980 resultados para Motor learning


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Este estudo investigou o efeito da interferência contextual (IC) na aquisição do serviço do voleibol em adolescentes com diferentes níveis de habilidade, considerando os testes de transferência imediato e retardado. A amostra foi composta por 56 meninas com idade entre 14 e 16 anos, distribuídas em quatro grupos de prática: aleatório com nível superior de habilidade (GAS), blocos com nível superior de habilidade (GBS), aleatório com nível inferior de habilidade (GAI) e blocos com nível inferior de habilidade (GBI). A tarefa motora consistiu dos serviços por baixo e por cima direcionados a alvos na quadra. Os resultados mostraram que o efeito da IC não foi observado nos grupos GAI e GBI, por outro lado, os grupos GAS e GBS apresentaram melhor desempenho no teste de transferência imediato. A ausência de diferenças significativas no teste de transferência retardado sugere que o efeito da IC pode ser temporário.


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Quando o profissional da área de Educação Física está ensinando uma habilidade motora, ele procura avaliar o movimento realizado pelo aluno e reflete sobre quais intervenções poderiam ser feitas naquele momento. No entanto, muitas vezes, o professor não dispõe de recursos que possam auxiliá-lo no processo de avaliação do movimento a ser aprendido pelo aluno. O processo de aquisição habilidades motoras poderia ser facilitado se o professor dispusesse nesse momento de um instrumento que identificasse o erro(s) cometido(s), bem como, qual seria a informação prioritária a ser fornecida ao aprendiz. Portanto, como a literatura especializada apresenta escassez no que diz respeito a esse tipo de ferramenta, o objetivo do presente estudo foi construir, validar e testar a objetividade e fidedignidade de um instrumento (checklist) que avalia a qualidade do arremesso do basquetebol (lance livre). O checklist da habilidade foi desenvolvido e avaliado por especialistas da modalidade esportiva e, posteriormente, o checklist foi utilizado para analisar 10 arremessos (vídeo editado) de quatro indivíduos em diferentes fases de aprendizagem da habilidade. Os resultados foram organizados em função do erro crítico e somatória de erros verificados pelos especialistas em duas ocasiões com uma semana de intervalo. Contrastando as avaliações do mesmo avaliador e entre avaliadores, em ambas as medidas, observou-se um nível de erro médio de 16,9%. Concluiu-se, portanto que o checklist proposto no presente estudo é um instrumento de avaliação do lance livre consistente e, nesse sentido, pode auxiliar professores e técnicos na análise qualitativa do arremesso. Além disso, esse instrumento de avaliação permite fazer inferências sobre o processo de aprendizagem de indivíduos nessa habilidade.


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[ES] El propósito de este artículo es describir el proceso de la planificación de aprendizajes motores y de desarrollo de la condición física en el contexto escolar, analizando las circunstancias que rodean a este proceso, con el fin de orientar a los profesores a planificar y que garanticen cierta eficacia en la intervención.


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Somatostatin ist ein Molekül mit multifunktinonellem Charakter, dem Neurotransmitter-, Neuromodulator- und (Neuro)-Hormoneigenschaften zugeschrieben werden. Gemäß seiner ubiquitären Verteilung in Geweben beeinflusst es Stoffwechsel- und Entwicklungsprozesse, bis hin zu Lern-und Gedächtnisleistungen. Diese Wirkungen resultieren aus dem lokalen und zeitlichen Zusammenspiel eines Liganden und fünf G-Protein gekoppelter Rezeptoren (SSTR1-5). Zur Charakterisierung der biologischen Bedeutung des Somatostatin-Systems im Gesamtorganismus wurde eine Mutationsanalyse einzelner Systemkomponenten durchgeführt. Sie umfaßte die Inaktivierung der Gene für das Somatostatin-Präpropeptid und die der Rezeptoren SSTR3 und SSTR4 durch Gene Targeting. Die entsprechenden Ausfallmutationen belegen: Weder die Rezeptoren 3 und 4, noch Somatostatin sind für das Überleben des Organismus unter Standardhaltungsbedingungen notwendig. Die entsprechenden Mauslinien zeigen keine unmittelbar auffälligen Einschränkungen ihrer Biologie. Die Somatostatin-Nullmaus wurde zum Hauptgegenstand einer detaillierten Untersuchung aufgrund der übergeordneten Position des Liganden in der Signalkaskade und verfügbaren Hinweisen zu seiner Funktion. Folgende Schlußfolgerungen konnten nach eingehender Analyse gezogen werden: Der Ausfall des Somatostatin-Gens hat erhöhte Plasmakonzentrationen an Wachstumshormon (GH) zur Konsequenz. Dies steht im Einklang mit der Rolle Somatostatins als hemmender Faktor der Wachstumshormon-Freisetzung, die in der Mutante aufgehoben ist. Durch die Somatostatin-Nullmaus wurde zudem deutlich: Somatostatin interagiert als wesentliches Bindeglied zwischen der Wachstums- und Streßachse. Permanent erhöhte Corticosteron-Werte in den Mutanten implizieren einen negativen tonischen Einfluß für die Sekretion von Glukocorticoiden in vivo. Damit zeigt die Knockout-Maus, daß Somatostatin normalerweise als ein entscheidendes inhibierendes Kontrollelement der Steroidfreisetzung fungiert. Verhaltensversuche offenbarten ein Defizit im motorischen Lernen. Somatostatin-Nullmäuse bleiben im Lernparadigma “Rotierender Stabtest” hinter ihren Artgenossen zurück ohne aber generell in Motorik oder Koordination eingeschränkt zu sein. Diese motorischen Lernvorgänge sind von einem funktionierenden Kleinhirn abhängig. Da Somatostatin und seine Rezeptoren kaum im adulten, wohl aber im sich entwickelnden Kleinhirn auftreten, belegt dieses Ergebnis die Funktion transient in der Entwicklung exprimierter Neuropeptide – eine lang bestehende, aber bislang experimentell nicht nachgewiesene Hypothese. Die Überprüfung weiterer physiologischer Parameter und Verhaltenskategorien unter Standard-Laborbedingunggen ergab keine sichtbaren Abweichungen im Vergleich zu Wildtyp-Mäusen. Damit steht nun ein Tiermodell zur weiterführenden Analyse für die Somatostatin-Forschung bereit: In endokrinologischen, elektrophysiologischen und verhaltens-biologischen Experimenten ist nun eine unmittelbare Korrelation selektiv mit dem Somatostatin-Peptid bzw. mit den Rezeptoren 3 und 4 aber auch in Kombination der Ausfallmutationen nach entsprechenden Kreuzungen möglich.


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Die Frage wie großmotorische Bewegungen gelernt werden beschäftigt nicht nur Sportler, Trainer und Sportlehrer sondern auch Ärzte und Physiotherapeuten. Die sportwissenschaftlichen Teildisziplinen Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft versuchen diese Frage sowohl im Sinne der Grundlagenforschung (Wie funktioniert Bewegungslernen?) als auch hinsichtlich der praktischen Konsequenzen (Wie lehrt man Bewegungen?) zu beantworten. Innerhalb dieser Themenfelder existieren Modelle, die Bewegungslernen als gezielte und extern unterstützte Ausbildung zentralnervöser Bewegungsprogramme verstehen und solche, die Lernen als Selbstorganisationsprozess interpretieren. Letzteren ist das Differenzielle Lernen und Lehren (Schöllhorn, 1999) zuzuordnen, das die Notwendigkeit betont, Bewegungen durch die Steigerung der Variationen während der Aneignungsphase zu lernen und zu lehren. Durch eine Vielzahl an Variationen, so die Modellannahme, findet der Lernende ohne externe Vorgaben selbstorganisiert ein individuelles situatives Optimum. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, welchen Einfluss Variationen verschiedener Art und Größe auf die Lern- und Aneignungsleistung großmotorischer Bewegungen haben und in wie fern personenübergreifende Optima existieren. In zwei Experimenten wird der Einfluss von räumlichen (Bewegungsausführung, Bewegungsergebnis) und zeitlichen Variationen (zeitliche Verteilung der Trainingsreize) auf die Aneignungs- und Lernleistung großmotorischer sportlicher Bewegungen am Beispiel zweier technischer Grundfertigkeiten des Hallenhockeys untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Experimente stützen die bisherige Befundlage zum Differenziellen Lernen und Lehren, wonach eine Zunahme an Variation in der Aneignungsphase zu größeren Aneignungs- und Lernleistungen führt. Zusätzlich wird die Annahme bestätigt, dass ein Zusammenhang von Variationsbereich und Lernrate in Form eines Optimaltrends vorliegt. Neu sind die Hinweise auf die Dynamik von motorischen Lernprozessen (Experiment 1). Hier scheinen individuelle Faktoren (z. B. die Lernbiografie) als auch die Phase im Lernprozess (Aneignung, Lernen) Einfluss zu haben auf den Umfang und die Struktur eines für die optimale Adaptation notwendigen Variationsbereichs. Darüber hinaus weisen die Befunde auf verschiedene Aneignungs- und Lerneffekte aufgrund alleiniger Variation der zeitlichen Verteilung bei ansonsten gleichen Trainingsreizen hin (Experiment 2). Für zukünftige Forschungsarbeiten zum Erlernen großmotorischer Bewegungen und für die sportliche Praxis dürfte es daher erkenntnisreich sein, die Historie der intrinsischen Dynamik der lernenden Systeme stärker zu berücksichtigen. Neben Fragestellungen für die Grundlagenforschung zum (Bewegungs-)Lernen ließen sich hieraus unmittelbar praxisrelevante Erkenntnisse darüber ableiten, wie Bewegungslernprozesse mittels verschiedener Variationsbereiche strukturiert und gesteuert werden könnten.


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Patients with homonymous hemianopia have altered visual search patterns, but it is unclear how rapidly this develops and whether it reflects a strategic adaptation to altered perception or plastic changes to tissue damage. To study the temporal dynamics of adaptation alone, we used a gaze-contingent display to simulate left or right hemianopia in 10 healthy individuals as they performed 25 visual search trials. Visual search was slower and less accurate in hemianopic than in full-field viewing. With full-field viewing, there were improvements in search speed, fixation density, and number of fixations over the first 9 trials, then stable performance. With hemianopic viewing, there was a rapid shift of fixation into the blind field over the first 5-7 trials, followed by continuing gradual improvements in completion time, number of fixations, and fixation density over all 25 trials. We conclude that in the first minutes after onset of hemianopia, there is a biphasic pattern of adaptation to altered perception: an early rapid qualitative change that shifts visual search into the blind side, followed by more gradual gains in the efficiency of using this new strategy, a pattern that has parallels in other studies of motor learning.


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We have developed a haptic-based approach for retraining of interjoint coordination following stroke called time-independent functional training (TIFT) and implemented this mode in the ARMin III robotic exoskeleton. The ARMin III robot was developed by Drs. Robert Riener and Tobias Nef at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich, or ETH Zurich), in Zurich, Switzerland. In the TIFT mode, the robot maintains arm movements within the proper kinematic trajectory via haptic walls at each joint. These arm movements focus training of interjoint coordination with highly intuitive real-time feedback of performance; arm movements advance within the trajectory only if their movement coordination is correct. In initial testing, 37 nondisabled subjects received a single session of learning of a complex pattern. Subjects were randomized to TIFT or visual demonstration or moved along with the robot as it moved though the pattern (time-dependent [TD] training). We examined visual demonstration to separate the effects of action observation on motor learning from the effects of the two haptic guidance methods. During these training trials, TIFT subjects reduced error and interaction forces between the robot and arm, while TD subject performance did not change. All groups showed significant learning of the trajectory during unassisted recall trials, but we observed no difference in learning between groups, possibly because this learning task is dominated by vision. Further testing in stroke populations is warranted.


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Gap junctions between neurons form the structural substrate for electrical synapses. Connexin 36 (Cx36, and its non-mammalian ortholog connexin 35) is the major neuronal gap junction protein in the central nervous system (CNS), and contributes to several important neuronal functions including neuronal synchronization, signal averaging, network oscillations, and motor learning. Connexin 36 is strongly expressed in the retina, where it is an obligatory component of the high-sensitivity rod photoreceptor pathway. A fundamental requirement of the retina is to adapt to broadly varying inputs in order to maintain a dynamic range of signaling output. Modulation of the strength of electrical coupling between networks of retinal neurons, including the Cx36-coupled AII amacrine cell in the primary rod circuit, is a hallmark of retinal luminance adaptation. However, very little is known about the mechanisms regulating dynamic modulation of Cx36-mediated coupling. The primary goal of this work was to understand how cellular signaling mechanisms regulate coupling through Cx36 gap junctions. We began by developing and characterizing phospho-specific antibodies against key regulatory phosphorylation sites on Cx36. Using these tools we showed that phosphorylation of Cx35 in fish models varies with light adaptation state, and is modulated by acute changes in background illumination. We next turned our focus to the well-studied and readily identifiable AII amacrine cell in mammalian retina. Using this model we showed that increased phosphorylation of Cx36 is directly related to increased coupling through these gap junctions, and that the dopamine-stimulated uncoupling of the AII network is mediated by dephosphorylation of Cx36 via protein kinase A-stimulated protein phosphatase 2A activity. We then showed that increased phosphorylation of Cx36 on the AII amacrine network is driven by depolarization of presynaptic ON-type bipolar cells as well as background light increments. This increase in phosphorylation is mediated by activation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors associated with Cx36 gap junctions on AII amacrine cells and by Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II activation. Finally, these studies indicated that coupling is regulated locally at individual gap junction plaques. This work provides a framework for future study of regulation of Cx36-mediated coupling, in which increased phosphorylation of Cx36 indicates increased neuronal coupling.


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Many rehabilitation robots use electric motors with gears. The backdrivability of geared drives is poor due to friction. While it is common practice to use velocity measurements to compensate for kinetic friction, breakaway friction usually cannot be compensated for without the use of an additional force sensor that directly measures the interaction force between the human and the robot. Therefore, in robots without force sensors, subjects must overcome a large breakaway torque to initiate user-driven movements, which are important for motor learning. In this technical note, a new methodology to compensate for both kinetic and breakaway friction is presented. The basic strategy is to take advantage of the fact that, for rehabilitation exercises, the direction of the desired motion is often known. By applying the new method to three implementation examples, including drives with gear reduction ratios 100-435, the peak breakaway torque could be reduced by 60-80%.


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A model for cerebellar involvement in motor learning was tested using classical eyelid conditioning in the rabbit. Briefly, we assume that modifications of the strength of granule cell synapses at Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex and mossy fiber (MF) synapses at cerebellar interpositus nuclei are responsible for the acquisition, adaptively-timed expression, and extinction of conditioned eyelid responses (CRs). A corollary of these assumptions is that the cerebellar cortex is necessary for acquisition and extinction. This model also suggests a mechanism whereby the cerebellar cortex can discriminate different times during a conditioned stimulus (CS) and thus mediate the learned timing of CRs. Therefore, experiments were done to determine the role of the cerebellar cortex in the timing, extinction, and acquisition of CRs. Lesions of the cerebellar cortex that included the anterior lobe disrupted the learned timing of CRs such that they occurred at extremely short latencies. Stimulation of MFs in the middle cerebellar peduncle as the CS could support differently timed CRs in the same animal. These data indicate that synaptic plasticity in the cerebellar cortex mediates the learned timing of CRs. These short-latency CRs which resulted from anterior lobe damage did not extinguish, while CRs in animals receiving lesions which did not include the anterior lobe extinguished normally. Preliminary data suggests that lesions of the anterior lobe which produce short-latency responses prevent the acquisition of CRs to a novel CS. These findings indicate that the anterior lobe of cerebellar cortex is necessary for eyelid conditioning. The involvement of the anterior lobe in eyelid conditioning has not been previously reported, however, the anterior lobe has generally been spared in lesion studies examining cerebellar cortex involvement in eyelid conditioning due to its relatively inaccessible location. The observation that the anterior lobe of the cerebellar cortex is not always required for the basic expression of CRs, but is necessary for response timing, extinction, and acquisition, is consistent with the hypothesis that eyelid conditioning can involve plasticity in both the cerebellar cortex and interpositus nucleus and that plasticity in the nucleus is controlled by Purkinje cell activity. ^


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La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) prevé que para el año 2020, el Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) estará entre las 10 causas más comunes de discapacidad. Estas lesiones, dadas sus consecuencias físicas, sensoriales, cognitivas, emocionales y socioeconómicas, cambian dramáticamente la vida de los pacientes y sus familias. Las nuevas técnicas de intervención precoz y el desarrollo de la medicina intensiva en la atención al DCA han mejorado notablemente la probabilidad de supervivencia. Sin embargo, hoy por hoy, las lesiones cerebrales no tienen ningún tratamiento quirúrgico que tenga por objetivo restablecer la funcionalidad perdida, sino que las terapias rehabilitadoras se dirigen hacia la compensación de los déficits producidos. Uno de los objetivos principales de la neurorrehabilitación es, por tanto, dotar al paciente de la capacidad necesaria para ejecutar las Actividades de Vida Diaria (AVDs) necesarias para desarrollar una vida independiente, siendo fundamentales aquellas en las que la Extremidad Superior (ES) está directamente implicada, dada su gran importancia a la hora de la manipulación de objetos. Con la incorporación de nuevas soluciones tecnológicas al proceso de neurorrehabilitación se pretende alcanzar un nuevo paradigma centrado en ofrecer una práctica personalizada, monitorizada y ubicua con una valoración continua de la eficacia y de la eficiencia de los procedimientos y con capacidad de generar conocimientos que impulsen la ruptura del paradigma de actual. Los nuevos objetivos consistirán en minimizar el impacto de las enfermedades que afectan a la capacidad funcional de las personas, disminuir el tiempo de incapacidad y permitir una gestión más eficiente de los recursos. Estos objetivos clínicos, de gran impacto socio-económico, sólo pueden alcanzarse desde una apuesta decidida en nuevas tecnologías, metodologías y algoritmos capaces de ocasionar la ruptura tecnológica necesaria que permita superar las barreras que hasta el momento han impedido la penetración tecnológica en el campo de la rehabilitación de manera universal. De esta forma, los trabajos y resultados alcanzados en la Tesis son los siguientes: 1. Modelado de AVDs: como paso previo a la incorporación de ayudas tecnológicas al proceso rehabilitador, se hace necesaria una primera fase de modelado y formalización del conocimiento asociado a la ejecución de las actividades que se realizan como parte de la terapia. En particular, las tareas más complejas y a su vez con mayor repercusión terapéutica son las AVDs, cuya formalización permitirá disponer de modelos de movimiento sanos que actuarán de referencia para futuros desarrollos tecnológicos dirigidos a personas con DCA. Siguiendo una metodología basada en diagramas de estados UML se han modelado las AVDs 'servir agua de una jarra' y 'coger un botella' 2. Monitorización ubícua del movimiento de la ES: se ha diseñado, desarrollado y validado un sistema de adquisición de movimiento basado en tecnología inercial que mejora las limitaciones de los dispositivos comerciales actuales (coste muy elevado e incapacidad para trabajar en entornos no controlados); los altos coeficientes de correlación y los bajos niveles de error obtenidos en los corregistros llevados a cabo con el sistema comercial BTS SMART-D demuestran la alta precisión del sistema. También se ha realizado un trabajo de investigación exploratorio de un sistema de captura de movimiento de coste muy reducido basado en visión estereoscópica, habiéndose detectado los puntos clave donde se hace necesario incidir desde un punto de vista tecnológico para su incorporación en un entorno real 3. Resolución del Problema Cinemático Inverso (PCI): se ha diseñado, desarrollado y validado una solución al PCI cuando el manipulador se corresponde con una ES humana estudiándose 2 posibles alternativas, una basada en la utilización de un Perceptrón Multicapa (PMC) y otra basada en sistemas Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). La validación, llevada a cabo utilizando información relativa a los modelos disponibles de AVDs, indica que una solución basada en un PMC con 3 neuronas en la capa de entrada, una capa oculta también de 3 neuronas y una capa de salida con tantas neuronas como Grados de Libertad (GdLs) tenga el modelo de la ES, proporciona resultados, tanto de precisión como de tiempo de cálculo, que la hacen idónea para trabajar en sistemas con requisitos de tiempo real 4. Control inteligente assisted-as-needed: se ha diseñado, desarrollado y validado un algoritmo de control assisted-as-needed para una ortesis robótica con capacidades de actuación anticipatoria de la que existe un prototipo implementado en la actualidad. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran cómo el sistema es capaz de adaptarse al perfil disfuncional del paciente activando la ayuda en instantes anteriores a la ocurrencia de movimientos incorrectos. Esta estrategia implica un aumento en la participación del paciente y, por tanto, en su actividad muscular, fomentándose los procesos la plasticidad cerebral responsables del reaprendizaje o readaptación motora 5. Simuladores robóticos para planificación: se propone la utilización de un simulador robótico assisted-as-needed como herramienta de planificación de sesiones de rehabilitación personalizadas y con un objetivo clínico marcado en las que interviene una ortesis robotizada. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian como, tras la ejecución de ciertos algoritmos sencillos, es posible seleccionar automáticamente una configuración para el algoritmo de control assisted-as-needed que consigue que la ortesis se adapte a los criterios establecidos desde un punto de vista clínico en función del paciente estudiado. Estos resultados invitan a profundizar en el desarrollo de algoritmos más avanzados de selección de parámetros a partir de baterías de simulaciones Estos trabajos han servido para corroborar las hipótesis de investigación planteadas al inicio de la misma, permitiendo, asimismo, la apertura de nuevas líneas de investigación. Summary The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that by the year 2020, Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) will be among the ten most common ailments. These injuries dramatically change the life of the patients and their families due to their physical, sensory, cognitive, emotional and socio-economic consequences. New techniques of early intervention and the development of intensive ABI care have noticeably improved the survival rate. However, in spite of these advances, brain injuries still have no surgical or pharmacological treatment to re-establish the lost functions. Neurorehabilitation therapies address this problem by restoring, minimizing or compensating the functional alterations in a person disabled because of a nervous system injury. One of the main objectives of Neurorehabilitation is to provide patients with the capacity to perform specific Activities of the Daily Life (ADL) required for an independent life, especially those in which the Upper Limb (UL) is directly involved due to its great importance in manipulating objects within the patients' environment. The incorporation of new technological aids to the neurorehabilitation process tries to reach a new paradigm focused on offering a personalized, monitored and ubiquitous practise with continuous assessment of both the efficacy and the efficiency of the procedures and with the capacity of generating new knowledge. New targets will be to minimize the impact of the sicknesses affecting the functional capabilitiies of the subjects, to decrease the time of the physical handicap and to allow a more efficient resources handling. These targets, of a great socio-economic impact, can only be achieved by means of new technologies and algorithms able to provoke the technological break needed to beat the barriers that are stopping the universal penetration of the technology in the field of rehabilitation. In this way, this PhD Thesis has achieved the following results: 1. ADL Modeling: as a previous step to the incorporation of technological aids to the neurorehabilitation process, it is necessary a first modelling and formalization phase of the knowledge associated to the execution of the activities that are performed as a part of the therapy. In particular, the most complex and therapeutically relevant tasks are the ADLs, whose formalization will produce healthy motion models to be used as a reference for future technological developments. Following a methodology based on UML state-chart diagrams, the ADLs 'serving water from a jar' and 'picking up a bottle' have been modelled 2. Ubiquitous monitoring of the UL movement: it has been designed, developed and validated a motion acquisition system based on inertial technology that improves the limitations of the current devices (high monetary cost and inability of working within uncontrolled environments); the high correlation coefficients and the low error levels obtained throughout several co-registration sessions with the commercial sys- tem BTS SMART-D show the high precision of the system. Besides an exploration of a very low cost stereoscopic vision-based motion capture system has been carried out and the key points where it is necessary to insist from a technological point of view have been detected 3. Inverse Kinematics (IK) problem solving: a solution to the IK problem has been proposed for a manipulator that corresponds to a human UL. This solution has been faced by means of two different alternatives, one based on a Mulilayer Perceptron (MLP) and another based on Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). The validation of these solutions, carried out using the information regarding the previously generated motion models, indicate that a MLP-based solution, with an architecture consisting in 3 neurons in the input layer, one hidden layer of 3 neurons and an output layer with as many neurons as the number of Degrees of Freedom (DoFs) that the UL model has, is the one that provides the best results both in terms of precission and in terms of processing time, making in idoneous to be integrated within a system with real time restrictions 4. Assisted-as-needed intelligent control: an assisted-as-needed control algorithm with anticipatory actuation capabilities has been designed, developed and validated for a robotic orthosis of which there is an already implemented prototype. Obtained results demonstrate that the control system is able to adapt to the dysfunctional profile of the patient by triggering the assistance right before an incorrect movement is going to take place. This strategy implies an increase in the participation of the patients and in his or her muscle activity, encouraging the neural plasticity processes in charge of the motor learning 5. Planification with a robotic simulator: in this work a robotic simulator is proposed as a planification tool for personalized rehabilitation sessions under a certain clinical criterium. Obtained results indicate that, after the execution of simple parameter selection algorithms, it is possible to automatically choose a specific configuration that makes the assisted-as-needed control algorithm to adapt both to the clinical criteria and to the patient. These results invite researchers to work in the development of more complex parameter selection algorithms departing from simulation batteries Obtained results have been useful to corroborate the hypotheses set out at the beginning of this PhD Thesis. Besides, they have allowed the creation of new research lines in all the studied application fields.


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Diverse roles in cellular functions have been ascribed to nitric oxide (NO), and its involvement in induction of long-term depression in cerebellar Purkinje cells has been demonstrated. Manipulations of NO concentration or its synthesis in cerebellar tissues therefore provide a means for investigating roles of NO in cerebellar functions at both cellular and behavioral levels. We tested adaptive control of locomotion to perturbation in cats, and found that this form of motor learning was abolished by application of either an inhibitor of NO synthase or a scavenger of NO to the cerebellar cortical locomotion area. This finding supports the view that NO in the cerebellum plays a key role in motor learning.


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Knock-in mice were generated that harbored a leucine-to-serine mutation in the α4 nicotinic receptor near the gate in the channel pore. Mice with intact expression of this hypersensitive receptor display dominant neonatal lethality. These mice have a severe deficit of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, possibly because the hypersensitive receptors are continuously activated by normal extracellular choline concentrations. A strain that retains the neo selection cassette in an intron has reduced expression of the hypersensitive receptor and is viable and fertile. The viable mice display increased anxiety, poor motor learning, excessive ambulation that is eliminated by very low levels of nicotine, and a reduction of nigrostriatal dopaminergic function upon aging. These knock-in mice provide useful insights into the pathophysiology of sustained nicotinic receptor activation and may provide a model for Parkinson's disease.


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To investigate the control mechanisms used in adapting to position-dependent forces, subjects performed 150 horizontal reaching movements over 25 cm in the presence of a position-dependent parabolic force field (PF). The PF acted only over the first 10 cm of the movement. On every fifth trial, a virtual mechanical guide (double wall) constrained subjects to move along a straight-line path between the start and target positions. Its purpose was to register lateral force to track formation of an internal model of the force field, and to look for evidence of possible alternative adaptive strategies. The force field produced a force to the right, which initially caused subjects to deviate in that direction. They reacted by producing deviations to the left, into the force field, as early as the second trial. Further adaptation resulted in rapid exponential reduction of kinematic error in the latter portion of the movement, where the greatest perturbation to the handpath was initially observed, whereas there was little modification of the handpath in the region where the PF was active. Significant force directed to counteract the PF was measured on the first guided trial, and was modified during the first half of the learning set. The total force impulse in the region of the PF increased throughout the learning trials, but it always remained less than that produced by the PF. The force profile did not resemble a mirror image of the PF in that it tended to be more trapezoidal than parabolic in shape. As in previous studies of force-field adaptation, we found that changes in muscle activation involved a general increase in the activity of all muscles, which increased arm stiffness, and selectively-greater increases in the activation of muscles which counteracted the PF. With training, activation was exponentially reduced, albeit more slowly than kinematic error. Progressive changes in kinematics and EMG occurred predominantly in the region of the workspace beyond the force field. We suggest that constraints on muscle mechanics limit the ability of the central nervous system to employ an inverse dynamics model to nullify impulse-like forces by generating mirror-image forces. Consequently, subjects adopted a strategy of slightly overcompensating for the first half of the force field, then allowing the force field to push them in the opposite direction. Muscle activity patterns in the region beyond the boundary of the force field were subsequently adjusted because of the relatively-slow response of the second-order mechanics of muscle impedance to the force impulse.