993 resultados para Martí i Pol, Miquel,1929-2003 -- Epistolaris
RNA polymerase I (pol I) is a nuclear enzyme whose function is to transcribe the duplicated genes encoding the precursor of the three largest ribosomal RNAs. We report a cell-free system from broccoli (Brassica oleracea) inflorescence that supports promoter-dependent RNA pol I transcription in vitro. The transcription system was purified extensively by DEAE-Sepharose, Biorex 70, Sephacryl S300, and Mono Q chromatography. Activities required for pre-rRNA transcription copurified with the polymerase on all four columns, suggesting their association as a complex. Purified fractions programmed transcription initiation from the in vivo start site and utilized the same core promoter sequences required in vivo. The complex was not dissociated in 800 mM KCl and had a molecular mass of nearly 2 MDa based on gel filtration chromatography. The most highly purified fractions contain ≈30 polypeptides, two of which were identified immunologically as RNA polymerase subunits. These data suggest that the occurrence of a holoenzyme complex is probably not unique to the pol II system but may be a general feature of eukaryotic nuclear polymerases.
A novel RNase activity was identified in a yeast RNA polymerase I (pol I) in vitro transcription system. Transcript cleavage occurred at the 3′ end and was dependent on the presence of ternary pol I/DNA/RNA complexes and an additional protein factor not identical to transcription factor IIS (TFIIS). Transcript cleavage was observed both on arrested complexes at the linearized ends of the transcribed DNA and on intrinsic blocks of the DNA template. Shortened transcripts that remained associated within the ternary complexes were capable of resuming RNA chain elongation. Possible functions of the nuclease for transcript elongation or termination are discussed.
RNA polymerase I (Pol I) transcription in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is greatly stimulated in vivo and in vitro by the multiprotein complex, upstream activation factor (UAF). UAF binds tightly to the upstream element of the rDNA promoter, such that once bound (in vitro), UAF does not readily exchange onto a competing template. Of the polypeptides previously identified in purified UAF, three are encoded by genes required for Pol I transcription in vivo: RRN5, RRN9, and RRN10. Two others, p30 and p18, have remained uncharacterized. We report here that the N-terminal amino acid sequence, its mobility in gel electrophoresis, and the immunoreactivity of p18 shows that it is histone H3. In addition, histone H4 was found in UAF, and myc-tagged histone H4 could be used to affinity-purify UAF. Histones H2A and H2B were not detectable in UAF. These results suggest that histones H3 and H4 probably account for the strong binding of UAF to DNA and may offer a means by which general nuclear regulatory signals could be transmitted to Pol I.
Termination of murine rDNA transcription by RNA polymerase I (Pol I) requires pausing of Pol I by terminator-bound TTF-I (transcription termination factor for Pol I), followed by dissociation of the ternary complex by PTRF (Pol I and transcript release factor). To examine the functional correlation between transcription termination and initiation, we have compared transcription on terminator-containing and terminator-less rDNA templates. We demonstrate that terminated RNA molecules are more efficiently synthesized than run-off transcripts, indicating that termination facilitates reinitiation. Transcriptional enhancement is observed in multiple- but not single-round transcription assays measuring either promoter-dependent or promoter-independent Pol I transcription. Increased synthesis of terminated transcripts is observed in crude extracts but not in a PTRF-free reconstituted transcription system, indicating that PTRF-mediated release of pre-rRNA is responsible for transcriptional enhancement. Consistent with PTRF serving an important role in modulating the efficiency of rRNA synthesis, PTRF exhibits pronounced charge heterogeneity, is phosphorylated at multiple sites and fractionates into transcriptionally active and inactive forms. The results suggest that regulation of PTRF activity may be an as yet unrecognized means to control the efficiency of ribosomal RNA synthesis.
Expression of Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase I (pol I) in Escherichia, coli complements the growth defect caused by a temperature-sensitive mutation in the host pol I. We replaced the nucleotide sequence encoding amino acids 659-671 of the O-helix of Taq DNA pol I, corresponding to the substrate binding site, with an oligonucleotide containing random nucleotides. Functional Taq pol I mutants were selected based on colony formation at the nonpermissive temperature. By using a library with 9% random substitutions at each of 39 positions, we identified 61 active Taq pol I mutants, each of which contained from one to four amino acid substitutions. Some amino acids, such as alanine-661 and threonine-664, were tolerant of several or even many diverse replacements. In contrast, no replacements or only conservative replacements were identified at arginine-659, lysine-663, and tyrosine-671. By using a library with totally random nucleotides at five different codons (arginine-659, arginine-660, lysine-663, phenylalanine-667, and glycine-668), we confirmed that arginine-659 and lysine-663 were immutable, and observed that only tyrosine substituted for phenylalanine-667. The two immutable residues and the two residues that tolerate only highly conservative replacements lie on the side of O-helix facing the incoming deoxynucleoside triphosphate, as determined by x-ray analysis. Thus, we offer a new approach to assess concordance of the active conformation of an enzyme, as interpreted from the crystal structure, with the active conformation inferred from in vivo function.
All transcription terminators for RNA polymerase I (pol I) that have been studied so far, ranging from yeast to humans, require a specific DNA binding protein to cause termination. In yeast, this terminator protein has been identified as Reb1p. We now show that, in addition to the binding site for Reb1p, the yeast pol I terminator also requires the presence of a T-rich region coding for the last 12 nucleotides of the transcript. Reb1p cooperates with this T-rich element, both to pause the polymerase and to effect release of the transcript. These findings have implications for the termination mechanism used by all three nuclear RNA polymerases, since all three are known to pause at this terminator.
Contiene: vol. 1 - vol. 2.
Vol. 1: Ottisk iz Universitetskikh izvi︠e︡stīĭ za 1892-1895 gg.; v. 2: Izdano na sredstva Imperatorskago universiteta sv. Vladimīra.
Contiene: vol. 1 - vol. 2.
Esta investigación analiza las tesis doctorales sobre tutoría defendidas en las universidades españolas en el periodo 1980-2014 a partir de la revisión de tres bases de datos (Teseo, Dialnet y TDR). Tras desarrollar una búsqueda exhaustiva se encontraron un total de 67 tesis doctorales que fueron analizadas considerando, por un lado, parámetros bibliométricos como producción por años, sexo del doctorando, universidades de lectura, directores y miembros de tribunales evaluadores; y, por otro lado, tendencias temáticas de las investigaciones doctorales sobre tutoría desde un análisis de descriptores, etapas educativas y tópicos desarrollados. El estudio concluye con algunas reflexiones en torno a la heterogeneidad de los atributos bibliométricos constatados en las tesis doctorales sobre tutoría, a la vez que se presentan las tendencias temáticas patentes en la construcción científica del campo de la tutoría desde las tesis doctorales.
Entre los documentos del archivo de la Real Sociedad Econó-mica de Amigos del País de Valencia (RSEAPV)1, se encuentra un con-junto muy interesante concerniente a la realización de una medalla por parte de esta sociedad en honor de Manuel Godoy, Príncipe de la Paz. Es en enero de 1807 cuando la RSEAPV decide nombrarlo miembro protector de esa Real Sociedad y, en agradecimiento a su aceptación y su reciente nombramiento al Grande Almirantazgo de España e Yndias, acuña la medalla sobre la cual presento este trabajo. El estudio detallado de los citados documentos nos permitirá ir más allá de las imágenes re-presentadas en el reverso de la misma, proporcionándonos su correcta interpretación dentro del contexto histórico del momento.
The unrestrained proliferation of cancer cells requires a high level of ribosome biogenesis. The first stage of ribosome biogenesis is the transcription of the large ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs); the structural and functional components of the ribosome. Transcription of rRNA is carried out by RNA Polymerase I (Pol-I) and its associated holoenzyme complex. Here we report that BRCA1, a nuclear phosphoprotein, and a known tumour suppressor involved in variety of cellular processes such as DNA damage response, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control and ubiquitylation, is associated with rDNA repeats, in particular with the regulatory regions of the rRNA gene. We demonstrate that BRCA1 interacts directly with the basal Pol-I transcription factors; upstream binding factor (UBF), selectivity factor-1 (SL1) as well as interacting with RNA Pol-I itself. We show that in response to DNA damage, BRCA1 occupancy at the rDNA repeat is decreased and the observed BRCA1 interactions with the Pol-I transcription machinery are weakened. We propose, therefore, that there is a rDNA associated fraction of BRCA1 involved in DNA damage dependent regulation of Pol-I transcription, regulating the stability and formation of the Pol-I holoenzyme during initiation and/or elongation in response to DNA damage.