1000 resultados para Muerte-Aspectos religiosos
Como término artístico, denominamos vaciado del natural al procedimiento por medio del cual se obtiene, a través de un proceso de moldes, una copia tridimensional precisa en cuanto a volumen y a texturas de cualquier elemento de la naturaleza, sea vivo o inerte, orgánico o inorgánico. El término también es utilizado para definir el producto resultante de la práctica de este procedimiento. Si aplicamos esta definición en sentido estricto, no podría considerarse vaciado del natural la reproducción por medio de moldes de elementos manufacturados por el hombre. No obstante, en la reproducción de elementos artificiales o manufacturados, se considera aplicable el término vaciado del natural a la reproducción de objetos que han sido creados para una función distinta de la artística que se pretende con su vaciado, como pueda ser una silla o una guitarra. Este procedimiento se ha aplicado habitualmente en la creación escultórica y a este ámbito se dirige el enfoque de la investigación. No obstante, por diversas causas, el procedimiento ha sido muy útil a otras áreas de conocimiento como la arqueología o la medicina y la evolución de su aplicación ha estado intrínsecamente unida a los creadores plásticos con los que se ha producido una estrecha colaboración. Esta se ha producido en las dos direcciones, acudiendo las ciencias que así lo requerían a los artistas como conocedores de la técnica y los procesos e incorporando los artistas a su trabajo las innovaciones desarrolladas por otras áreas e inspirándose en sus resultados. Esta estrecha colaboración hace que en la investigación se traten aspectos que atañen a otras áreas de conocimiento y se analicen sus conexiones con el arte. El objetivo de la presente investigación es desarrollar un estudio desde los posibles orígenes de este procedimiento y analizar su utilización a lo largo de la historia en el entorno socio-cultural de la civilización occidental. Para ello se acude a la documentación escrita que revela y analiza la utilización del vaciado del natural y se investigan las pruebas físicas que la demuestran (moldes, positivos, huellas del natural)...
A presente dissertação de mestrado em Gestão e Valorização do Património Histórico e Cultural assenta num estudo de caso: o acervo dos registos religiosos da Pousada dos Lóios, em Évora. Ao longo dos quatro capítulos que a constituem, procuramos explicar o que são os registos religiosos, qual a sua dimensão e riqueza patrimonial e cultural, analisamos os vários aspectos que os definem, e propomos dois planos de acção para a sua salvaguarda, conservação e valorização. Neste contexto cruzamos o mundo da religiosidade popular em busca da fé que dá azo à criação dos registos religiosos, e o da história da gravura artística, uma vez que a gravura é o elemento fulcral, a imagem da religiosidade e do registo religioso; investigamos a presença da denominada arte popular no contexto da religiosidade, da história da arte e da sociedade; procedemos à elaboração do inventário do acervo, à respectiva catalogação e análise. Por último, apresentamos uma proposta de exposição como forma de valorização complementar para os registos religiosos da Pousada dos Lóios. ABSTRACT; The following dissertation of master's degree in Management and Valorization of the Historic and Cultural Patrimony is based on a case study of the assets of the religious registers of the Pousada dos Lóios in Évora. Through the four chapters that constitute it, we try to explain what are the religious registers, its dimension and patrimonial and cultural value, we analyze the many aspects that define them, and we propose two plans of action to its protection, conservation and valorization. ln this context we cross the world of popular religiosity in search of the faith that gives birth to the creation of religious registers, and the history of the artistic illustration, since the illustration is the central element, the image of religiosity and of the religious register; we investigate the presence of the so called popular art in the context of religiosity, in the history of art and in society; we elaborate an inventory of the assets, the respective cataloguing and analysis. At last, we present proposal of exposition as a way of complementary valorization of the religious registers of the Pousada dos Lóios.
Finalmente se realiza el análisis de las muestras elegidas con la finalidad de identificar si los aspectos del método de Barthes se cumplen a cabalidad y qué tipo de discrepancias surgen en cada interpretación, si es que existen se comprobarán por medio de la comparación entre ellas lo cual permitirá obtener resultados para verificar la vigencia de los métodos a través del tiempo, visualizando y sustentando el tema de este trabajo, además de contribuir en futuras investigaciones de la temática
Cada vez son más los casos en donde una persona muere durante el forcejeo que mantiene con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado durante el proceso de detención. Esto supone un gran reto profesional para el médico forense que realiza la autopsia. En muchas ocasiones, los resultados obtenidos tras la autopsia no son entendidos por la sociedad, familiares del fallecido ni correctamente divulgados por los medios de comunicación, pareciendo que dicha muerte queda en un limbo judicial. Estas muertes, generalmente son consecuencia del síndrome de delirium agitado. Este síndrome no es bien conocido en nuestro país por parte de médicos ni por cuerpos de seguridad. Se engloban dentro de las muertes en privación de libertad o death in custody. En su producción intervienen factores como la patología previa del paciente, consumo de drogas, especialmente cocaína, y la forma de llevar a cabo el proceso de inmovilización del detenido.
Este estudio versa sobre la muerte en Córdoba entre las capas sociales medias y bajas, basándose en el análisis de actas testamentarias de la segunda mitad del siglo XV conservadas en el Archivo Histórico Provincial de Córdoba. Los testamentos permiten conocer cómo sentían, actuaban y reaccionaban estos grupos sociales ante la proximidad de la muerte -tanto propia como ajena-, además de aportar interesantes datos sobre diversos aspectos de su vida cotidiana, tal y como presentamos en este artículo.
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el análisis del castigo supremo por el cual se lleva a cabo la privación del derecho fundamental por antonomasia, como es, el derecho a la vida; todo ello por parte del Estado y de una forma premeditada. Pena que actualmente han abolido, para todos los delitos, 140 países, es decir, dos tercios del total mundial. Se ha llevado a cabo un trabajo multidisciplinar en el que se ponen de manifiesto aspectos de índole jurídico pero teniendo siempre muy presente aspectos de carácter social, ético y de derechos humanos; queriendo con ello presentar la relación existente entre la pena de muerte y el derecho a la vida y dignidad humana; todo ello al analizar, entre otros, el riesgo que supone para las personas inocentes, la discriminación y arbitrariedad a la hora de hacerla efectiva, su aplicación únicamente por los delitos considerados “más graves”, así como los límites y restricciones en su aplicación.
Two hundred and six patients with severe head injury (Glasgow Coma Scale of 8 points or less after nonsurgical resuscitation on admission), managed at Intensive Care Unit-Hospital das Clínicas - Universidade Estadual de Campinas were prospectively analysed. All patients were assessed by CT scan and 72 required neurosurgical intervention. All patients were continuously monitored to evaluate intracranial pressure (ICP) levels by a subarachnoid device (11 with subarachnoid metallic bolts and 195 with subarachnoid polyvinyl catheters). The ICP levels were continuously observed in the bedside pressure monitor display and their end-hour values were recorded in a standard chart. The patients were managed according to a standard protocol guided by the ICP levels. There were no intracranial haemorrhagic complications or hematomas due the monitoring method. Sixty six patients were punctured by lateral C1-C2 technique to assess infectious complications and 2 had positive cerebrospinal fluid samples for Acinetobacter sp. The final results measured at hospital discharge showed 75 deaths (36,40%) and 131 (63,60%) survivors. ICP levels had significantly influenced the final results (p<0,001). The subarachnoid method to continuously assess the ICP levels was considered aplicable, safe, simple, low cost and useful to advise the management of the patients. The ICP record methodology was practical and useful. Despite the current technical advances the subarachnoid method was considered viable to assess the ICP levels in severe head injury.
In this work we present the optogalvanic effect in ionized gases in an historical perspective. This effect was observed for the first time by Foote and Mohler in 1925, and explained by Penning in 1928 for mixtures (Ne-Ar) and pure gases (or vapours) in 1937. Also, we show some aspects of the contributions of Romenian authors for the development of optogalvanic spectroscopy, which was used as a new technique only after 1964.
The ammonia synthesis from its elements plays an important role in the survival of humankind. A short historical development of discoveries of the nitrogen cycle, the nitrogen sources for agriculture and the ammonia synthesis (in laboratory and industry) are presented. Some brief aspects of nitrogen chemistry are described. Short biographies of Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, the main persons in this epopee, are also presented.
Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Cromatography - IMAC - is a group-specific based adsorption applied to the purification and structure-function studies of proteins and nucleic acids. The adsorption is based on coordination between a metal ion chelated on the surface of a solid matrix and electron donor groups at the surface of the biomolecule. IMAC is a highly selective, low cost, and easily scaled-up technique being used in research and commercial operations. A separation process can be designed for a specific molecule by just selecting an appropriate metal ion, chelating agent, and operational conditions such as pH, ionic strength, and buffer type.
Currently, owing to the occurrence of environmental problems, along with the need of environmental preservation, both the territory management of Hydrographic Basin and the conservation of natural resources have proven to have remarkable importance. Thus, the mean goal of the research is to raise and scrutinize social-economic and technologic data from the Mogi Guaçu River Hydrographic Basin (São Paulo, Brazil). The aim is to group municipalities with similar characteristics regarding the collected data, which may direct joint actions in the Hydrographic Basin Management. There were used both the methods of factorial analysis and automatic hierarchical classifications. Additionally, there is going to be applied a Geographical Information System to represent the outcomes of the methods aforementioned, through the evolvement of a geo-referenced database, which will allow the obtainment of information categorically distributed including theme maps of interest. The main characteristics adopted to group the municipalities were: agricultural area, sugar cane production, small farms, animal production, number of agriculture machinery and equipments and agricultural income. The methodology adopted in the Mogi Guaçu River Hydrographic Basin will be analyzed vis-à-vis its appropriateness on basin management, as well as the possibility of assisting the studies on behalf of the São Paulo Hydrographic Basin groups, to regional development.
This study subject to investigate the floristic composition and richness, the reproductive phenological patterns, the dispersal syndromes and life forms of species of a disjunt cerrado in semiarid climate at Araripe plateau during a one year period. We found 107 species and 41 families. Fabaceae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Apocynaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Malpighiaceae showed the largest number of species. For 47 of the woody species found, we studied the geographical distribution based on 27 papers of the Brazilian cerrados. Twelve species are of widespread occurence in the cerrado, and 13 are restricted to the Araripe plateau. Zoocory, autocory, and anemocory are the predominant syndromes of dispersal. The predominant life forms were phanerophytes (50.7%), hemicriptophytes (14.9%) and camephytes (13.1%). The cerrado of Araripe have lower species richness than continous cerrados, but a similar pattern of reproductive phenology, dispersal syndromes and life forms in more humid zones.
The study assessed phloem canal development and ultra-structure in shoot apices of Spondias dulcis G. Forst., phloematic canal ultra-structure in shoot apices of Tapirira guianensis Aubl., and floral canal ultra-structure and development and fruit canal ultra-structure of the latter specie. The flower and fruit canals of Anacardium humile St.Hil. were also studied ultra-structurally. The canals in shoot apices of S. dulcis show schizo-lysigenous formation and the floral canals of T. guianensis show schizogenous development. Epithelial cells of S. dulcis and T. guianensis canals have rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes, elongated plastids of several shapes with osmiophilic inclusions and dictyosomes with production of vesicles. Such organelles participate in the secretion of a heterogeneous exudate, which is comprised of hydrophilic and lipophilic substances. The epithelial cells of the fruit of A. humile present elongated plastids with circular membrane system, which are involved in the synthesis of lipophilic substances. The results of the ultra-structural analyses of the epithelial cells corroborate the results previously obtained in a histochemical study. In the histochemical study, lipophilic and hydrophilic substances were identified in the canals of T. guinanensis and S. dulcis and only lipophilic substances were identified in the canals of A. humile. Based on the ultrastructural aspects of the secretory canals of T. guianensis and S. dulcis we concluded that the plastids of the epithelial cells of the two species are different although they produce secretion of similar composition. A new record for the family is the presence of a great number of circular plastids in epithelial cells of the fruit of Anacardium humile. The pattern found in the secretory canals of the studied species is the ecrine type of secretion release.
This article deals with the theme of teacher training from the historical and theoretical perspectives. In the first part, the historical focus is introduced and the trajectory of teacher training in Brazil is examined, dividing it into six periods beginning with the passing of the Law of Schools of First Letters in 1827 and closing with the promulgation of the new law for national education in 1996. The second part deals with theoretical aspects, considering the two basic models of teacher training, their implications for the training of teachers of primary and pre-school education, the dilemma resulting from the contraposition between the two models and the way for overcoming it and concluding with observations on the training of teachers for special education.
Purpose: A survey was carried out on one hundred patients of the Emergency Service of the Ophthalmology Department of the Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in order to analyze the personal characteristics and the barriers against getting resolving ophthalmologic assistance. Variables, were the following: sex, age, home town, average distance between the place of initial symptoms and first visit to the hospital, time spent between the first examination (if performed in any other service) and the examination performed at the Hospital das Clinicas of University of Campinas, diagnosis, veracity of emergency, need to refer patients previously seen in other services to our Service and possibility of assistance and treatment at a secondary level. Methods: The sample showed the following characteristics: distances between 20 and 100 kilometers covered by 50.0% of the patients to be seen at University of Campinas. 75.0% of those patients needed someone to stay with them and 67.0% came from other municipalities. The long distances covered meant additional expenses for the treatment of diseases which should be treated locally. Results: Among the patients referred to University of Campinas by ophthalmologists of other services, 87.5% could have their diseases treated at a secondary level of assistance and 66.7% of real emergencies and 60% of false emergencies took longer than 7 days to reach the emergency room of University of Campinas. This shows the poor infrastructure of secondary services regarding excellence of emergency care and education of patients. Conclusions: We recommend education of general physicians and ophthalmologists for emergency eye care and also the supply of both secondary and tertiary public services or medicare, strategically setup in the whole state of Sao Paulo.