887 resultados para Multiple data
The difficulty of detecting differential gene expression in microarray data has existed for many years. Several correction procedures try to avoid the family-wise error rate in multiple comparison process, including the Bonferroni and Sidak single-step p-value adjustments, Holm's step-down correction method, and Benjamini and Hochberg's false discovery rate (FDR) correction procedure. Each multiple comparison technique has its advantages and weaknesses. We studied each multiple comparison method through numerical studies (simulations) and applied the methods to the real exploratory DNA microarray data, which detect of molecular signatures in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) patients. According to our results of simulation studies, Benjamini and Hochberg step-up FDR controlling procedure is the best process among these multiple comparison methods and we discovered 1277 potential biomarkers among 54675 probe sets after applying the Benjamini and Hochberg's method to PTC microarray data.^
"Published June 1981."
Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference
Multiple regression analysis is a complex statistical method with many potential uses. It has also become one of the most abused of all statistical procedures since anyone with a data base and suitable software can carry it out. An investigator should always have a clear hypothesis in mind before carrying out such a procedure and knowledge of the limitations of each aspect of the analysis. In addition, multiple regression is probably best used in an exploratory context, identifying variables that might profitably be examined by more detailed studies. Where there are many variables potentially influencing Y, they are likely to be intercorrelated and to account for relatively small amounts of the variance. Any analysis in which R squared is less than 50% should be suspect as probably not indicating the presence of significant variables. A further problem relates to sample size. It is often stated that the number of subjects or patients must be at least 5-10 times the number of variables included in the study.5 This advice should be taken only as a rough guide but it does indicate that the variables included should be selected with great care as inclusion of an obviously unimportant variable may have a significant impact on the sample size required.
The seminal multiple-view stereo benchmark evaluations from Middlebury and by Strecha et al. have played a major role in propelling the development of multi-view stereopsis (MVS) methodology. The somewhat small size and variability of these data sets, however, limit their scope and the conclusions that can be derived from them. To facilitate further development within MVS, we here present a new and varied data set consisting of 80 scenes, seen from 49 or 64 accurate camera positions. This is accompanied by accurate structured light scans for reference and evaluation. In addition all images are taken under seven different lighting conditions. As a benchmark and to validate the use of our data set for obtaining reasonable and statistically significant findings about MVS, we have applied the three state-of-the-art MVS algorithms by Campbell et al., Furukawa et al., and Tola et al. to the data set. To do this we have extended the evaluation protocol from the Middlebury evaluation, necessitated by the more complex geometry of some of our scenes. The data set and accompanying evaluation framework are made freely available online. Based on this evaluation, we are able to observe several characteristics of state-of-the-art MVS, e.g. that there is a tradeoff between the quality of the reconstructed 3D points (accuracy) and how much of an object’s surface is captured (completeness). Also, several issues that we hypothesized would challenge MVS, such as specularities and changing lighting conditions did not pose serious problems. Our study finds that the two most pressing issues for MVS are lack of texture and meshing (forming 3D points into closed triangulated surfaces).
Popular dimension reduction and visualisation algorithms rely on the assumption that input dissimilarities are typically Euclidean, for instance Metric Multidimensional Scaling, t-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding and the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model. It is well known that this assumption does not hold for most datasets and often high-dimensional data sits upon a manifold of unknown global geometry. We present a method for improving the manifold charting process, coupled with Elastic MDS, such that we no longer assume that the manifold is Euclidean, or of any particular structure. We draw on the benefits of different dissimilarity measures allowing for the relative responsibilities, under a linear combination, to drive the visualisation process.
When we study the variables that a ffect survival time, we usually estimate their eff ects by the Cox regression model. In biomedical research, e ffects of the covariates are often modi ed by a biomarker variable. This leads to covariates-biomarker interactions. Here biomarker is an objective measurement of the patient characteristics at baseline. Liu et al. (2015) has built up a local partial likelihood bootstrap model to estimate and test this interaction e ffect of covariates and biomarker, but the R code developed by Liu et al. (2015) can only handle one variable and one interaction term and can not t the model with adjustment to nuisance variables. In this project, we expand the model to allow adjustment to nuisance variables, expand the R code to take any chosen interaction terms, and we set up many parameters for users to customize their research. We also build up an R package called "lplb" to integrate the complex computations into a simple interface. We conduct numerical simulation to show that the new method has excellent fi nite sample properties under both the null and alternative hypothesis. We also applied the method to analyze data from a prostate cancer clinical trial with acid phosphatase (AP) biomarker.