882 resultados para Medical Staff, Hospital
Introduction: In forensic toxicology, cocaine is better known for its powerful stimulating effects of nervous system and its high potential for recreational abuse, than for his therapeutic use. However, cocaine is still use as a topical anesthetic and peripheral vasoconstrictor in surgeries of eye, ear, nose and throat. Last decade, an increase of the presence of cocaine and metabolites in blood samples of drivers suspected to drive under the influence of drugs (DUID) was observed in Switzerland (Augsburger et al., Forensic Sci Int 153 (2005) 11-15; Senna et al., Forensic Sci Int 198 (2010) 11-16). Observed blood concentration ranges of cocaine and benzoylecgonine were 10-925 μg/L and 20-5200 μg/L, respectively. Since 2005, zero-tolerance approach was introduced in the Swiss legislation for different substances, especially cocaine (analytical cutoff: 15 μg/L). Thus, the interpretation often amounts to determine if the concentration is situated above or under the limit. However, it is important for the interpretation to take into account the context and to be critical with the obtained results, at the risk of ending in erroneous conclusions. Methods: Systematical toxicological analyses were performed on blood and urine, if available, for 5 DUID cases, as already published (Augsburger et al., Forensic Sci Int 153 (2005)). Positive results were confirmed and drugs were quantified in biological samples by GCMS, GC-MS/MS or LC-MS/MS. Results: Administration of cocaine after traffic accident was identified in five cases. All people were admitted to the emergency room because of severe trauma. Maxillofacial surgery was done shortly after admission to the emergency room, involving use of nasal application of cocaine (swab). For all cases, use of cocaine swab was not mentioned in the document filled by the police and by medical staff requested for blood and urine sampling. The information was obtained retrospectively after consultation of the medical records, without precise indication of the application time or dose. Case 1. A 83-year old man (pedestrian) was hit by a car. Blood (+11h after the accident): cocaine (16 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (370 μg/L). Urine: cocaine (1700 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (560 μg/L). Case 2. A 84-year old woman (pedestrian) was hit by a car. Blood (+1.5h after the accident): cocaine (230 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (370 μg/L). Urine was not available. Hair (+4 months after the accident): segment 1 (0-2 cm), cocaine not detected; segment 2 (2-4 cm), cocaine: <0.5 ng/mg. Case 3. A 66-year old man was involved in a car/car accident. He died 2 hours and 5 minutes after the crash. Blood (+1.5h after the accident): cocaine and metabolites not detected. Blood (+2h after the accident): cocaine (1750 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (460 μg/L). Blood (post-mortem): cocaine (370 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (200 μg/L). Urine (+1.5h after the accident): cocaine not detected. Case 4. A 57-year old woman on a motor scooter was hit by a car. She died 2 hours and 10 minutes after the crash. Blood (+0.5h after the accident): cocaine and metabolites not detected. Urine (post-mortem): cocaine (<20 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (120 μg/L). Case 5. A 30-year old man was involved in a car accident. Blood (+4h after the accident): cocaine (29 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (< 20 μg/L). Urine (+4h after the accident): cocaine and metabolites not detected. Ethanol (1,32 g/kg) and cannabinoids (THC (2,0 μg/L), THCCOOH (38 μg/L)) were also detected in blood. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first description of DUID cases involving therapeutic use of cocaine after an accident. These results indicate that even if a per se law is effective for prosecution case of DUID, a critical interpretation of the results is always needed, especially if a medical intervention occurs after an accident.
Objective: The main objective of the study is to identify practical and cultural factors influencing the mental health of mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Benin and to compare it with a sample of Swiss mothers in the same conditions. Method: Thirty-six mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Benin and 40 mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Switzerland were interviewed about practical and emotional aspects concerning their child and their own lives. Then, they completed the Perinatal Postraumatic Stress Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results: Mothers in Benin had significantly higher posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms compared with mothers in Switzerland. Depression symptoms were higher in Beninese mothers coming from urban areas, in Beninese mothers with few or no other children, and in Beninese mothers whose child was operated on at a more advanced age. Discussion: This study stressed the importance of cultural differences in perceptions of orofacial clefts in order to provide appropriate care to patients and their families. In particular, wide campaigns of information should help parents to understand the cleft origin and the medical staff in small dispensaries to provide adequate support and care. This may diminish anxiety concerning the child's short- and long-term prognosis. Creation of a Beninese parental support group for children with clefts and their families could be another way to provide information and support where multidisciplinary care is not available.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate parents' and nurses' opinions regarding the adequacy of an educational program on shaken baby syndrome: the Perinatal Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Program (PSBSPP). DESIGN: Qualitative and quantitative assessments in the form of interviews and questionnaires administered in French. SETTING: Two birthing institutions in Montréal, QC, Canada: a university hospital and a regional center. PARTICIPANTS: Two hundred and sixty-three parents (73.8% mothers, 26.2% fathers) received the intervention after the birth of their child, and 69 nurses administered it. METHODS: Parents' and nurses' assessments of the adequacy and relevance of the program and nurses' assessments of the training they received to administer the program were evaluated. RESULTS: Both parents and nurses supported this initiative. Most parents appreciated the usefulness of the information. Nurses believed the program was adequate, and their training to deliver the program was satisfactory. All participants reported that the program was highly relevant, especially for new parents. CONCLUSION: The Perinatal Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Program achieves the goals of (a) increasing parents' knowledge about infant crying, anger, and shaken baby syndrome and (b) helping parents identify coping strategies. The relevance of introducing the PSBSPP in all birthing institutions is supported. Future studies should focus on vulnerable and culturally diverse populations, and longitudinal follow-up could help determine if the PSBSPP reduces the incidence of shaken baby syndrome.
The aim of ORAMED work package 4 was the optimization of the medical practices in nuclear medicine during the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and their administration to the patient. During the project a wide campaign of measurements was performed in the nuclear medicine departments of the collaborating hospitals. Such data were intrinsically characterized by a large variability that depended on the procedure, the employed techniques and the operator's habits. That variability could easily hide some important parameter, for example, the effectiveness of the adopted shielding (for syringe and vial) or the effect of the distances from the source. This information is necessary for a valuable optimization purpose of radiation protection. To this end a sensitivity analysis was carried out through Monte Carlo simulations employing voxel models, representing operator's hand during the considered practices. Such analysis allowed understanding at what extent the range of personal dose equivalent evaluated during measurements can be considered intrinsically related to the procedures. Furthermore, with the Monte Carlo simulations it was possible to study the appropriateness of the shielding usually utilized in these practices.
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitä on yhteistoiminnallinen hoitotyö. Opinnäyteytössä määritellään yhteistoiminnallisen hoitotyön käsite ja sisältö. Työssä on tarkasteltu yhteistoiminnallisuutta selittäviä käsitteitä. Opinnäytetyö on osa laajempaa projektia, jossa on mukana HUS:n Psykiatriakeskus, Helsingin kaupungin terveyskeskuksen psykiatrian osasto sekä Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadia. Projekin tarkoituksena on kehittää psykiatrisen hoitotyön käytäntöä yhteistoiminnalliseksi. Opinnäytetyö on tehty soveltaen systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen mallia. Aineisto koostuu yhteensä kolmestatoista lähteestä. Mukana on väitöskirjoja, pro gradu- tutkielmia sekä tutkimusartikkeleita, jotka on julkaistu hoitotieteellisissä julkaisuissa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksina nousi esiin, että yhteistoiminnallinen hoitotyö on potilaan ja hoitajan välistä yhteistyötä. Se on potilaslähtöinen tapa tehdä hoitotyötä, jossa otetaan huomioon potilaan voimavarat ja tarpeet. Potilas on vastuullinen osallistuja. Jokainen hoitoon osallistuva määrittelee hoidon tavoitteen ja kukin osallistuu siihen tasavertaisesti. Yhteistoiminnallisuuteen kuuluu molemminpuolinen luottamus. Kaikki osapuolet vaikuttuvat toisistaan ja dialogisuuden avulla voidana löytää uusia näkökulmia hoitoon. Yhteistoiminnallisuus on uusi käsite hoitotyössä. Sen ymmärtäminen ja toteutuminen vaatii hoitotyön tekijöiden perehdyttämistä syvällisemmin aiheeseen. Se vaatii potilaalta mahdollisuutta osallistua voimavarojensa mukaan hoitoon. Yhteistoiminnallisen hoitotyön avulla voidaan motivoida potilasta aktiivisempaan rooliin omassa hoidossaan.
The aim of this IRB-approved study was to prospectively analyze psychological transformations in ESRD patients before and after transplantation (KT). Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 30 patients (mean age = 53±10) after their inclusion on the waiting-list (Gr. A). Follow-up interviews were performed 6 months later in 15 patients still awaiting KT (Gr. B6), and in 15 patients 6 months (Gr. C6) and 12 months (Gr. C12) after KT. Qualitative analysis was performed. Gr: A:All patients underlined loss of freedom, 87% devoted much energy to maintain normality, 57% modified medical directives. All reported emotional fragility related to dialysis and loss of quality of life (QOL), negative (43%) or suicidal thoughts (20%). Professional stigma was underlined (26%). Gr: B6:40% reported no change, 60% mentioned increase of illness intrusiveness, 46% dialysis side-effects, 40% communication problems, 33% tension with medical staff and waiting list handling. Fear of emotional breakdown (40%), couple problems (47%) and worsened professional difficulties (20%) were reported. Gr: C6:All patients mentioned improved QOL and freedom recovery (87%). All expressed concerns about possible acute rejection, 73% were anxious about laboratory results, 93% experienced dependence to immunosuppressants, 47% reported difficulties in handling medication, 21% feared to forget them, 47% were concerned about side-effects, 67% had resumed work but medical constraints led to professional tension (40%). Gr: C12:All mentioned recovered QOL. Medical controls were accepted as a routine (87%) and adherence to medication was mandatory (100%). All mentioned the limited long-term graft survival and 47% were anxious about possible return to dialysis, especially younger patients (27%). Positive identity and existential changes were reported (60%). This prospective qualitative study identifies psychological modifications in the course of KT. It provides a basis to adequately address concerns, but it shows also that KT is clearly associated with positive psychological transformations.
The Work Package 4 of the ORAMED project, a collaborative project (2008-11) supported by the European Commission within its seventh Framework Programme, is concerned with the optimisation of the extremity dosimetry of medical staff in nuclear medicine. To evaluate the extremity doses and dose distributions across the hands of medical staff working in nuclear medicine departments, an extensive measurement programme has been started in 32 nuclear medicine departments in Europe. This was done using a standard protocol recording all relevant information for radiation exposure, i.e. radiation protection devices and tools. This study shows the preliminary results obtained for this measurement campaign. For diagnostic purposes, the two most-used radionuclides were considered: (99m)Tc and (18)F. For therapeutic treatments, Zevalin(®) and DOTATOC (both labelled with (90)Y) were chosen. Large variations of doses were observed across the hands depending on different parameters. Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of the positioning of the extremity dosemeter for a correct estimate of the maximum skin doses.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is recognized as a cause of hypopituitarism even after mild TBI. Although over the past decade, a growing body of research has detailed neuroendocrine changes induced by TBI, the mechanisms and risk factors responsible for this pituitary dysfunction are still unclear. Around the world, sports-especially combative sports-are very popular. However, sports are not generally considered as a cause of TBI in most epidemiological studies, and the link between sports-related head trauma and hypopituitarism has not been investigated until recently. Thus, there is a paucity of data regarding this important concern. Because of the large number of young sports participants with near-normal life expectancy, the implications of undiagnosed or untreated postconcussion pituitary dysfunction can be dramatic. Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms and risk factors of hypopituitarism caused by sports injuries is thus an important issue that concerns both medical staff and sponsors of sports. The aim of this paper was to summarize the best evidence for understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms and to discuss the current data and recommendations on sports-related head trauma as a cause of hypopituitarism.
Pulse-wave velocity (PWV) is considered as the gold-standard method to assess arterial stiffness, an independent predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Current available devices that measure PWV need to be operated by skilled medical staff, thus, reducing the potential use of PWV in the ambulatory setting. In this paper, we present a new technique allowing continuous, unsupervised measurements of pulse transit times (PTT) in central arteries by means of a chest sensor. This technique relies on measuring the propagation time of pressure pulses from their genesis in the left ventricle to their later arrival at the cutaneous vasculature on the sternum. Combined thoracic impedance cardiography and phonocardiography are used to detect the opening of the aortic valve, from which a pre-ejection period (PEP) value is estimated. Multichannel reflective photoplethysmography at the sternum is used to detect the distal pulse-arrival time (PAT). A PTT value is then calculated as PTT = PAT - PEP. After optimizing the parameters of the chest PTT calculation algorithm on a nine-subject cohort, a prospective validation study involving 31 normo- and hypertensive subjects was performed. 1/chest PTT correlated very well with the COMPLIOR carotid to femoral PWV (r = 0.88, p < 10 (-9)). Finally, an empirical method to map chest PTT values onto chest PWV values is explored.
La elaboración de un marco legal y normativo que fija el derecho de los ciudadanos a una información veraz y adecuada sobre salud y enfermedad implica tener en cuenta estas necesidades informativas desde la doble perspectiva del ¿consumer health¿ y el ¿patient education¿. Se defiende, desde el punto de vista de los profesionales de la información, la materialización de este derecho a la información y a la formación en temas relacionados con la salud y la enfermedad gracias a un mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos informativos disponibles en las bibliotecas médicas y a los profesionales que los gestionan.
The optimization of the extremity dosimetry of medical staff in nuclear medicine was the aim of the Work Package 4 (WP4) of the ORAMED project, a Collaborative Project (2008-2011) supported by the European Commission within its 7th Framework Programme. Hand doses and dose distributions across the hands of medical staff working in nuclear medicine departments were evaluated through an extensive measurement program involving 32 hospitals in Europe and 139 monitored workers. The study included the most frequently used radionuclides, (99m)Tc- and (18)F-labelled radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic and (90)Y-labelled Zevalin (R) and DOTATOC for therapy. Furthermore, Monte Carlo simulations were performed in different predefined scenarios to evaluate separately the efficacy of different radiation protection measures by comparing hand dose distributions according to various parameters. The present work gives recommendations based on results obtained with both measurements and simulations. This results in nine practical recommendations regarding the positioning of the dosemeters for an appropriate skin dose monitoring and the best protection means to reduce the personnel exposure.
The main aim of the Work Package 1 (WP1) of the ORAMED project, Collaborative Project (2008-2011), supported by the European Commission within its 7th Framework Programme, was to obtain a set of standardized data on extremity and eye lens doses for staff in interventional radiology and cardiology (IR/IC) workplaces and to recommend a series of guidelines on radiation protection in order to both guarantee and optimize staff protection. Within the project, coordinated measurements were performed in 34 hospitals in 6 European countries. Furthermore, simulations of the most representative workplaces in IR and IC were performed to determine the main parameters that influence the extremity and eye lens doses. The work presented in this paper shows the recommendations that were formulated by the results obtained from both measurements and simulations. The presented guidelines are directed to operators, assistant personnel, radiation protection officers and medical physics experts. They concern radiation protection issues, such as the use of room protective equipment, as well as the positioning of the extremity and eye lens dosemeters for routine monitoring.
90Y-labelled radiopharmaceuticals offer promising prospects for radionuclide therapies of tumours, e.g. radioimmunotherapies (RIT), (EANM, 2007), peptide receptor radiotherapies (PRRT), (Otte et al., 1998), and selective internal radiotherapies (SIRT), (Salem and Thurston, 2006). 90Y, an almost pure high-energy beta radiation emitter (Eβ,max = 2.28 MeV), is a favourable radionuclide for therapeutic purposes. However, when preparing and performing these therapies, high activities of 90Y (>1 GBq) are to be manipulated and technicians, physicians and nurses may receive high skin exposures to the hands. If radiation protection standards are low, the exposure of staff can exceed the annual skin dose limit of 500 mSv. Within a particular work package (WP4) of the ORAMED project, comprehensive measurements in nuclear medicine departments of several hospitals in 6 European countries were carried out. The study focussed on 90Y-labelled substances such as Zevalin® and DOTATOC to achieve a representative database on staff exposure. This paper summarises the most important results and conclusions for individual monitoring of skin exposure of staff.
Active personal dosemeters (APD) have been found to be very efficient tools to reduce occupational doses in many applications of ionizing radiation. In order to be used in interventional radiology and cardiology (IR/IC), APDs should be able to measure low energy photons and pulsed radiation with relatively high instantaneous personal dose equivalent rates. A study concerning the optimization of the use of APDs in IR/IC was performed in the framework of the ORAMED project, a Collaborative Project (2008-2011) supported by the European Commission within its 7th Framework Program. In particular, eight commercial APDs were tested in continuous and pulsed X-ray fields delivered by calibration laboratories in order to evaluate their performances. Most of APDs provide a response in pulsed mode more or less affected by the personal dose equivalent rate, which means they could be used in routine monitoring provided that correction factors are introduced. These results emphasize the importance of adding tests in pulsed mode in type-test procedures for APDs. Some general recommendations are proposed in the end of this paper for the selection and use of APDs at IR/IC workplaces.
Introduction and aim: Children hospitalised in a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) are mainly fed by nutritional support (NS) which may often be interrupted. The aims of the study were to verify the relationship between prescribed (PEI) and actual energy intake (AEI) and to identify the reasons for NS interruption. Methods: Prospective study in a PICU. PEI and AEI from day 1 to 15, type of NS (enteral, parenteral, mixed), position of the feeding tube, interruptions in NS and reasons for these were noted. Inter - ruptions were classified in categories of barriers and their frequency and duration were analysed. Results: Fifteen children (24 ± 25.2 months) were studied for 84 days. The NS was exclusively enteral (69%) or mixed (31%). PEI were significantly higher than AEI (54.7 ± 32.9 vs 49.2 ± 33.6 kcal/kg, p = 0.0011). AEI represented 93% of the PEI. Ninety-eight interruptions were noted and lasted 189 h, i.e. 9.4% of the evaluated time. The most frequent barriers were nursing procedures, respiratory physiotherapy and unavailability of intravenous access. The longest were caused by the necessity to stop NS for surgery or diagnostic studies, to treat burns or to carry out medical procedures. Conclusion: AEI in PICU were inferior by 7% to PEI, considerably lower than in adult studies. Making these results available to medical staff for greater anticipation and compensation could reduce NS interruptions. Starving protocols should be reconsidered.