998 resultados para Micro-quartz


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Oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) is a readily available, lignocellulosic biomass that has potential to be utilized as a carbon substrate for microbial oil production. In order to evaluate the production of microbial oil from EFB, a technical study was performed through the cultivation of oleaginous micro-organisms (Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Aspergillus oryzae, and Mucor plumbeus) on EFB hydrolyzates. EFB hydrolyzates were prepared through dilute acid pre-treatment of the biomass, where the liquid fraction of pre-treatment was detoxified and used as an EFB liquid hydrolyzate (EFBLH). The solid residue was enzymatically hydrolyzed prior to be used as an EFB enzymatic hydrolyzate (EFBEH). The highest oil concentrations were obtained from M. plumbeus (1.9 g/L of oil on EFBLH and 4.7 g/L of oil on EFBEH). In order to evaluate the feasibility of large-scale microbial oil production, a techno-economic study was performed based on the oil yields of M. plumbeus per hectare of plantation, followed by the estimation of the feedstock cost for oil production. Other oil palm biomasses (frond and trunk) were also included in this study, as it could potentially improve the economics of large-scale microbial oil production. Microbial oil from oil palm biomasses was estimated to potentially increase oil production in the palm oil industry up to 25%, at a cheaper feedstock cost. The outcome of this study demonstrates the potential integration of microbial oil production from oil palm biomasses with existing palm oil industry (biodiesel, food and oleochemicals production), that could potentially enhance sustainability and profitability of microbial oil production.


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Zinc micro and nanostructures were synthesized in vacuum by condensing evaporated zinc on Si substrate at different gas pressures. The morphology of the grown Zn structures was found to be dependent on the oxygen partial pressure. Depending on oxygen partial pressure it varied from two-dimensional microdisks to one-dimensional nanowire. The morphology and structural properties of the grown micro and nanostructures were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies on the grown Zn nanowires have shown that they exhibit core/shell-like structures, where a thin ZnO layer forms the shell. A possible growth mechanism behind the formation of different micro and nanostructures has been proposed. In addition, we have synthesized ZnO nanocanal-like structures by annealing Zn nanowires in vacuum at 350 °C for 30 min.


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An isolated wind power generation scheme using slip ring induction machine (SRIM) is proposed. The proposed scheme maintains constant load voltage and frequency irrespective of the wind speed or load variation. The power circuit consists of two back-to-back connected inverters with a common dc link, where one inverter is directly connected to the rotor side of SRIM and the other inverter is connected to the stator side of the SRIM through LC filter. Developing a negative sequence compensation method to ensure that, even under the presence of unbalanced load, the generator experiences almost balanced three-phase current and most of the unbalanced current is directed through the stator side converter is the focus here. The SRIM controller varies the speed of the generator with variation in the wind speed to extract maximum power. The difference of the generated power and the load power is either stored in or extracted from a battery bank, which is interfaced to the common dc link through a multiphase bidirectional fly-back dc-dc converter. The SRIM control scheme, maximum power point extraction algorithm and the fly-back converter topology are incorporated from available literature. The proposed scheme is both simulated and experimentally verified.


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A highly stable oscillator used in a quartz crystal thickness monitor for monitoring the rate of evaporation and total thickness of film during thin film deposition is reported. The design aspects of the oscillator and its long term stability, which enhances the reproducibility and the performance of the thickness monitor, are discussed. The stability of the oscillator at defined conditions is tested and compared with the conventional transistorized oscillator and the IC oscillator using inverters. The oscillator is coupled to the crystal monitor and its performance is studied in an evaporation system by evaporating different materials


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Selective separation of pyrite from galena and quartz was achieved through microbiologically induced flotation in presence of Bacillus subtilis. B. subtilis functions as a depressant for pyrite while it promotes the flotation of galena and quartz. Bacterial extracellular protein (EP) was isolated and the protein profile of bacterial cells grown in presence and absence of minerals established.


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This study presents a detailed description on crustal metamorphic signatures of garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz-rutile-bearing high P-T granulites, Samgot unit, Imajingang belt, northwestern Korean Peninsula that formed during Permo-Triassic regional metamorphism related to the amalgamation of East Asian continental fragments. Lenses and blocks of high P-T granulites and garnet-bearing leucosomes occur within mafic metamorphic rocks (mainly amphibolites). The mafic blocks comprise relicts of granoblastic garnet and clinopyroxene with medium-grained quartz and rutile. These relict mineral assemblages are confined to local micro-domains and constitute remnants of peak metamorphism. Plagioclase and amphibole form only as retrograde phases in medium ton coarse-grained moats that rim grain boundaries between relict peak mineral assemblages. This microstructure represents the reaction between garnet, clinopyroxene, quartz and rutile in the presence of melt to form amphibole, plagioclase and titanite with minor biotite. The leucosome domains consist of euhedral garnets within the quartz-K feldspar-plagioclase (granitic) matrix, probably representing peritectic garnet growth along with melting. The rare earth element (REE) composition of minerals also support the peritectic garnet growth with a positive Eu/Eu* (positive Eu anomaly), while the relict garnet shows a slight negative anomaly typical for high-grade granulites. The peak-metamorphic conditions calculated from thermodynamic modeling and compositional isopleths indicate a temperature around c. 900 degrees C at a pressure around c. 20 kbar. The present P-T path indicates a clear multi-stage decompression history with initial decompression and cooling followed by a stage of decompression during hydration possibly during Late Triassic exhumation. The results from this study together with the presence of eclogites from the Hongsung area suggest that the Imjingang area and the western Gyeonggi massif likely resided at crustal levels deeper than those of the eastern and southern part of the Gyeonggi massif. (C) 2009 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spreading and receding processes of water drops impacting on a stainless steel surface comprising rectangular shaped parallel grooves are studied experimentally. The study was confined to the impact of drops in inertia dominated flow regime with Weber number in the range 15 - 257. Measurements of spreading drop diameter and drop height were obtained during the impact process as function of time. Experimental measurements of spreading drop diameter and drop height obtained for the grooved surface were compared with those obtained for a smooth surface to elucidate the influence of surface grooves on the impact process. The grooves definitely influence both spreading and receding processes of impacting liquid drops. A more striking observation from this study is that the receding process of impacting liquid drops is dramatically changed by the groove structure for all droplet Weber number.


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There is a growing interest in management of MSW through micro-treatment of organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) in many cities of India. The OFMSW fraction is high (> 80%) in many pockets within South Indian cities like Bangalore, Chikkamagalur, etc. and is largely represented by vegetable, fruit, packing and garden wastes. Among these, the last three have shown problems for easy decomposition. Fruit wastes are characterized by a large pectin supported fraction that decomposes quickly to organic acids (becomes pulpy) that eventually slow down anaerobic and aerobic decomposition processes. Paper fraction (newsprint and photocopying paper) as well as paddy straw (packing), bagasse (from cane juice stalls) and tree leaf litter (typical garden waste and street sweepings) are found in reasonably large proportions in MSW. These decompose slowly due to poor nutrients or physical state. We have examined the suitability of these substrates for micro-composting in plastic bins by tracking decomposition pattern and physical changes. It was found that fruit wastes decompose rapidly to produce organic acids and large leachate fraction such that it may need to be mixed with leachate absorbing materials (dry wastes) for good composting. Leaf litter, paddy straw and bagasse decompose to the tune of 90, 68 and 60% VS and are suitable for composting micro-treatment. Paper fractions even when augmented with 10% leaf compost failed to show appreciable decomposition in 50 days. All these feedstocks were found to have good biological methane potential (BMP) and showed promise for conversion to biogas under a mixed feed operation. Suitability of this approach was verified by operating a plug-flow type anaerobic digester where only leaf litter gathered nearby (as street sweepings) was used as feedstock. Here only a third of the BMP was realized at this scale (0.18 m(3) biogas/kg VS 0.55 m(3)/kg in BMP). We conclude that anaerobic digestion in plug-flow like digesters appear a more suitable micro-treatment option (2-10 kg VS/day) because in addition to compost it also produces biogas for domestic use nearby.


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This chapter presents the real time validation of fixed order robust 112 controller designed for the lateral stabilisation of a micro air vehicle named Sarika2. Digital signal processor (DSP) based onboard computer named flight instrumentation controller (FIC) is designed to operate under automatic or manual mode. FIC gathers data from multitude of sensors and is capable of closed loop control to enable autonomous flight. Fixed order lateral H-2 controller designed with the features such as incorporation of level I flying qualities, gust alleviation and noise rejection is coded on to the FIC. Challenging real time hardware in loop simulation (HILS) is done with dSPACE1104 RTI/RTW. Responses obtained from the HILS are compared with those obtained from the offline simulation. Finally, flight trials are conducted to demonstrate the satisfactory performance of the closed loop system. The generic design methodology developed is applicable to all classes of Mini and Micro air vehicles.


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Evidence has been presented to show that the autotrophic nitrifying organisms get stimulated in the mulberry rhizosphere. Three species of Pseudomonas, one each of Achromobacter and Bacillus capable of degrading methionine were shown to be stimulated in the rhizosphere. These bacteria were capable of reversing the inhibitory effect of methionine on soil nitrification. Two of them were able to form nitrite from methionine. The possibility that the increased nitrifying activity in the mulberry rhizosphere in the presence of methionine found in mulberry root exudations was the result of the activity of these organisms was suggested.


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The mulberry leaves were shown to harbour substantial populations of bacteria, streptomycetes, yeasts, and moulds. Azotobacter and Beijerinckia were observed to contribute to nearly 5 to 10 per cent of the bacterial population. When grown in water culture under sterile conditions, Azotobacter inoculation on the leaf or root surface was found to increase plant growth, dry wt, and nitrogen content of the mulberry. The beneficial effect of Azotobacter was largely influenced by the presence of a carbon source in the plant nutrient solution. The root inoculation in comparison to leaf application was found to confer greater benefits to the growing plant. The presence of carbohydrates and amino acids in the leaf leachates of mulberry was shown. The mutual beneficial nature of the association of the plant and Azotobacter has been brought to light.


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Bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of mulberry (Morus indica) as well as from control soil were tested for their effects on the growth of mulberry seedlings and for phytohormone production. About 12.8 per cent of the rhizosphere and 9.7 per cent of the soil isolates produced phytohormones in cultures. Rhizosphere isolates were more active in hormone synthesis than their soil counterparts. Soaking mulberry stem cuttings in culture filtrates of phytohormone synthesisers hastened their rooting. Culture filtrates of many isolates — hormone producers or not — stimulated or inhibited the growth of shoot and/or root of plants. Many cultures could also inhibit the germination of mulberry seeds.


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Cells and metabolic products of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans were successfully used to separate quartz from hematite through environmentally benign microbially induced flotation. Bacterial metabolic products such as extracellular proteins and polysaccharides were isolated from both unadapted and mineral-adapted bacterial metabolite and their basic characteristics were studied in order to get insight into the changes brought about on bioreagents during adaptation. Interaction between bacterial cells and metabolites with minerals like hematite and quartz brought about significant surface-chemical changes on both the minerals. Quartz was rendered more hydrophobic, while hematite became more hydrophilic after biotreatment.The predominance of bacterial polysaccharides on interacted hematite and of proteins on quartz was responsible for the above surface-chemical changes, as attested through adsorption studies. Surface-chemical changes were also observed on bacterial cells after adaptation to the above minerals. Selective separation of quartz from hematite was achieved through interaction with quartz-adapted bacterial cells and metabolite. Mineral-specific proteins secreted by quartz-adapted cells were responsible for conferment of hydrophobicity on quartz resulting in enhanced separation from hematite through flotation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The oxygen potentials corresponding to fayalite-quartz-iron (FQI) and fayalite-quartz-magnetite (FQM) equilibria have been determined using solid-state galvanic cells: Pt,Fe + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Fe + \r"FeO,\l"Pt and Pt, Fe3O4 + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Ni + NiO, Pt in the temperature ranges 900 to 1400 K and 1080 to 1340 K, respectively. The cells are written such that the right-hand electrodes are positive. Silica used in this study had the quartz structure. The emf of both cells was found to be reversible and to vary linearly with temperature. From the emf, Gibbs energy changes were deduced for the reactions: 0.106Fe (s) + 2Fe0.947O (r.s.) + SiO2 (qz) → Fe2SiO4 (ol) δG‡= -39,140+ 15.59T(± 150) J mol-1 and 3Fe2SiO4 (ol) + O2 (g) → 2Fe3O4 (sp) + 3SiO2 (qz) δG‡ = -471,750 + 160.06 T±} 1100) J mol-1 The “third-law≓ analysis of fayalite-quartz-wustite and fayalite-quartz-magnetite equilibria gives value for δH‡298 as -35.22 (±0.1) and -528.10 (±0.1) kJ mol-1, respectively, independent of temperature. The Gibbs energy of formation of the spinel form of Fe2SiO4 is derived by com-bining the present results on FQI equilibrium with the high-pressure data on olivine to spinel transformation of Fe2SiO4.


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This paper presents a robust fixed order H-2 controller design using Strengthened discrete optimal projection equations, which approximate the first order necessary optimality condition. The novelty of this work is the application of the robust H-2 controller to a micro aerial vehicle named Sarika2 developed in house. The controller is designed in discrete domain for the lateral dynamics of Sarika2 in the presence of low frequency atmospheric turbulence (gust) and high frequency sensor noise. The design specification includes simultaneous stabilization, disturbance rejection and noise attenuation over the entire flight envelope of the vehicle. The resulting controller performance is comprehensively analyzed by means of simulation.