251 resultados para Manihot esculenta Crantz


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Pseudomonas oleovorans were grown on sugary cassava extracts supplemented with andiroba oil for the synthesis of a mediumchain- length polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHAMCL). The concentration of total sugars in the extract was approximately: 40 g/L in culture 1, 15 g/L in cultures 2 and 3, and 10 g/L in culture 4. Supplementation with 1% andiroba oil and 0.2 g/L of (NH4)2HPO4 was performed 6.5 hours after growth in culture 3, and supplementation with the same amount of andiroba oil and 2.4 g/L of (NH4)2HPO4 was performed at the beginning of growth in culture 4. The synthesis resulted mainly in 3-hydroxy-decanoate and 3-hydroxy-dodecanoate units; 3-hydroxy-butyrate, 3-hydroxy-hexanoate; and 3-hydroxy-octanoate monomers were also produced but in smaller proportions. P. oleovorans significantly accumulated PHAMCL in the deceleration phase of growth with an oxygen limitation but with sufficient nitrogen concentration to maintain cell growth. The sugary cassava extract supplemented with andiroba oil proved to be a potential substrate for PHAMCL production.


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A aplicação de técnicas menos agressivas ao meio ambiente, como o uso de sistemas alternativos (corte e trituração), no lugar dos sistemas convencionais (corte-e-queima), além de favorecer o equilíbrio dos ciclos biogeoquímicos em áreas florestais, contribui para a mitigação das mudanças climáticas. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a emissão e o estoque de carbono do solo em sistemas de produção agropecuária em unidades rurais familiares do Nordeste paraense. Os estudos foram conduzidos em área de agricultor familiar no Município de Mãe do Rio, com temperatura média anual de 25 a 28°C, precipitação pluviométrica acimade 2500 mm e com solo predominante do tipo Latossolo Amarelo distrófico de textura média a argilosa. Foram selecionados 3 sistemas de uso da terra (cultivo com Schizolobium amazonicum, roça e silvipastoril) e mais uma área de referencia (floresta secundária), com 4 parcelas, medindo 20 m x 20 m cada. Foram avaliados a emissão de CO2 do solo, estoque de carbono no solo, estoque da liteira no solo e estoque de carbono na liteira. Os dados foram submetidos à Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e à comparação das médias pelo teste de Tukey, ao nível de 5%. Em todos os sistemas avaliados, as maiores emissões de CO2 do solo, observadas no período chuvoso, foram no sistema silvipastoril (5,02 Wmol CO2 m-2 s-1), em comparação à área da floresta secundária (3,56 Wmol CO2 m-2 s-1). De todas as áreas estudadas a maior emissão anual foi encontrada no sistema silvipastoril. O estoque de carbono no solo foi maior na área da floresta secundária, com total de 157± 31,10 Mg ha-1 (0-100 cm). O maior estoque de liteira no solo encontrado foi para a fração da liteira não-lenhosa, em todos os sistemas agropecuários e floresta secundária. O maior estoque de carbono na liteira não-lenhosa total foi observada no mês de janeiro/2010, com média geral de 4,31± 3,0 Mg ha-1, em todos os sistemas avaliados. Os sistemas de uso da terra que não utilizam o fogo no preparo da área, como os sistemas alternativos de corte-e-trituração, além de contribuirem para a mitigação das mudanças climáticas, ajudam na manutenção do funcionamento adequado dos ciclos biogeoquímicos nos ecossistemas terrestres.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar parâmetros genéticos e avaliar a seleção simultânea quanto à produtividade de raízes e à adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de mandioca. Os efeitos dos genótipos foram considerados como fixos e aleatórios, e a metodologia de modelos mistos (REML/Blup) foi utilizada para estimar os parâmetros genéticos e a média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genotípicos (MHPRVG), para seleção simultânea. Dez genótipos foram avaliados em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. O experimento foi realizado nos municípios de Altamira, Santarém e Santa Luzia do Pará, PA, nos anos agrícolas de 2009/2010, 2010/2011 e 2011/2012. As raízes foram colhidas 12 meses após o plantio, em todos os locais testados. A produtividade de raízes apresentou baixo coeficiente de variação genotípica (4,25%) e herdabilidade de parcelas individuais no sentido amplo (0,0424), o que resultou em baixo ganho genético. Em razão da baixa correlação genotípica (0,15), a classificação dos genótipos quanto à produtividade de raízes variou de acordo com o ambiente. Os genótipos CPATU 060, CPATU 229 e CPATU 404 destacaram-se quanto à produtividade, adaptabilidade e estabilidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of sun and shade drying of the aerial part of cassava on the chemical composition and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of nutrients, energy, and aminoacids for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). There was no difference between the drying methods for chemical composition. The ADC of crude protein showed higher digestibility for the shade dried aerial part. Shade drying of the aerial part of cassava allows higher conservation of the protein content and better apparent digestibility of the protein and amino acid fraction for Nile tilapia.


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Short cooking time and ability to blend varieties of food ingredients have made extrusion cooking a medium for low-cost and nutritionally improved food products. The effect of moisture, extrusion temperature and amount of turmeric flour mixed with cassava flour on physical characteristic of puffed snacks was evaluated in this work. Extrusion process was carried out using a single-screw extruder in a factorial central composite design with four factors. Results showed effect of extrusion parameters on dependents variables. High expansion, low browning, low water solubility index, intermediate water absorption index and high crispness desirable characteristics to puffed snacks are obtained in conditions of 12% moisture, 5% turmeric flour, 105º C of temperature and 250 rpm of screw speed. These paper point to the potential still unexplored of the use of flours of cassava and turmeric as raw materials in the development of extruded puffed snacks.


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Cassava leaves have been widely used as a protein source for ruminants in the tropics. However, these leaves contain high level of hydro-cyanic acid (HCN) and condensed tannins (CT). There are evidences that making hay can eliminate more than 90% of HCN and that long-term storage can reduce CT levels. A complete randomized design with four replicates was conducted to determine the effect of different storage times (0-control, 60, 90 and 120 days) on chemical composition, in vitro rumen fermentation kinetics, digestibility and energy value of cassava leaves hay. Treatments were compared by analyzing variables using the GLM procedure (SAS 9.1, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). Crude protein (CP) and ether extract (EE) of the cassava hay were not affected (P > 0.05) by storage time (17.7% and 3.0%, respectively). Neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, total carbohydrate and non-fiber carbohydrate were not affected either (P>0.05) by storage time (47.5, 32.6, 72.3 and 25.8% respectively). However, other parameters were influenced. CT was lower (P<0.05) in hay after 120 days of storage compared with control (1.75% versus 3.75%, respectively). Lignin and insoluble nitrogen in neutral detergent, analyzed without sodium sulfite, were higher (P<0.01) after 120 days of storage, compared with the control (11.22 versus 13.57 and 1.65 versus 3.81% respectively). This suggests that the CT has bound to the fiber or CP and became inactive. Consequently, the in vitro digestibility of organic matter (50.36%), total digestible nutrients (44.79%) and energy (1.61 Mcal/KgMS), obtained from gas production data at 72 h of incubation, has increased (P<0.05) with storage times (56.83%, 51.53% and 1.86 Mcal/KgMS, respectively). The chemical composition and fermentative characteristics of cassava hay suffered variations during the storage period. The best values were obtained after 90 days of storage. This is probably due to the reduction in condensed tannins.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The fall armyworm is a pest that feeds on various botanies species. The objective of this experiment was to study the biology of this pest in corn and cassava leaves. Caterpillars were collected in area under cultivation with cassava and maintained on artificial diet for two generations. Under controlled conditions in a climatic chamber (B.O.D) in the laboratory (25 degrees, 60 +/- 10% RH and photophase 14 hours) were evaluated daily 50 caterpillars in corn treatments and 50 in cassava, where duration and viability of the larval phase and pupal, weight of pupas were observed after 24 hours, deformation percentage of pupas and adults, longevity, fecundity and total life cycle. The viability of larvae fed on leaves of maize and cassava was 74% and 60%, respectively. The larval period of the insects was shorter in maize 16.89 days (seven instars) and cassava 20.08 days (six instars). The pupal phase lasted 11.42 days in cassava treatment and 10.87 in the maize. The pupal weight of females and males was higher in corn 204.91 mg and 198.97 mg, respectively. The biological cycle varied depending on the ingested food. Adult longevity lasted 9.88 days for insects fed on cassava leaves. Therefore, cassava affected the development of S. frugiperda.


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The production of starch and cassava starch (Manihot esculenta) if has shown to an important business for the region the northwest of the Paraná, generating income and job for a significant agricultural producers. The production of the region is processed for industries at private capital and cooperatives of producers. The study involving agricultural producers and one of the most important cooperatives of the region (C-Vale) objectified to evaluate the relationships between cooperative and producers, and the mechanisms of coordination of the productive chain. The results had disclosed that the relationships are not harmonious, generating opportunism situations, high costs of transaction and diffidence in the operations between producers and cooperative. Also if it perceived a difficulty of coordination of the productive chain, due to lack of integration between the partners, what it affects the competitiveness and the efficiency of the sector.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O aumento da produção agrícola na Amazônia brasileira tem ocorrido devido, em grande parte, à expansão da fronteira agrícola, utilizando áreas já antropizadas ou avançando sobre a vegetação primária. Ao mesmo tempo, os sistemas agrícolas, na pequena produção, continuam utilizando o fogo no preparo da área, o que leva à perda da capacidade produtiva dos solos em curto espaço de tempo, forçando a abertura de novas áreas. Este trabalho avaliou o efeito de métodos de preparo do solo e tempo de pousio que envolvem queima e trituração da vegetação, com permanência na superfície ou incorporada ao solo, com ou sem adubação mineral, em duas épocas do ano sobre os atributos químicos e biológicos do solo. O experimento foi instalado em 1995 em um Latossolo Amarelo do campo experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, no nordeste do Estado do Pará. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, arranjados em esquema fatorial 2 x 6, sendo dois sistemas de manejo e seis tratamentos, estudados em duas épocas de coleta. Os sistemas de manejo envolveram as culturas de arroz (Oriza sativa), seguido de feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata) e mandioca (Manihot esculenta). Um sistema constou de dois ciclos de cultivo seguidos, deixando em pousio por três anos; e o outro, de um ciclo de cultivo, deixando em pousio por três anos. Os tratamentos foram: corte e queima da vegetação, com adubação NPK (Q+NPK); corte e queima da vegetação, sem adubação NPK (Q-NPK); corte e trituração da vegetação, deixando-a na superfície do solo, com adubação NPK (C+NPK); corte e trituração da vegetação, deixando-a na superfície do solo, sem adubação NPK (C-NPK); corte e trituração da vegetação, com incorporação e com adubação NPK (I+NPK); e corte e trituração da vegetação, com incorporação e sem adubação NPK (I-NPK). As coletas de solo foram realizadas na estação mais chuvosa (abril de 2006) e na menos chuvosa (setembro de 2006), na profundidade de 0,0-0,1 m. Em cada parcela, foram coletadas 10 amostras simples para compor uma amostra composta. O sistema de manejo mais intensivo apresentou maiores teores de C microbiano (Cmic) e N microbiano (Nmic), ao passo que o sistema menos intensivo mostrou maio teor de C orgânico. Os tratamentos que apresentaram maior teor de Cmic e Nmic foram aqueles em que houve corte, trituração e deposição da biomassa na superfície do solo. Os atributos químicos nos dois sistemas de manejo encontram-se em faixas que enquadram os solos como de baixa fertilidade; no entanto, P e K (no período chuvoso) foram mais elevados no sistema de manejo menos intensivo.


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Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers were developed for Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae), a tree species with large potential for biofuel production, to investigate its natural genetic diversity and mating system to facilitate the establishment of tree improvement and conservation programs. Methods and Results: Using a protocol for genomic library enrichment, 104 clones containing 195 repeat motifs were identified. Primer pairs were developed for 40 microsatellite loci and validated in 41 accessions of J. curcas from six provenances. Nine loci were polymorphic revealing from two to eight alleles per locus, and six primers were able to amplify alleles in the congeners J. podagrica, J. pohliana, and J. gossypifolia, but not in other Euphorbiaceae species, such as Hevea brasiliensis, Manihot esculenta, or Ricinus communis. Conclusions: The primers developed here revealed polymorphic loci that are suitable for genetic diversity and structure, mating system, and gene flow studies in J. curcas, and some congeners.


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Endophytic fungi live inside plants, apparently do not cause any harm to their hosts and may play important roles in defense and growth promotion. Fungal growth is a routine practice at microbiological laboratories, and the Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) is the most frequently used medium because it is a rich source of starch. However, the production of potatoes in some regions of the world can be costly. Aiming the development of a new medium source to tropical countries, in the present study, we used leaves from the guarana (a tropical plant from the Amazon region) and the olive (which grows in subtropical and temperate regions) to isolate endophytic fungi using PDA and Manihot Dextrose Agar (MDA). Cassava (Manihot esculenta) was evaluated as a substitute starch source. For guarana, the endophytic incidence (EI) was 90% and 98% on PDA and MDA media, respectively, and 65% and 70% for olive, respectively. The fungal isolates were sequenced using the ITS- rDNA region. The fungal identification demonstrated that the isolates varied according to the host plant and media source. In the guarana plant, 13 fungal genera were found using MDA and six were found using PDA. In the olive plant, six genera were obtained using PDA and 4 were obtained using MDA. The multivariate analysis results demonstrated the highest fungal diversity from guarana when using MDA medium. Interestingly, some genera were isolated from one specific host or in one specific media, suggesting the importance of these two factors in fungal isolation specificity. Thus, this study indicated that cassava is a feasible starch source that could serve as a potential alternative medium to potato medium.