899 resultados para Milk production - Brazil
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O estudo é uma ação de pesquisa do projeto "Sustentabilidade da pecuária leiteira da agricultura familiar da Amazônia Oriental", desenvolvido pela Embrapa Amazônia Oriental e propôs determinar os principais problemas da nutrição mineral nos sistemas de produção leiteira de pequenas e médias propriedades na microrregião de Castanhal (MrC) e no município de Uruará (MuU), Estado do Pará. Como objetivos específicos visou definir as características da suplementação mineral efetuada nas propriedades, bem como analisar o conteúdo mineral das pastagens formadas de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. Para isso, foram utilizados dois estudos sendo que no primeiro foram definidas as características da suplementação mineral nos sistemas de produção leiteira de ambos os locais estudados através de um questionário/entrevista. Dos dados obtidos pelo questionário/entrevista foram extraídas 22 variáveis consideradas importantes que foram classificadas em quatro grupos principais. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva aplicando-se o teste de Qui-quadrado ao nível de 5% de probabilidade para determinação das diferenças testadas. No segundo estudo foram colhidas amostras de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu em duas propriedades da MrC e quatro do MuU. As amostras de forragem foram colhidas em dois períodos distintos do ano, final do período seco (novembro/1998) e final do período chuvoso (junho/1999) para determinação de cálcio (Ca), fósforo (P), magnésio (Mg), sódio (Na), potássio (K), cobre (Cu), zinco (Zn), ferro (Fe), manganês (Mn) e cobalto (Co). O delineamento experimental utilizado para a amostragem da forragem foi inteiramente casualisado considerando os dois locais estudados (MrC e MuU) como sendo dois fatores e os dois períodos do ano (chuvoso e seco) foram considerados como sub-parcelas. A análise de variância foi realizada pelo método de mínimos quadrados e o teste F foi utilizado ao nível de 5% para testar os efeitos. O teste de Tukey foi utilizado para comparação das médias. Na microrregião de Castanhal, a Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu não atendeu as necessidades de P, Na, Cu e Zn sugeridas para bovinos de corte, categoria vacas em lactação e demonstra a necessidade de suplementação mineral via cocho. Apesar da atividade leiteira ser mais antiga nessa microrregião, os criadores não conseguem distinguir as necessidades diferenciadas de requerimento dentro das categorias de produção animal. Esse desconhecimento deve ser considerado como um importante fator de restrição de produtividade. Particularmente nessa microrregião, a baixa concentração de P na forragem durante o período chuvoso parece agravar o problema da deficiência mineral por se tratar de um período de maior disponibilidade protéicoenergético da forragem, fazendo com que o animal requeira maiores quantidades do elemento fósforo na dieta. No município de Uruará, a Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu não atendeu as necessidades de P, Na e Cu, sugeridas pelo NRC (1986) para bovinos de corte, categoria vacas em lactação e demonstra também a necessidade de suplementação mineral via cocho. Nesse município, observou-se um baixo consumo de mistura mineral e as condições dos cochos eram precárias. A localização do cocho dentro do curral e o acesso somente durante o período de ordenha inibiu o consumo de mistura minera!. A freqüência elevada de relatos de apetite depravado, atraso no cio, fratura espontânea, diminuição do apetite e emagrecimento dos animais, são sintomas sugestivos de deficiência clínica de P e Cu sintetizam a baixa qualidade da nutrição dos animais neste local.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the characteristics of ruminal fluid, blood gas analysis, pedometer activity and suclinical laminitis occurrence, through the presence of secondary foot diseases in high production dairy cows, from a commercial herd. 200 Holstein cows originating from the same farm, located in Araçatuba/SP, Brazil, were divided into four groups, which are established from the daily milk production. Initially clinical examination of the cows was procedure, followed by sampling of rumen fluid, by esophageal tube. Fluid was evaluated for pH, color, odor, consistency, sedimentation, flotation and methylene blue reduction test. Venous blood samples were also collected for blood gas analysis, in addition to collecting data from pedometrics (number of steps) and daily milk production. Data were tabulated and submitted to correlation analysis. No animal had reported changes in rumen pH. Non-acid base imbalance were found, since the values of blood pH, PCO2, TCO2, HCO3- and BE were normal during hemogasimetric analysis. The pedometric was effective as a screening method to cows with foot diseases. It demonstrated reduction in the number of steps due to pain, correlated with lower milk production. However, the identification of foot lesions was only possible through specific digital clinical examination. The occurrence of 49.5 % of herd foot problems was due to the risk factors present in the farm. The abrasive concrete and inadequate facilities, also associated with the possible occurrence of sub-acute ruminal acidosis, were observed as risk factors. However, sub-acute ruminal acidosis was undiagnosed by the methods used. The correlation between the values of ruminal pH, and blood gas analysis pedometrics showed efficient for the early diagnosis of foot diseases and also in establishing the etiology of these diseases. Subclinical laminitis occurred primarily in cow's herd, considering the multifactorial etiology of this disease, occurrence and distribution of foot diseases diagnosed.
The publication of the human genome sequence in 2001 was a major step forward in knowledge necessary to understand the variations between individuals. For farmed species, genomic sequence information will facilitate the selection of animals optimised to live, and be productive, in particular environments. The availability of cattle genome sequence has allowed the breeding industry to take the first steps towards predicting phenotypes from genotypes by estimating a genomic breeding value (gEBV) for bulls using genome-wide DNA markers. The sequencing of the buffalo genome and creation of a panel of DNA markers has created the opportunity to apply molecular selection approaches for this species.The genomes of several buffalo of different breeds were sequenced and aligned with the bovine genome, which facilitated the identification of millions of sequence variants in the buffalo genomes. Based on frequencies of variants within and among buffalo breeds, and their distribution across the genome compared with the bovine genome, 90,000 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were selected to create an Axiom (R) Buffalo Genotyping Array 90K. This SNP Chip was tested in buffalo populations from Italy and Brazil and found to have at least 75% high quality and polymorphic markers in these populations. The 90K SNP chip was then used to investigate the structure of buffalo populations, and to localise the variations having a major effect on milk production.
The Gir cattle breed (Bos indicus) is an important genetic resource for milk production throughout the tropics. The small number of Gir animals introduced in Brazil, rapid dissemination of this breed recently, and the intensification of selection practices could contribute to increase of inbreeding level and reduce genetic diversity in this population. The population was analyzed in terms of pedigree completeness level, inbreeding coefficient, coancestry, generation interval, effective population size, effective number of founders and ancestors, among others. Despite the low mean inbreeding (around 2%), minor problems were identified in the population structure of the Brazilian Gir cattle, e.g., trend of narrower bottlenecks in the pedigree in recent years. The effective population sizes based on inbreeding (94) or coancestry (165.9) as well as the effective number of ancestors (76) and founders (143) were relativity high. The major subdivision of the Gir breed was observed between 1993 and 2002 (dairy and dual-purpose herds, wide use of within-herd matings). In this period the level of inbreeding remained at a higher level, there was a small increase in coancestry and the number of equivalent subpopulations was approximately 6. After 2002, there was genetic exchange between subpopulations, reduction in the average inbreeding, pronounced increase in the average coancestry, and the number of equivalent subpopulations was about 2. Furthermore, it was found that the mean generation interval of the population tended to increase in recent years (around 9 years). About 23% of genetic diversity has been lost since the first generation of founders. Based on the effective population size, number of equivalent subpopulations, inbreeding, coancestry, and loss of genetic diversity, the Gir population is still highly structured, but there is ample room for artificial selection. The results regarding the effective number of founders and ancestors in the present population demonstrate the existence of bottlenecks in the pedigree and indicate the need for population structure monitoring. Nevertheless, the Brazilian Gir breed can perfectly face a breeding program with high selection intensity. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
The aim of this work was to determine the adaptability of Saanen and A1/2Saanen x A1/2Anglo-Nubian (A1/2SA1/2AN) goats bred in tropical climates. The study included 30 goats, 15 Saanen and 15 A1/2SA1/2AN. The data was collected during the rainy and dry seasons. During the whole experimental period, the environment variables were recorded, as well as rectal temperature (RT), superficial temperature (ST), respiratory rate (RR) and heart rate (HR) and milk production (MP). The adaptability coefficient (AC) was calculated for both genotypes. The averages were evaluated by ANOVA at 5 % probability. There was a genotype and period of year effect, as well as the interaction genotype x period of year. Pearson's simple correlation analysis was then carried out between milk production and physiological and environment variables. There was a statistical difference (p < 0.05) between the seasons for RT, ST and RR. RT, RR and HR were lower for A1/2SA1/2AN than Saanen goats, regardless of the season. MP was greater in the dry season (p < 0.05) (2.52 A +/- 0.50 kg/day for A1/2SA1/2AN and 2.41 A +/- 0.38 kg/day for Saanen) than the rainy season (2.17 A +/- 0.27 kg/day for A1/2SA1/2AN and 2.28 A +/- 0.53 kg/day for Saanen). The MP correlations were very significant (p < 0.05), however low and negative, where it was higher when correlated with RR in Saanen goats. Under the conditions of the present study, it is concluded that the goats were influenced by climatic factors, where the rainy period was more likely to cause thermal stress in the animals.
Given the importance of Guzera breeding programs for milk production in the tropics, the objective of this study was to compare alternative random regression models for estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values. Test-day milk yields records (TDR) were collected monthly, in a maximum of 10 measurements. The database included 20,524 records of first lactation from 2816 Guzera cows. TDR data were analyzed by random regression models (RRM) considering additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual effects as random and the effects of contemporary group (CG), calving age as a covariate (linear and quadratic effects) and mean lactation curve as fixed. The genetic additive and permanent environmental effects were modeled by RRM using Wilmink, All and Schaeffer and cubic B-spline functions as well as Legendre polynomials. Residual variances were considered as heterogeneous classes, grouped differently according to the model used. Multi-trait analysis using finite-dimensional models (FDM) for testday milk records (TDR) and a single-trait model for 305-days milk yields (default) using the restricted maximum likelihood method were also carried out as further comparisons. Through the statistical criteria adopted, the best RRM was the one that used the cubic B-spline function with five random regression coefficients for the genetic additive and permanent environmental effects. However, the models using the Ali and Schaeffer function or Legendre polynomials with second and fifth order for, respectively, the additive genetic and permanent environmental effects can be adopted, as little variation was observed in the genetic parameter estimates compared to those estimated by models using the B-spline function. Therefore, due to the lower complexity in the (co)variance estimations, the model using Legendre polynomials represented the best option for the genetic evaluation of the Guzera lactation records. An increase of 3.6% in the accuracy of the estimated breeding values was verified when using RRM. The ranks of animals were very close whatever the RRM for the data set used to predict breeding values. Considering P305, results indicated only small to medium difference in the animals' ranking based on breeding values predicted by the conventional model or by RRM. Therefore, the sum of all the RRM-predicted breeding values along the lactation period (RRM305) can be used as a selection criterion for 305-day milk production. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to evaluate the potential for milk production (MP), lactation length (LL) and calving interval (CI), analyze the environmental component affecting these traits, and to estimate the heritability and repeatability for milk production in crossbreds of Murrah buffalo cows in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. Data was composed of 487 observations of MP from 136 lactations recorded between the years of 2000 and 2010. In the analysis of variance for PL, the fixed effects were season (1- October to March, 2 -April to September) and year of the beginning of lactation, calving order and the LL (covariate). For the analysis of LL only the fixed effect of year of the beginning of lactation was included, and finally for the CI analysis, year of the beginning of lactation and calving order. The estimates of covariance were obtained using unicharacteristic analysis by Bayesian inference method, applyingan animal model, through Gibbs sampling. The additive genetic, permanent environment and residual effects were included as random effects in the model. The averages (sd) of MP, LL and CI were 2,218.03 kg (408.18), 282.59 days (39.48) e 422.49 days (91.05), respectively. All the effects included in the models were important (P<0.01). The estimates of heritability and repeatability for PL were 0.29 and 0.69, respectively. The results suggest that there is a moderate genetic variability among individuals for PL, indicating the possibility to obtain gain using selection.
The aim of this study was to estimate milk production and food consumption during the occurrence of heat waves in the Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaiba, MG by means of bioclimatic zoning based on the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI). Therefore a history of heat wave occurrence between the years 2000-2010 was compiled. The decline in milk production (DMP) and reduced food consumption (RFC) were simulated in cities where periods of heat waves were identified. Frutal and Ituiutaba had the highest rate of heat wave occurrence per year. The DMP and RFC showed bioclimatic differences between the cities of Uberaba, Ituiutaba and Frutal. The cities with the best bioclimatic conditions were Sacramento and Patrocinio, as they presented a THI classified outside of the emergency range, with a night THI of below 76 and without heat waves. Therefore, the occurrence of heat waves can impair food intake and decrease milk production, thereby most effectively demonstrating the effects of thermal stress on dairy cows in the Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaiba, MG region.
Climate change in tropical countries, like Brazil, causes major problems in dairy production due to an increase of heat stress effects. In recent years, milk production in Brazil increased 36.07%. The Southeast region remains a leader in production with herds of high producing Holstein cattle (mostly), which is more susceptible to heat stress. Thermal stress decreases fertility in direct and indirect ways. Conception rates are reduced of 40-60% during cooler months of the year and 10-20% in the warmer months. Negative effects of heat stress involve changes in reproductive hormones, follicular development, oocytes, and embryos, and decreased dry matter intake. Several studies discuss change in reproductive hormones, such as reduction in plasma concentration of GnRH, LH, and oestradiol, which lead to decreased detection of estrus and ovulation. Various methods are being studied to bypass these negative effects and increase the fertility of dairy cows under heat stress. Cooling systems are the most advantageous and can be associated with technologies such as ET and TAI