834 resultados para Manufacturing industry


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This thesis Entitled entrepreneurship and motivation in small business sector of kerala -A study of rubber products manufacturing industry.Rubber-based industry in Kerala was established only in the first half of the 20th century.the number of licensed manufacturers in the State has increased substantially over the years, particularly in the post- independence period. 54 rubber manufacturing units in 1965-66, the number of licensed rubber-based industrial units has increased to 1300 units in 2001-02. In 2001-02 Kerala occupied the primary position in the number of rubber goods manufacturers in the country.As per the latest report of the Third All India Census of Small Scale Industries 2001-02, Kerala has the third largest number of registered small scale units in the country next after Tamil Nadu and Utter Pradesh.This study of entrepreneurship in the small-scale rubber goods manufacturing industry in Kerala compares a cross section of successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs with respect to socio-economic characteristics and motivational dynamics. Based on a sample survey of 120 entrepreneurs of Kottayam and Ernakulam districts successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs were selected using multiple criteria. The study provides guidelines for the development of entrepreneurship in Kerala.The results on the socio-economic survey support the hypothesis that the successful entrepreneurs will differ from unsuccessful entrepreneurs with respect to education, social contacts, initial investment, sales turnover, profits, capital employed, personal income, and number of employees.Successful entrepreneurs were found to be self~starters. Successful entrepreneurs adopted a lot more technological changes than unsuccessful entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs were more innovative — the percent of successful entrepreneurs and unsuccessful entrepreneurs reporting innovations in business were 31.50 and 8.50 percent respectively.


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La inversión extranjera directa en Colombia es un asunto que particularmente desde 1990 ha venido tomando fuerza y que a su vez genera múltiples cuestiones. Para abordar el impacto que la IED ha tenido en Colombia se hace necesario hacer un acercamiento teórico para comprender el concepto, pasando por el estudio del caso latinoamericano para después seleccionar los principales sectores de la economía colombiana y en los cuales la IED ha jugado un rol destacado, como es el caso del sector financiero, la industria manufacturera, el sector de electricidad, gas y agua, el sector de transporte, almacenamiento y comunicaciones y el sector petróleo. Con ello en mente será posible establecer y medir el impacto económico de la IED, tomando como principal indicador la correlación entre la IED y PIB por sector y otros aspectos como el impacto en el empleo y la transferencia de conocimiento y tecnología. Igualmente es necesario abordar la perspectiva del inversionista y los riesgos y beneficios que corre al invertir en Colombia, esto permitirá ampliar el campo de análisis y establecer otras relaciones e impactos conexos de la IED en los aspectos sociales y culturales del país. Gracias a estos análisis será posible emitir un juicio de valor sustentado en un análisis científico detallado sobre el verdadero impacto de la IED y extendiéndose más allá del campo económico.


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Las actividades de mantenimiento automotriz en el sector de autopartes conlleva el uso de agentes químicos bajo diversas circunstancias de exposición, tanto en las condiciones de manipulación de productos químicos como a las características propias de cada actividad de mantenimiento asociado a las tareas específicas del trabajo. Tradicionalmente la evaluación de contaminantes químicos desde la visión de la Higiene Ocupacional incluye la evaluación cuantitativa de la exposición mediante técnicas instrumentales concretas y estandarizadas, determinando el nivel de concentración en aire a la cual un trabajador se ve expuesto y que, en comparación con valores límites permisibles (VLPs), inducen el establecimiento de medidas de control y vigilancia, según el nivel de riesgo caracterizado. Sin embargo es evidente la limitación de la implementación de esta sistemática en particular en micros y pequeñas empresas que carecen de los recursos suficientes para abordar la problemática de forma objetiva. En este contexto diversas metodologías de evaluación cualitativa o subjetiva se han desarrollado por distintas organizaciones en el mundo con el fin de disminuir la brecha entre el establecimiento de medidas de control y la valoración del riesgo, ofreciendo alternativas confiables para la toma de decisiones preventivas sin la necesidad de acudir a mediciones cuantitativas. Mediante la presente investigación se pretende validar la efectividad en el uso de una herramienta de evaluación simplificada del riesgo químico propuesta por el INRS (Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité Francés) mediante la determinación del perfil de exposición potencial a contaminantes químicos de la población laboral de 36 almacenes de autopartes ubicados en el barrio la Paz de la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, divididos según énfasis de actividades en Partes Externas, Partes Eléctricas e Inyección, Partes Mecánicas, Partes Múltiples, a través de un estudio de corte transversal. El estudio permitió Jerarquizar el riesgo potencial, valorar el riesgo vía inhalatoria y dérmica para finalmente construir el perfil de exposición potencial a contaminantes químicos de trabajadores. La información de las variables de análisis fue consolidada en una herramienta informática diseñada para tal fin, la cual facilito la administración de los datos y su respectivo análisis. Con base en los hallazgos fue posible establecer los productos químicos que de acuerdo a las condiciones de trabajo y circunstancias de exposición sugieren medidas específicas para la disminución del riesgo potencial de acuerdo a la calificación global de los agentes, permitiendo deducir la viabilidad de la aplicación de herramientas de valoración cualitativa para la evaluación del riesgo químico como estrategia de prevención primaria.


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Este estudio analiza el efecto del uso de Internet sobre el ingreso laboral, eliminado el problema de endogeneidad que existe por motivos de selección. También se analizan los efectos seg un el lugar de acceso y las actividades realizadas en Internet. Para esto se utiliza Propensity Score Matching, tomando información para Colombia entre el año 2009 a 2011. Los resultados muestran que existe un efecto positivo, significativo y heterogéneo entre trabajadores asalariados y cuenta propia, siendo los últimos los más beneficiados. Con respecto al lugar de uso se encuentra un impacto positivo del uso del Internet en el trabajo y/o en el hogar, con una mayor magnitud en el primer sitio de acceso. Para el tema del manejo del Internet, no se encuentra efecto cuando se utiliza en actividades de entretenimiento, pero si cuando se usa en tareas educativas diariamente. Esto siguiere que usar este servicio aumenta la productividad y el capital humano, lo que se transforma en un incremento en los ingresos. Por tanto, se encuentra que el lugar de uso es una señal informativa para el mercado laboral, mientras que el impacto del manejo de esta herramienta depende de la frecuencia con que se realicen las actividades.


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Introducción Debido a que los accidentes de origen ocupacional ocupan un lugar importante dentro de las causas de ausentismo, discapacidades y hasta las muertes se realizó la descripción de la accidentalidad, teniendo en cuenta factores como la severidad y tipo de lesión, el tipo de actividad laboral y re accidentalidad ocurrida en una empresa manufacturera en un periodo de 2010 al 2014. Objetivos Establecer la distribución de los accidentes laborales ocurridos en una empresa manufacturera en el periodo de 2010 al 2014 según edad, género, área laboral y tipo de lesión. Materiales y métodos Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en donde se analizaron las características según los trabajadores y la empresa y se realizaron asociaciones para establecer cuáles eran los factores de riesgo para presentar re accidentalidad. Se tomó una empresa manufacturera del sector de producción de alimentos que cuenta con un total de 950 empleados, en riesgo de presentar accidentes laborales. Se seleccionaron 338 accidentes ocurridos en el periodo de 2010 y 2014.Se realizaron análisis de los accidentes según las variables de: género, área de trabajo y tipo de herida para determinar su distribución según dichos factores. Posteriormente se realizaron análisis bivariado por medio de asociaciones estadísticas usando el estadístico Chi cuadrado y pruebas no paramétricas o paramétricas según la distribución de normalidad de las variables cuantitativas. El programa que se usó para el análisis fue el de SPSS versión 22. Resultados El estudio identificó que la proporción de accidentes durante el periodo estudiado con respecto al número de trabajadores fue de 35,6% y de los 950 trabajadores el 28,8% presentaron accidentes que corresponde a los 274 trabajadores. La mediana de edad fue de 35 años y se presentó más frecuente en mujeres (55,6%). El área laboral en la que se presentaron mayor número de accidentes fue el área de manufactura (75,7%). La proporción de mujeres que presentaban mayor accidentes en el área de manufactura si representó una diferencia de 23,4% con respecto a la proporción de hombres que presentaron mayor accidentes en la misma área. Con respecto al tipo de lesión, se presentaron accidentes frecuentemente en miembros superiores y según el género, las mujeres presentaron 2,02% más accidentes en miembros superiores comparado con los hombres. Los análisis en cuanto a re accidentalidad determinaron que el 16,8% de los trabajadores presentaron más de un accidente y un trabajador presentó 5 accidentes en el periodo de tiempo estudiado en la empresa, la edad se relacionó significativamente con el hecho de presentar re accidentalidad.


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This paper describes the EU-EFIGE/Bruegel-UniCredit dataset (in short the EFIGE dataset), a database recently collected within the EFIGE project (European Firms in a Global Economy: internal policies for external competitiveness) supported by the Directorate General Research of the European Commission through its 7th Framework Programme and coordinated by Bruegel. • The database, for the first time in Europe, combines measures of firms’ international activities (eg exports, outsourcing, FDI, imports) with quantitative and qualitative information on about 150 items ranging from R&D and innovation, labour organisation, financing and organisational activities, and pricing behaviour. Data consists of a representative sample (at the country level for the manufacturing industry) of almost 15,000 surveyed firms (above 10 employees) in seven European economies (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Hungary). Data was collected in 2010, covering the years from 2007 to 2009. Special questions related to the behaviour of firms during the crisis were also included in the survey. • We illustrate the construction and usage of the dataset, capitalising on the experience of researchers who have exploited the data within the EFIGE project. Importantly, the document also reports a comprehensive set of validation measures that have been used to assess the comparability of the survey data with official statistics. A set of descriptive statistics describing the EFIGE variables within (and across) countries and industries is also provided.


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The complexity of construction projects and the fragmentation of the construction industry undertaking those projects has effectively resulted in linear, uncoordinated and highly variable project processes in the UK construction sector. Research undertaken at the University of Salford resulted in the development of an improved project process, the Process Protocol, which considers the whole lifecycle of a construction project whilst integrating its participants under a common framework. The Process Protocol identifies the various phases of a construction project with particular emphasis on what is described in the manufacturing industry as the ‘fuzzy front end’. The participants in the process are described in terms of the activities that need to be undertaken in order to achieve a successful project and process execution. In addition, the decision-making mechanisms, from a client perspective, are illustrated and the foundations for a learning organization/industry are facilitated within a consistent Process Protocol.


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Purpose – Characteristics of leaders whose behaviour is visceral include taking action based on instinct rather than intellect and exhibiting coarse, base and often negative emotions. Despite the challenge of precisely defining the nature of visceral behaviour, the purpose of this paper is to provide insight into this less attractive side of boardroom life. Design/methodology/approach – Following a literature review of the research into the negative behaviour leaders exhibit, the paper highlights four forms of visceral behaviour based on focused and intimate qualitative case studies involving the experiences of those on the receiving end of that behaviour within a boardroom context. Findings – Based on interviews with an international sample of five chief executive officers (CEOs), plus three subordinates with substantial profit and loss responsibility, the study reveals a distinctly human experience from which no one is exempt. The idiosyncratic nature of the visceral behaviour experienced resulted in each study participant's unique experience. The authors conclude that leaders need to adopt specific measures in order to control and reduce the darker human tendencies. Research limitations/implications – The experiences of study participants are presented in four case studies, providing insight into their experiences whilst also protecting their identity. The study participants were drawn from a sample of companies operating globally within a single sector of the manufacturing industry. The concepts the authors present require validating in other organisations with different demographic profiles. Originality/value – The paper presents a model based on two dimensions – choice and level of mastery – that provides the reader with insight into the forms of visceral behaviour to which leaders succumb. Insight enables us to offer managers strategic suggestions to guard against visceral behaviour and assist them in mitigating its worst aspects, in both those with whom they work and themselves.


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Destructive leadership behaviour often results in damage to the organisations that the individual is entrusted to lead. Although accurately pinpointing the type of destructive behaviour is difficult, this article seeks to offer suggestions as to why leaders spiral into such unattractive behaviour. After reviewing the literature, this paper highlights four drivers for destructive ways that people act based on detailed qualitative scenarios that involve how those who experienced such behaviour reacted and felt. The study reveals a noticeable human experience from which nobody can escape, and offers understanding of the study participants’ experiences. Out of respect to the participants, the authors keep their identity anonomous. We drew our subjects from a cross-section of organisations that function internationally within one area of the manufacturing industry. The article presents a model comprising two dimensions: 1) the leader’s attitude to the organisation he or she leads and 2) adequacy of his or her leadership capabilities. The models offer us understanding of the drivers of the destructive actions that the leader exhibits. Understanding allows us to provide managers with tactical methods to protect them against destructive behaviour and help them lessen the worst aspects of destructive behaviour in both their colleagues and themselves.


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The use of ceramic material as refractories in the manufacturing industry is a common practice worldwide. During usage, for example in the production of steel, these materials do experience severe working conditions including high temperatures, low pressures and corrosive environments. This results in lowered service lives and high consumptions of these materials. This, in turn, affects the productivity of the whole steel plant and thereby the cost. In order to investigate how the service life can be improved, studies have been carried out for refractories used in the inner lining of the steel ladles. More specifically, from the slag zone, where the corrosion is most severe. By combining thermodynamic simulations, plant trails and post-mortem studies of the refractories after service, vital information about the behaviour of the slagline refractories during steel refining and the causes of the accelerated wear in this ladle area has been achieved. The results from these studies show that the wear of the slagline refractories of the ladle is initiated at the preheating station, through reduction-oxidation reactions. The degree of the decarburization process is mostly dependent on the preheating fuel or the environment. For refractories without antioxidants, refractory decarburization is slower when coal gas is used in ladle preheating than when a mixture of oil and air is used. In addition, ladle preheating of the refractories without antioxidants leads to direct wear of the slagline refractories. This is due to the total loss of the matrix strength, which results in a sand-like product. Thermal chemical changes that take place in the slagline refractories are due to the MgO-C reaction as well as the formation of liquid phases from impurity oxides. In addition, the decrease in the system pressure during steel refining makes the MgO-C reaction take place at the steel refining temperatures. This reduces the refractory’s resistance to corrosion. This is a serious problem for both the magnesia-carbon and dolomite-carbon refractories. The studies of the reactions between the slagline refractories and the different slag compositions showed that slags rich in iron oxide lead mostly to the oxidation of carbon/graphite in the carbon-containing refractories. This leads to an increased porosity and wettability and therefore an enhanced penetration of slag into the refractory structure. If the slag contains high contents of alumina and or silica (such as the steel refining slag), reactions between the slag components and the dolomite-carbon refractory are promoted. This leads to the formation of low-temperature melting phases such as calcium-aluminates and silicates. The state of these reaction products during steel refining leads to an accelerated wear of the dolomite-carbon refractory. The main products of the reactions between the magnesia-carbon refractory and the steel refining slag are MgAl2O4 spinels, and calcium-aluminates, and silicates. Due to the good refractory properties of MgAl2O4 spinels, the slag corrosion resistance of the magnesiacarbon refractory is promoted.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma técnica de programação e controle da construção repetitiva denominada Linha de Balanço. E uma técnica, surgida na indústria fabril, onde a produção em série e em grande escala exige a organização dos métodos de produção e a racionalização do trabalho. O estudo, inicialmente, modela o trabalho de construção de unidades repetitivas, salientando os problemas de organização e administração destes empreendimentos. Num segundo momento, são apresentados os princípios teóricos da técnica com aplicações práticas da programação. Por fim, é analisada a metodologia usual de construção de conjuntos habitacionais através de um estudo de caso e, observadas as condições de aplicação da técnica da Linha de Balanço, não exigindo mudificações muito profundas na atual ação gerencial neste tipo de obra. As conclusões esboçadas confirmam as vantagens da técnica da Linha de Balanço para estes empreendimentos e propõem a sua utilização na organização do trabalho nos canteiros repetitivos.


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Este trabalho avalia a evolução da produtividade industrial brasileira — utilizando um painel de 16 setores da indústria de transformação no período 1985/97 — e o papel da abertura econômica neste processo. Os resultados mostram que a produtividade da indústria brasileira, seja ela medida pelo conceito de produtividade total dos fatores (PTF) ou de produtividade do trabalho, passou por duas fases distintas: de 1985 a 1990, há um processo de estagnação e de 1990 a 1997, a indústria passa a apresentar significativas taxas de crescimento. A abertura comercial, caracterizada por menores tarifas nominais e menores taxas de proteção efetiva, exerce um efeito positivo sobre o aumento da produtividade. Em todas as regressões do modelo — em que se utilizam técnicas de estimação em painéis — não se pode rejeitar a hipótese de que aumentos nas barreiras comerciais implicam menores taxas de crescimento da produtividade do trabalho e da PTF. Este resultado confirma a evidência internacional de que países mais abertos crescem mais rápido e desestimularia a adoção de políticas de restrição comercial como estratégia de desenvolvimento e de proteção à indústria nacional.


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Este projeto de pesquisa teve por objetivo aprofundar o conhecimento acadêmico sobre a maneira como as empresas estão se utilizando da Internet e outras tecnologias da informação para agregar valor e/ou reduzir custos para os seus clientes, com foco na possibilidade de virtualização dos produtos/serviços oferecidos e dos processos utilizados na sua obtenção, incluindo o relacionamento com fornecedores e outros parceiros comerciais. O estudo foi realizado com base em dados levantados a partir de pesquisa de campo, com aplicação de questionário, e na utilização de métodos quantitativos para a análise das informações obtidas. O objetivo principal foi verificar se o modelo preliminar proposto explicava o comportamento das empresas industriais de São Paulo, permitindo uma reflexão sobre eventuais discrepâncias e o aprimoramento do modelo, além da recomendação de linhas de ação para as empresas. Procurou-se, ainda, determinar se os usos feitos da Internet pelas empresas envolvidas na pesquisa, assim como as transformações por elas realizadas em seu ambiente empresarial em virtude da disponibilização das novas tecnologias, eram extensíveis a outros segmentos do mercado, além dos que representaram o objeto de estudo imediato deste trabalho.


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As Brazil wants to be perceived as a competitor in providing computer applications and system development services in the global market, the concept of Software Factory gains importance. The metaphor for the 'Factory', when applied to the activity of software development, is used to describe organizations which produce software with a minimum quality standard and at competitive costs. However, the term 'Factory' recalls Fordist concepts, which have been challenged for a few decades in the manufacturing industry. This study analyzed university curricula and how students and teachers perceive the concept of Software Factory and assessed them in relation to the Fordism ------------ post-Fordism /continuum/. It was observed that some of the teachers who have influence over curricula define Software Factories according to Fordist concepts. It was also observed that, despite opportunities for improvements, curricula are adequately structured with regards to the skills a professional at these organizations must possess. We conclude that education provided at the programs being analyzed is adequate, but that it must be supplemented by companies or by the professionals themselves so that the knowledge acquired in the programs may be put in practice.


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The purpose of this study is to define measures to increase customer satisfaction and company competitiveness using a remote monitoring technology, in an exploratory study of Alpha Elevator Company (nick name chosen to the company by the actor of the dissertation). Regarding the competitive market, the service industry is striving to achieve productivity, following the example of the manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, these efforts are limited by the amount of hours worked per week, month or year, since the sector charges its services based on the hours spent working on the equipment of the client or based on the numbers of visits. This study is based in the overcoming of the traditional paradigm of selling number of hours by a system of selling results and performance. Employing a remote monitoring system, the elevators under the company service are monitored continually and defects are detected and transmitted to the customer care center, via phone line. The customers can access this data through the Internet and obtain information like availability rate of their elevators and call back response time rate, besides being able to buy products on the company¿s home page and to send feedback. The results were obtained by participating in conferences among experts of the company, in Japan and the United States. Through the analysis of the business environment and based on the bibliographic reference, a strategy was developed to implement e-service as a competitive differentiation.