456 resultados para Mancos Shale


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El presente trabajo pretendía investigar y analizar el funcionamiento del mercado de hidrocarburos y gas natural, en busca de determinar la Influencia de la exploración y el almacenamiento de petróleo y gas natural en la relación de las organizaciones con las comunidades. Teniendo en cuenta el concepto de comunidad a partir del marketing relacional donde la comunidad se refiere a los consumidores y el entorno en el cual están inmersos. En este contexto se definieron los principales actores que participan en la relación comercial, el tipo de relación presente entre ellos y todos los factores que intervienen en desarrollo de esta relación que cada vez es más inestable y de corto plazo. Al finalizar esta investigación se reunió información acerca de las relaciones comerciales en el mercado de hidrocarburos, que servirán de fundamento para investigaciones futuras que permitirán plantear alternativas para sobrellevar la incertidumbre de este mercado y de esa manera lograr desarrollar una relación más confiable y duradera entre las organizaciones y las comunidades que intervienen en el proceso comercial. Debido a que aunque existe gran diversidad estrategias que pueden ser implementadas para mantener una relación estable, estas en la mayor parte de los casos no son utilizadas.


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar la relación que existe entre la cadena de suministro, global manufacturing y su relación con el desempeño organizacional en el sector manufacturero. El proyecto va a estar divido en tres grandes partes, en primer lugar estará el marco conceptual donde se especificarán los conceptos más significativos que abarcan la investigación, seguido del marco teórico donde se expondrán las teorías y estudios encontrados, analizados y estudiados con el fin de desembocar en la tercer parte que serán las conclusiones y recomendaciones que se darán a partir de los análisis y teorías que compactan el tema de la relación existente entre la cadena de suministro, global manufacturing y el desempeño organizacional.


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Underlining the fact that shale gas, like all natural resources, can only be used once, Daniel Gros observes in this CEPS Commentary that the real issue is not whether this resource should be developed in Europe, but when it should be used: today or tomorrow? Europe is already a heavy user of gas, but its consumption is stagnating (along with its economy). Despite the hype about the shale gas revolution, the extraction cost of (onshore) conventional gas remains below that of fracking. And lots of pipelines have already been built so that the marginal cost of bringing this ‘conventional’ gas to Europe is thus rather low. Thus, from an economic and environmental point of view, Gros argues that fracking is unlikely to bring large benefits for Europe and that shale gas might just substitute for conventional gas, which is plentiful.


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Cross-hole anisotropic electrical and seismic tomograms of fractured metamorphic rock have been obtained at a test site where extensive hydrological data were available. A strong correlation between electrical resistivity anisotropy and seismic compressional-wave velocity anisotropy has been observed. Analysis of core samples from the site reveal that the shale-rich rocks have fabric-related average velocity anisotropy of between 10% and 30%. The cross-hole seismic data are consistent with these values, indicating that observed anisotropy might be principally due to the inherent rock fabric rather than to the aligned sets of open fractures. One region with velocity anisotropy greater than 30% has been modelled as aligned open fractures within an anisotropic rock matrix and this model is consistent with available fracture density and hydraulic transmissivity data from the boreholes and the cross-hole resistivity tomography data. However, in general the study highlights the uncertainties that can arise, due to the relative influence of rock fabric and fluid-filled fractures, when using geophysical techniques for hydrological investigations.


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The response of shallow-water sequences to oceanic anoxic event 2 and mid-Cenomanian events 1a and 1b was investigated along the west African margin of Morocco north of Agadir (Azazoul) and correlated with the deep-water sequence of the Tarfaya Basin (Mohammed Beach) based on biostratigraphy, mineralogy, phosphorus and stable isotopes. In the deeper Mohammed Beach section results show double peaks in δ13Corg for mid-Cenomanian events 1a and 1b (Rotalipora reicheli biozone, lower CC10a biozone), the characteristic oceanic anoxic event 2 δ13C excursion (Rotalipora cushmani extinction, top of CC10a biozone) and laminated (anoxic) black shale. In the shallow environment north of Agadir, a fluctuating sea-level associated with dysoxic, brackish and mesotrophic conditions prevailed during the middle to late Cenomanian, as indicated by oyster biostromes, nannofossils, planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages. Anoxic conditions characteristic of oceanic anoxic event 2 (for example, laminated black shales) did not reach into shallow-water environments until the maximum transgression of the early Turonian. Climate conditions decoupled along the western margin of Morocco between mid-Cenomanian event 1b and the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary, as also observed in eastern Tethys. North of Agadir alternating humid and dry seasonal conditions prevailed, whereas in the Tarfaya Basin the climate was dry and seasonal. This climatic decoupling can be attributed to variations in the Intertropical Convergence Zone and in the intensity of the north-east trade winds in tropical areas.


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This paper presents a summary of the work done within the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme project ECLIPSE (Evaluating the Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Short-Lived Pollutants). ECLIPSE had a unique systematic concept for designing a realistic and effective mitigation scenario for short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs; methane, aerosols and ozone, and their precursor species) and quantifying its climate and air quality impacts, and this paper presents the results in the context of this overarching strategy. The first step in ECLIPSE was to create a new emission inventory based on current legislation (CLE) for the recent past and until 2050. Substantial progress compared to previous work was made by including previously unaccounted types of sources such as flaring of gas associated with oil production, and wick lamps. These emission data were used for present-day reference simulations with four advanced Earth system models (ESMs) and six chemistry transport models (CTMs). The model simulations were compared with a variety of ground-based and satellite observational data sets from Asia, Europe and the Arctic. It was found that the models still underestimate the measured seasonality of aerosols in the Arctic but to a lesser extent than in previous studies. Problems likely related to the emissions were identified for northern Russia and India, in particular. To estimate the climate impacts of SLCPs, ECLIPSE followed two paths of research: the first path calculated radiative forcing (RF) values for a large matrix of SLCP species emissions, for different seasons and regions independently. Based on these RF calculations, the Global Temperature change Potential metric for a time horizon of 20 years (GTP20) was calculated for each SLCP emission type. This climate metric was then used in an integrated assessment model to identify all emission mitigation measures with a beneficial air quality and short-term (20-year) climate impact. These measures together defined a SLCP mitigation (MIT) scenario. Compared to CLE, the MIT scenario would reduce global methane (CH4) and black carbon (BC) emissions by about 50 and 80 %, respectively. For CH4, measures on shale gas production, waste management and coal mines were most important. For non-CH4 SLCPs, elimination of high-emitting vehicles and wick lamps, as well as reducing emissions from gas flaring, coal and biomass stoves, agricultural waste, solvents and diesel engines were most important. These measures lead to large reductions in calculated surface concentrations of ozone and particulate matter. We estimate that in the EU, the loss of statistical life expectancy due to air pollution was 7.5 months in 2010, which will be reduced to 5.2 months by 2030 in the CLE scenario. The MIT scenario would reduce this value by another 0.9 to 4.3 months. Substantially larger reductions due to the mitigation are found for China (1.8 months) and India (11–12 months). The climate metrics cannot fully quantify the climate response. Therefore, a second research path was taken. Transient climate ensemble simulations with the four ESMs were run for the CLE and MIT scenarios, to determine the climate impacts of the mitigation. In these simulations, the CLE scenario resulted in a surface temperature increase of 0.70 ± 0.14 K between the years 2006 and 2050. For the decade 2041–2050, the warming was reduced by 0.22 ± 0.07 K in the MIT scenario, and this result was in almost exact agreement with the response calculated based on the emission metrics (reduced warming of 0.22 ± 0.09 K). The metrics calculations suggest that non-CH4 SLCPs contribute ~ 22 % to this response and CH4 78 %. This could not be fully confirmed by the transient simulations, which attributed about 90 % of the temperature response to CH4 reductions. Attribution of the observed temperature response to non-CH4 SLCP emission reductions and BC specifically is hampered in the transient simulations by small forcing and co-emitted species of the emission basket chosen. Nevertheless, an important conclusion is that our mitigation basket as a whole would lead to clear benefits for both air quality and climate. The climate response from BC reductions in our study is smaller than reported previously, possibly because our study is one of the first to use fully coupled climate models, where unforced variability and sea ice responses cause relatively strong temperature fluctuations that may counteract (and, thus, mask) the impacts of small emission reductions. The temperature responses to the mitigation were generally stronger over the continents than over the oceans, and with a warming reduction of 0.44 K (0.39–0.49) K the largest over the Arctic. Our calculations suggest particularly beneficial climate responses in southern Europe, where surface warming was reduced by about 0.3 K and precipitation rates were increased by about 15 (6–21) mm yr−1 (more than 4 % of total precipitation) from spring to autumn. Thus, the mitigation could help to alleviate expected future drought and water shortages in the Mediterranean area. We also report other important results of the ECLIPSE project.


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Este trabalho procurou avaliar a implantação de Gestão pela Qualidade Total - GQT no Serviço de Recursos Humanos - SEREC da Petrobrás, através de uma pesquisa de campo, dentro de um contexto historicista. O problema identificado para a pesquisa foi: quais as possibilidades e dificuldades da implantação da Gestão pela Qualidade Total no SEREC ? Com o intuito de melhor subsidiar a pesquisa, foram estudados os conceitos acerca da formação do petróleo, do gás natural e do xisto; foram resumidamente explicadas cada uma das principais atividades desenvolvidas pela Petrobrás; foram aborbados alguns aspectos históricos que envolveram a sua origem. Em seguida estudou-se a evolução da função RH na Petrobrás, desde a sua criação até o final de 1995. Trataram-se os aspectos que envolveram a implantação da GQT no SEREC, inicialmente percorrendo os princípios e acontecimentos que nortearam sua implantação na Petrobrás-holding. Ao final, analisou-se a pesquisa de campo.


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O presente estudo versa sobre os fatores tecnológicos e ambientais que vêm resultando no crescimento da produção de gás natural não convencional nos EUA. Os objetos de analise principais serão as políticas públicas, assim como a dinâmica entre os atores sociais e o ambiente propício que fora criado para que houvesse o adensamento do fomento e do estímulo às inovações tecnológicas sucedidas no setor.


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Este estudo objetivou identificar os stakeholders que influenciam a agenda do gás de xisto no parlamento brasileiro. A pesquisa teve uma abordagem qualitativa, uma vez que não houve preocupação com os números e sim com a percepção dos entrevistados. Além disso, os dados coletados na pesquisa de campo foram interpretados e alinhados com o referencial teórico desse trabalho. Quanto à metodologia, foi classificada como exploratória, uma vez que ainda há pouco conhecimento sobre a influência de grupos de interesse no Congresso Nacional, do tipo pesquisa de campo e de estudo de caso por se tratar especificamente da exploração do gás de xisto. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de entrevistas e da aplicação de questionário com um roteiro previamente estabelecido. Após a análise dos dados, concluiu-se que há duas correntes que atuam na agenda do gás de xisto. A primeira tem um posicionamento que preza pela precaução, ou seja, é necessário que se descubra os impactos da exploração da atividade no meio ambiente antes que se decida iniciar a exploração e a produção do gás de xisto. A segunda corrente defende a exploração desse gás não convencional como forma de reduzir os custos de produção e aumentar a competitividade do país. Foram identificados 39 stakeholders que influenciam o andamento do Projeto de Lei 6904/2013, que suspende a autorização e a exploração do gás de xisto por um período de cinco anos. Isso mostra que os grupos de interesse, uns mais poderosos que outros, têm papel importante na formulação de políticas públicas e, através do lobby, buscam influenciar os tomadores de decisão de acordo com os seus objetivos.


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How have shocks to supply and demand affected global oil prices; and what are key policy implications following the resurgence of oil production in the United States? Highlights: − The recent collapse in global oil prices was dominated by oversupply. − The future of tight oil in the United States is vulnerable to obstacles beyond oil prices. − Opinions on tight oil from the Top 25 think tank organizations are considered. Global oil prices have fallen more than fifty percent since mid-2014. While price corrections in the global oil markets resulted from multiple factors over the past twelve months, surging tight oil production from the United States was a key driver. Tight oil is considered an unconventional or transitional oil source due to its location in oil-bearing shale instead of conventional oil reservoirs. These qualities make tight oil production fundamentally different from regular crude, posing unique challenges. This case study examines these challenges and explores how shocks to supply and demand affect global oil prices while identifying important policy considerations. Analysis of existing evidence is supported by expert opinions from more than one hundred scholars from top-tier think tank organizations. Finally, implications for United States tight oil production as well as global ramifications of a new low price environment are explored.


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Concern with the environment has lead to an increase in the research for new adsorption techniques, low cost adsorvent materials and with high availability. Many works search the development of higher selectivity modified adsorvents. The Brazil has the second world reserve of oiled shale, because of it, the use of that reject is of great interest. This study has the goal of characterize and analyze the retorted shale, reject of the pirobetuminous shale pyrolysis, and the retorted shale modified through the humid impregnation method, wich the precursors were the metals nitrates ( Cobalt, Nickel and Copper), to the usage has adsorvent materials. The samples were characterized chemically, textually and structurally by the X ray fluorescence (XRF), BET, X ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) techniques. The impregnated samples showed a reduction in the superficial area and in the pore volume when compared with the retorted shale. Besides that, diffractions referred to the impregnated metals where observed in the XRD analysis, wich were the same metals detected in the XRF and SEM analysis. The materials showed homogeneity in it s composition. The results shows that the materials presents adequate adsorption characteristics


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Produced water is the main effluent linked to the activity of extraction of oil and their caring management is necessary due to the large volume involved, to ensure to minimize the negative impacts of discharges of these waters in the environment. This study aimed to analyze the use of retorted shale, which is a reject from the pyrolysis of pirobituminous shale, as adsorbent for the removal of phenols in produced water. The material was characterized by different techniques (grain sized analysis, thermal analysis, BET, FRX, FT-IR, XRD and SEM), showing the heterogeneity in their composition, showing its potential for the removal of varied compounds, as well as the phenols and their derivatives. For the analysis of the efficiency of the oil shale for the adsorption process, assays of adsorption balance were carried through, and also kinetic studies and dynamics adsorption, in the ETE of the UTPF of Petrobras, in Guamaré-RN. The balance assays shown a bigger conformity with the model of Langmuir and the kinetic model more adjusted to describe the adsorption of phenols in retorted shale was of pseudo-second order. The retorted shale presented a low capacity of adsorption of phenols (1,3mg/g), when related to others conventional adsorbents, however it is enough to the removal of these composites in concentrations presented in the produced water of the UTPF of Guamaré. The assays of dynamics adsorption in field had shown that the concentration of phenol in the effluent was null until reaching its rupture (58 hours). The results showed the possibility of use of the reject for removal of phenols in the final operations of the treatment process, removing as well, satisfactorily, the color and turbidity of the produced water, with more than 90% of removal


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Cutting analysis is a important and crucial task task to detect and prevent problems during the petroleum well drilling process. Several studies have been developed for drilling inspection, but none of them takes care about analysing the generated cutting at the vibrating shale shakers. Here we proposed a system to analyse the cutting's concentration at the vibrating shale shakers, which can indicate problems during the petroleum well drilling process, such that the collapse of the well borehole walls. Cutting's images are acquired and sent to the data analysis module, which has as the main goal to extract features and to classify frames according to one of three previously classes of cutting's volume. A collection of supervised classifiers were applied in order to allow comparisons about their accuracy and efficiency. We used the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), Artificial Neural Network using Multi layer Perceptrons (ANN-MLP), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and a Bayesian Classifier (BC) for this task. The first one outperformed all the remaining classifiers. Recall that we are also the first to introduce the OPF classifier in this field of knowledge. Very good results show the robustness of the proposed system, which can be also integrated with other commonly system (Mud-Logging) in order to improve the last one's efficiency.


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The clay swelling is today one of the major problems during the well drilling. Nearly 50% of clays that constitute shale expand easily in the presence of water molecules. During the drilling of a geological formation containing swelling clays, when is feasible the use of water base fluids, it is necessary to apply clay inhibitors. This avoids the incorporation of the cutting to the drilling fluid which is responsible for the wall swelling and crumbling. The aim of this work was to evaluate the synergistic behavior that occurs when swelling clay inhibitors are associated to NaCl and KCl salts. Three swelling clay inhibitors samples, INIB A, INIB B and INIB C, were analyzed. Each inhibitor was characterized by the amount of chlorides and active matter content. For the water-clay interaction evaluation in the presence of various fluids, it was used the Capillary Suction Timer (CST, Fann) and Linear Swell Meter (LSM 2000, Fann). For better interpretation of results, a Design of Experiments (DOE, Umetrics MODDE 7.0 TM) through Result Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed, taking into account the type, the swelling inhibitors concentration and the contact time with the clay. The results showed different efficiencies among the inhibitors employed, and the salt-inhibitors mixtures were more efficient than those products alone. However, for field operation, other parameters should be taking into account, as operational cost, environmental requests and time of application for each product


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The aim of this study is to quantify the presence of major and minor elements in the sediments of estuary Potengi. Four georeferenced sampling points were used in the study, at which sediment samples were collected in the channel of the river and on the right and left banks. In addition, dissolved oxygen, salinity and water conductivity were taken in situ at the time of sample collection. The percentage of organic matter, determined by gravimetry, and granulometric analysis of the sediment samples were conducted in the laboratory. To quantify the major and minor elements a prior test to open the sample was conducted with standard NIST 1646ª estuarine sediment to choose the best methodology to be adopted. The sediment samples were dissolved in microwaves with nitric acid and chloridric acid, according to methodology proposed by US EPA 3051ª. Quantitative analyses of the elements Al, Fe, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were conducted by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICPOES). The results showed that the partial concentrations of the elements analyzed are below average worldwide shale levels, the standard described by Turekian and Wedepohl (1961)