912 resultados para Modelagem 3D


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais


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Nowadays, existing 3D scanning cameras and microscopes in the market use digital or discrete sensors, such as CCDs or CMOS for object detection applications. However, these combined systems are not fast enough for some application scenarios since they require large data processing resources and can be cumbersome. Thereby, there is a clear interest in exploring the possibilities and performances of analogue sensors such as arrays of position sensitive detectors with the final goal of integrating them in 3D scanning cameras or microscopes for object detection purposes. The work performed in this thesis deals with the implementation of prototype systems in order to explore the application of object detection using amorphous silicon position sensors of 32 and 128 lines which were produced in the clean room at CENIMAT-CEMOP. During the first phase of this work, the fabrication and the study of the static and dynamic specifications of the sensors as well as their conditioning in relation to the existing scientific and technological knowledge became a starting point. Subsequently, relevant data acquisition and suitable signal processing electronics were assembled. Various prototypes were developed for the 32 and 128 array PSD sensors. Appropriate optical solutions were integrated to work together with the constructed prototypes, allowing the required experiments to be carried out and allowing the achievement of the results presented in this thesis. All control, data acquisition and 3D rendering platform software was implemented for the existing systems. All these components were combined together to form several integrated systems for the 32 and 128 line PSD 3D sensors. The performance of the 32 PSD array sensor and system was evaluated for machine vision applications such as for example 3D object rendering as well as for microscopy applications such as for example micro object movement detection. Trials were also performed involving the 128 array PSD sensor systems. Sensor channel non-linearities of approximately 4 to 7% were obtained. Overall results obtained show the possibility of using a linear array of 32/128 1D line sensors based on the amorphous silicon technology to render 3D profiles of objects. The system and setup presented allows 3D rendering at high speeds and at high frame rates. The minimum detail or gap that can be detected by the sensor system is approximately 350 μm when using this current setup. It is also possible to render an object in 3D within a scanning angle range of 15º to 85º and identify its real height as a function of the scanning angle and the image displacement distance on the sensor. Simple and not so simple objects, such as a rubber and a plastic fork, can be rendered in 3D properly and accurately also at high resolution, using this sensor and system platform. The nip structure sensor system can detect primary and even derived colors of objects by a proper adjustment of the integration time of the system and by combining white, red, green and blue (RGB) light sources. A mean colorimetric error of 25.7 was obtained. It is also possible to detect the movement of micrometer objects using the 32 PSD sensor system. This kind of setup offers the possibility to detect if a micro object is moving, what are its dimensions and what is its position in two dimensions, even at high speeds. Results show a non-linearity of about 3% and a spatial resolution of < 2µm.


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Micro/nano wrinkled patterns on cross-linked urethane/urea polymeric flexible free standing films with two soft segments, polypropylene oxide and polybutadiene, can be induced by UV-irradiation. The ability to write/erase these 3D structures, in a controlled manner, is the main focus of this work. The imprinting of the wrinkled structures was accomplished by swelling in an appropriate solvent followed by drying the membranes after the cross-linking process and UV irradiation. The surface tailoring of the elastomeric membranes was imaged by optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy and by atomic force microscopy. To erase the wrinkled structures the elastomers were swollen. The swelling as well as the sol/gel fraction and the UV radiation were tuned in order to control the wrinkles characteristics. It was found that the wrinkles wavelength, in the order of microns (1±0,25μm), was stamped by the UV radiation intensity and exposure time while the wrinkles' amplitude, in the order of nanometers (150-450 nm), was highly dependent on the swelling and sol/gel fraction. A prototype for volatile organic compounds detection was developed taking advantage of the unique 3D micro/nano wrinkles features.


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A Engenharia de Tecidos surge da necessidade recorrente de regenerar ou recriar órgãos e tecidos danificados devido a vários tipos de trauma. A carência de funcionalidades resultante pode ser resolvida através da implantação de substitutos bio-sintéticos. O presente trabalho consiste na produção de matrizes porosas 3D baseadas em réplicas invertidas de cristais coloidais com futura aplicação em substituintes ósseos sintéticos para fraturas de não-união. O substituinte ósseo consiste numa estrutura denominada Inverse colloidal crystal (ICC), em que a sua organização singular resulta numa homogénea proliferação celular e num aumento das propriedades mecânicas, quando comparada com outros substituintes. O primeiro passo para a obtenção desta estrutura é a produção de microesferas de poliestireno, por uma técnica baseada em microfluídica. Posteriormente as microesferas são empacotadas resultando numa estrutura coesa com ligações entre microesferas vizinhas. O preenchimento dos espaços vazios entre microesferas pelo biomaterial pretendido e posterior remoção das microesferas dá origem à estrutura porosa do ICC. ICCs poliméricos (ϕCs = 1,00) e compósitos (ϕCs = 0,86 e ϕHA = 0,14; ϕCs = 0,67 e ϕHA = 0,33; ϕCs = ϕHA = 0,50) são produzidos e as suas propriedades mecânicas são testadas através de ensaios de compressão e comparadas com outros substituintes sintéticos. Para avaliação do comportamento dos materiais em contacto com meio biológico, foram realizados testes de citotoxicidade que revelaram uma viabilidade celular acima dos 80% em todos os ICCs.


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The development of human cell models that recapitulate hepatic functionality allows the study of metabolic pathways involved in toxicity and disease. The increased biological relevance, cost-effectiveness and high-throughput of cell models can contribute to increase the efficiency of drug development in the pharmaceutical industry. Recapitulation of liver functionality in vitro requires the development of advanced culture strategies to mimic in vivo complexity, such as 3D culture, co-cultures or biomaterials. However, complex 3D models are typically associated with poor robustness, limited scalability and compatibility with screening methods. In this work, several strategies were used to develop highly functional and reproducible spheroid-based in vitro models of human hepatocytes and HepaRG cells using stirred culture systems. In chapter 2, the isolation of human hepatocytes from resected liver tissue was implemented and a liver tissue perfusion method was optimized towards the improvement of hepatocyte isolation and aggregation efficiency, resulting in an isolation protocol compatible with 3D culture. In chapter 3, human hepatocytes were co-cultivated with mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and the phenotype of both cell types was characterized, showing that MSC acquire a supportive stromal function and hepatocytes retain differentiated hepatic functions, stability of drug metabolism enzymes and higher viability in co-cultures. In chapter 4, a 3D alginate microencapsulation strategy for the differentiation of HepaRG cells was evaluated and compared with the standard 2D DMSO-dependent differentiation, yielding higher differentiation efficiency, comparable levels of drug metabolism activity and significantly improved biosynthetic activity. The work developed in this thesis provides novel strategies for 3D culture of human hepatic cell models, which are reproducible, scalable and compatible with screening platforms. The phenotypic and functional characterization of the in vitro systems performed contributes to the state of the art of human hepatic cell models and can be applied to the improvement of pre-clinical drug development efficiency of the process, model disease and ultimately, development of cell-based therapeutic strategies for liver failure.


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A produção de estruturas tridimensionais poliméricas tem sido foco de estudo por parte da Engenharia de Células e Tecidos, pelo que mimetizam melhor as condições in vivo dos tecidos. A conjugação das propriedades eléctricas com arquitectura 3D permite uma regeneração tecidual mais eficaz. Desta forma este estudo incidiu na construção de scaffolds, que conjugasse as propriedades mecânicas, eléctricas e biológicas num só suporte. O processo utilizado para produção de scaffolds baseou-se na electrofiação de soluções poliméricas de PCL (8% m/m) com incorporação de óxido de grafeno em diferentes concentrações: 0.01%, 0.1% e 0.25% (m/V). Foram avaliados os parâmetros de electrofiação que permitiram a organização tridimensional. A composição química e a morfologia das membranas foram avaliadas por FTIR-ATR e por microscopia electrónica de varrimento (MEV), respectivamente. Através de ensaios de tracção e de permeabilidade estudou-se a influência de óido de grafeno na matriz polimérica. Foram feitas experiências de redução de óxido de grafeno nas fibras electrofiadas, tanto nas membranas como das espumas, através do uso de vapores de hidrazina. Este mecanismo mostrou-se ineficaz, uma vez que afectou a sua morfologia. As espumas foram avaliadas quanto à sua bioactividade e propriedades mecânicas (ensaios de compressão). Também foram realizados testes de viabilidade celular nas membranas e de adesão celular nas espumas, de forma a avaliar o seu potencial para aplicação biomédica. Os resultados destes ensaios revelaram que óxido de grafeno não apresenta efeitos citotóxicos para o organismo e a sua presença promove a adesão celular ao scaffold.


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Esta plataforma foi projetada como auxílio complementar ao processo de reabilitação de doentes afásicos lusófonos. Uma gama de exercícios são disponibilizados de forma a induzir diferentes estímulos (compreensão escrita e auditiva e expressão escrita) sendo a grande maioria destes realizados dentro de um ambiente virtual em três dimensões onde o utilizador (dependendo da tarefa) pode interagir com objetos presentes dentro de uma casa. A principal particularidade desta plataforma reside no facto desta estar alojada online, dispensando instalações e permitindo um acompanhamento mais próximo por parte do terapeuta da fala do progresso feito pelo paciente. A ferramenta desenvolvida está disponível para visualização e teste no endereço www.weblisling.net.


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Neurological disorders are a major concern in modern societies, with increasing prevalence mainly related with the higher life expectancy. Most of the current available therapeutic options can only control and ameliorate the patients’ symptoms, often be-coming refractory over time. Therapeutic breakthroughs and advances have been hampered by the lack of accurate central nervous system (CNS) models. The develop-ment of these models allows the study of the disease onset/progression mechanisms and the preclinical evaluation of novel therapeutics. This has traditionally relied on genetically engineered animal models that often diverge considerably from the human phenotype (developmentally, anatomically and physiologically) and 2D in vitro cell models, which fail to recapitulate the characteristics of the target tissue (cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, cell polarity). The in vitro recapitulation of CNS phenotypic and functional features requires the implementation of advanced culture strategies that enable to mimic the in vivo struc-tural and molecular complexity. Models based on differentiation of human neural stem cells (hNSC) in 3D cultures have great potential as complementary tools in preclinical research, bridging the gap between human clinical studies and animal models. This thesis aimed at the development of novel human 3D in vitro CNS models by integrat-ing agitation-based culture systems and a wide array of characterization tools. Neural differentiation of hNSC as 3D neurospheres was explored in Chapter 2. Here, it was demonstrated that human midbrain-derived neural progenitor cells from fetal origin (hmNPC) can generate complex tissue-like structures containing functional dopaminergic neurons, as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Chapter 3 focused on the development of cellular characterization assays for cell aggregates based on light-sheet fluorescence imaging systems, which resulted in increased spatial resolu-tion both for fixed samples or live imaging. The applicability of the developed human 3D cell model for preclinical research was explored in Chapter 4, evaluating the poten-tial of a viral vector candidate for gene therapy. The efficacy and safety of helper-dependent CAV-2 (hd-CAV-2) for gene delivery in human neurons was evaluated, demonstrating increased neuronal tropism, efficient transgene expression and minimal toxicity. The potential of human 3D in vitro CNS models to mimic brain functions was further addressed in Chapter 5. Exploring the use of 13C-labeled substrates and Nucle-ar Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy tools, neural metabolic signatures were evaluated showing lineage-specific metabolic specialization and establishment of neu-ron-astrocytic shuttles upon differentiation. Chapter 6 focused on transferring the knowledge and strategies described in the previous chapters for the implementation of a scalable and robust process for the 3D differentiation of hNSC derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). Here, software-controlled perfusion stirred-tank bioreactors were used as technological system to sustain cell aggregation and dif-ferentiation. The work developed in this thesis provides practical and versatile new in vitro ap-proaches to model the human brain. Furthermore, the culture strategies described herein can be further extended to other sources of neural phenotypes, including pa-tient-derived hiPSC. The combination of this 3D culture strategy with the implemented characterization methods represents a powerful complementary tool applicable in the drug discovery, toxicology and disease modeling.


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Bone tissue engineering requires a biocompatible scaffold that supports cell growth and enhances the native repair process. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHB-HV) is a biodegradable 3D scaffold with 88.1 â 0.3% porosity and pore size of 163.5 â 0.1 mm. Previous studies demonstrated the potential of PHB-HV as a scaffold in spinal cord repair. The aim of this study was to evaluate PHB-HV as a scaffold for bone regeneration by assessing the cytocompatability of this scaffold.


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Cell encapsulation within hydrogel microspheres shows great promise in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM). However, the assembling of microspheres as building blocks to produce complex tissues is a hard task because of their inability to place along length scales in space. We propose a proof-of-concept strategy to produce 3D constructs using cell encapsulated as building blocks by perfusion based LbL technique. This technique exploits the â bindingâ potential of multilayers apart from coating


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Human activity is very dynamic and subtle, and most physical environments are also highly dynamic and support a vast range of social practices that do not map directly into any immediate ubiquitous computing functionally. Identifying what is valuable to people is very hard and obviously leads to great uncertainty regarding the type of support needed and the type of resources needed to create such support. We have addressed the issues of system development through the adoption of a Crowdsourced software development model [13]. We have designed and developed Anywhere places, an open and flexible system support infrastructure for Ubiquitous Computing that is based on a balanced combination between global services and applications and situated devices. Evaluation, however, is still an open problem. The characteristics of ubiquitous computing environments make their evaluation very complex: there are no globally accepted metrics and it is very difficult to evaluate large-scale and long-term environments in real contexts. In this paper, we describe a first proposal of an hybrid 3D simulated prototype of Anywhere places that combines simulated and real components to generate a mixed reality which can be used to assess the envisaged ubiquitous computing environments [17].


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[Excerpt] The advantages resulting from the use of numerical modelling tools to support the design of processing equipment are almost consensual. The design of calibration systems in profile extrusion is not an exception . H owever , the complex geome tries and heat exchange phenomena involved in this process require the use of numerical solvers able to model the heat exchange in more than one domain ( calibrator and polymer), the compatibilization of the heat transfer at the profile - calibrator interface and with the ability to deal with complex geometries. The combination of all these features is usually hard to find in commercial software. Moreover , the dimension of the meshes required to ob tain accurate results, result in computational times prohibitive for industrial application. (...)


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A modelagem baseada no indivíduo tem sido crescentemente empregada para analisar processos ecológicos, desenvolver e avaliar teorias, bem como para fins de manejo da vida silvestre e conservação. Os modelos baseados no indivíduo (MBI) são bastante flexíveis, permitem o uso detalhado de parâmetros com maior significado biológico, sendo portanto mais realistas do que modelos populacionais clássicos, mais presos dentro de um rígido formalismo matemático. O presente artigo apresenta e discute sete razões para a adoção dos MBI em estudos de simulação na Ecologia: (1) a inerente complexidade de sistemas ecológicos, impassíveis de uma análise matemática formal; (2) processos populacionais são fenômenos emergentes, resultando das interações entre seus elementos constituintes (indivíduos) e destes com o meio; (3) poder de predição; (4) a adoção definitiva, por parte da Ecologia, de uma visão evolutiva; (5) indivíduos são entidades discretas; (6) interações são localizadas no espaço e (7) indivíduos diferem entre si.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da modelagem sísmica em meios com fortes descontinuidades de propriedades físicas, com ênfase na existência de difrações e múltiplas reflexões, tendo a Bacia do Amazonas como referência à modelagem. As condições de estabilidade e de fronteiras utilizadas no cálculo do campo de ondas sísmicas foram analisadas numericamente pelo método das diferenças finitas, visando melhor compreensão e controle da interpretação de dados sísmicos. A geologia da Bacia do Amazonas é constituída por rochas sedimentares depositadas desde o Ordoviciano até o Recente que atingem espessuras da ordem de 5 km. Os corpos de diabásio, presentes entre os sedimentos paleozóicos, estão dispostos na forma de soleiras, alcançam espessuras de centenas de metros e perfazem um volume total de aproximadamente 90000 Km³. A ocorrência de tais estruturas é responsável pela existência de reflexões múltiplas durante a propagação da onda sísmica o que impossibilita melhor interpretação dos horizontes refletores que se encontram abaixo destas soleiras. Para representar situações geológicas desse tipo foram usados um modelo (sintético) acústico de velocidades e um código computacional elaborado via método das diferenças finitas com aproximação de quarta ordem no espaço e no tempo da equação da onda. A aplicação dos métodos de diferenças finitas para o estudo de propagação de ondas sísmicas melhorou a compreensão sobre a propagação em meios onde existem heterogeneidades significativas, tendo como resultado boa resolução na interpretação dos eventos de reflexão sísmica em áreas de interesse. Como resultado dos experimentos numéricos realizados em meio de geologia complexa, foi observada a influência significativa das reflexões múltiplas devido à camada de alta velocidade, isto provocou maior perda de energia e dificultou a interpretação dos alvos. Por esta razão recomenda-se a integração de dados de superfície com os de poço, com o objetivo de obter melhor imagem dos alvos abaixo das soleiras de diabásio.