977 resultados para Motor assessment
Quantitative measures of human movement quality are important for discriminating healthy and pathological conditions and for expressing the outcomes and clinically important changes in subjects' functional state. However the most frequently used instruments for the upper extremity functional assessment are clinical scales, that previously have been standardized and validated, but have a high subjective component depending on the observer who scores the test. But they are not enough to assess motor strategies used during movements, and their use in combination with other more objective measures is necessary. The objective of the present review is to provide an overview on objective metrics found in literature with the aim of quantifying the upper extremity performance during functional tasks, regardless of the equipment or system used for registering kinematic data.
Durante los últimos años, la construcción de grandes yates ha evolucionado hacia conceptos y diseños más complejos dónde se ha priorizado en muchas ocasiones la estética arquitectónica y exigencias de confort de los armadores y operadores dejando en segundo plano aspectos clave de seguridad. Diferentes Organismos Internacionales y las Sociedades de Clasificación han venido adaptando sus requisitos a la problemática específica de este tipo de buques, tratando de compatibilizar tendencias de diseño con exigencias de resistencia, integridad estructural, estanqueidad y seguridad entre otras. En la actualidad, la construcción de grandes yates con esloras incluso por encima de los 100 metros, el aumento del número de pasajeros por encima del límite tradicional de 12, las nuevas tendencias de ahorro energético y protección medioambiental que se están implantando en la industria en general y marítima en particular, plantean una serie de desafíos tanto a los diseñadores como a las Sociedades de Clasificación que deben avanzar en sus reglamentaciones para cubrir estos y otros aspectos. Son precisamente estos aspectos medioambientales, tradicionalmente relegados en la industria de grandes yates los que están ocupando en la actualidad un primer plano en los desarrollos de normativa de diferentes Organismos Internacionales y Nacionales. El impacto que estas nuevas normativas van a tener sobre el diseño de grandes yates a motor centra el desarrollo de esta Tesis. Hasta donde ha podido conocer el doctorando, esta es la primera vez que en una Tesis Doctoral se abordan los principales mecanismos que regulan el diseño y la construcción de grandes yates a motor, se estudian y analizan las regulaciones internacionales en materia de protección medioambiental y de eficiencia energética aplicables a los yates, se seleccionan y describen un conjunto de tecnologías maduras de carácter medioambiental, susceptibles de ser empleadas en yates y se determina los parámetros y aspectos del diseño a aplicar al proyecto de grandes yates a motor como resultado de la aplicación de estas tecnologías, analizados bajo la perspectiva de la Sociedad de Clasificación y de los Organismos Internacionales. La Tesis comienza con un análisis de la industria de construcción de grandes yates, la flota existente de grandes yates, la cartera actual de pedidos y la evolución esperada del mercado. Aquí se pone de manifiesto que a pesar de la crisis económica global de los últimos años, este mercado goza relativamente de buena salud y las previsiones son favorables, particularmente para el sector en Europa. A continuación se aborda el estado del arte del diseño de yate grande, sus peculiaridades, particularmente estructurales y de armamento, que le diferencian de otros tipos de buques y las tendencias en su diseño. Se pone de manifiesto cómo el proyecto de estos yates ha evolucionado hacia yates de gran tamaño y complejidad técnica, debido a la demanda y necesidades actuales y cómo ha influido en aspectos como la disposición estructural. Seguidamente se describen los principales mecanismos que regulan el diseño y construcción de grandes yates, particularmente el Código de Grandes Yates Comerciales de la Maritime & Coastguard Agency del Reino Unido, y las Reglas y Reglamentos de la Sociedad de Clasificación Lloyd’s Register para la Clasificación de yates; por ser ambas organizaciones las que lideran el Registro y la Clasificación respectivamente de este tipo de buques, objeto del estudio. El doctorando ejerce su actividad profesional como inspector de Lloyd’s Register en una oficina técnica de apoyo y evaluación de diseño, siendo especialista en grandes yates, lo que ha permitido exponer de primera mano el punto de vista de la Sociedad de Clasificación. En el siguiente Capítulo se describen las principales reglamentaciones internacionales de carácter medioambiental que afectan al diseño, construcción y operación de los yates, algunas de las cuales, como es el caso del Convenio Internacional para el Control y la Gestión del Agua de Lastre y Sedimentos de los buques (BWM 2004) aún no ha entrado en vigor a la fecha de terminación de esta Tesis. Seguidamente se realiza una selección de tecnologías desde el punto de vista de protección medioambiental y ahorro energético y su aplicación al diseño y construcción de grandes yates. Algunas de estas tecnologías son maduras y ya habían sido utilizadas con éxito en otros tipos de buques, pero su aplicación a los yates entraña ciertos desafíos que se describen en este Capítulo. A continuación se determinan y analizan los principales parámetros de diseño de los yates grandes a motor como consecuencia de las tecnologías estudiadas y se indican una serie de aspectos de diseño bajo la perspectiva de la Sociedad de Clasificación y de los Organismos Marítimos Internacionales. Finalmente se llega a una serie de conclusiones y se identifican futuras líneas de investigación en relación a las tecnologías descritas en este trabajo. ABSTRACT In recent years, the building of large yachts has evolved into more complex concepts and designs where often prioritized architectural aesthetics and comfort requirements of owners and operators leaving in the background key security aspects. Several international organizations and classification societies have been adapting their requirements to the specific problems of this type of vessel, trying to reconcile demands design trends with resistance, structural integrity, watertightness and safety among others. At present, the building of large yachts with lengths even above 100 meters, the increase in passenger numbers over the traditional limit of 12, new trends of energy saving and environmental protection are being implemented in the marine industry in particular, they pose a number of challenges to both designers and classification societies that should update and improve their regulations to cover these and other aspects. It is precisely these environmental issues, traditionally relegated to the large yacht industry, which are currently occupying center stage in the development of rules of different international and national bodies. The impact that these new standards will have on the design of large motor yachts focuses the development of this thesis. As far as it is known, this is the first time in a doctoral thesis the main mechanisms regulating the design and construction of large motor yachts are addressed, the international regulations on environmental protection and energy efficiency requirements for yachts are studied and analyzed, a set of mature environmental technologies, capable of being applied to yachts are selected and described, the parameters and design aspects to be applied to large yacht projects as a result of the application of these technologies are determined and analyzed from the perspective of the Classification Society and international organizations. The thesis begins with an analysis of the shipbuilding industry of large yachts, the existing fleet of large yachts, the current backlog and the expected market developments. Here it becomes clear that despite the global economic crisis of recent years, this market enjoys relatively good health and prospects are favorable, particularly for the sector in Europe. Then the state of the art of large yacht design, its peculiarities, particularly structural and outfitting, that differentiate it from other types of ships and trends in design is discussed. It shows how the project of these yachts has evolved to large yachts and technical complexity, due to the demand and needs and how it has influenced the structural arrangement aspects. Then the main mechanisms regulating the design and construction of large yachts, particularly the Large Commercial Yacht Code developed by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (UK) and the Lloyd’s Register Rules & Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft including yachts are described; the two organizations to be leading the registration and classification respectively of such vessels under study. The doctoral student practices his profession as a senior specialist to Lloyd’s Register in a technical support office, dealing with the design assessment of large yachts, which allowed exposing firsthand view of the Classification Society. In the next chapter describes the main international environmental regulations, affecting the design, construction and operation of yachts, some of which, such as the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM 2004) has not yet entered into force at the date of completion of this thesis. Following is a selection of technologies from the point of view of environmental protection and energy saving and its application to design and construction of large yachts. Some of these technologies are mature and have already been used successfully in other ship types, but their application to yachts entails certain challenges that are described in this chapter. Then identifies and analyzes the main design parameters of large motor yachts as a result of the technologies studied and a number of design aspects are given from the perspective of Classification Society and international maritime organizations. Finally, a number of conclusions are exposed, and future research is identified in relation to the technologies described in this Thesis.
La evaluación de las prestaciones de las embarcaciones a vela ha constituido un objetivo para ingenieros navales y marinos desde los principios de la historia de la navegación. El conocimiento acerca de estas prestaciones, ha crecido desde la identificación de los factores clave relacionados con ellas(eslora, estabilidad, desplazamiento y superficie vélica), a una comprensión más completa de las complejas fuerzas y acoplamientos involucrados en el equilibrio. Junto con este conocimiento, la aparición de los ordenadores ha hecho posible llevar a cabo estas tareas de una forma sistemática. Esto incluye el cálculo detallado de fuerzas, pero también, el uso de estas fuerzas junto con la descripción de una embarcación a vela para la predicción de su comportamiento y, finalmente, sus prestaciones. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo proporcionar una definición global y abierta de un conjunto de modelos y reglas para describir y analizar este comportamiento. Esto se lleva a cabo sin aplicar restricciones en cuanto al tipo de barco o cálculo, sino de una forma generalizada, de modo que sea posible resolver cualquier situación, tanto estacionaria como en el dominio del tiempo. Para ello se comienza con una definición básica de los factores que condicionan el comportamiento de una embarcación a vela. A continuación se proporciona una metodología para gestionar el uso de datos de diferentes orígenes para el cálculo de fuerzas, siempre con el la solución del problema como objetivo. Esta última parte se plasma en un programa de ordenador, PASim, cuyo propósito es evaluar las prestaciones de diferentes ti pos de embarcaciones a vela en un amplio rango de condiciones. Varios ejemplos presentan diferentes usos de PASim con el objetivo de ilustrar algunos de los aspectos discutidos a lo largo de la definición del problema y su solución . Finalmente, se presenta una estructura global de cara a proporcionar una representación virtual de la embarcación real, en la cual, no solo e l comportamiento sino también su manejo, son cercanos a la experiencia de los navegantes en el mundo real. Esta estructura global se propone como el núcleo (un motor de software) de un simulador físico para el que se proporciona una especificación básica. ABSTRACT The assessment of the performance of sailing yachts, and ships in general, has been an objective for naval architects and sailors since the beginning of the history of navigation. The knowledge has grown from identifying the key factors that influence performance(length, stability, displacement and sail area), to a much more complete understanding of the complex forces and couplings involved in the equilibrium. Along with this knowledge, the advent of computers has made it possible to perform the associated tasks in a systematic way. This includes the detailed calculation of forces, but also the use of those forces, along with the description of a sailing yacht, to predict its behavior, and ultimately, its performance. The aim of this investigation is to provide a global and open definition of a set of models and rules to describe and analyze the behavior of a sailing yacht. This is done without applying any restriction to the type of yacht or calculation, but rather in a generalized way, capable of solving any possible situation, whether it is in a steady state or in the time domain. First, the basic definition of the factors that condition the behavior of a sailing yacht is given. Then, a methodology is provided to assist with the use of data from different origins for the calculation of forces, always aiming towards the solution of the problem. This last part is implemented as a computational tool, PASim, intended to assess the performance of different types of sailing yachts in a wide range of conditions. Several examples then present different uses of PASim, as a way to illustrate some of the aspects discussed throughout the definition of the problem and its solution. Finally, a global structure is presented to provide a general virtual representation of the real yacht, in which not only the behavior, but also its handling is close to the experience of the sailors in the real world. This global structure is proposed as the core (a software engine) of a physical yacht simulator, for which a basic specification is provided.
In our daily lives, we often must predict how well we are going to perform in the future based on an evaluation of our current performance and an assessment of how much we will improve with practice. Such predictions can be used to decide whether to invest our time and energy in learning and, if we opt to invest, what rewards we may gain. This thesis investigated whether people are capable of tracking their own learning (i.e. current and future motor ability) and exploiting that information to make decisions related to task reward. In experiment one, participants performed a target aiming task under a visuomotor rotation such that they initially missed the target but gradually improved. After briefly practicing the task, they were asked to select rewards for hits and misses applied to subsequent performance in the task, where selecting a higher reward for hits came at a cost of receiving a lower reward for misses. We found that participants made decisions that were in the direction of optimal and therefore demonstrated knowledge of future task performance. In experiment two, participants learned a novel target aiming task in which they were rewarded for target hits. Every five trials, they could choose a target size which varied inversely with reward value. Although participants’ decisions deviated from optimal, a model suggested that they took into account both past performance, and predicted future performance, when making their decisions. Together, these experiments suggest that people are capable of tracking their own learning and using that information to make sensible decisions related to reward maximization.
Final report, January 1979.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Technology Assessment Division, Washington, D.C.
Dec. 1979.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The speech characteristics, oromotor function and speech intelligibility of a group of children treated for cerebellar tumour (CT) was investigated perceptually. Assessment of these areas was performed on 11 children treated for CT with dysarthric speech as well as 21 non-neurologically impaired controls matched for age and sex to obtain a comprehensive perceptual profile of their speech and oromotor mechanism. Contributing to the perception of dysarthria were a number of deviant speech dimensions including imprecision of consonants, hoarseness and decreased pitch variation, as well as a reduction in overall speech intelligibility for both sentences and connected speech. Oromotor assessment revealed deficits in lip, tongue and laryngeal function, particularly relating to deficits in timing and coordination of movements. The most salient features of the dysarthria seen in children treated for CT were the mild nature of the speech disorder and clustering of speech deficits in the prosodic, phonatory and articulatory aspects of speech production.
The coexistance of a swallowing impairment can severely impact upon the medical condition and recovery of a child with traumatic brain injury [ref.(1): Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 9 (1) (1994) 43]. Limited data exist on the progression or outcome of dysphagia in the paediatric population with brainstem injury. The present prospective study documents the resolution of dysphagia in a 14-year-old female post-brainstem injury using clinical, radiological and endoscopic evaluations of swallowing. The subject presented with a pattern of severe oral-motor and oropharyngeal swallowing impairment post-injury that resolved rapidly for the initial 12 weeks, slowed to gradual progress for weeks 12-20, and then plateaued at 20 weeks post-injury. Whilst a clinically functional swallow was present at 10 months post-injury, radiological examination revealed a number of residual physiological impairments, reduced swallowing efficiency, and reduced independence for feeding, indicating a potential increased risk for aspiration. The data highlight the need for early and continued evaluation and intensive treatment programs, to focus on the underlying physiological swallowing impairment post-brainstem injury, and to help offset any potential deleterious effects of aspiration that may affect patient recovery, such as pneumonia. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The development of chronic symptoms following whiplash injury is common and contributes substantially to costs associated with this condition. The currently used Quebec Task Force classification system of whiplash associated disorders is primarily based on the severity of signs and symptoms following injury and its usefulness has been questioned. Recent evidence is emerging that demonstrates differences in physical and psychological impairments between individuals who recover from the injury and those who develop persistent pain and disability. Motor dysfunction, local cervical mechanical hyperalgesia and psychological distress are present soon after injury in all whiplash injured persons irrespective of recovery. In contrast those individuals who develop persistent moderate/severe pain and disability show a more complex picture, characterized by additional impairments of widespread sensory hypersensitivity indicative of underlying disturbances in central pain processing as well as acute posttraumatic stress reaction, with these changes present from soon after injury. Based on this heterogeneity a new classification system is proposed that takes into account measurable disturbances in motor, sensory and psychological dysfunction. The implications for the management of this condition are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A relationship between motor ability and cognitive performance has been previously reported. This study aimed to investigate the association between movement and cognitive performance at 1 and 4 years corrected age of children born less than 1000 g, and whether developmental testing of movement at 1 year is predictive of cognitive performance at 4 years. Motor development was assessed at both ages using the neurosensory motor developmental assessment (NSMDA) and motor development was classified as normal, or minimal, mild, moderate-severe dysfunction. Cognitive performance was assessed on the Griffith Mental Developmental Scale at 1 year and McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities at 4 years. Subjects included 198 children of birthweight less than 1000 g. Of these 132 children returned for follow-up at the corrected ages of both 1 and 4 years. The 66 children not included had a slight increase in gestational age, while the mothers were younger and had a lower level of education. A significant association was found between NSMDA group classification at 1 year and cognitive performance at both 1 and 4 years (p