992 resultados para Membrane Association


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A novel large heterodimeric dermatan sulfate proteoglycan with core proteins of 460 and 300 kDa, respectively, had been described as a secretory product of human fetal skin fibroblasts (Breuer et al., J. Biol. Chem. 266, 13224-13232 (1991)). Pulse-chase experiments showed a preferential association of the proteoglycan with the cell membrane. Immunogold labeling indicated its localization in fibrils on the cell surface as well as in fibrillar extensions from the cell body. Immunofluorescence studies yielded a fibrillar and punctate staining pattern which was also seen in cultured human and porcine endothelial cells. Dot-like structures were observed in transformed human keratinocytes. Various immunocytochemical double-labeling experiments indicated a remarkable colocalization of the proteoglycan with fibronectin, laminin, perlecan, and type IV collagen whereas only occasionally a colocalization with chondroitin-6-sulfate was found. No evidence for an enrichment of the proteoglycan in vinculin-containing structures was obtained. These results suggest that the proteoglycan is a widely distributed macromolecule which can associate with basement membrane components. Preliminary findings in rat cornea supported this conclusion.


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OBJECTIVE To measure concentrations of nitric oxide metabolites (nitrite-nitrate [NOt]) in cartilage, synovial membrane, and cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in dogs and evaluate associations with osteoarthritis in dogs with CCL rupture. ANIMALS 46 dogs with CCL rupture and 54 control dogs without joint disease. PROCEDURE Tissue specimens for histologic examination and explant culture were harvested during surgery in the CCL group or immediately after euthanasia in the control group; NOt concentrations were measured in supernatant of explant cultures and compared among dogs with various degrees of osteoarthritis and between dogs with and without CCL rupture. RESULTS Osteoarthritic cartilage had significantly higher NOt concentration (1,171.6 nmol/g) than did healthy cartilage (491.0 nmol/g); NOt concentration was associated with severity of macroscopic and microscopic lesions. Synovial membrane NOt concentration did not differ between dogs with and without CCL rupture. Ruptured CCL produced less NOt than did intact ligaments. In control dogs, NOt concentrations were similar for intact ligaments (568.1 nmol/g) and articular cartilage (491.0 nmol/g). Synthesis of NOt was inhibited substantially by coincubation with inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggest that NOt in canine joint tissues originates from the inducible nitric oxide synthase pathway. Nitric oxide metabolite production in cartilage was greater in dogs with osteoarthritis than in healthy dogs and was associated with lesion severity, suggesting that nitric oxide inhibitors may be considered as a treatment for osteoarthritis. The CCL produces substantial concentrations of NOt; the importance of this finding is unknown.


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A subclass of eukaryotic proteins is subject to modification with fatty acids, the most common of which are palmitic and myristic acid. Protein acylation allows association with cellular membranes in the absence of transmembrane domains. Here we examine POMP39, a protein previously described to be present in the outer mitochondrial membrane proteome (POMP) of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei. POMP39 lacks canonical transmembrane domains, but is likely both myristoylated and palmitoylated on its N-terminus. Interestingly, the protein is also dually localized on the surface of the mitochondrion as well as in the flagellum of both insect-stage and the bloodstream form of the parasites. Upon abolishing of global protein acylation or mutation of the myristoylation site, POMP39 relocates to the cytosol. RNAi-mediated ablation of the protein neither causes a growth phenotype in insect-stage nor bloodstream form trypanosomes.


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Oligomeric assembly of neurotransmitter transporters is a prerequisite for their export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and their subsequent delivery to the neuronal synapse. We previously identified mutations, e.g., in the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter-1 (GAT1), which disrupted assembly and caused retention of the transporter in the ER. Using one representative mutant, GAT1-E101D, we showed here that ER retention was due to association of the transporter with the ER chaperone calnexin: interaction with calnexin led to accumulation of GAT1 in concentric bodies corresponding to previously described multilamellar ER-derived structures. The transmembrane domain of calnexin was necessary and sufficient to direct the protein into these concentric bodies. Both yellow fluorescent protein-tagged versions of wild-type GAT1 and of the GAT1-E101D mutant remained in disperse (i.e., non-aggregated) form in these concentric bodies, because fluorescence recovered rapidly (t(1/2) approximately 500 ms) upon photobleaching. Fluorescence energy resonance transfer microscopy was employed to visualize a tight interaction of GAT1-E101D with calnexin. Recognition by calnexin occurred largely in a glycan-independent manner and, at least in part, at the level of the transmembrane domain. Our findings are consistent with a model in which the transmembrane segment of calnexin participates in chaperoning the inter- and intramolecular arrangement of hydrophobic segment in oligomeric proteins.


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Gebiet: Chirurgie Biomedizintechnik Biophysik Transplantationsmedizin Kardiologie Abstract: OBJECTIVES: – Oxygenation of blood and other physiological solutions are routinely required in fundamental research for both in vitro and in vivo experimentation. However, very few oxygenators with suitable priming volumes (<2-3 ml) are available for surgery in small animals. We have designed a new, miniaturized membrane oxygenator and investigated the oxygen-transfer performance using both buffer and blood perfusates. – – METHODS: – The mini-oxygenator was designed with a central perforated core-tube surrounded by parallel-oriented microporous polypropylene hollow fibres, placed inside a hollow shell with a lateral-luer outlet, and sealed at both extremities. With this design, perfusate is delivered via the core-tube to the centre of the mini-oxygenator, and exits via the luer port. A series of mini-oxygenators were constructed and tested in an in vitro perfusion circuit by monitoring oxygen transfer using modified Krebs-Henseleit buffer or whole porcine blood. Effects of perfusion pressure and temperature over flows of 5-60 ml × min(-1) were assessed. – – RESULTS: – Twelve mini-oxygenators with a mean priming volume of 1.5 ± 0.3 ml were evaluated. With buffer, oxygen transfer reached a maximum of 14.8 ± 1.0 ml O2 × l(-1) (pO2: 450 ± 32 mmHg) at perfusate flow rates of 5 ml × min(-1) and decreased with an increase in perfusate flow to 7.8 ± 0.7 ml ml O2 × l(-1) (pO2: 219 ± 24 mmHg) at 60 ml × min(-1). Similarly, with blood perfusate, oxygen transfer also decreased as perfusate flow increased, ranging from 33 ± 5 ml O2 × l(-1) at 5 ml × min(-1) to 11 ± 2 ml O2 × l(-1) at 60 ml × min(-1). Furthermore, oxygen transfer capacity remained stable with blood perfusion over a period of at least 2 h. – – CONCLUSIONS: – We have developed a new miniaturized membrane oxygenator with an ultra-low priming volume (<2 ml) and adequate oxygenation performance. This oxygenator may be of use in overcoming current limitations in equipment size for effective oxygenation in low-volume perfusion circuits, such as small animal extracorporeal circulation and ex vivo organ perfusion. – – © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.


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Protein-protein interactions are fundamental for most biological processes, such as the formation of cellular structures and enzymatic complexes or in signaling pathways. The identification and characterization of protein-protein interactions are therefore essential for understanding the mechanisms and regulation of biological systems. The organization and dynamics of the cytoskeleton, as well as its anchorage to specific sites in the plasma membrane and organelles, are regulated by the plakins. These structurally related proteins anchor different cytoskeletal networks to each other and/or to other cellular structures. The association of several plakins with intermediate filaments (IFs) is critical for maintenance of the cytoarchitecture. Pathogenic mutations in the genes encoding different plakins can lead to dramatic manifestations, occurring principally in the skin, striated muscle, and/or nervous system, due to cytoskeletal disorganization resulting in abnormal cell fragility. Nevertheless, it is still unclear how plakins bind to IFs, although some general rules are slowly emerging. We here describe in detail a recently developed protein-protein fluorescence binding assay, based on the production of recombinant proteins tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and their use as fluid-phase fluorescent ligands on immobilized IF proteins. Using this method, we have been able to assess the ability of C-terminal regions of GFP-tagged plakin proteins to bind to distinct IF proteins and IF domains. This simple and sensitive technique, which is expected to facilitate further studies in this area, can also be potentially employed for any kind of protein-protein interaction studies.


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Homogenous detergent-solubilized NADPH-Cytochrome P-450 reductase was incorporated into microsomes and liposomes. This binding occurred spontaneously at temperatures between 4(DEGREES) and 37(DEGREES) and appeared to involve hydrophobic forces as the binding was not disrupted by 0.5 M sodium chloride. This exogenously-added reductase was active catalytically towards native cytochrome P-450, suggesting an association with the microsomal membrane similar to endogenous reductase. Homogeneous detergent-solubilized reductase was disaggregated by Renex-690 micelles, confirming the presence of a hydrophobic combining region on the enzyme. In contrast to these results, steapsin protease-solubilized reductase was incapable of microsomal attachment and did not interact with Renex-690 micelles. Detergent-solubilized reductase (76,500 daltons) was converted into a form with the electrophoretic mobility of steapsin protease-solubilized reductase (68,000 daltons) and a 12,500 dalton peptide (as determined by polyacrylamide-SDS gel electrophoresis) when the liposomal-incorporated enzyme was incubated with steapsin protease. The 68,000 dalton fragment thus obtained had properties identical with steapsin protease-solubilized reductase, i.e. it was catalytically active towards cytochrome c but inactive towards cytochrome P-450 and did not bind liposomes. The 12,500 dalton fragment remained associated with the liposomes when the digest was fractionated by gel filtration, suggesting that this is the segment of the enzyme which is embedded in the phospholipid bilayer. Thus, detergent-solubilized reductase appears to contain a soluble catalytic domain and a separate and separable membrane-binding domain. This latter domain is required for attaching the enzyme to the membrane and also to facilitate the catalytic interaction between the reductase and its native electron acceptor, cytochrome P-450. The membrane-binding segment of the reductase was isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis in SDS following its generation by proteolytic treatment of liposome-incorporated reductase. The peptide has a molecular weight of 6,400 as determined by gel filtration in 8 M guanidine hydrochloride and has an amino acid composition which is not especially hydrophobic. Following removal of SDS and dialysis out of 6 M urea, the membrane-binding peptide was unable to inhibit the activity of a reconstituted system containing purified reductase and cytochrome P-450. Moreover, when reductase and cytochrome P-450 were added to liposomes which contained the membrane-binding peptide, it was determined that mixed function oxidase activity was reconstituted as effectively as when vesicles without the membrane-binding peptide were used. Thus, the membrane-binding peptide was ineffective as an inhibitor of mixed function oxidase activity, suggesting perhaps that it facilitates catalysis by anchoring the catalytic domain of the reductase proximal to cytochrome P-450 (i.e. in the same mixed micelle) rather than through a specific interaction with cytochrome P-450. ^


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We have investigated the relationships between the apical sorting mechanism using lipid rafts and the soluble N-ethyl maleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) machinery, which is involved in membrane docking and fusion. We first confirmed that anti-alpha-SNAP antibodies inhibit the apical pathway in Madin– Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells; in addition, we report that a recombinant SNAP protein stimulates the apical transport whereas a SNAP mutant inhibits this transport step. Based on t-SNARE overexpression experiments and the effect of botulinum neurotoxin E, syntaxin 3 and SNAP-23 have been implicated in apical membrane trafficking. Here, we show in permeabilized MDCK cells that antisyntaxin 3 and anti-SNAP-23 antibodies lower surface delivery of an apical reporter protein. Moreover, using a similar approach, we show that tetanus toxin-insensitive, vesicle-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP; also called VAMP7), a recently described apical v-SNARE, is involved. Furthermore, we show the presence of syntaxin 3 and TI-VAMP in isolated apical carriers. Polarized apical sorting has been postulated to be mediated by the clustering of apical proteins into dynamic sphingolipid-cholesterol rafts. We provide evidence that syntaxin 3 and TI-VAMP are raft-associated. These data support a raft-based mechanism for the sorting of not only apically destined cargo but also of SNAREs having functions in apical membrane-docking and fusion events.


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The function(s) of the genes (PKD1 and PKD2) responsible for the majority of cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is unknown. While PKD1 encodes a large integral membrane protein containing several structural motifs found in known proteins involved in cell–cell or cell–matrix interactions, PKD2 has homology to PKD1 and the major subunit of the voltage-activated Ca2+ channels. We now describe sequence homology between PKD2 and various members of the mammalian transient receptor potential channel (TRPC) proteins, thought to be activated by G protein-coupled receptor activation and/or depletion of internal Ca2+ stores. We show that PKD2 can directly associate with TRPC1 but not TRPC3 in transfected cells and in vitro. This association is mediated by two distinct domains in PKD2. One domain involves a minimal region of 73 amino acids in the C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of PKD2 shown previously to constitute an interacting domain with PKD1. However, distinct residues within this region mediate specific interactions with TRPC1 or PKD1. The C-terminal domain is sufficient but not necessary for the PKD2–TRPC1 association. A more N-terminal domain located within transmembrane segments S2 and S5, including a putative pore helical region between S5 and S6, is also responsible for the association. Given the ability of the TRPC to form functional homo- and heteromultimeric complexes, these data provide evidence that PKD2 may be functionally related to TRPC proteins and suggest a possible role of PKD2 in modulating Ca2+ entry in response to G protein-coupled receptor activation and/or store depletion.


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Atomic level structures have been determined for the soluble forms of several colicins and toxins, but the structural changes that occur after membrane binding have not been well characterized. Changes occurring in the transition from the soluble to membrane-bound state of the C-terminal 190-residue channel polypeptide of colicin E1 (P190) bound to anionic membranes are described. In the membrane-bound state, the α-helical content increases from 60–64% to 80–90%, with a concomitant increase in the average length of the helical segments from 12 to 16 or 17 residues, close to the length required to span the membrane bilayer in the open channel state. The average distance between helical segments is increased and interhelix interactions are weakened, as shown by a major loss of tertiary structure interactions, decreased efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer from an energy donor on helix V of P190 to an acceptor on helix IX, and decreased resonance energy transfer at higher temperatures, not observed in soluble P190, implying freedom of motion of helical segments. Weaker interactions are also shown by a calorimetric thermal transition of low cooperativity, and the extended nature of the helical array is shown by a 3- to 4-fold increase in the average area subtended per molecule to 4,200 Å2 on the membrane surface. The latter, with analysis of the heat capacity changes, implies the absence of a developed hydrophobic core in the membrane-bound P190. The membrane interfacial layer thus serves to promote formation of a highly helical extended two-dimensional flexible net. The properties of the membrane-bound state of the colicin channel domain (i.e., hydrophobic anchor, lengthened and loosely coupled α-helices, and close association with the membrane interfacial layer) are plausible structural features for the state that is a prerequisite for voltage gating, formation of transmembrane helices, and channel opening.


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Budding and vesiculation of erythrocyte membranes occurs by a process involving an uncoupling of the membrane skeleton from the lipid bilayer. Vesicle formation provides an important means whereby protein sorting and trafficking can occur. To understand the mechanism of sorting at the molecular level, we have developed a micropipette technique to quantify the redistribution of fluorescently labeled erythrocyte membrane components during mechanically induced membrane deformation and vesiculation. Our previous studies indicated that the spectrin-based membrane skeleton deforms elastically, producing a constant density gradient during deformation. Our current studies showed that during vesiculation the skeleton did not fragment but rather retracted to the cell body, resulting in a vesicle completely depleted of skeleton. These local changes in skeletal density regulated the sorting of nonskeletal membrane components. Highly mobile membrane components, phosphatidylethanolamine- and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked CD59 with no specific skeletal association were enriched in the vesicle. In contrast, two components with known specific skeletal association, band 3 and glycophorin A, were differentially depleted in vesicles. Increasing the skeletal association of glycophorin A by liganding its extrafacial domain reduced the fraction partitioning to the vesicle. We conclude that this technique of bilayer/skeleton uncoupling provides a means with which to study protein sorting driven by changes in local skeletal density. Moreover, it is the interaction of particular membrane components with the spectrin-based skeleton that determines molecular partitioning during protein sorting.


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Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a common autosomal recessive disease associated with loss of regulation of dietary iron absorption and excessive iron deposition in major organs of the body. Recently, a candidate gene for HH (also called HFE) was identified that encodes a novel MHC class I-like protein. Most patients with HH are homozygous for the same mutation in the HFE gene, resulting in a C282Y change in the HFE protein. Studies in cultured cells show that the C282Y mutation abrogates the binding of the recombinant HFE protein to β2-microglobulin (β2M) and disrupts its transport to the cell surface. The HFE protein was shown by immunohistochemistry to be expressed in certain epithelial cells throughout the human alimentary tract and to have a unique localization in the cryptal cells of small intestine, where signals to regulate iron absorption are received from the body. In the studies presented here, we demonstrate by immunohistochemistry that the HFE protein is expressed in human placenta in the apical plasma membrane of the syncytiotrophoblasts, where the transferrin-bound iron is normally transported to the fetus via receptor-mediated endocytosis. Western blot analyses show that the HFE protein is associated with β2M in placental membranes. Unexpectedly, the transferrin receptor was also found to be associated with the HFE protein/β2M complex. These studies place the normal HFE protein at the site of contact with the maternal circulation where its association with transferrin receptor raises the possibility that the HFE protein plays some role in determining maternal/fetal iron homeostasis. These findings also raise the question of whether mutations in the HFE gene can disrupt this association and thereby contribute to some forms of neonatal iron overload.


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Recent evidence suggests that apical and basolateral endocytic pathways in epithelia converge in an apically located, pericentriolar endosomal compartment termed the apical recycling endosome. In this compartment, apically and basolaterally internalized membrane constituents are thought to be sorted for recycling back to their site of origin or for transcytosis to the opposite plasma membrane domain. We report here that in the epithelial cell line Madin–Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK), antibodies to Rab11a label an apical pericentriolar endosomal compartment that is dependent on intact microtubules for its integrity. Furthermore, this compartment is accessible to a membrane-bound marker (dimeric immunoglobulin A [IgA]) internalized from either the apical or basolateral pole, functionally defining it as the apical recycling endosome. We have also examined the role of a closely related epithelial-specific Rab, Rab25, in the regulation of membrane recycling and transcytosis in MDCK cells. When cDNA encoding Rab25 was transfected into MDCK cells, the protein colocalized with Rab11a in subapical vesicles. Rab25 transfection also altered the distribution of Rab11a, causing the coalescence of immunoreactivity into multiple denser vesicular structures not associated with the centrosome. Nevertheless, nocodazole still dispersed these vesicles, and dimeric IgA internalized from either the apical or basolateral membrane was detected in endosomes labeled with antibodies to both Rab11a and Rab25. Overexpression of Rab25 decreased the rate of IgA transcytosis and of apical, but not basolateral, recycling of internalized ligand. Conversely, expression of the dominant-negative Rab25T26N did not alter either apical recycling or transcytosis. These results indicate that both Rab11a and Rab25 associate with the apical recycling system of epithelial cells and suggest that Rab25 may selectively regulate the apical recycling and/or transcytotic pathways.


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Eps15 is a substrate for the tyrosine kinase of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and is characterized by the presence of a novel protein:protein interaction domain, the EH domain. Eps15 also stably binds the clathrin adaptor protein complex AP-2. Previous work demonstrated an essential role for eps15 in receptor-mediated endocytosis. In this study we show that, upon activation of the EGFR kinase, eps15 undergoes dramatic relocalization consisting of 1) initial relocalization to the plasma membrane and 2) subsequent colocalization with the EGFR in various intracellular compartments of the endocytic pathway, with the notable exclusion of coated vesicles. Relocalization of eps15 is independent of its binding to the EGFR or of binding of the receptor to AP-2. Furthermore, eps15 appears to undergo tyrosine phosphorylation both at the plasma membrane and in a nocodazole-sensitive compartment, suggesting sustained phosphorylation in endocytic compartments. Our results are consistent with a model in which eps15 undergoes cycles of association:dissociation with membranes and suggest multiple roles for this protein in the endocytic pathway.


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Three covalent attachments anchor heterotrimeric G proteins to cellular membranes: the α subunits are myristoylated and/or palmitoylated, whereas the γ chain is prenylated. Despite the essential role of these modifications in membrane attachment, it is not clear how they cooperate to specify G protein localization at the plasma membrane, where the G protein relays signals from cell surface receptors to intracellular effector molecules. To explore this question, we studied the effects of mutations that prevent myristoylation and/or palmitoylation of an epitope-labeled α subunit, αz. Wild-type αz (αz-WT) localizes specifically at the plasma membrane. A mutant that incorporates only myristate is mistargeted to intracellular membranes, in addition to the plasma membrane, but transduces hormonal signals as well as does αz-WT. Removal of the myristoylation site produced a mutant αz that is located in the cytosol, is not efficiently palmitoylated, and does not relay the hormonal signal. Coexpression of βγ with this myristoylation defective mutant transfers it to the plasma membrane, promotes its palmitoylation, and enables it to transmit hormonal signals. Pulse-chase experiments show that the palmitate attached to this myristoylation-defective mutant turns over much more rapidly than does palmitate on αz-WT, and that the rate of turnover is further accelerated by receptor activation. In contrast, receptor activation does not increase the slow rate of palmitate turnover on αz-WT. Together these results suggest that myristate and βγ promote stable association with membranes not only by providing hydrophobicity, but also by stabilizing attachment of palmitate. Moreover, palmitoylation confers on αz specific localization at the plasma membrane.