548 resultados para Melbourne Bike Share
As an application of the new realistic three-dimensional (3D) formalism reported recently for three-nucleon (3N) bound states, an attempt is made to study the effect of three-nucleon forces (3NFs) in triton binding energy in a non partial wave (PW) approach. The spin-isospin dependent 3N Faddeev integral equations with the inclusion of 3NFs, which are formulated as function of vector Jacobi momenta, specifically the magnitudes of the momenta and the angle between them, are solved with Bonn-B and Tucson-Melbourne NN and 3N forces in operator forms which can be incorporated in our 3D formalism. The comparison with numerical results in both, novel 3D and standard PW schemes, shows that non PW calculations avoid the very involved angular momentum algebra occurring for the permutations and transformations and it is more efficient and less cumbersome for considering the 3NF.
In large distributed systems, where shared resources are owned by distinct entities, there is a need to reflect resource ownership in resource allocation. An appropriate resource management system should guarantee that resource's owners have access to a share of resources proportional to the share they provide. In order to achieve that some policies can be used for revoking access to resources currently used by other users. In this paper, a scheduling policy based in the concept of distributed ownership is introduced called Owner Share Enforcement Policy (OSEP). OSEP goal is to guarantee that owner do not have their jobs postponed for longer periods of time. We evaluate the results achieved with the application of this policy using metrics that describe policy violation, loss of capacity, policy cost and user satisfaction in environments with and without job checkpointing. We also evaluate and compare the OSEP policy with the Fair-Share policy, and from these results it is possible to capture the trade-offs from different ways to achieve fairness based on the user satisfaction. © 2009 IEEE.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
This issue of the FAL Bulletin analyses the history of railways in modal distribution in Latin America, and puts forward recommendations for improving their functioning and making them a real, competitive and sustainable transport option.
This article builds series of wage shares in gross domestic product (GDP) for 15 Latin American economies individually and as a group for the period 1950-2010. Using different methodologies, it is established that wage share is non-linear and has undergone two major cycles. The article discusses various authors, especially classic and post-Keynesian thinkers, who have explored the relationship between wage share in GDP and economic activity. It is also shown that the post-Keynesian approach is relevant in explaining that the main variables determining real gdp variations include wage share, gross capital formation and exports of goods and services. However, the contribution of wage share to real output growth has declined from the 1980s onwards.
This article analyses the share of total income represented by employment earnings in the countries of Latin America over the last two decades. It first considers the wage share of gross domestic product (gdp) and then adds in the earnings of self-employed workers. The findings indicate that both total wages and total earnings declined as a share of gdp in most of the region’s countries over the period, although there were some exceptions. The reduction in earnings inequality seen over the past decade was not usually accompanied by an increase in the gdp share of earnings. This means that the improvement in personal income distribution was not matched by an improvement in functional distribution.
Abstract The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the relationship between bicycle ridership and bike racks in a given area. The goal was to discern whether or not the density of bike racks determines the number of riders in the area. I predicted that there would be higher ridership in the areas with a denser bike rack concentration. To investigate this point, I set up five different areas of varying sizes with a similar number of bike racks, and then observed them over a period of 5 business days. By using a simple tally of the bikes found on the racks and bikes locked to other objects, like railings, I collected data in the area during the day when there were likely to be many commuter bikes parked outside. The results show that there is a positive relationship between the density of bike racks in a given area and bike ridership. While there is a positive r-value, more data collection needs to be done to determine the relationship that may exist between bike ridership and bike racks.
Objectives: Limbal stem cells (LSC) are self-renewing, highly proliferative cells in vitro, which express a set of specific markers and in vivo have the capacity to reconstruct the entire corneal epithelium in cases of ocular surface injury. Currently, LSC transplantation is a commonly used procedure in patients with either uni- or bilateral total limbal stem cells deficiency (TLSCD). Although LSC transplantation holds great promise for patients, several problems need to be overcome. In order to find an alternative source of cells that can partially substitute LSC in cornea epithelium reconstruction, we aimed at investigating whether human immature dental pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) would present similar key characteristics as LSC and whether they could be used for corneal surface reconstruction in a rabbit TLSCD model. Materials: We used hIDPSC, which co-express mesenchymal and embryonic stem cell markers and present the capacity to differentiate into derivative cells of the three germinal layers. TLSCD was induced by chemical burn in one eye of rabbits. After 30 days, the opaque tissue formed was removed by superficial keratectomy. Experimental group received undifferentiated hIDPSC, while control group only received amniotic membrane (AM). Both groups were sacrificed after 3 months. Results and conclusions: We have demonstrated, using immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, that hIDPSCs express markers in common with LSC, such as ABCG2, integrin beta 1, vimentin, p63, connexin 43 and cytokeratins 3/12. They were also capable of reconstructing the eye surface after induction of unilateral TLSCD in rabbits, as shown by morphological and immunohistochemical analysis using human-specific antibodies against limbal and corneal epithelium. Our data suggest that hIDPSCs share similar characteristics with LSC and might be used as a potential alternative source of cells for corneal reconstruction.
Relazione del lavoro di creazione e implementazione della piattaforma software che sviluppa l’archivio del progetto SATNET. I satelliti universitari hanno un tempo di vista della propria Stazione di Terra di pochi minuti al giorno: SATNET risponde all’esigenza di comunicare con un satellite universitario in orbita bassa per più dei pochi minuti al giorno che una singola Stazione di Terra permette. Questo avviene grazie a una rete di Stazioni di Terra Satellitari collegate da specifiche missioni comuni che mettono in condivisione dati ricevuti da uno o più satelliti, aumentando il rendimento dati/giorno di questi e permettendo una migliore fruizione delle Stazioni di Terra stesse. Il network sfrutta Internet come canale di connessione, e prevede la presenza di un archivio nel quale memorizzare i dati ricevuti, per poi renderne possibile la consultazione e il recupero. Oggetto di questo lavoro di tesi è stato lo sviluppo e l’implementazione di tale archivio: utilizzando un sito web dinamico, il software risponde a tutte le richieste evidenziate nel paragrafo precedente, permettendo a utenti autenticati di inserire dati e ad altri di poterne avere accesso. Il software è completo e funzionante ma non finito, in quanto manca la formulazione di alcune richieste; per esempio non è stato specificato il tipo di informazioni che è possibile caricare in upload, né il tipo di campi richiesti nel modulo di registrazione dei vari utenti. In questi casi sono stati inseriti campi generici, lasciando all’utente la possibilità di modificarli in seguito. Il software è stato dunque concepito come facilmente personalizzabile e modificabile anche da utenti inesperti grazie alla sola lettura della tesi, che rappresenta quindi una vera e propria guida per l’utilizzo, l’installazione, la personalizzazione e la manutenzione della piattaforma software. La tesi evidenzia gli obiettivi e le richieste, mostrando l’aspetto del sito web e le sue funzionalità, e spiega passo per passo il procedimento per la modifica dell’aspetto delle pagine e di alcuni parametri di configurazione. Inoltre, qualora siano necessarie modifiche sostanziali al progetto, introduce i vari linguaggi di programmazione necessari allo sviluppo e alla programmazione web e aiuta l’utente nella comprensione della struttura del software. Si conclude con alcuni suggerimenti su eventuali modifiche, attuabili solo a seguito di un lavoro di definizione degli obiettivi e delle specifiche richieste. In futuro ci si aspetta l’implementazione e la personalizzazione del software, nonché l’integrazione dell’archivio all’interno del progetto SATNET, con l’obiettivo di migliorare e favorire la diffusione e la condivisione di progetti comuni tra diverse Università Europee ed Extra-Europee.