631 resultados para Murcha de Fusarium


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No presente trabalho foi avaliada a resistência de 40 cultivares de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris) à murcha-de-Curtobacterium, inoculadas separadamente com dois isolados de Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens, e o desenvolvimento da parte aérea de cultivares resistentes e suscetíveis a essa doença, inoculadas ou não com um isolado da bactéria. As reações apresentadas pelas cultivares permitiram verificar que 'IAC Carioca Aruã', 'IAC Carioca Akytã' e 'IAC Carioca Pyatã' foram resistentes e que 'A - 768', 'Aeté', 'Aporé', 'Bambuí', 'Bico de Ouro', 'BR IPA 11 - Brígida', 'Carioca MG', 'Carioquinha', 'Catu', 'Corrente', 'Diamante Negro', 'FT Bonito', 'FT Nobre', 'FT-120', 'IAC Carioca', 'IAC Maravilha', 'IAC Una', 'IAPAR 14', 'IAPAR 16', 'IAPAR 31', 'IAPAR 44', 'IPA 6', 'Iraí', 'Jalo Precoce', 'Jamapa', 'Onix', 'Ouro Negro', 'Pérola', 'R - 161', 'RAO 33', 'Rio Tibagi', 'Rosinha G2', 'Roxo 90', 'Rudá', 'Safira', 'Tarumã' e 'Xamego' foram suscetíveis à murcha-de-Curtobacterium. Plantas de feijoeiro das cultivares resistentes (IAC Carioca Aruã, IAC Carioca Akytã e IAC Carioca Pyatã) apresentaram menor redução da matéria seca da parte aérea do que das suscetíveis (IAC Carioca e Pérola), quando inoculadas com C. flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens.


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Avaliou-se a ocorrência da murcha-de-curtobacterium em lavouras de feijoeiro comum em algumas localidades do Estado de Santa Catarina, nas safras 2002/03 e 2003/04, e o comportamento dos genótipos BRS Valente, Carioca, CHC 97-29, CHP 97-26, CNPF 8104, Diamante Negro, Empasc 201 - Chapecó, IAPAR 44, IPR Graúna, IPR Juriti, IPR Uirapuru, LP 9728, Pérola, SCS 202-Guará, Sel. CP 9310635, TPS Bionobre, TPS Bonito, TPS Magnífico, TPS Nobre, TPS Soberano e Xamego perante Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Cff), em condições de casa-de-vegetação. As cultivares IAC Carioca Akytã, IAC Carioca Aruã e IAC Carioca Pyatã foram empregadas como padrões de resistência a Cff. As avaliações dos sintomas ocorreram aos 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 dias após a inoculação (DAI) e, posteriormente, foi estimada a área abaixo da curva de progresso da murcha-de-curtobacterium (AACPMC), em cada genótipo. A doença esteve presente nos municípios de Campos Novos, Faxinal dos Guedes, Guatambu, Ipuaçu, Ponte Serrada e Tigrinhos e que, aos 10 DAI, as cultivares SCS 202 - Guará e IPR Juriti mostraram baixa severidade. Porém, aos 25 DAI, somente as cultivares padrões foram resistentes e apresentaram menor AACPMC.


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Foi avaliada a influência de doses de nitrogênio (N) na severidade da murcha-de curtobacterium do feijoeiro, causada por Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens, nas cultivares IAC Pyatã, IPR 88 Uirapuru e SCS 202 Guará, em condições de casa-de-vegetação. Os tratamentos foram a dose recomendada de N e outras 25 e 50 % abaixo e acima desta, empregando-se uréia. O aumento de doses de N influenciou positivamente o progresso da murcha-de-curtobacterium somente na cultivar IAC Carioca Pyatã, incrementou a quantidade de N na parte aérea e não interferiu no peso da matéria seca das plantas de todas as cultivares avaliadas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de doses de potássio (K) na severidade da murcha-de-curtobacterium em três cultivares de feijoeiro (IAC Carioca Pyatã, IPR 88 - Uirapuru e SCS 202 - Guará), em condições de casa-de-vegetação. Os tratamentos foram 135,0; 112,5; 90,0; 67,5 e 45,0 kg.ha-1 de K2O, na forma de cloreto de potássio. As avaliações ocorreram aos 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 dias após a inoculação e foi estimada a área abaixo da curva de progresso da murcha-de-curtobacterium (AACPMC). Não foi verificada influência das doses de K2O na AACPMC e na quantidade de K na parte aérea de plantas das cultivares IAC Carioca Pyatã e IPR 88 - Uirapuru. Conforme o aumento das doses de K2O, somente houve incremento na massa da matéria seca das plantas não inoculadas da cultivar SCS 202-Guará.


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Avaliou-se a reação de 73 cultivares locais de feijoeiro, coletadas em Santa Catarina, à murcha-de-curtobacterium, causada por Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens. Os experimentos foram instalados em condições de casa-de-vegetação e as cultivares IAC Carioca Pyatã e IPR 88 - Uirapuru foram os padrões resistente e suscetível, respectivamente. Aos 10 dias após a emergência, houve a inoculação das plantas com o isolado FJ 36 e as avaliações dos sintomas ocorreram aos 10, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a inoculação. Foi possível identificar as cv. locais Mouro Piratuba (grupo de coloração variada) e Vagem Amarela (grupo preto) como fontes de resistência à murcha-de-curtobacterium.


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Uma das principais doenças do maracujazeiro, na maioria dos estados produtores do Brasil, é a podridão do colo, causada por Fusarium solani. Pouco se sabe a respeito da fisiologia deste patógeno do maracujazeiro amarelo, principalmente quanto à produção de enzimas extracelulares. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar, em meios de cultura individuais e apropriados, a produção das enzimas extracelulares amilase, lipase, celulase, proteases (caseinase e gelatinase), lacase (oxidase) e catalase por isolados de F. solani, provenientes de maracujazeiro amarelo. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de dois fatores (nove isolados versus sete enzimas), com três repetições. Todos os isolados de F. solani produziram, de maneira semiquantitativa, as enzimas extracelulares amilase, lipase, celulase, caseinase (protease) e lacase (oxidase). No entanto, a quantidade produzida de cada enzima foi significativamente diferente entre os isolados. As enzimas extracelulares gelatinase (protease) e catalase foram produzidas em pouca quantidade e de maneira igual por todos os isolados do fungo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Cattleya genus has a great importance in the flower agro-business market. Fusarium wilts, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cattleyae, is considered one of the main factors of decline and death of plants of this genus. Using seven hybrids (intra and intergenerics) of Cattleya, tests of resistance and susceptibility to F. oxysporum were performed in conditions of greenhouse for 12 months, using, as evaluation criterion, a scale of the disease severity ranging from one (resistant) to eight (highly susceptible). High susceptibility to the fungus by Cattleya Nobile's Wax Toy, Cattleya Orquidacea's Mister Fast intrageneric hybrids and Potinara Orquidacea's Havana Brown intergeneric hybrid, related to Brassocattleya Orquidacea's Melody intergeneric hybrid, high resistance to the pathogens was observed.


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The structural complexity of the nitrogen sources strongly affects biomass production and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes in filamentous fungi. Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus nidulans were grown in media containing glucose or starch, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids), peptides (peptone) and protein (gelatin). In glucose, when the initial pH was adjusted to 5.0, for both microorganisms, higher biomass production occurred upon supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone and gelatin). With a close to neutrality pH, biomass accumulation was lower only in the presence of the ammonium salt. When grown in starch, biomass accumulation and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes (amylolytic and proteolytic) by Fusarium also depended on the nature of the nitrogen supplement and the pH. When the initial pH was adjusted to 5.0, higher growth and higher amylolytic activities were detected in the media supplemented with peptone, gelatin and casamino acids. However, at pH 7.0, higher biomass accumulation and higher amylolytic activities were observed upon supplementation with peptone or gelatin. Ammonium sulfate and casamino acids induced a lower production of biomass, and a different level of amylolytic enzyme secretion: high in ammonium sulfate and low in casamino acids. Secretion of proteolytic activity was always higher in the media supplemented with peptone and gelatin. Aspergillus, when grown in starch, was not as dependent as Fusarium on the nature of nitrogen source or the pH. The results described in this work indicate that the metabolism of fungi is regulated not only by pH, but also by the level of structural complexity of the nitrogen source in correlation to the carbon source.


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The behavior of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes PI 150414, PI 163117, PI 175829 white, PI 175829 purple, PI 175858, PI 197687, A 417, A 420, A 429, Xan 160, Xan 161, WISHBR 40, and IAC Carioca inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, Macrophomina phaseolina, and Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli was evaluated under greenhouse condition. The bean genotypes Xan 160, PI 150414, A 417, PI 175829 purple, Xan 161, A 420, PI 163117, and PI 175829 white were resistant to F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, and only PI 155829 white had a good level of resistance to M. phaseolina. All bean genotypes were susceptible to Feij-4 strain, and only Xan 161 had some level of leaf resistance to Feij-41 strain of X. campestris pv. phaseoli.


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The germinative capacity of spores of Fusarium was studied in the presence of copahiba balsam (5 to 100%). The culture was carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks with 50ml of ICI medium and 1 ml of the pre-inoculated fungus. In some specific cases, 1 ml of copahiba balsam was added to the medium. The development of spores was significantly reduced in the presence of copahiba balsam. Sensibility to copahiba balsam varied with the different strains of Fusarium.


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The mango malformation, caused by the fungus Fusarium subglutinans Wollenweb & Reinking, is probably one of the diseases that causes more damages in the mangoes production in Brazil and other producing countries. This fungus was isolated of a Tommy Atkins plant with advanced symptoms of malformation, purified and prepared to be inoculated in 15 cultivars of national and imported mangoes. Initially, 10 cultivars had been inoculated in July/2000: Bourbon IAC - 100, Coração de Boi, Keitt, Parvin, Primor de Amoreira, Sensation, Smith, Surpresa, Tommy Atkins and Van Dyke. Another group was inoculated in December/2000, on the cultivars: Adams, Bhadauran, Palmer, Princesa and Zill, and with others cultivars Primor de Amoreira, Sensation and Tommy Atkins, that were inoculated in the first time, with the purpose to compare the two times of inoculation. Throughout the evaluated data at the two times of inoculation, after 11 months of evaluation, were maden the analysis of the variance in function of the involved sources of variation and the test of Duncan to compare the averages of inoculated cultivars. With the results obtained, the cultivars Bhadauran, Palmer, Parvin, Sensation, Van Dyke and Zill presents less percentage of plants with malformation symptoms or less progression of symptoms in relation to the others inoculated cultivars, under protected environmental conditions, where the assays were carried out.


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The aim of this study was to characterize a Fusarium population obtained from yellow passion fruit (YPF) with collar rot using pathogenicity, morphocultural characteristics and molecular tests. Pathogenicity and disease severity were assessed in six plant species: YPF, zucchini, tomato, bean, soya bean and cucumber. Potato dextrose agar medium (PDA) was used to determine mycelial growth at five temperatures (15-35°C). The colour produced by isolates was also determined on PDA at 25°C. Synthetic nutrient agar medium was used to evaluate: (i) type of mycelium and phialides; (ii) size, shape and number of septa from conidia; and (iii) production of chlamydospores and perithecia. Molecular tests consisted of sequencing the ITS-5·8S rDNA region and elongation factor 1α (EF-1α) gene. The isolates caused large lesions on YPF, zucchini and tomato, with YPF having the highest mean disease severity and being the only one that showed wilt symptoms and death of the plant. Thus the isolates showed host specificity. Maximum mycelial growth occurred at 25°C and the predominant colour was bluish-white. The isolates produced long phialides, dense aerial mycelium, oval microconidia with a mean size of 9·5 × 2·6 μm, macroconidia of 32·7 × 3·4 μm with 3·3 septa, and chlamydospores; only one isolate lacked perithecia. Phylogenetic trees of the ITS region and EF-1α gene showed that isolates from YPF formed a distinct group within the F. solani group and the formae speciales of F. solani. It is proposed to name all isolates from YPF as F. solani f. sp. passiflorae. © 2013 British Society for Plant Pathology.


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Microbial enzymes have been used for various biotechnological applications; however, enzyme stabilization remains a challenge for industries and needs to be considered. This study describes the effects of spray-drying conditions on the activity and stability of β-fructofuranosidase from Fusarium graminearum. The extracellular enzyme β-fructofuranosidase was spray dried in the presence of stabilizers, including starch (Capsul) (SC), microcrystalline cellulose (MC), trehalose (TR), lactose (LC) and β-cyclodextrin (CD). In the presence of TR (2% w/v), the enzymatic activity was fully retained. After 1 year of storage, 74% of the enzymatic activity was maintained with the CD stabilizer (10% w/v). The residual activity was maintained as high as 80% for 1 h at 70°C when MC, SC and CD (5% w/v) stabilizers were used. Spray drying with carbohydrates was effective in stabilizing the F. graminearum β-fructofuranosidase, improved enzymatic properties compared to the soluble enzyme and demonstrated a potential use in future biotechnology applications. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd. All rights reserved.