838 resultados para Modeling Rapport Using Machine Learning
In a global economy, manufacturers mainly compete with cost efficiency of production, as the price of raw materials are similar worldwide. Heavy industry has two big issues to deal with. On the one hand there is lots of data which needs to be analyzed in an effective manner, and on the other hand making big improvements via investments in cooperate structure or new machinery is neither economically nor physically viable. Machine learning offers a promising way for manufacturers to address both these problems as they are in an excellent position to employ learning techniques with their massive resource of historical production data. However, choosing modelling a strategy in this setting is far from trivial and this is the objective of this article. The article investigates characteristics of the most popular classifiers used in industry today. Support Vector Machines, Multilayer Perceptron, Decision Trees, Random Forests, and the meta-algorithms Bagging and Boosting are mainly investigated in this work. Lessons from real-world implementations of these learners are also provided together with future directions when different learners are expected to perform well. The importance of feature selection and relevant selection methods in an industrial setting are further investigated. Performance metrics have also been discussed for the sake of completion.
Background: The genome-wide identification of both morbid genes, i.e., those genes whose mutations cause hereditary human diseases, and druggable genes, i.e., genes coding for proteins whose modulation by small molecules elicits phenotypic effects, requires experimental approaches that are time-consuming and laborious. Thus, a computational approach which could accurately predict such genes on a genome-wide scale would be invaluable for accelerating the pace of discovery of causal relationships between genes and diseases as well as the determination of druggability of gene products.Results: In this paper we propose a machine learning-based computational approach to predict morbid and druggable genes on a genome-wide scale. For this purpose, we constructed a decision tree-based meta-classifier and trained it on datasets containing, for each morbid and druggable gene, network topological features, tissue expression profile and subcellular localization data as learning attributes. This meta-classifier correctly recovered 65% of known morbid genes with a precision of 66% and correctly recovered 78% of known druggable genes with a precision of 75%. It was than used to assign morbidity and druggability scores to genes not known to be morbid and druggable and we showed a good match between these scores and literature data. Finally, we generated decision trees by training the J48 algorithm on the morbidity and druggability datasets to discover cellular rules for morbidity and druggability and, among the rules, we found that the number of regulating transcription factors and plasma membrane localization are the most important factors to morbidity and druggability, respectively.Conclusions: We were able to demonstrate that network topological features along with tissue expression profile and subcellular localization can reliably predict human morbid and druggable genes on a genome-wide scale. Moreover, by constructing decision trees based on these data, we could discover cellular rules governing morbidity and druggability.
The presence of precipitates in metallic materials affects its durability, resistance and mechanical properties. Hence, its automatic identification by image processing and machine learning techniques may lead to reliable and efficient assessments on the materials. In this paper, we introduce four widely used supervised pattern recognition techniques to accomplish metallic precipitates segmentation in scanning electron microscope images from dissimilar welding on a Hastelloy C-276 alloy: Support Vector Machines, Optimum-Path Forest, Self Organizing Maps and a Bayesian classifier. Experimental results demonstrated that all classifiers achieved similar recognition rates with good results validated by an expert in metallographic image analysis. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
In this action research study of my classroom of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the impact of cooperative learning on the engagement, participation, and attitudes of my students. I also investigated the impact of cooperative learning upon my own teaching. I discovered that my students not only preferred to learn in cooperative groups, but that their levels of engagement and participation, their attitudes toward math, and their quality of work all improved greatly. My teaching also changed, and I found that I began to enjoy teaching more. As a result of this research, I plan to continue and expand the amount of cooperative group work that happens in my classroom.
Active machine learning algorithms are used when large numbers of unlabeled examples are available and getting labels for them is costly (e.g. requiring consulting a human expert). Many conventional active learning algorithms focus on refining the decision boundary, at the expense of exploring new regions that the current hypothesis misclassifies. We propose a new active learning algorithm that balances such exploration with refining of the decision boundary by dynamically adjusting the probability to explore at each step. Our experimental results demonstrate improved performance on data sets that require extensive exploration while remaining competitive on data sets that do not. Our algorithm also shows significant tolerance of noise.
Programa de doctorado: Tecnología industrial
La tesi consiste nell’implementare un software in grado a predire la variazione della stabilità di una proteina sottoposta ad una mutazione. Il predittore implementato fa utilizzo di tecniche di Machine-Learning ed, in particolare, di SVM. In particolare, riguarda l’analisi delle prestazioni di un predittore, precedentemente implementato, sotto opportune variazioni dei parametri di input e relativamente all’utilizzo di nuova informazione rispetto a quella utilizzata dal predittore basilare.
Questo elaborato ha come scopo quello di analizzare ed esaminare una patologia oggetto di attiva ricerca scientifica, la sindrome dell’arto fantasma o phantom limb pain: tracciando la storia delle terapie più utilizzate per la sua attenuazione, si è giunti ad analizzarne lo stato dell’arte. Consapevoli che la sindrome dell’arto fantasma costituisce, oltre che un disturbo per chi la prova, uno strumento assai utile per l’analisi delle attività nervose del segmento corporeo superstite (moncone), si è svolta un’attività al centro Inail di Vigorso di Budrio finalizzata a rilevare segnali elettrici provenienti dai monconi superiori dei pazienti che hanno subito un’amputazione. Avendo preliminarmente trattato l’argomento “Machine learning” per raggiungere una maggiore consapevolezza delle potenzialità dell’apprendimento automatico, si sono analizzate la attività neuronali dei pazienti mentre questi muovevano il loro arto fantasma per riuscire a settare nuove tipologie di protesi mobili in base ai segnali ricevuti dal moncone.
Machine Learning applicato al Web Semantico: Statistical Relational Learning vs Tensor Factorization
Obiettivo della tesi è analizzare e testare i principali approcci di Machine Learning applicabili in contesti semantici, partendo da algoritmi di Statistical Relational Learning, quali Relational Probability Trees, Relational Bayesian Classifiers e Relational Dependency Networks, per poi passare ad approcci basati su fattorizzazione tensori, in particolare CANDECOMP/PARAFAC, Tucker e RESCAL.
In CMS è stato lanciato un progetto di Data Analytics e, all’interno di esso, un’attività specifica pilota che mira a sfruttare tecniche di Machine Learning per predire la popolarità dei dataset di CMS. Si tratta di un’osservabile molto delicata, la cui eventuale predizione premetterebbe a CMS di costruire modelli di data placement più intelligenti, ampie ottimizzazioni nell’uso dello storage a tutti i livelli Tiers, e formerebbe la base per l’introduzione di un solito sistema di data management dinamico e adattivo. Questa tesi descrive il lavoro fatto sfruttando un nuovo prototipo pilota chiamato DCAFPilot, interamente scritto in python, per affrontare questa sfida.
In questa tesi sono stati introdotti e studiati i Big Data, dando particolare importanza al mondo NoSQL, approfondendo MongoDB, e al mondo del Machine Learning, approfondendo PredictionIO. Successivamente è stata sviluppata un'applicazione attraverso l'utilizzo di tecnologie web, nodejs, node-webkit e le tecnologie approfondite prima. L'applicazione utilizza l'interpolazione polinomiale per predirre il prezzo di un bene salvato nello storico presente su MongoDB. Attraverso PredictionIO, essa analizza il comportamento degli altri utenti consigliando dei prodotti per l'acquisto. Infine è stata effetuata un'analisi dei risultati dell'errore prodotto dall'interpolazione.