916 resultados para Multi-method evaluation


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Managing protected areas implies dealing with complex social-ecological systems where multiple dimensions (social, institutional, economic and ecological) interact over time for the delivery of ecosystem services. Uni-dimensional and top-down management approaches have been unable to capture this complexity. Instead, new integrated approaches that acknowledge the diversity of social actors in the decision making process are required. In this paper we put forward a novel participatory assessment approach which integrates multiple methodologies to reflect different value articulating institutions in the case of a Natura 2000 network site in the Basque Country. It integrates within a social multi-criteria evaluation framework, both the economic values of ecosystem services through a choice experiment model and ecological values by means of a spatial bio-geographic assessment. By capturing confronting social and institutional conflicts in protected areas the participatory integrated assessment approach presented here can help decision makers for better planning and managing Natura 2000 sites.


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Background: Little is known about the types of 'sit less, move more' strategies that appeal to office employees, or what factors influence their use. This study assessed the uptake of strategies in Spanish university office employees engaged in an intervention, and those factors that enabled or limited strategy uptake. Methods: The study used a mixed method design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with academics and administrators (n = 12; 44 +/- 12 mean SD age; 6 women) at three points across the five-month intervention, and data used to identify factors that influenced the uptake of strategies. Employees who finished the intervention then completed a survey rating (n = 88; 42 +/- 8 mean SD age; 51 women) the extent to which strategies were used [never (1) to usually (4)]; additional survey items (generated from interviewee data) rated the impact of factors that enabled or limited strategy uptake [no influence (1) to very strong influence (4)]. Survey score distributions and averages were calculated and findings triangulated with interview data. Results: Relative to baseline, 67% of the sample increased step counts post intervention (n = 59); 60% decreased occupational sitting (n = 53). 'Active work tasks' and 'increases in walking intensity' were the strategies most frequently used by employees (89% and 94% sometimes or usually utilised these strategies); 'walk-talk meetings' and ` lunchtime walking groups' were the least used (80% and 96% hardly ever or never utilised these strategies). 'Sitting time and step count logging' was the most important enabler of behaviour change (mean survey score of 3.1 +/- 0.8); interviewees highlighted the motivational value of being able to view logged data through visual graphics in a dedicated website, and gain feedback on progress against set goals. 'Screen based work' (mean survey score of 3.2 +/- 0.8) was the most significant barrier limiting the uptake of strategies. Inherent time pressures and cultural norms that dictated sedentary work practices limited the adoption of 'walk-talk meetings' and ` lunch time walking groups'. Conclusions: The findings provide practical insights into which strategies and influences practitioners need to target to maximise the impact of 'sit less, move more' occupational intervention strategies.


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Yorkshire Water Services (YWS) are currently granted a Time Limited Licence (TLL) for abstraction at Kilgram Bridge which is due for renewal in 1999. The Environment. Agency requires information on fish populations with regards to drought conditions and any possible effects that abstraction may have when considering licence renewal. In' order to evaluate any effects of drought and abstraction a three year study was instigated to examine fish populations. Surveys were conducted at nine main River Ure sites and two tributaries in which the triennial rolling programme formed the basis of site selection. Multi-method sampling techniques were carried out at several sites in order to evaluate capture efficiency. High densities of brown trout juveniles were observed in the tributaries with an indication that fish had become crowded as a result of low flows. Recruitment of brown trout in the tributaries was not directly related to flow levels in the main R. Ure. However, it is concluded that salmonids are at risk during drought flows and high temperatures from increased susceptibility to disease, predation, poor water quality and the direct lethal effect of high temperatures in shallow water.


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The basis for undertaking this study was to examine factors and potential impacts affecting fish and fishing in relation to low flow drought conditions and what other impacts may arise as a result of further reduced flows resulting from abstraction. The study formed the basis of a three year project to concentrate on effects relating to potable water abstractions at Moor Monkton by YWS. To fully evaluate the possible effects on fisheries the study set out to encompass fish population surveys from fry to adult stock, analysis of angler catch data, reports from anglers and river reports from Environment Agency Fisheries staff. In order to evaluate any effects of drought and abstraction a three year study was instigated to examine fish populations. Fish population surveys were conducted at six sites in which the triennial rolling programme formed the basis of site selection. Multi-method sampling techniques were carried out at several sites in order to evaluate capture efficiency. Roach were prolific above the weir at Linton-on-Ouse, with gudgeon, perch and small bream also well represented. Roach dominated catches on the R.Ouse below Linton, with perch and bleak also relatively abundant. Low flows were not thought to be directly correlated to successful recruitment of coarse fish, rather the associated high temperatures during drought conditions showing a strong positive effect with most species exhibiting growth rates above their long-term average. At this stage in the study there are no clear indications that the drought has caused any deleterious effects to coarse fish populations or marked changes in species composition, with evidence of good recruitment by several species, indicating that the higher temperatures have generally been beneficial to recruitment. However, the indication that dace did not benefit as well as other coarse fish under these conditions may suggest some species are affected more than others. The successful strong recruitment of most coarse fish suggests that, in future, fisheries will be supported by the 1995 year-class.


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Como crítica à perspectiva da Educação Física Escolar (EFE) voltada à aptidão física e ao desenvolvimento técnico-esportivo, tão comum até a década de 1970, surgem, a partir da década de 1980, novas propostas de ensino que a aproximariam dos reais objetivos da escola é o que se chama de movimento renovador da EFE. Ao longo dos anos, essas propostas foram incorporadas aos cursos de graduação, de pós-graduação e aos documentos oficiais de ensino. Era de se esperar que as aulas de EFE nas escolas brasileiras, hoje, representassem, hegemonicamente, as propostas do movimento renovador, mas paradoxalmente temos visto intervenções difusas e até aleatórias, muitas vezes representadas pelo rola a bola. Diante da necessidade de investir em práticas renovadoras e a fim de abolir o caráter de estudos que apenas pomovem denúncias de práticas caducas, este estudo buscou professores que, alinhados aos conhecimentos renovadores, procuram desenvolver aulas de EFE que se aproximam e representam tais conhecimentos didático-metodológicos. Assim, buscou-se investigar a influência do movimento renovador na intervenção pedagógica de cinco professores de Educação Física da rede municipal de ensino do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo divide-se em três artigos complementares. O primeiro traz a problematização e a revisão bibliográfica. O segundo busca identificar o que os professores pensam acerca do movimento renovador, bem como analisar características acadêmicas e profissionais-interventivas. Os resultados do artigo 2 apontam que os professores parecem conhecer, se alinham e afirmam ministrar aulas em acordo com as propostas renovadoras, mas possuem ambientes e condições de trabalho distintas. O terceiro artigo traz a análise de 20 aulas de EFE dos cinco professores, a partir de uma ficha de observação sistemática composta por indicadores didático-metodológicos sugeridos por Resende e Nascimento (2004), além da discussão de uma entrevista sobre questões didáticas e metodológicas e críticas às intervenções. Percebeu-se que, apesar de intervenções com características distintas, a maioria das ações intervetivas se aproximou dos indicadores nas categorias planejamento, objetivo, conteúdo, método, avaliação e relação professor-aluno. Todos os professores fizeram críticas às aulas, acreditando que estas deveriam ser melhores e diferentes do que frequentemente são, o que representa limitações do campo interventivo e o compromisso dos professores com a qualidade da intervenção. Acredita-se que os dados deste estudo representam mais um pequeno passo às discussões e construções de práticas renovadoras no campo da EFE, ao buscar e apontar possibilidades, limitações e exemplos de ações didáticas concretas do cotidiano.


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The hyphenated technique of high performance liquid chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(HPLC-ICP-MS) was applied to the simultaneous determination of five organotin compounds in the shellfish samples. Agilent TC-C-18 column was selected, mobile phase of the HPLC was CH3CN:H2O: CH3COOH = 65:23:12 (V/V), 0. 05% TEA, pH = 3.0 at flow rate 0.4 mL/min. Five mixed organotin standards from 100 mu g/L to 0. 5 mu g/L was used for the method evaluation. The experimental results indicate that the linearity (R-2) for each compound was over 0.998. The shellfish samples were treated by supersonic extraction with mobile phase for 30min. Four organotin compounds including dibutyltin (DBT), tributyltin (TBT), diphenyltin (DphT) and triphenyltin (TPhT) in shellfish samples were detected with method mentioned above. It was found that the domain compounds in the samples were tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPhT). The recoveries test from the standard addition for trimethyltin (TMT tributyltin (TBT), and triphenyltin (TPhT) were, over 80%. However, the recoveries for diphenyltin (DPhT) and dibutyltin (DBT) were relatively low, 37.3% and 75.2% respectively. The reason might be attributed to the decomposition of those compounds during the extraction procedure. The further study on this subject is under the progress.


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This study attempts to model alpine tundra vegetation dynamics in a tundra region in the Qinghai Province of China in response to global warming. We used Raster-based cellular automata and a Geographic Information System to study the spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics. The cellular automata model is implemented with IDRISI's Multi-Criteria Evaluation functionality to simulate the spatial patterns of vegetation change assuming certain scenarios of global mean temperature increase over time. The Vegetation Dynamic Simulation Model calculates a probability surface for each vegetation type, and then combines all vegetation types into a composite map, determined by the maximum likelihood that each vegetation type should distribute to each raster unit. With scenarios of global temperature increase of I to 3 degrees C, the vegetation types such as Dry Kobresia Meadow and Dry Potentilla Shrub that are adapted to warm and dry conditions tend to become more dominant in the study area.


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This thesis will examine the interaction between the user and the digital archive. The aim of the study is to support an in-depth examination of the interaction process, with a view to making recommendations and tools, for system designers and archival professionals, to promote digital archive domain development. Following a comprehensive literature review process, an urgent requirement for models was identified. The Model of Contextual Interaction presented in this thesis, aims to provide a conceptual model through which the interaction process, between the user and the digital archive, can be examined. Using the five-phased research development framework, the study will present a structured account of its methods, using a multi-method methodology to ensuring robust data collection and analysis. The findings of the study are presented across the Model of Contextual Interaction, and provide a basis on which recommendations and tools for system designers have been made. The thesis concludes with a summary of key findings, and a reflective account of how the findings and the Model of Contextual Interaction have impacted digital provision within the archive domain and how the model could be applied to other domains.


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The topic of this thesis is impulsivity. The meaning and measurement of impulse control is explored, with a particular focus on forensic settings. Impulsivity is central to many areas of psychology; it is one of the most common diagnostic criteria of mental disorders and is fundamental to the understanding of forensic personalities. Despite this widespread importance there is little agreement as to the definition or structure of impulsivity, and its measurement is fraught with difficulty owing to a reliance on self-report methods. This research aims to address this problem by investigating the viability of using simple computerised cognitive performance tasks as complementary components of a multi-method assessment strategy for impulse control. Ultimately, the usefulness of this measurement strategy for a forensic sample is assessed. Impulsivity is found to be a multifaceted construct comprised of a constellation of distinct sub-dimensions. Computerised cognitive performance tasks are valid and reliable measures that can assess impulsivity at a neuronal level. Self-report and performance task methods assess distinct components of impulse control and, for the optimal assessment of impulse control, a multi-method battery of self-report and performance task measures is advocated. Such a battery is shown to have demonstrated utility in a forensic sample, and recommendations for forensic assessment in the Irish context are discussed.


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Laboratory simulation of cloud processing of three model dust types with distinct Fe-content (Moroccan dust, Libyan dust and Etna ash) and reference goethite and ferrihydrite were conducted in order to gain a better understanding of natural nanomaterial inputs and their environmental fate and bioavailability. The resulting nanoparticles (NPs) were characterised for Fe dissolution kinetics, aggregation/size distribution, micromorphology and colloidal stability of particle suspensions using a multi-method approach. We demonstrated that the: (i) acid-leachable Fe concentration was highest in volcanic ash (1 m Mg(-1) dust) and was followed by Libyan and Moroccan dust with an order of magnitude lower levels; (ii) acid leached Fe concentration in the<20 nm fraction was similar in samples processed in the dark with those under artificial sunlight, but average hydrodynamic diameter of NPs after cloud-processing (pH~6) was larger in the former; iii) NPs formed at pH~6 were smaller and less poly-disperse than those at low pH, whilst unaltered zeta potentials indicated colloidal instability; iv) relative Fe percentage in the finer particles derived from cloud processing does not reflect Fe content of unprocessed dusts (e.g. volcanic ash>Libyan dust). The common occurrence of Fe-rich "natural nanoparticles" in atmospheric dust derived materials may indicate their more ubiquitous presence in the marine environment than previously thought.


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This article examines the role that qualitative methods can play in the study of children's racial attitudes and behaviour. It does this by discussing a number of examples taken from a qualitative, ethnographic study of five- and six-year-old children in an English multi-ethnic, inner-city primary school. The examples are used to highlight the limitations of research that relies solely on quantitative methods and the potential that qualitative methods have for addressing these limitations. Within this context the article contrasts the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative methods in the study of children's racial attitudes and identities. The article concludes by arguing that a much more integrated multi-method approach is needed in this area and sets out some of the most effective ways this could be achieved.


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This article reports the findings of a mixed-method evaluation of a pilot educational programme undertaken with 6-7 year olds in a sample of primary schools in England with the aim of increasing their awareness of and respect for diversity through theatre, workshops and related teacher-led classroom activities. The qualitative feedback from the teachers involved was extremely positive and encouraging and an analysis of the actual impact of the pilot programme on the children’s attitudes and awareness, using an experimental design, demonstrated some positive effects. In particular, the programme was found to increase the children’s general awareness of diversity and their ability to recognise instances of exclusion. While not a planned objective of the pilot programme, the evaluation also examined whether it had any effects on the children’s attitudes to specific differences, in this particular case racial differences. Interestingly, however, no evidence was found of any change in the children’s racial attitudes. With this in mind the article suggests that there is a need to distinguish between the general and specific effects of such educational programmes. The article considers the implications of this for future work in the area and also stresses the need to undertake more thorough and rigorous evaluations of such initiatives.


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In recent years there has been a remarkable surge of interest in the concept of punitiveness in theoretical criminology. Accounts serve to emphasise rupture over continuity, drawing attention to the increased focus on managerialism, risk and expressive penal policies in countries such as England and the US. Criticisms of these accounts have drawn attention to the weak empirical base for such assertions and the continued relevance of local cultural, historical and political conditions in mediating the effect of more punitive trends. In light of the relative neglect of smaller jurisdictions in this literature it was decided to locate these debates in three small common law jurisdictions, namely, Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand over the period 1976-2006 with a view to assessing the empirical evidence for penal change. This was done using a broader definition of punitiveness than normally employed incorporating indices relating to the ‘front end’ (eg police powers) as well as the ‘back end’ (eg prison and probation) of the criminal justice system. Data were collected on the three case studies using a multi-method approach involving examination of extensive quantitative data, interviews with key criminal justice stakeholders and documentary analysis. The data provide some support for the ‘new punitiveness’ thesis in these countries through a pattern of increased legislative activity aimed at controlling violent and sexual offenders and significant increases in the lengths of sentences imposed. However, analysis of qualitative data and a larger number of variables reveals distinctly different patterns of punitiveness over the thirty year period in the three countries. It is argued that the study holds important lessons for comparative criminology into the ‘new punitiveness’. There is a need for qualitative as well as quantitative data; for multiple rather than singular indices across a wide range of areas (juvenile justice, prison conditions, etc); and for ‘front end’ as well as ‘back end’ indices.


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The 1950s excavations by Charles McBurney in the Haua Fteah, a large karstic cave on the coast of northeast Libya, revealed a deep sequence of human occupation. Most subsequent research on North African prehistory refers to his discoveries and interpretations, but the chronology of its archaeological and geological sequences has been based on very early age determinations. This paper reports on the initial results of a comprehensive multi-method dating program undertaken as part of new work at the site, involving radiocarbon dating of charcoal, land snails and marine shell, cryptotephra investigations, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments, and electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of tooth enamel. The dating samples were collected from the newly exposed and cleaned faces of the upper 7.5m of the ~14.0m-deep McBurney trench, which contain six of the seven major cultural phases that he identified. Despite problems of sediment transport and reworking, using a Bayesian statistical model the new dating program establishes a robust framework for the five major lithostratigraphic units identified in the stratigraphic succession, and for the major cultural units. The age of two anatomically modern human mandibles found by McBurney in Layer XXXIII near the base of his Levalloiso-Mousterian phase can now be estimated to between 73 and 65ka (thousands of years ago) at the 95.4% confidence level, within Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4. McBurney's Layer XXV, associated with Upper Palaeolithic Dabban blade industries, has a clear stratigraphic relationship with Campanian Ignimbrite tephra. Microlithic Oranian technologies developed following the climax of the Last Glacial Maximum and the more microlithic Capsian in the Younger Dryas. Neolithic pottery and perhaps domestic livestock were used in the cave from the mid Holocene but there is no certain evidence for plant cultivation until the Graeco-Roman period. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.