923 resultados para Mercado brasileiro
Análise de volatilidade, integração de preços e previsibilidade para o mercado brasileiro de camarão
The present paper has the purpose of investigate the dynamics of the volatility structure in the shrimp prices in the Brazilian fish market. Therefore, a description of the initial aspects of the shrimp price series was made. From this information, statistics tests were made and selected univariate models to be price predictors. Then, it was verified the existence of relationship of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American imported shrimp and if, confirmed the relationship, whether or not there is a causal link between these assets, considering that the two countries had presented trade relations over the years. It is presented as an exploratory research of applied nature with quantitative approach. The database was collected through direct contact with the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (CEAGESP) and on the official website of American import, National Marine Fisheries Service - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NMFS- NOAA). The results showed that the great variability in the active price is directly related with the gain and loss of the market agents. The price series presents a strong seasonal and biannual effect. The average structure of price of shrimp in the last 12 years was R$ 11.58 and external factors besides the production and marketing (U.S. antidumping, floods and pathologies) strongly affected the prices. Among the tested models for predicting prices of shrimp, four were selected, which through the prediction methodologies of one step forward of horizon 12, proved to be statistically more robust. It was found that there is weak evidence of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American shrimp, where equivalently, was not found a causal link between them. We concluded that the dynamic pricing of commodity shrimp is strongly influenced by external productive factors and that these phenomena cause seasonal effects in the prices. There is no relationship of long-term stability between the Brazilian and American shrimp prices, but it is known that Brazil imports USA production inputs, which somehow shows some dependence productive. To the market agents, the risk of interferences of the external prices cointegrated to Brazilian is practically inexistent. Through statistical modeling is possible to minimize the risk and uncertainty embedded in the fish market, thus, the sales and marketing strategies for the Brazilian shrimp can be consolidated and widespread
A predição do preço da energia elétrica é uma questão importante para todos os participantes do mercado, para que decidam as estratégias mais adequadas e estabeleçam os contratos bilaterais que maximizem seus lucros e minimizem os seus riscos. O preço da energia tipicamente exibe sazonalidade, alta volatilidade e picos. Além disso, o preço da energia é influenciado por muitos fatores, tais como: demanda de energia, clima e preço de combustíveis. Este trabalho propõe uma nova abordagem híbrida para a predição de preços de energia no mercado de curto prazo. Tal abordagem combina os filtros autorregressivos integrados de médias móveis (ARIMA) e modelos de Redes Neurais (RNA) numa estrutura em cascata e utiliza variáveis explanatórias. Um processo em dois passos é aplicado. Na primeira etapa, as variáveis explanatórias são preditas. Na segunda etapa, os preços de energia são preditos usando os valores futuros das variáveis exploratórias. O modelo proposto considera uma predição de 12 passos (semanas) a frente e é aplicada ao mercado brasileiro, que possui características únicas de comportamento e adota o despacho centralizado baseado em custo. Os resultados mostram uma boa capacidade de predição de picos de preço e uma exatidão satisfatória de acordo com as medidas de erro e testes de perda de cauda quando comparado com técnicas tradicionais. Em caráter complementar, é proposto um modelo classificador composto de árvores de decisão e RNA, com objetivo de explicitar as regras de formação de preços e, em conjunto com o modelo preditor, atuar como uma ferramenta atrativa para mitigar os riscos da comercialização de energia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The main goal of this thesis is to describe in details the development and manufacturing of hydraulic fittings for application in truck's cabin tilting lines, covering all of the pre-project, drawing, quotation and supplying processes. This development was planned due to Eaton Corporation - Hydraulics Group's interest in competing on this market with this kind of application. Company's standard procedures were executed until the final supplying stage could be reached. Moreover, the year in which this project was conducted was ruled by a crisis in the automotive segment and new opportunities had to be pursued and developed. Eaton's USA, India and China (facilities located in Aurora, Pune and Shanghai, respectively) engineering team offered all the support in order for this project to come true. As a result there are new part numbers in the company's portfolio, which now offers new fittings and a new type of adapter that was unknown prior to the project. This way Eaton has conquered even more space with this cabin tilting application and the customers (OEMs) have an alternative and homologated supplier to purchase from. Financially speaking, the project's sales income may vary from US$800,000.00 to US$1,300,000.00 worth during the following supplying years
The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce. The maritime commerce consisted of the main way of circulation of the goods between the Brazilian provinces until the second half of century XIX. Although the relatively big importance of the flows of commerce with the exterior, we note significant exchange of goods by sea between the Brazilian regions since the colonial period. A part of these exchanges derived from products destined in last instance to the foreigner or imported of the exterior. However, another part elapsed of national goods that had not arrived at be exported to the international market. Many goods for the colonial and imperial consumption had circulated by the Brazilian coasts in expressive sums. From the information raised for the imperial period, especially the decades of 1860 and 1870, we verify that most of the goods commercialized between the provinces consisted of national products destined to the internal consumption.
De acordo com a literatura existente, as informações contábeis representam um importante estimador dos fluxos de caixa futuros da empresa, servindo, portanto, para fins de avaliação do risco de um investimento em ações. Isso porque tais informações refletem a realidade econômico-financeira da empresa em um dado período, possuindo, consequentemente, relação com o risco sistemático de um investimento, o que justifica sua utilização para fins de decisões relacionadas à composição de um portfólio de ações. Dentro desse contexto, o presente trabalho busca apresentar evidências empíricas da relação entre as informações contábeis e o risco sistemático no mercado brasileiro. Mais especificamente, objetiva-se analisar a relação entre os betas contábeis e os betas de mercado de companhias no Brasil. Para isso, foram selecionadas 97 empresas, da Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros de São Paulo (BM&FBOVESPA), de 15 setores econômicos, entre o 1º trimestre de 1995 e o 3º trimestre de 2009. Foram utilizadas 468 variáveis contábeis. Para operacionalizar a relação entre as variáveis foi utilizado um modelo de regressão com dados em painel. Os resultados evidenciaram que alguns betas contábeis podem explicar o beta de mercado e podem fazê-lo de forma antecipada, podendo, ainda, melhorar a previsão do beta de mercado quando associados a betas de mercado históricos. Por outro lado, a maior parte das versões de betas contábeis apresentou relação pouco significativa ou mesmo inexistente.