150 resultados para Morganella albina
En las últimas décadas la trama vitivinícola argentina ha sufrido profundos cambios estructurales como resultado de la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías productivas y organizacionales, la entrada de inversiones directas y el impulso sostenido que diferentes actores empresariales e institucionales han dado al sector. Mendoza, es un territorio emblemático en relación con la actividad vitivinícola, no solo porque casi el 70% de la producción y más del 40% de las exportaciones de vinos del país corresponden a nuestra provincia, sino porque la vitivinicultura dinamiza varias actividades económicas: madera, metalmecánica, petroquímica, entre otras (IDITS, 2005). El sector vitivinícola provincial se ha visto fuertemente determinado a lo largo del tiempo por los distintos modelos económicos prevalecientes en el país. A partir de comienzos de la década de los 90 las políticas neoliberales basadas en el aperturismo, la desregulación y los fuertes incentivos a las importaciones y a la inversión directa, dieron paso a una dinámica de reestructuración y fuerte crecimiento de la actividad. Después del proceso recesivo de 2001 y la posterior devaluación de 2002, se inicia en el 2003 otro modelo económico con un tipo de cambio competitivo favoreciendo las exportaciones, dando incentivos a los distintos sectores de la industria nacional y resguardándola de las crisis financieras internacionales, sin olvidar las políticas de promoción y sostenimiento del empleo y su correlato en un incremento sostenido del trabajo registrado, circunstancias que han servido a la vitivinicultura para afianzar su desarrollo, diversificar sus productos y potenciar la inserción de los mismos en los mercados internacionales.
En este trabajo se busca conocer la inserción laboral desde la perspectiva de género en un sector emblemático y de gran importancia para la economía mendocina. Este estudio del sector vitivinícola se remite a una etapa de reestructuración conocida como reconversión vitivinícola y se vale de los desarrollos teóricos del enfoque constructivista y del enfoque de género para indagar la desigualdad de género en la industria vitivinícola maipucina. De este modo, se busca hacer un aporte al conocimiento de este mercado sumando los aportes de los estudios de género.
Three sites were drilled in the Izu-Bonin forearc basin during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 126. High-quality formation microscanner (FMS) data from two of the sites provide images of part of a thick, volcaniclastic, middle to upper Oligocene, basin-plain turbidite succession. The FMS images were used to construct bed-by-bed sedimentary sections for the depth intervals 2232-2441 m below rig floor (mbrf) in Hole 792E, and 4023-4330 mbrf in Hole 793B. Beds vary in thickness from those that are near or below the resolution of the FMS tool (2.5 cm) to those that are 10-15 m thick. The bed thicknesses are distributed according to a power law with an exponent of about 1.0. There are no obvious upward thickening or thinning sequences in the bed-by-bed sections. Spaced packets of thick and very thick beds may be a response to (1) low stands of global sea level, particularly at 30 Ma, (2) periods of increased tectonic uplift, or (3) periods of more intense volcanism. Graded sandstones, most pebbly sandstones, and graded to graded-stratified conglomerates were deposited by turbidity currents. The very thick, mainly structureless beds of sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and pebble conglomerate are interpreted as sandy debris-flow deposits. Many of the sediment gravity flows may have been triggered by earthquakes. Long recurrence intervals of 0.3-1 m.y. for the very thickest beds are consistent with triggering by large-magnitude earthquakes (M = 9) with epicenters approximately 10-50 km away from large, unstable accumulations of volcaniclastic sand and ash on the flanks of arc volcanoes. Paleocurrents were obtained from the grain fabric of six thicker sandstone beds, and ripple migration directions in about 40 thinner beds; orientations were constrained by the FMS images. The data from ripples are very scattered and cannot be used to specify source positions. They do, however, indicate that the paleoenvironment was a basin plain where weaker currents were free to follow a broad range of flow paths. The data from sandstone fabric are more reliable and indicate that turbidity currents flowed toward 150? during the time period from 28.9 to 27.3 Ma. This direction is essentially along the axis of the forearc basin, from north to south, with a small component of flow away from the western margin of the basin.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
p. 193-196 blank for "Notes on some common diseases and conditions."
"Issued March 1942."
Contribution from Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering.
"Published by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Master of the Rolls."
The emergence of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic and commensal bacteria has become a serious problem worldwide. The use and overuse of antibiotics in a number of settings are contributing to the development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. The class 1 and 2 integrase genes (intI1 and intI2, respectively) were identified in mixed bacterial cultures enriched from bovine feces by growth in buffered peptone water (BPW) followed by integrase-specific PCR. Integrase-positive bacterial colonies from the enrichment cultures were then isolated by using hydrophobic grid membrane filters and integrase-specific gene probes. Bacterial clones isolated by this technique were then confirmed to carry integrons by further testing by PCR and DNA sequencing. Integron-associated antibiotic resistance genes were detected in bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Aeromonas spp., Proteus spp., Morganella morganii, Shewanella spp., and urea-positive Providencia stuartii isolates from bovine fecal samples without the use of selective enrichment media containing antibiotics. Streptomycin and trimethoprim resistance were commonly associated with integrons. The advantages conferred by this methodology are that a wide variety of integron-containing bacteria may be simultaneously cultured in BPW enrichments and culture biases due to antibiotic selection can be avoided. Rapid and efficient identification, isolation, and characterization of antibiotic resistance-associated integrons are possible by this protocol. These methods will facilitate greater understanding of the factors that contribute to the presence and transfer of integron-associated antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial isolates from red meat production animals.
Establishment of the intestinal microbiota commences at birth and this colonisation is influenced by a number of factors including mode of delivery, gestational age, mode of feeding, environmental factors and host genetics. As this initial establishment may well influence the health of an individual later in life, it is imperative to understand this process. Therefore, this thesis set out to investigate how early infant nutrition influences the development of a healthy gut microbiota. As part of the INFANTMET project, the intestinal microbiota of 199 breastfed infants was investigated using both culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches. This study revealed that delivery mode and gestational age had a significant impact on early microbial communities. In order to understand host genotype-microbiota interactions, the gut microbiota composition of dichorionic triplets was also investigated. The results suggested that initially host genetics play a significant role in the composition of an individual’s gut microbiota, but by month 12 environmental factors are the major determinant. To investigate the origin of hydrogen sulphide in a case of nondrug- induced sulfhemoglobinemia in a preterm infant, the gut microbiota composition was determined. This analysis revealed the presence of Morganella morganii, a producer of hydrogen sulphide and hemolysins, at a relative abundance 38%, which was not detected in control infants. Following on from this, the negative and short term consequences of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis exposure on the early infant intestinal microbiota composition were demonstrated, particularly in breast-fed infants, which are recovered by day 30. Finally, the composition of the breast milk microbiota over the first three months of life was characterised. A core of 12 genera were identified amongst women and the remainder comprised some 195 genera which were individual specific and subject to variations over time. The results presented in this thesis have demonstrated that the development of the infant gut microbiota is complex and highly individual. Clear alterations in the intestinal microbiota establishment process in C-section delivered, preterm and antibiotic exposed infants were shown. Taken together, long-term health benefits for infants, particularly those vulnerable groups, may be conferred through the design of probiotic and prebiotic food ingredients and supplements.
Objective: The main objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude among Pharmacy students of the University of Prishtina in regards to the antibiotics. Methods: 144 pharmacy students at the University of Prishtina were recruited in this study to complete a self-administered questionnaire. The total number of questions in this questionnaire was eight (8), covering two (2) major themes: self-report of the current and past antibiotic use and behavior; and anticipated prescription behavior of antibiotics upon graduation. The data was statistically analyzed through using SPSS for Windows. Descriptive analysis was employed, and the results were expressed in frequency and percentages. Results: The results showcased a good knowledge of antibiotic among students. The most common answer of students' knowledge about antibiotics was good or moderate (82 %), while 63.2% of the subjects used antibiotics by self-decision, most of them (45 %) for sore throat. Upon graduation, 56.9 % of the students will not sell antibiotics without prescription and 85.4% think that module for rational use of antibiotics is very necessary to be inside the pharmacy syllabus. Conclusion: The study showed good and moderate knowledge of pharmacy students regarding the antibiotics. Half of them use antibiotics by self-decision but the majority of them stated that they will not serve the antibiotics without medical prescription. Specific modules and training for proper antibiotic use should be implemented within the Pharmacy program in The Faculty of Medicine.
Освоение и развитие Арктических территорий России неразрывно связано с аспектом первооткрывательства и преодоления. Суровые природные условия северного края всегда как казалось, противоречили самому присутствию здесь женщины. Это становится особенно заметным при знакомстве с обстоятельствами проведения самых известных арктических экспедиций, состоявшихся в советский период освоения Севера. Вот, например, известнейшая эпопея экспедиции на пароходе «Семен Челюскин» (руководитель экспедиции О.Ю. Щмидт, капитан судна В.И.Воронин), перед которой была поставлена задача за одну навигацию пройти Северным морским путём. После гибели затёртого льдами парохода и героического спасения коллектива экспедиции имена челюскинцев стали известны всей стране. Любопытно, что в этом злополучном рейсе принимали участие и женщины, в том числе и мама первого в мире ребенка, родившегося на пароходе в Карском море в честь которого девочку звали Кариной. Интересно оценить состояние современного информационного арктического пространства России по отношению к женщине, в особенности в условиях, когда большинство программ социально-экономического развития заточены на необходимость активного развития туристского сектора. Этот аспект развития индустрии туризма в Арктике, можно сказать, ещё не изучен. Развитие сферы услуг диктует необходимость активного вовлечения женщин в туризм в качестве основного рабочего агента. Однако в условиях Севера, туристические предложения официальных турфирм, явно не стремятся к активному привлечению женщин в качестве своих клиентов. Сознательно создается ли эта ситуация или она является логическим продолжением уже существующих традиций? Доклад, предлагаемый на ваше осуждение, посвящен более подробному описанию этого и ряда других вопросов связанных с общим имиджем Арктических регионов, создаваемым участниками туристической деятельности.
The Arctic is affected by global environmental change and also by diverse interests from many economic sectors and industries. Over the last decade, various actors have attempted to explore the options for setting up integrated and comprehensive trans-boundary systems for monitoring and observing these impacts. These Arctic Observation Systems (AOS) contribute to the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of environmental change and responsible social and economic development in the Arctic. The aim of this article is to identify the two-way relationship between AOS and tourism. On the one hand, tourism activities account for diverse changes across a broad spectrum of impact fields. On the other hand, due to its multiple and diverse agents and far-reaching activities, tourism is also well-positioned to collect observational data and participate as an actor in monitoring activities. To accomplish our goals, we provide an inventory of tourism-embedded issues and concerns of interest to AOS from a range of destinations in the circumpolar Arctic region, including Alaska, Arctic Canada, Iceland, Svalbard, the mainland European Arctic and Russia. The article also draws comparisons with the situation in Antarctica. On the basis of a collective analysis provided by members of the International Polar Tourism Research Network from across the polar regions, we conclude that the potential role for tourism in the development and implementation of AOS is significant and has been overlooked.