439 resultados para Mounds
The HERMES cold-water coral database is a combination of historical and published sclerectinia cold-water coral occurrences (mainly Lophelia pertusa) and new records of the HERMES project along the European margin. This database will be updated if new findings are reported. New or historical data can be sent to Ben De Mol (mailto:bendemol@ub.edu). Besides geocodes a second category indicates the coral species and if they are sampled alive or dead. If absolute dating is available of the corals this is provide together with the method. Only the framework building cold-water corals are selected: Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata and common cold-water corals often associated with the framework builders like: Desmophyllum sp and Dendrophylia sp. in comments other observed corals are indicated. Another field indicates if the corals are part of a large build-up or solitary. A third category of parameters is referencing to the quality of the represented data. In this category are the following parameters indicated: source of reference, source type (such as Fishermen location, scientific paper, cruise reports). sample code and or name and sample type (e.g. rock dredge, grab, video line). These parameters must allow an assessment of the quality of the described parameters.
On Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54, we recovered upper Pliocene (Globigerinoides obliquus: PL6 zone) to Pleistocene sediments from the equatorial East Pacific Rise (EPR) and Galapagos spreading center (GSC). Progressively older sediments were drilled at increasing distances from the crest, with the exception of the sediment drilled in the deepest trough known in the Siqueiros fracture zone. The anomalous age obtained at the latter site suggests that the basalt which was drilled may represent fracture zone volcanism. Paleoenvironmental analysis using the planktonic foraminifers at the EPR sites indicated the presence of environmental cycles of shorter wave length during the interval from 0 to 0.24 Ma, whereas cycles of longer wave length occurred from 0.43 to 2.17 Ma. The planktonic foraminiferal taphocoenoses at the EPR sites were strongly affected by selective dissolution which indicated that these EPR sites have been near either the lysocline or carbonate compensation surface since the upper Pliocene. The planktonic foraminiferal thanatocoenoses at the GSC sites were preserved better than those at the EPR sites. The number of planktonic foraminiferal species generally was greatly reduced in the green mud associated with the GSC hydrothermal mounds. More species were found in older than in younger green mud; this suggests that there probably was an increase in the rate of production of green mud sometime after the initiation of the hydrothermal system.