146 resultados para Melanocytes


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Endothelin-3 (Edn3) has been shown to be an essential environmental cue in melanocyte development. Edn3 and its receptor, EdnrB, are allelic to mouse mutations occurring at the lethal spotting and piebald loci, respectively; these mutations result in hypopigmentation phenotypes. Mutations in the genes for both Edn3 and EdnrB are implicated in human pigmentation disorders such as Waardenburg-Shah syndrome, which is characterized by pigmentation defects, deafness, and megacolon. In this study, a tetracycline-inducible transgenic mouse model that overexpresses Edn3 under the control of the Keratin 5 promoter was shown to produce a hyperpigmentation phenotype that decreases over time. The expression pattern of transgenic Edn3 and its effects on the melanocyte population were examined in transgenic embryos, postnatal skin, and the skin of adult mice that exhibit faded hyperpigmentation. These studies suggest that overexpression of Edn3 in this model is restricted primarily to the roof plate of the neural tube and surface ectoderm in the developing embryo and to keratinocytes in the epidermis of postnatal mice. A decline in transgenic expression and a reduction in the dermal melanocytes and free melanin that characterize the phenotype in juvenile mice were shown to correlate with the fading of the hyperpigmentation phenotype. Transgenic mice in which transgenic expression was repressed (resulting in the disappearance of the hyperpigmentation phenotype) also exhibited a decrease in the dermal melanocyte population. The Edn3-overexpressing mice used in this study might be helpful m understanding human skin conditions characterized by dermal melanocytosis.


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Neural crest cells (NCC) are a unique population of cells in vertebrates that arise between the presumptive epidermis and the dorsal most region of the neural tube. During neurulation, NCC migrate to many regions of the body to give rise to a wide variety of cell types. NCC that originate from the neural tube at the levels of somite 1-7 colonize the gut and give rise to the enteric ganglia. The endothelin signaling pathway has been shown to be crucial for proper development of some neural crest derivatives. Mice and humans with mutations in the Endothelin receptor b (Ednrb) gene exhibit similar phenotypes characterized by hypopigmentation, hearing loss, and megacolon. Thesephenotypes are due to lack of melanocytes in the skin, inner ear and enteric ganglia in the distal portion of the colon, respectively. It is well established that Ednrb is required early during the embryonic development for normal innervation of the gut. However, it is not clear if Ednrb acts on enteric neuron precursor cells or in pre-committed NC precursors. Additionally, it is controversial whether the action of Ednrb is cell autonomous or non- autonomous. We generated transgenic mice that express Ednrb under the control of the Nestin second intron enhancer (Nes) which drives expression to pre-migrating NCC. These mice were crosses to the spontaneous mouse mutant piebald lethal, which carriers a null mutation in Ednrb and exhibits enteric aganglionosis. The Nes-Ednrb was capable of rescuing the aganglianosis phenotype of piebald lethal mutants demonstrating that expression of Ednrb in pre-committed precursors is sufficient for normal enteric ganglia development. This study provides insight in early embryonic development of NCC and could eventually have potential use in cellular therapies for Hirschsprung's disease.


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Melanocytes, pigment-producing cells, derive from the neural crest (NC), a population of pluripotent cells that arise from the dorsal aspect of the neural tube during embryogenesis. Many genes required for melanocyte development were identified using mouse pigmentation mutants. The deletion of the transcription factor Ets1 in mice results in hypopigmentation; nevertheless, the function of Ets1 in melanocyte development is unknown. The goal of the present study was to establish the temporal requirement and role of Ets1 in murine melanocyte development. In the mouse, Ets1 is widely expressed in developing organs and tissues, including the NC. In the chick cranial NC, Ets1 is required for the expression of Sox10, a transcription factor critical for the development of melanocytes, enteric ganglia, and other NC derivatives. ^ Using a combination of immunofluorescence and cell survival assays Ets1 was found to be required between embryonic days 10 and 11, when it regulates NC cell and melanocyte precursor (melanoblast) survival. Given the requirement of Ets1 for Sox10 expression in the chick cranial NC, a potential interaction between these genes was investigated. Using genetic crosses, a synergistic genetic interaction between Ets1 and Sox10 in melanocyte development was found. Since Sox10 is essential for enteric ganglia formation, the importance of Ets1 on gut innervation was also examined. In mice, Ets1 deletion led to decreased gut innervation, which was exacerbated by Sox10 heterozygosity. ^ At the molecular level, Ets1 was found to activate a Sox10 enhancer critical for Sox10 expression in melanoblasts. Furthermore, mutating Ets1 at a site I characterized in the spontaneous variable spotting mouse pigmentation mutant, led to a 2-fold decrease in enhancer activation. Overexpression and knockdown of Ets1 did not affect Sox10 expression; nonetheless, Ets1 knockdown led to a 6-fold upregulation of the transcription factor Sox9, a gene required for melanocyte and chondrocyte development, but which impairs melanocyte development when its expression is prolonged. Together, these results suggest that Ets1 is required early during melanocyte development for NC cell and melanoblast survival, possibly acting upstream of Sox10. The transcription factor Ets1 may also act indirectly in melanocyte fate specification by repressing Sox9 expression, and consequently cartilage fate.^


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Melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of cancer. It originates from the transformation of melanocytes present in the epidermal/dermal junction of the human skin. It is commonly accepted that melanomagenesis is influenced by the interaction of environmental factors, genetic factors, as well as tumor-host interactions. DNA photoproducts induced by UV radiation are, in normal cells, repaired by the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway. The prominent role of NER in cancer resistance is well exemplified by patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP). This disease results from mutations in the components of the NER pathway, such as XPA and XPC proteins. In humans, NER pathway disruption leads to the development of skin cancers, including melanoma. Similar to humans afflicted with XP, Xpa and Xpc deficient mice show high sensibility to UV light, leading to skin cancer development, except melanoma. The Endothelin 3 (Edn3) signaling pathway is essential for proliferation, survival and migration of melanocyte precursor cells. Excessive production of Edn3 leads to the accumulation of large numbers of melanocytes in the mouse skin, where they are not normally found. In humans, Edn3 signaling pathway has also been implicated in melanoma progression and its metastatic potential. The goal of this study was the development of the first UV-induced melanoma mouse model dependent on the over-expression of Edn3 in the skin. The UV-induced melanoma mouse model reported here is distinguishable from all previous published models by two features: melanocytes are not transformed a priori and melanomagenesis arises only upon neonatal UV exposure. In this model, melanomagenesis depends on the presence of Edn3 in the skin. Disruption of the NER pathway due to the lack of Xpa or Xpc proteins was not essential for melanomagenesis; however, it enhanced melanoma penetrance and decreased melanoma latency after one single neonatal erythemal UV dose. Exposure to a second dose of UV at six weeks of age did not change time of appearance or penetrance of melanomas in this mouse model. Thus, a combination of neonatal UV exposure with excessive Edn3 in the tumor microenvironment is sufficient for melanomagenesis in mice; furthermore, NER deficiency exacerbates this process.^


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Genetic interactions that underlie developmental processes such as cell differentiation and pattern formation are complex and difficult to elucidate. Neural Crest (NC) cells and their derivatives offer an optimal system in which to probe for these complex interactions as they acquire different cell fates and constitute a variety of structures. The transcription factors Sox10 and Pax3 as well as the transmembrane receptor Endothelin receptor b (Ednrb) are temporally and spatially co-expressed early in NC cells and mutations in these genes lead to similar hypopigmentation phenotypes due to a reduced number of NC-derived melanocyte precursors, the melanoblasts. The goal of this study was to establish whether Sox10 and Ednrb or Pax3 and Ednrb interact to promote normal murine melanocyte development. Crosses of Sox10 or Pax3 with Ednrb heterozygous mutants showed that the double heterozygous hypopigmentation phenotype was significantly more pronounced than phenotypes of single heterozygotes, implying that a synergistic interaction exists between Sox10 and Ednrb and Pax3 and Ednrb. This interaction was further explored by the attempt to rescue the Sox10 and Pax3 hypopigmentation phenotypes by the transgenic addition of Ednrb to melanoblasts. Pigmentation was completely restored in the Sox10 and partially restored in the Pax3 mutant mice. The comparison of the number of melanoblasts in transgenic and non-transgenic Sox10 mutant embryos showed that the transgenic rescue occurred as early as E11.5, a critical time for melanoblast population expansion. Cell survival assays indicated that the rescue was not due to an effect of the transgene on melanoblast survival. A novel phenotype arose when studying the interaction between Ednrb and Pax3. Newborns appeared normal but by 3.5 weeks of age, the affected pups were smaller than normal littermates and developed a dome-shaped head; some also developed thoracic kyphosis. Affected pups were dead by 4 weeks of age: 80% were Pax3Sp/+ and 75% were female. When compared to normal littermates, affected mice had brains with enlarged 4th ventricles and more glia while skeletal staining showed kyphosis, wider rib cages and pelvic differences. An epistatic interaction resulting from the mixing of genetic backgrounds that is exacerbated in the presence of Pax3 heterozygosity is suspected.


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Melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of cancer. It originates from the transformation of melanocytes present in the epidermal/dermal junction of the human skin. It is commonly accepted that melanomagenesis is influenced by the interaction of environmental factors, genetic factors, as well as tumor-host interactions. DNA photoproducts induced by UV radiation are, in normal cells, repaired by the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway. The prominent role of NER in cancer resistance is well exemplified by patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP). This disease results from mutations in the components of the NER pathway, such as XPA and XPC proteins. In humans, NER pathway disruption leads to the development of skin cancers, including melanoma. Similar to humans afflicted with XP, Xpa and Xpc deficient mice show high sensibility to UV light, leading to skin cancer development, except melanoma. The Endothelin 3 (Edn3) signaling pathway is essential for proliferation, survival and migration of melanocyte precursor cells. Excessive production of Edn3 leads to the accumulation of large numbers of melanocytes in the mouse skin, where they are not normally found. In humans, Edn3 signaling pathway has also been implicated in melanoma progression and its metastatic potential. The goal of this study was the development of the first UV-induced melanoma mouse model dependent on the over-expression of Edn3 in the skin. The UV-induced melanoma mouse model reported here is distinguishable from all previous published models by two features: melanocytes are not transformed a priori and melanomagenesis arises only upon neonatal UV exposure. In this model, melanomagenesis depends on the presence of Edn3 in the skin. Disruption of the NER pathway due to the lack of Xpa or Xpc proteins was not essential for melanomagenesis; however, it enhanced melanoma penetrance and decreased melanoma latency after one single neonatal erythemal UV dose. Exposure to a second dose of UV at six weeks of age did not change time of appearance or penetrance of melanomas in this mouse model. Thus, a combination of neonatal UV exposure with excessive Edn3 in the tumor microenvironment is sufficient for melanomagenesis in mice; furthermore, NER deficiency exacerbates this process.


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Cellular senescence is a stable arrest of cell proliferation induced by several factors such as activated oncogenes, oxidative stress and shortening of telomeres. Senescence acts as a tumour suppression mechanism to halt the progression of cancer. However, senescence may also impact negatively upon tissue regeneration, thus contributing to the effects of ageing. The eukaryotic genome is controlled by various modes of transcriptional and translational regulation. Focus has therefore centred on the role of long non- coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in regulating the genome. Accordingly, understanding how lncRNAs function to regulate the senescent genome is integral to improving our knowledge and understanding of tumour suppression and ageing. Within this study, I set out to investigate the expression of lncRNAs’ expression within models of senescence. Through a custom expression array, I have shown that expression of multiple different lncRNAs is up-regulated and down regulated in IMR90 replicative senescent fibroblasts and oncogene-induced senescent melanocytes. LncRNA expression was determined to be specific to stable senescence-associated cell arrest and predominantly within the nucleus of senescent cells. In order to examine the function of lncRNA expression in senescence, I selected lncRNA transcript ENST0000430998 (lncRNA_98) to focus my investigations upon. LncRNA_98 was robustly upregulated within multiple models of senescence and efficiently depleted using anti-sense oligonucleotide technology. Characterisation and unbiased RNA-sequencing of lncRNA_98 deficient senescent cells highlighted a list of genes that are regulated by lncRNA_98 expression in senescent cells and may regulate aspects of the senescence program. Specifically, the formation of SAHF was impeded upon depletion of lncRNA_98 expression and levels of total pRB protein expression severely decreased. Validation and recapitulation of consequences of pRB depletion was confirmed through lncRNA_98 knock-out cells generated using CRISPR technology. Surprisingly, inhibition of ATM kinase functions permitted the restoration of pRB protein levels within lncRNA_98 deficient cells. I propose that lncRNA_98 antagonizes the ability of ATM kinase to downregulate pRB expression at a post-transcriptional level, thereby potentiating senescence. Furthermore, lncRNA expression was detected within fibroblasts of old individuals and visualised within senescent melanocytes in human benign nevi, a barrier to melanoma progression. Conversely, mining of 337 TCGA primary melanoma data sets highlighted that the lncRNA_98 gene and its expression was lost from a significant proportion of melanoma samples, consistent with lncRNA_98 having a tumour suppressor functions. The data presented in this study illustrates that lncRNA_98 expression has a regulatory role over pRB expression in senescence and may regulate aspects of tumourigenesis and ageing.


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Melanoma is a type of skin cancer and is caused by the uncontrolled growth of atypical melanocytes. In recent decades, computer aided diagnosis is used to support medical professionals; however, there is still no globally accepted tool. In this context, similar to state-of-the-art we propose a system that receives a dermatoscopy image and provides a diagnostic if the lesion is benign or malignant. This tool is composed with next modules: Preprocessing, Segmentation, Feature Extraction, and Classification. Preprocessing involves the removal of hairs. Segmentation is to isolate the lesion. Feature extraction is considering the ABCD dermoscopy rule. The classification is performed by the Support Vector Machine. Experimental evidence indicates that the proposal has 90.63 % accuracy, 95 % sensitivity, and 83.33 % specificity on a data-set of 104 dermatoscopy images. These results are favorable considering the performance of diagnosis by traditional progress in the area of dermatology


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2016.


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Melanocytes, pigment-producing cells, derive from the neural crest (NC), a population of pluripotent cells that arise from the dorsal aspect of the neural tube during embryogenesis. Many genes required for melanocyte development were identified using mouse pigmentation mutants. The deletion of the transcription factor Ets1 in mice results in hypopigmentation; nevertheless, the function of Ets1 in melanocyte development is unknown. The goal of the present study was to establish the temporal requirement and role of Ets1 in murine melanocyte development. In the mouse, Ets1 is widely expressed in developing organs and tissues, including the NC. In the chick cranial NC, Ets1 is required for the expression of Sox10, a transcription factor critical for the development of melanocytes, enteric ganglia, and other NC derivatives. Using a combination of immunofluorescence and cell survival assays Ets1 was found to be required between embryonic days 10 and 11, when it regulates NC cell and melanocyte precursor (melanoblast) survival. Given the requirement of Ets1 for Sox10 expression in the chick cranial NC, a potential interaction between these genes was investigated. Using genetic crosses, a synergistic genetic interaction between Ets1 and Sox10 in melanocyte development was found. Since Sox10 is essential for enteric ganglia formation, the importance of Ets1 on gut innervation was also examined. In mice, Ets1 deletion led to decreased gut innervation, which was exacerbated by Sox10 heterozygosity. At the molecular level, Ets1 was found to activate a Sox10 enhancer critical for Sox10 expression in melanoblasts. Furthermore, mutating Ets1 at a site I characterized in the spontaneous variable spotting mouse pigmentation mutant, led to a 2-fold decrease in enhancer activation. Overexpression and knockdown of Ets1 did not affect Sox10 expression; nonetheless, Ets1 knockdown led to a 6-fold upregulation of the transcription factor Sox9, a gene required for melanocyte and chondrocyte development, but which impairs melanocyte development when its expression is prolonged. Together, these results suggest that Ets1 is required early during melanocyte development for NC cell and melanoblast survival, possibly acting upstream of Sox10. The transcription factor Ets1 may also act indirectly in melanocyte fate specification by repressing Sox9 expression, and consequently cartilage fate.