851 resultados para Mental illness - Treatment - Queensland - Rockhampton Region
O presente estudo partiu de reflexões acerca dos movimentos da reforma assistencial psiquiátrica e o processo de desinstitucionalização. Apresenta-se a evolução dos espaços de loucura e da Saúde Mental até aos conceitos de comunidade terapêutica, reabilitação psicossocial e suporte social. A Saúde mental não pode ser considerada de forma restrita ao indivíduo pois reflete uma experiência grupal. Objetivo: Identificar variáveis capazes de influenciar o decurso de um processo terapêutico, em regime de comunidade terapêutica na área da Saúde Mental. Método: estudo de natureza mista, de carácter exploratório, contou com a informação relativa a 112 pacientes que estão ou estiveram incluídos no programa terapêutico de uma instituição vocacionada para intervenção em sujeitos com patologia mental severa. Foi utilizada uma grelha por nós construída de forma a obter dados relativos às variáveis idade, diagnóstico, nível de retração social, especificidades da estrutura familiar, suporte disponibilizado, grau de motivação e tipo de alta. Resultados: Os dados revelam a importância do tipo de diagnóstico, especificidades da estrutura familiar e grau de motivação para o processo terapêutico. Por meio destas variáveis podemos indiciar o sucesso ou insucesso terapêutico de um doente mental com uma probabilidade de 71,4%. Os dados sublinham ainda a importância da interação social e comportamentos da família para a motivação do doente para o tratamento. / This study was based on reflections about the movements of the psychiatric care reform and the process of deinstitutionalization. It presents the evolution of the spaces of madness and mental health to the concepts of therapeutic community, psychosocial rehabilitation and social support. The mental health can not be considered narrowly as the individual reflects a group experience. Objective: To identify variables that influence the course of a therapeutic process, on a therapeutic community in the area of Mental Health. Method: study of a mixed nature, exploratory, had information on 112 patients who are or have been included in the therapeutic program of an institution devoted to intervention in subjects with severe mental illness. We used a grid constructed by us to obtain data on age, diagnosis, level of social withdrawal, specific family structure, support available, motivation level and type of discharge. Results: The data reveal the importance of the type of diagnosis, the specific family structure and degree of motivation for the therapeutic process. By means of these variables can indicate the success or treatment failure of a mental patient with a probability of 71.4%. The data underline the importance of social interaction and behavior of the family to the patient's motivation for treatment.
Bien que le travail soit bénéfique et souhaité par une majorité de personnes aux prises avec un trouble mental grave (TMG), les études réalisées auprès de cette clientèle montrent des taux d’emploi d’environ 10 à 20%. Parmi les services visant le retour au travail, les programmes de soutien à l’emploi (PSE) se sont montrés les plus efficaces avec des taux de placement en emploi standard oscillant entre 50 et 60%, sans toutefois garantir le maintien en emploi. Plusieurs études ont tenté de cerner les déterminants de l’obtention et du maintien en emploi chez cette population sans toutefois s’intéresser à la personnalité, et ce, bien qu’elle soit reconnue depuis toujours comme un déterminant important du fonctionnement des individus. De plus, peu de questionnaires d’évaluation de la personnalité selon le modèle de la personnalité en cinq facteurs (FFM) ont été utilisés auprès d’une clientèle avec un TMG et ceux-ci ont montré des propriétés psychométriques ne respectant pas des normes reconnues et acceptées. Cette thèse porte sur les liens entre la personnalité et l’intégration au travail chez les personnes avec un TMG. La première partie vise la validation d’un outil de mesure de la personnalité selon le FFM afin de répondre aux objectifs de la deuxième partie de la thèse. À cet effet, deux échantillons ont été recrutés, soit 259 étudiants universitaires et 141 personnes avec un TMG. Des analyses factorielles confirmatoires ont mené au développement d’un nouveau questionnaire à 15 items (NEO-15) dont les indices d’ajustement, de cohérence interne et de validité convergente respectent les normes établies, ce qui en fait un questionnaire bien adapté à la mesure de la personnalité normale dans des contextes où le temps d’évaluation est limité. La deuxième partie présente les résultats d’une étude réalisée auprès de 82 personnes aux prises avec un TMG inscrites dans un PSE et visant à identifier les facteurs d’obtention et de maintien en emploi chez cette clientèle, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la contribution des éléments normaux et pathologiques de la personnalité. Les résultats de régressions logistiques et de régressions de Cox (analyses de survie) ont démontré que l’historique d’emploi, les symptômes négatifs et le niveau de pathologie de la personnalité étaient prédictifs de l’obtention d’un emploi standard et du délai avant l’obtention d’un tel emploi. Une autre série de régressions de Cox a pour sa part démontré que l’esprit consciencieux était le seul prédicteur significatif du maintien en emploi. Malgré certaines limites, particulièrement des tailles d’échantillons restreintes, ces résultats démontrent la pertinence et l’importance de tenir compte des éléments normaux et pathologiques de la personnalité dans le cadre d’études portant sur l’intégration au travail de personnes avec un TMG. De plus, cette thèse a permis de démontrer l’adéquation d’un nouvel instrument de mesure de la personnalité auprès de cette clientèle. Des avenues futures concernant la réintégration professionnelle et le traitement des personnes avec un TMG sont discutées à la lumière de ces résultats.
Bien que le travail soit bénéfique et souhaité par une majorité de personnes aux prises avec un trouble mental grave (TMG), les études réalisées auprès de cette clientèle montrent des taux d’emploi d’environ 10 à 20%. Parmi les services visant le retour au travail, les programmes de soutien à l’emploi (PSE) se sont montrés les plus efficaces avec des taux de placement en emploi standard oscillant entre 50 et 60%, sans toutefois garantir le maintien en emploi. Plusieurs études ont tenté de cerner les déterminants de l’obtention et du maintien en emploi chez cette population sans toutefois s’intéresser à la personnalité, et ce, bien qu’elle soit reconnue depuis toujours comme un déterminant important du fonctionnement des individus. De plus, peu de questionnaires d’évaluation de la personnalité selon le modèle de la personnalité en cinq facteurs (FFM) ont été utilisés auprès d’une clientèle avec un TMG et ceux-ci ont montré des propriétés psychométriques ne respectant pas des normes reconnues et acceptées. Cette thèse porte sur les liens entre la personnalité et l’intégration au travail chez les personnes avec un TMG. La première partie vise la validation d’un outil de mesure de la personnalité selon le FFM afin de répondre aux objectifs de la deuxième partie de la thèse. À cet effet, deux échantillons ont été recrutés, soit 259 étudiants universitaires et 141 personnes avec un TMG. Des analyses factorielles confirmatoires ont mené au développement d’un nouveau questionnaire à 15 items (NEO-15) dont les indices d’ajustement, de cohérence interne et de validité convergente respectent les normes établies, ce qui en fait un questionnaire bien adapté à la mesure de la personnalité normale dans des contextes où le temps d’évaluation est limité. La deuxième partie présente les résultats d’une étude réalisée auprès de 82 personnes aux prises avec un TMG inscrites dans un PSE et visant à identifier les facteurs d’obtention et de maintien en emploi chez cette clientèle, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la contribution des éléments normaux et pathologiques de la personnalité. Les résultats de régressions logistiques et de régressions de Cox (analyses de survie) ont démontré que l’historique d’emploi, les symptômes négatifs et le niveau de pathologie de la personnalité étaient prédictifs de l’obtention d’un emploi standard et du délai avant l’obtention d’un tel emploi. Une autre série de régressions de Cox a pour sa part démontré que l’esprit consciencieux était le seul prédicteur significatif du maintien en emploi. Malgré certaines limites, particulièrement des tailles d’échantillons restreintes, ces résultats démontrent la pertinence et l’importance de tenir compte des éléments normaux et pathologiques de la personnalité dans le cadre d’études portant sur l’intégration au travail de personnes avec un TMG. De plus, cette thèse a permis de démontrer l’adéquation d’un nouvel instrument de mesure de la personnalité auprès de cette clientèle. Des avenues futures concernant la réintégration professionnelle et le traitement des personnes avec un TMG sont discutées à la lumière de ces résultats.
Objective To determine the prevalence of overnutrition and undernutrition among neuropsychiatric inpatients and outpatients at Zomba Mental Hospital in Zomba, Malawi. Methods In this analytical cross-sectional study (n = 239), data were collected from psychiatric patients who were either inpatients (n = 181) or outpatients (n = 58) at Zomba Mental Hospital, which is the largest mental health facility in Malawi. Information was collected about patient demographics, anthropometric data, dietary information, and tobacco and alcohol use, among other variables. Data were entered and analysed in SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Means were generated and compared between male and female patients, and between inpatients and outpatients. Results The study recruited 158 male and 81 female patients, with mean ages of 31.24 ± 11.85 years and 33.08 ± 15.18 years (p = 0.328), respectively. Male patients were significantly taller (165.27 ± 7.25 cm) than female patients (155.30 ± 6.56 cm) (p < 0.001); were significantly heavier than females (60.02 ± 10.56 kg versus 55.64 ± 10.53 kg); and had a significantly lower mean body mass index (BMI) than females (21.87 ± 3.21 vs. 23.01 ± 3.78) (p = 0.016). Overweight and obese patients comprised 17.6% of the participants, and 8.8% were underweight. There were no significant differences in the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and underweight between male and female participants, or between inpatients and outpatients. Conclusion Our study—the first one of its kind in Malawi—characterised the anthropometry of neuropsychiatric patients at a major metal health facility in Malawi, and has shown a high proportion of overweight patients and a notable presence of underweight patients among them. Being overweight or obese is a risk factor for metabolic disorders. Being underweight may aggravate mental illness or disturb the effect of medication. There is need, therefore, to include nutrition screening and therapeutic or supplementary feeding as part of a comprehensive care and treatment plan for neuropsychiatric patients.
A literature review was conducted aiming to understand the interface between the Intellectual Disability and Mental Health fields and to contribute to mitigating the path of institutionalizing individuals with intellectual deficiencies. The so-called dual diagnosis phenomenon remains underestimated in Brazil but is the object of research and specific public policy internationally. This phenomenon alerts us to the prevalence of mental health problems in those with intellectual disabilities, limiting their social inclusion. The findings reinforce the importance of this theme and indicate possible diagnostic invisibility of the development of mental illness in those with intellectual disabilities in Brazil, which may contribute to sustaining psychiatric institutionalization of this population.
In this manuscript we briefly describe bipolar disorder (a depressive and manic mental disease), its classification, its effects on the patient, which sometimes include suicidal tendencies, and the drugs used for treatment. We also address the status quo with regard to diagnosis of bipolar disorder and recent advances in bioanalytical approaches for biomarker discovery. These approaches focus on blood samples (serum and plasma) and proteins as the main biomarker targets, and use various strategies for protein depletion. Strategies include use of commercially available kits or other homemade strategies and use of classical proteomics methods for protein identification based on bottom-up or top-down approaches, which used SELDI, ESI, or MALDI as sources for mass spectrometry, and up-to-date mass analyzers, for example Orbitrap. We also discuss some future objectives for treatment of this disorder and possible directions for the correct diagnosis of this still-unclear mental illness.
Os distúrbios psiquiátricos constituem um grave problema de saúde pública. Por muitos anos, a única terapêutica disponível ao portador de transtornos mentais era a internação em hospitais psiquiátricos. Hoje a Organização Mundial de Saúde recomenda os serviços de base comunitária como modelo de tratamento em saúde mental. Assim, o objetivo é descrever as características de uma rede de atenção à saúde mental de base comunitária no município de Santo André, SP. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo do tipo descritivo, em dados secundários do período de 1987 a 2006. O estudo incidiu sobre o histórico, a infra-estrutura, os recursos humanos, a produção, as práticas e processos de trabalho dos serviços de saúde mental de Santo André. Foram analisados documentos do Programa Municipal de Saúde Mental, da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, da Prefeitura de Santo André, da Associação José Martins de Araújo Júnior-Organização Social De Volta Para Casa. A Secretaria Municipal de Saúde proveu meios para uma transformação dos serviços de saúde mental no período estudado, partindo de um atendimento exclusivamente manicomial para uma rede de serviços de saúde mental com modelo centrado na comunidade, focando a doença no aspecto psicossocial e com abordagem por equipe multiprofissional. Estas ações no município de Santo André foram corroborativas aos esforços da sociedade civil e o pleno desenvolvimento da mudança do modelo hospitalocêntrico
Young people who have had a mental illness face significant barriers to both gaining and maintaining employment. A study using a qualitative design and consisting of two focus groups, was conducted to focus on the issues experiencedby young people diagnosed with psychosis wanting to gain employment. The participants were 10 registered clients of an Australian mental health service that had a specialised early psychosis programme. The themes identified in this study concerned loss, low self-confidence and self-esteem, stigma, treatment issues, the need for support, and difficulties in identifying and achieving goals. Further research is warranted to gain a greater understanding of the type of programme that would best assist young people to gain and maintain employment.
Background A relationship exists between mental disorder and offending behaviours but the nature and extent of the association remains in doubt. Method Those convicted in the higher courts of Victoria between 1993 and 1995 had their pyschiatric history explored by case linkage to a register listing virtually all contacts with the public psychiatric services. Results Prior psychiatric contact was found in 25% or offenders, but the personality disorder and substance misuse accounted for much of this relationship. Schizophrenia and affective disorders were also over-represented, particularly those with coexisting substance misuse. Conclusions The increased offending in schizophrenia and affective illness is modest and may often be mediated by coexisting substance misuse. The risk of a serious crime being committed by someone with a major mental illness is small and does not justify subjecting them, as a group, to either increased institutional containment or greater coercion.
Case management models evolved as the mental health care system shifted hospital to community settings. The research evidence underscores the efficacy of certain case management models under 'ideal' conditions; what is less clear, is how these models perform in day to day clinical practice. Moreover, the economic perspective adopted by most studies is relatively narrow thus limiting a proper understanding of the costs and benefits of such models. This paper reviews recent work in the field and highlights gaps in both method and application as a focus for future work. Curr Opin Psychiatry 12:195-199, (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Several studies in schizophrenia found a positive association between cognitive performance and work status, and it has been reported that good cognitive performance at the outset does predict the success of vocational interventions. However little has been done to investigate whether vocational interventions itself benefit cognitive performance. To test this hypothesis we performed a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to investigate in remitted schizophrenic patients the effect of a 6-months vocational rehabilitation program on cognitive performance. We recruited 112 remitted and clinically stable schizophrenic patients who aimed to enter a vocational rehabilitation program. From these, 57 immediately entered a 6-months vocational rehabilitation program, whereas the remaining 55 were allocated to a waiting-list; the latter formed our control group, which received during the 6 months out-clinic follow-up treatment. Before and after the 6-months period we assessed changes in cognitive performance through a neuropsychological test battery, as well as changes in the psychopathological status and in quality of life. We found that vocational rehabilitation significantly improved patients` performance in cognitive measures that assess executive functions (concept formation, shifting ability, flexibility, inhibitory control, and judgment and critics abilities). Moreover, after 6 months the vocational group improved significantly in the negative symptoms and in quality of life, as compared to controls. Together with results from the literature, our findings reinforce the notion that the inclusion of vocational interventions may enhance the effectiveness of therapeutic strategies for schizophrenia patients. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: High levels of domestic violence, mental illness, and alienation from authorities are associated with high incidence of children/adolescents living on the streets in low and middle income countries. The Equilibrium Project (Programa Equilibrio) was created to facilitate social reintegration through a virtual partnership between an academic psychiatric institute and highly vulnerable children and adolescents living on the streets, in group shelter with supervision, and in other high risk situations. Methods: Descriptive presentation of qualitative data and analysis of preliminary empirical data collected over a 24-month period. Results: Dialogue between academic professionals, street children, and city officials shaped The Equilibrium Project over the last 2 years. The program has progressively moved from a professional clinic setting to a community-based but protected activity center with recreational and professional services and an emphasis on linkage with social service agencies, city government and law enforcement officials in an academic research context. A total of 351 patients have been served of whom virtually all were neglected by their parents, 58.4% report physical or sexual abuse, 88.89% have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, 40.4% drug use. After 2 years of operation, 63.5% (n = 223) successfully completed or continue in treatment and 34.8% (n = 122) were reunited with their families. Conclusions and Practice implications: Program development guided by consumer input led to a successful program offering professional services in a protected community setting that facilitates social reintegration by providing ""go between"" services integrating relationships between alienated consumers and formal psychiatric, pediatric, social service, and criminal justice systems. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Context: There is limited information on the prevalence and correlates of bipolar spectrum disorder in international population-based studies using common methods. Objectives: To describe the prevalence, impact, patterns of comorbidity, and patterns of service utilization for bipolar spectrum disorder (BPS) in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Survey Initiative. Design, Setting, and Participants: Crosssectional, face-to-face, household surveys of 61 392 community adults in 11 countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia assessed with the World Mental Health version of the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview, version 3.0, a fully structured, lay-administered psychiatric diagnostic interview. Main Outcome Measures: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition) disorders, severity, and treatment. Results: The aggregate lifetime prevalences were 0.6% for bipolar type I disorder (BP-I), 0.4% for BP-II, 1.4% for subthreshold BP, and 2.4% for BPS. Twelve-month prevalences were 0.4% for BP-I, 0.3% for BP-II, 0.8% for subthreshold BP, and 1.5% for BPS. Severity of both manic and depressive symptoms as well as suicidal behavior increased monotonically from subthreshold BP to BP-I. By contrast, role impairment was similar across BP subtypes. Symptom severity was greater for depressive episodes than manic episodes, with approximately 74.0% of respondents with depression and 50.9% of respondents with mania reporting severe role impairment. Three-quarters of those with BPS met criteria for at least 1 other disorder, with anxiety disorders (particularly panic attacks) being the most common comorbid condition. Less than half of those with lifetime BPS received mental health treatment, particularly in low-income countries, where only 25.2% reported contact with the mental health system. Conclusions: Despite cross-site variation in the prevalence rates of BPS, the severity, impact, and patterns of comorbidity were remarkably similar internationally. The uniform increases in clinical correlates, suicidal behavior, and comorbidity across each diagnostic category provide evidence for the validity of the concept of BPS. Treatment needs for BPS are often unmet, particularly in low-income countries.
Behavioral and cognitive interventions for people with psychosis have a long and distinguished history, although the evidence for their application to young people remains limited. We anticipate that the next decades will show substantial research into psychological intervention for this population. Important targets will include the management of environmental stressors, reduction of substance misuse, and promotion of early treatment. Psychological management of positive symptoms, depression, and suicidal behavior will continue to be critical objectives. Important secondary prevention goals will be the retention of cognitive functioning, vocational options, social skills, and social network support, including appropriate family support. We expect primary prevention to include both universal programs and interventions for adolescents at particularly high risk. Technical innovations will include increasing use of Internet-based intervention and behavior cueing devices. Pressures for intervention brevity will continue, as will problems with the systematic delivery of effective procedures.