978 resultados para Mt. Washington
O trabalho oferece instruções para a adoção de práticas de conservação do solo e da água, objetivando o controle de processos erosivos); e aplicação otimizada de defensivos agrícolas visando o controle de plantas daninhas, insetos e doenças, com proteção do aplicador e disposição correta das embalagens.
O trabalho foi realizado no Municipio de Querencia, localizado a Nordeste do Estado do Mato Grosso, numa extensa zona de transicao onde a vegetacao de Cerrado e gradualmente substituida pela vegetacao da Floresta Amazonica. O objetivo foi identificar e caracterizar o manejo dos solos de algumas propriedades agricolas e sugerir tecnologias, geradas pela pesquisa que poderao ser validadas na regiao. Com base no cadastro de propriedades elaborado pela EMPAER local, foi feito um levantamento das principais atividades agricolas e do manejo dos solos, por meio de entrevistas, observacoes de campo, abertura de trincheiras, coleta e analise de amostras. O solo mais cultivado no municipio, devido a sua predominancia, e o Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo de textura media a argilosa. A baixa fertilidade natural desse solo, aliada a alta saturacao de aluminio, limita o desenvolvimento das plantas cultivadas. A adicao das cinzas resultante da queima da vegetacao natural, para a producao de graos, reduz a acidez potencial, eleva o pH e adiciona nutrientes a camada superficial. Com o preparo intensivo do solo para o cultivo, realizado com a grade aradora e grade niveladora a quinze centimetros de profundidade, ha formacao de uma camada compactada na subsuperficie. Por outro lado, o calcario utilizado para correcao do solo, e incorporado na camada superficial por meio da grade aradora. Nessas condicoes, as raizes das culturas concentram-se na camada superficial, explorando, consequentemente, pequeno volume de solo. Esses problemas, aliado a baixa capacidade de retencao de agua desses solos, podem causar decrescimos na produtividade das culturas, principalmente nessa regiao onde e frequente a ocorrencia de veranicos. O manejo adequado desse solo, usando a descompactacao e correcao da acidez e fertilidade da camada subsuperficial, associado ao plantio direto de culturas em rotacao, sao alternativas que podem melhorar sua produtividade.
RESUMO: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar genótipos de girassol semeados em segunda safra no ano de 2014 em Campo Novo do Parecis ? MT, no campo experimental do Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com 16 tratamentos (16 genótipos) e quatro repetições. As parcelas experimentais foram constituídas de 4 linhas com 6,5 m de comprimento, com espaçamento entrelinhas de 0,45 m, contendo área de 11,7 m², totalizando uma área de 748m². Foi utilizada a população de 45000 plantas por hectare. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste Scott-Knott, a 5% de probabilidade. Para a massa de mil aquênios, os genótipos que se destacaram foram BRS 323, MG 360 e M734 enquanto que as os mais produtivos foram os genótipos MG 360, AGUARÁ 06, MG 305, AGUARÁ 04, CF 101, SYN 045, GNZ NEON, HELIO 251 e SYN 3950HO. ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate genotypes of sunflower seeded second harvest in the year 2014 in Campus Campo Novo do Parecis, in the experimental field of the Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso. The experimental design was a randomized block design with treatments 16 (16 genotypes) and four replications. The experimental plots consisted of four rows 6.5 m long with row spacing of 0.45 m, containing area of 11.7 m², totaling an area of 748 m². The population of 45000 plants per hectare is used. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and the Scott - Knott test at 5 % probability. For the mass of thousand achenes, genotypes that stood out were BRS 323, MG 360 and M734 while the most productive genotypes were the MG 360, AGUARÁ 06, MG 305, AGUARÁ 04, CF 101, SYN 045, GNZ NEON, HELIO 251 and SYN 3950HO.
Musicians living in the Arab Diaspora around the Washington, D.C. metro area are a small group of multi-faceted individuals with significant contributions and intentions to propagate and disseminate their music. Various levels of identity are discussed and analyzed, including self-identity, group/ collective identity, and Arab ethnic identity. The performance and negotiation of Arab ethnic identity is apparent in selected repertoire, instrumentation, musical style, technique and expression, shared conversations about music, worldview on Arabic music and its future. For some musicians, further evidence of self-construction of one's ethnic identity entails choice of name, costume, and venue. Research completed is based on fieldwork, observations, participant-observations, interviews, and communications by phone and email. This thesis introduces concepts of Arabic music, discusses recent literature, reveals findings from case studies on individual Arab musicians and venues, and analyzes Arab identity and ethnicity in relation to particular definitions of identity found in anthropological and ethnomusicological writings. Musical lyrics, translations, transcriptions, quotes, discussions, analyses, as well as charts and diagrams of self-identity analyses are provided as evidence of the performance and negotiation of Arab identity.
Contemporary globalization has been marked by significant shifts in the organization and governance of global industries. In the 1970s and 1980s, one such shift was characterized by the emergence of buyer-driven and producer-driven commodity chains. In the early 2000s, a more differentiated typology of governance structures was introduced, which focused on new types of coordination in global value chains (GVCs). Today the organization of the global economy is entering another phase, with transformations that are reshaping the governance structures of both GVCs and global capitalism at various levels: (1) the end of the Washington Consensus and the rise of contending centers of economic and political power; (2) a combination of geographic consolidation and value chain concentration in the global supply base, which, in some cases, is shifting bargaining power from lead firms in GVCs to large suppliers in developing economies; (3) new patterns of strategic coordination among value chain actors; (4) a shift in the end markets of many GVCs accelerated by the economic crisis of 2008-09, which is redefining regional geographies of investment and trade; and (5) a diffusion of the GVC approach to major international donor agencies, which is prompting a reformulation of established development paradigms. © 2013 © 2013 Taylor & Francis.
Our research was conducted to improve the timeliness, coordination, and communication during the detection, investigation and decision-making phases of the response to an aerosolized anthrax attack in the metropolitan Washington, DC, area with the goal of reducing casualties. Our research gathered information of the current response protocols through an extensive literature review and interviews with relevant officials and experts in order to identify potential problems that may exist in various steps of the detection, investigation, and response. Interviewing officials from private and government sector agencies allowed the development of a set of models of interactions and a communication network to identify discrepancies and redundancies that would elongate the delay time in initiating a public health response. In addition, we created a computer simulation designed to model an aerosol spread using weather patterns and population density to identify an estimated population of infected individuals within a target region depending on the virulence and dimensions of the weaponized spores. We developed conceptual models in order to design recommendations that would be presented to our collaborating contacts and agencies that would use such policy and analysis interventions to improve upon the overall response to an aerosolized anthrax attack, primarily through changes to emergency protocol functions and suggestions of technological detection and monitoring response to an aerosolized anthrax attack.