anticorpos é um indicativo da presença do agente da toxoplasmose em búfalos no Estado do Pará. Esses achados representam um risco não apenas para os animais de produção, mas à saúde pública, como uma fonte de infecção.
The prevalence of and possible risk factors for tuberculosis were studied in water buffalo from Para, Brazil. In this study, 3,917 pregnant and nonpregnant female Murrah and Mediterranean buffaloes were studied; 2,089 originated from Marajo Island, and 1,108 were from the mainland. The comparative cervical tuberculin test was used as a diagnostic test for tuberculosis in these animals. The prevalence of positive buffaloes was 3.5 % (100/2,809) on Marajo Island and 7.2% (80/1,108) on the mainland. The municipalities with the highest tuberculosis prevalence rates in animals were Ipixuna do Para (10.1 %), Marapanim (9.8 %), Chaves (9.4 %), Paragominas (8.6 %), and Cachoeira do Arari (6.7 %). The tuberculosis prevalence was not significantly different between the Murrah (4.3 %) and Mediterranean (4.8 %) breeds or between pregnant (5%) and nonpregnant (4.3%) buffaloes. Tuberculosis was detected in water buffaloes from Para, Brazil; the mainland buffalo exhibited the highest tuberculosis prevalence. These results indicate that this disease is dangerous to public health and buffalo farming in Para.