219 resultados para Motile Iridophore


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By applying high pressure freezing and freeze-substitution, we observed large inclusions of homogeneous appearance in the front of locomoting Walker carcinosarcoma cells that have not been described earlier. Live cell imaging revealed that these inclusions were poor in lipids and nucleic acids but had a high lysine (and hence protein) content. Usually one such structure 2-5 mum in size was present at the front of motile Walker cells, predominantly in the immediate vicinity of newly forming blebs. By correlating the lysine-rich areas in fixed and embedded cells with electron microscopic pictures, inclusions could be assigned to confined, faintly stained cytoplasmic areas that lacked a surrounding membrane; they were therefore called pseudovacuoles. After high-pressure freezing and freeze substitution, pseudovacuoles appeared to be filled with 20 nm large electron-transparent patches surrounded by 12 and 15 nm large particles. The heat shock protein Hsp90 was identified by peptide sequencing as a major fluorescent band on SDS-PAGE of lysine-labelled Walker cell extracts. By immunofluorescence, Hsp90 was found to be enriched in pseudovacuoles. Colocalization of the lysine with a potassium-specific dye in living cells revealed that pseudovacuoles act as K+ stores in the vicinity of forming blebs. We propose that pseudovacuoles might support blebbing by locally regulating the intracellular hydrostatic pressure.


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Motile aeromonad septicaemia caused by Aeromonas sobria is a cause of disease in farmed perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in Switzerland. We have evaluated the potential of a Pseudomonas chlororaphis isolate, obtained from perch intestine, to control A. sobria infection. Inoculation of juvenile perch with P. chlororaphis strain JF3835 prior to infection with A. sobria caused a reduction in A. sobria associated mortalities. Infection of perch with xylE-labelled P. chlororaphis indicated the bacterium is able to transiently colonize juvenile fish and fingerlings.


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Gram-negative, aerobic, motile, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated from the intestines of freshwater fish on two separate occasions. Colonies of both strains, JF3835(T) and JF4413, produced non-diffusible green pigment following 4-5 days incubation on Luria-Bertani agar. The most abundant fatty acids were summed feature 3 (comprising C(16 : 1)ω7c and/or C(15 : 0) iso 2-OH), C(16 : 0) and C(18 : 1)ω7c. The DNA G+C content was 62.9 mol%. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene indicated 100 % sequence similarity between the two strains. In comparison with recognized species, the new strains exhibited the greatest degree of sequence similarity with members of the Pseudomonas chlororaphis subspecies: P. chlororaphis subsp. chlororaphis (99.84 %), P. chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca (99.75 %) and P. chlororaphis subsp. aureofaciens (99.40 %). While DNA-DNA relatedness confirmed the placement of strains JF3835(T) and JF4413 as members of the species P. chlororaphis, multilocus sequencing indicated that the strains formed a distinct cluster within it. On the basis of genotypic and phenotypic evidence, strains JF3835(T) and JF4413 represent a novel subspecies of the species P. chlororaphis, for which the name Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. piscium subsp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is JF3835(T) (=NCIMB 14478(T)=DSM 21509(T)).


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In this study, we describe the isolation of Laribacter hongkongensis, a recently described genus and species of bacterium, in pure culture on charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate agar from the stool of six patients with diarrhea. Three patients were residents of Hong Kong, and three of Switzerland. In none of the stool samples obtained from these six patients was Salmonella, Shigella, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Vibrio, Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, or Campylobacter recovered. Rotavirus antigen detection, electron microscopic examination for viruses, and microscopic examinations for ova and cysts were all negative for the stool samples obtained from the three patients in Hong Kong. Enterotoxigenic E. coli was recovered from one of the patients in Hong Kong. Unlike L. hongkongensis type strain HKU1, all the six strains were motile with bipolar flagellae. Sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA genes of the six strains showed that they all had sequences with only 0-2 base differences to that of the type strain. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of the SpeI digested genomic DNA of the six isolates and that of the type strain revealed that the seven isolates were genotypically unrelated strains. More extensive epidemiologic studies should be carried out to ascertain the causative association between L. hongkongensis and diarrhea and to define the reservoir and modes of transmission of L. hongkongensis.


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Approximately one-third of the world's population suffers from chronic helminth infections with no effective vaccines currently available. Antibodies and alternatively activated macrophages (AAM) form crucial components of protective immunity against challenge infections with intestinal helminths. However, the mechanisms by which antibodies target these large multi-cellular parasites remain obscure. Alternative activation of macrophages during helminth infection has been linked to signaling through the IL-4 receptor alpha chain (IL-4Rα), but the potential effects of antibodies on macrophage differentiation have not been explored. We demonstrate that helminth-specific antibodies induce the rapid trapping of tissue migrating helminth larvae and prevent tissue necrosis following challenge infection with the natural murine parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri (Hp). Mice lacking antibodies (JH (-/-)) or activating Fc receptors (FcRγ(-/-)) harbored highly motile larvae, developed extensive tissue damage and accumulated less Arginase-1 expressing macrophages around the larvae. Moreover, Hp-specific antibodies induced FcRγ- and complement-dependent adherence of macrophages to larvae in vitro, resulting in complete larval immobilization. Antibodies together with helminth larvae reprogrammed macrophages to express wound-healing associated genes, including Arginase-1, and the Arginase-1 product L-ornithine directly impaired larval motility. Antibody-induced expression of Arginase-1 in vitro and in vivo occurred independently of IL-4Rα signaling. In summary, we present a novel IL-4Rα-independent mechanism of alternative macrophage activation that is antibody-dependent and which both mediates anti-helminth immunity and prevents tissue disruption caused by migrating larvae.


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T cell uropods are enriched in specific proteins including adhesion receptors such as P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), lipid raft-associated proteins such as flotillins and ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins which associate with cholesterol-rich raft domains and anchor adhesion receptors to the actin cytoskeleton. Using dominant mutants and siRNA technology we have tested the interactions among these proteins and their role in shaping the T cell uropod. Expression of wild type (WT) ezrin-EGFP failed to affect the morphology of human T cells or chemokine-induced uropod recruitment of PSGL-1 and flotillin-1 and -2. In contrast, expression of constitutively active T567D ezrin-EGFP induced a motile, polarized phenotype in some of the transfected T cells, even in the absence of chemokine. These cells featured F-actin-rich ruffles in the front and uropod enrichment of PSGL-1 and flotillins. T567D ezrin-EGFP was itself strongly enriched in the rear of the polarized T cells. Uropod formation induced by T567D ezrin-EGFP was actin-dependent as it was attenuated by inhibition of Rho-kinase or myosin II, and abolished by disruption of actin filaments. While expression of constitutively active ezrin enhanced cell polarity, expression of a dominant-negative deletion mutant of ezrin, 1-310 ezrin-EGFP, markedly reduced uropod formation induced by the chemokine SDF-1, T cell front-tail polarity, and capping of PSGL-1 and flotillins. Transfection of T cells with WT or T567D ezrin did not affect chemokine-mediated chemotaxis whereas 1-310 ezrin significantly impaired spontaneous 2D migration and chemotaxis. siRNA-mediated downregulation of flotillins in murine T cells attenuated moesin capping and uropod formation, indicating that ERM proteins and flotillins cooperate in uropod formation. In summary, our results indicate that activated ERM proteins function together with flotillins to promote efficient chemotaxis of T cells by structuring the uropod of migrating T cells.


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Lautropia mirabilis, a pleomorphic, motile, gram-negative coccus, has been isolated from the oral cavities of 32 of 60 (53.3%) children infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and 3 of 25 (12.0%) HIV-uninfected controls; the association of L. mirabilis isolation with HIV infection is significant (P < 0.001). All children in the study, both HIV-infected children and controls, were born to HIV-infected mothers. The presence of this bacterium was not associated with clinical disease in these children. The HIV-infected children with L. mirabilis did not differ from the HIV-infected children without L. mirabilis in immunological status, clinical status, or systemic medications. The role of HIV infection itself or concomitant factors in the establishment of L. mirabilis in the oral cavity remains to be elucidated.


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Recurrent airway obstruction is one of the most common airway diseases affecting mature horses. Increased bronchoalveolar mucus, neutrophil accumulation in airways, and airway obstruction are the main features of this disease. Mucociliary clearance is a key component of pulmonary defense mechanisms. Cilia are the motile part of this system and a complex linear array of dynein motors is responsible for their motility by moving along the microtubules in the axonemes of cilia and flagella. We previously detected a QTL for RAO on ECA 13 in a half-sib family of European Warmblood horses. The gene encoding DNAH3 is located in the peak of the detected QTL and encodes a dynein subunit. Therefore, we analysed this gene as a positional and functional candidate gene for RAO. In a mutation analysis of all 62 exons we detected 53 new polymorphisms including 7 non-synonymous variants. We performed an association study using 38 polymorphisms in a cohort of 422 animals. However, after correction for multiple testing we did not detect a significant association of any of these polymorphisms with RAO (P>0.05). Therefore, it seems unlikely that variants at the DNAH3 gene are responsible for the RAO QTL in European Warmblood horses.


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BACKGROUND A novel Gram-negative, non-haemolytic, non-motile, rod-shaped bacterium was discovered in the lungs of a dead parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus) that was kept in captivity in a petshop in Basel, Switzerland. The organism is described with a chemotaxonomic profile and the nearly complete genome sequence obtained through the assembly of short sequence reads. RESULTS Genome sequence analysis and characterization of respiratory quinones, fatty acids, polar lipids, and biochemical phenotype is presented here. Comparison of gene sequences revealed that the most similar species is Pelistega europaea, with BLAST identities of only 93% to the 16S rDNA gene, 76% identity to the rpoB gene, and a similar GC content (~43%) as the organism isolated from the parakeet, DSM 24701 (40%). The closest full genome sequences are those of Bordetella spp. and Taylorella spp. High-throughput sequencing reads from the Illumina-Solexa platform were assembled with the Edena de novo assembler to form 195 contigs comprising the ~2 Mb genome. Genome annotation with RAST, construction of phylogenetic trees with the 16S rDNA (rrs) gene sequence and the rpoB gene, and phylogenetic placement using other highly conserved marker genes with ML Tree all suggest that the bacterial species belongs to the Alcaligenaceae family. Analysis of samples from cages with healthy parakeets suggested that the newly discovered bacterial species is not widespread in parakeet living quarters. CONCLUSIONS Classification of this organism in the current taxonomy system requires the formation of a new genus and species. We designate the new genus Basilea and the new species psittacipulmonis. The type strain of Basilea psittacipulmonis is DSM 24701 (= CIP 110308 T, 16S rDNA gene sequence Genbank accession number JX412111 and GI 406042063).


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A polyphasic taxonomic analysis was carried out on 11 uncommon Gram-stain-negative, non-motile, catalase- and oxidase-positive, but indole-negative, bacterial strains isolated from tortoises. Phenotypically and genetically they represented a homogeneous group of organisms most closely related to, but distinct from, Uruburuella suis. In a reconstructed 16S rRNA gene tree they clustered on a monophyletic branch next to U. suis with gene similarities between strains of 99.5-100%, and of up to 98.2% with U. suis . DNA-DNA hybridization indicated the organisms represented a novel species with only 40% DNA-DNA similarity with U. suis . Partial sequencing of rpoB resulted in two subclusters confirming the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny; both genes allowed clear separation and identification of the novel species. Furthermore, they could be unambiguously identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight MS, where, again, they formed a highly homogeneous cluster separate from U. suis and other members of the family Neisseriaceae . The major fatty acids were C(16 : 0) and summed feature C(16 : 1)ω7c/iso-C(15 : 0) 2-OH. The DNA G+C content was 54.4 mol%. Based on phenotypic and genetic data we propose classifying these organisms as representatives of a novel species named Uruburuella testudinis sp. nov. The type strain is 07_OD624(T) ( = DSM 26510(T) = CCUG 63373(T)).


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The three canonical Rho GTPases RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42 co-ordinate cytoskeletal dynamics. Recent studies indicate that all three Rho GTPases are activated at the leading edge of motile fibroblasts, where their activity fluctuates at subminute time and micrometer length scales. Here, we use a microfluidic chip to acutely manipulate fibroblast edge dynamics by applying pulses of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or the Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 (which lowers contractility). This induces acute and robust membrane protrusion and retraction events, that exhibit stereotyped cytoskeletal dynamics, allowing us to fairly compare specific morphodynamic states across experiments. Using a novel Cdc42, as well as previously described, second generation RhoA and Rac1 biosensors, we observe distinct spatio-temporal signaling programs that involve all three Rho GTPases, during protrusion/retraction edge dynamics. Our results suggest that Rac1, Cdc42 and RhoA regulate different cytoskeletal and adhesion processes to fine tune the highly plastic edge protrusion/retraction dynamics that power cell motility.


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Genetically encoded, ratiometric biosensors based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) are powerful tools to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of cell signaling. However, many biosensors lack sensitivity. We present a biosensor library that contains circularly permutated mutants for both the donor and acceptor fluorophores, which alter the orientation of the dipoles and thus better accommodate structural constraints imposed by different signaling molecules while maintaining FRET efficiency. Our strategy improved the brightness and dynamic range of preexisting RhoA and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) biosensors. Using the improved RhoA biosensor, we found micrometer-sized zones of RhoA activity at the tip of F-actin bundles in growth cone filopodia during neurite extension, whereas RhoA was globally activated throughout collapsing growth cones. RhoA was also activated in filopodia and protruding membranes at the leading edge of motile fibroblasts. Using the improved ERK biosensor, we simultaneously measured ERK activation dynamics in multiple cells using low-magnification microscopy and performed in vivo FRET imaging in zebrafish. Thus, we provide a construction toolkit consisting of a vector set, which enables facile generation of sensitive biosensors.


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Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a rare heterogeneous recessive genetic disorder of motile cilia, leading to chronic upper and lower respiratory symptoms. Prevalence is estimated at around 1:10,000, but many patients remain undiagnosed, while others receive the label incorrectly. Proper diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the key symptoms such as wet cough, chronic rhinitis and recurrent upper and lower respiratory infection, are common and nonspecific. There is no single gold standard test to diagnose PCD. Presently, the diagnosis is made by augmenting the medical history and physical examination with in patients with a compatible medical history following a demanding combination of tests including nasal nitric oxide, high- speed video microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, genetics, and ciliary culture. These tests are costly and need sophisticated equipment and experienced staff, restricting use to highly specialised centers. Therefore, it would be desirable to have a screening test for identifying those patients who should undergo detailed diagnostic testing. Three recent studies focused on potential screening tools: one paper assessed the validity of nasal nitric oxide for screening, and two studies developed new symptom-based screening tools. These simple tools are welcome, and hopefully remind physicians whom to refer for definitive testing. However, they have been developed in tertiary care settings, where 10 to 50% of tested patients have PCD. Sensitivity and specificity of the tools are reasonable, but positive and negative predictive values may be poor in primary or secondary care settings. While these studies take an important step forward towards an earlier diagnosis of PCD, more remains to be done before we have tools tailored to different health care settings.


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Channelrhodopsins are phototaxis receptors in the plasma membranes of motile unicellular algae. They function as light-gated cation channels and this channel activity has been exploited to trigger action potentials in neurons with light to control neural circuits (“optogenetics"). Four channelrhodopsins were identified in two algal species, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Volvox carteri, with known genome sequences; each species contains 2 channelrhodopsins, one absorbing at longer wavelengths and one at shorter wavelengths, named CrChR1 and CrChR2, respectively. Our goals are to expand knowledge of channelrhodopsin mechanisms and also to identify new channelrhodopsins from various algal species with improved properties for optogenetic use. For these aims we are targeting algae from extreme environments to establish the natural diversity of their properties. We cloned a new channelrhodopsin from the psychrophilic (cold-loving) alga, Chlamydomonas augustae, with degenerate primers based on the 4 known homologs. The new protein is 48% and 52% identical to CrChR1 and CrChR2, respectively. We expressed the channelrhodopsin in HEK293 cells and measured light-induced currents to assess their kinetics and action spectrum. Based on the primary structure, kinetics of light-induced photocurrents in HEK293 cells, and action spectrum maximum of 520 nm near that of the two previously found CrChR1, we named the new channelrhodopsin CaChR1. The properties of robust channel activity at physiological pH, fast on-and-off kinetics, and greatly red-shifted action spectrum maximum from that of CrChR2, make CaChR1 advantageous as an optogenetic tool. To know this new channelrhodopsin better, we expressed His-tagged CaChR1 in Pichia pastoris and the yield is about 6 mg/L. The purified His-tagged CaChR1 exhibited an absorption spectrum identical to the action spectrum of CaChR1-generated photocurrents. The future work will be measurement of the photocycles of CaChR1 by flash photolysis, crystallization of CaChR1 for the structure and mutagenesis of CaChR1 to find the critical amino acids accounting for red-shifted spectra, slow inactivation and rapid on-and-off kinetics. Seven new channelrhodopsins including CaChR1 from different algal species have been cloned in our lab at this time, bringing the total known to 13. The work of cloning of these new channelrhodopsins along with the expression of CaChR1 was published in Photochemistry and Photobiology in January 2012