998 resultados para Magnetically ordered materials


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Mössbauer Spektroskopie ist ein unverzichtbares Instrument für die Bestimmung von Oxidationszuständen und für die Analyse von lokalen Ordnungsphänomenen von Mössbauer aktiven Atomen. Weil es sich um eine lokale Methode handelt können sowohl kristalline als auch amorphe Materialien untersucht werden. Die Kombination von lokaler Prüfung mit Mössbauer Spektroskopie und globaler Untersuchung z.B. mit Röntgendiffraktometrie ermöglicht die Studie von Ordnungseffekten von statistisch besetzten Positionen in einer geordneten Matrix. Das wurde hier eingesetzt um die lokale Umgebung in zwei Serien von Heuslerverbindungen, Co2-xFe1+xSi and Co2Mn1-xFexAl zu untersuchen. Für die Co2Mn1-xFexAl Serie wurde eine L21 geordnete Phase in einer insgesamt B2 geordneten Probe detektiert. Ein Wechsel von der AlCu2Mn zu der CuHg2Ti Struktur wurde für die Co2-xFe1+xSi Proben gefunden. Die Transformation von einem Glas zu einem keramischen Material wurde mit 119Sn Mössbauer Spektroskopie untersucht. Die höhere Ordnung in der Keramik wurde von einer kleiner werdenden Mössbauerlinienbreite begleitet. Demzufolge geben die Modifikationen der Sn Umgebungen klar die Transformation des gesamten Materials wieder. Ist die lokale Umgebung von unregelmäßig auftretenden Atomen in einer amorphen Matrix von Interesse, sind lokal prüfende Methoden die zuverlässigsten Methoden die zur Verfügung stehen. In dieser Arbeit wurde 119Sn Mössbauer Spektroskopie eingesetzt um die Oxidationszustände, die lokalen Umgebungen und relativen Intensitäten von Zinn Atomen in einer Silikatmatrix zu bestimmen. Modifikationen dieser Parameter als Funktion von Prozess bestimmenden Parametern wie der Sauerstoffpartialdruck, die Temperatur, die Behandlungsdauer und der Abkühlprozess genauso wie der SnO2 Gehalt sind von Interesse, weil durch Reduktions- und Diffusionsprozesse Änderungen des Koordinations- und des Oxidationszustands der Zinnatome auftreten. Da diese Änderungen in der Glasmatrix verursachen, die das fertige Produkt im industriellen Fertigungsprozess ruinieren können sind diese feinen Veränderungen sehr wichtig. Wenigstens zwei Mössbauerlinien korrespondierend mit zwei verschiedenen Umgebungen für Sn2+ und Sn4+ sind für eine Analyse mit ausreichender Qualität notwendig. Durch Vergleich von den bestimmten Hyperfein Parametern mit den Parametern von Modelsubstanzen werden lokale Umgebungen der Zinnatome entworfen. Für Sn2+ werden zwei auf einer trigonalen Pyramide basierende Umgebungen mit variierender Anzahl von bindenden und nicht-bindenden Sauerstoffatomen formuliert. Für Sn4+ wurde eine tetraedrische und eine oktaedrische Umgebung postuliert. Die relativen Intensitäten der vier Mössbauerlinien wurden um ein Diffusions- und Reaktionsmodell zu entwickeln und um einen Satz von Diffusions- und Transferkoeffizienten zu bestimmen eingesetzt. Die bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten stimmen mit den Literaturdaten überein. Der Massentransferkoeffizient ist kleiner als der bestimmte Wert, aber immer noch in der gleichen Größenordnung. Im Gegensatz zu den Erwartungen ist der präsentierte Diffusionskoeffizient für Sn4+ bestimmt als der von Sn2+. Das wiederum kann durch Berücksichtigung von Elektronhoppingprozessen erklärt werden.


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A compact and planar donor–acceptor molecule 1 comprising tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and benzothiadiazole (BTD) units has been synthesised and experimentally characterised by structural, optical, and electrochemical methods. Solution-processed and thermally evaporated thin films of 1 have also been explored as active materials in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). For these devices, hole field-effect mobilities of μFE=(1.3±0.5)×10−3 and (2.7±0.4)×10−3 cm2 V s−1 were determined for the solution-processed and thermally evaporated thin films, respectively. An intense intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) transition at around 495 nm dominates the optical absorption spectrum of the neutral dyad, which also shows a weak emission from its ICT state. The iodine-induced oxidation of 1 leads to a partially oxidised crystalline charge-transfer (CT) salt {(1)2I3}, and eventually also to a fully oxidised compound {1I3}⋅1/2I2. Single crystals of the former CT compound, exhibiting a highly symmetrical crystal structure, reveal a fairly good room temperature electrical conductivity of the order of 2 S cm−1. The one-dimensional spin system bears compactly bonded BTD acceptors (spatial localisation of the LUMO) along its ridge.


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Precise and reproducible surface nanopatterning is the key for a successful ordered growth of GaN nanocolumns. In this work, we point out the main technological issues related to the patterning process, mainly surface roughness and cleaning, and mask adhesion to the substrate. We found that each of these factors, process-related, has a dramatic impact on the subsequent selective growth of the columns inside the patterned holes. We compare the performance of e-beam lithography, colloidal lithography, and focused ion beam in the fabrication of hole-patterned masks for ordered columnar growth. These results are applicable to the ordered growth of nanocolumns of different materials.


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Quaternary-ordered double perovskite A2MM’O6 (M=Mo,W) semiconductors are a group of materials with a variety of photocatalytic and optoelectronic applications. An analysis focused on the optoelectronic properties is carried out using first-principles density-functional theory with several U orbital-dependent one-electron potentials applied to different orbital subspaces. The structural non-equivalence of the atoms resulting from the symmetry has been taken in account. In order to analyze optical absorption in these materials deeply, the absorption coefficients have been split into inter- and intra-non-equivalent species contributions. The results indicate that the effect of the A and M’ atoms on the optical properties are minimal whereas the largest contribution comes from the non-equivalent O atoms to M transitions.


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This paper will introduce the reader to some of the “classical” and “new” families of ordered porous materials which have arisen throughout the past decades and/or years. From what is perhaps the best-known family of zeolites, which even now to this day is under constant research, to the exciting new family of hierarchical porous materials, the number of strategies, structures, porous textures, and potential applications grows with every passing day. We will attempt to put these new families into perspective from a synthetic and applied point of view in order to give the reader as broad a perspective as possible into these exciting materials.


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Zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) was electrochemically oxidized under various conditions, and its chemistry and structural evolution were compared to those produced by conventional chemical oxidation. In both oxidation methods, a general loss of the original structure regularity and high surface area was observed with increasing amount of oxidation. However, the electrochemical method showed much better controllability and enabled the generation of a large number of oxygen functional groups while retaining the original structure of the ZTC. Unlike chemical treatments, highly microporous carbons with an ordered 3-D structure, high surface area (ranging between 1900 and 3500 m2/g) and a large number of oxygen groups (O = 11,000–3300 μmol/g), have been prepared by the electrochemical method. Some insights into the electrooxidation mechanism of carbon materials are proposed from the obtained polarization curves, using ZTC as a model carbon material.


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In situ high pressure 129Xe NMR spectroscopy in combination with volumetric adsorption measurements were used for the textural characterization of different carbon materials with well-defined porosity including microporous carbide-derived carbons, ordered mesoporous carbide-derived carbon, and ordered mesoporous CMK-3. Adsorption/desorption isotherms were measured also by NMR up to relative pressures close to p/p0 = 1 at 237 K. The 129Xe NMR chemical shift of xenon adsorbed in porous carbons is found to be correlated with the pore size in analogy to other materials such as zeolites. In addition, these measurements were performed loading the samples with n-nonane. Nonane molecules preferentially block the micropores. However, 129Xe NMR spectroscopy proves that the nonane also influences the mesopores, thus providing information about the pore system in hierarchically structured materials.


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Two magnetically separable Fe3O4/SiO2 (aerogel and MSU-X) composites with very low Fe3O4 content (<1 wt%) have been successfully prepared at room temperature by co-condensation of MPTES-functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) with a silicon alkoxide. This procedure yields a homogeneous incorporation of the Fe3O4 NPs on silica supports, leading to magnetic composites that can be easily recovered using an external magnetic field, despite their very low Fe3O4 NPs content (ca. 1 wt%). These novel hybrid Fe3O4/SiO2 materials have been tested for the oxidation reaction of 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) with hydrogen peroxide showing an enhancement of the stability of the NPs in the Fe3O4/silica aerogel as compared to the Fe3O4 NPs alone, even after five catalytic cycles, no leaching or agglomeration of the Fe3O4/SiO2 systems.


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Adsorption of nitrogen in spherical pores of FDU-1 silica at 77 K is considered by means of a nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) accounting for a disordered structure of pore walls. Pore size distribution analysis of various FDU-1 samples subject to different temperatures of calcination revealed three distinct groups of pores. The principal group of pores is identified as ordered spherical mesopores connected with each other by smaller interconnecting pores and irregular micropores present in the mesopore walls. To account for the entrances (connecting pores) into spherical mesopores, a concept of solid mass distribution with respect to the apparent density was introduced. It is shown that the introduction of the aforementioned distribution was sufficient to quantitatively describe experimental adsorption isotherms over the entire range of relative pressures spanning six decades.


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In this work, we propose an improvement of the classical Derjaguin-Broekhoff-de Boer (DBdB) theory for capillary condensation/evaporation in mesoporous systems. The primary idea of this improvement is to employ the Gibbs-Tolman-Koenig-Buff equation to predict the surface tension changes in mesopores. In addition, the statistical film thickness (so-called t-curve) evaluated accurately on the basis of the adsorption isotherms measured for the MCM-41 materials is used instead of the originally proposed t-curve (to take into account the excess of the chemical potential due to the surface forces). It is shown that the aforementioned modifications of the original DBdB theory have significant implications for the pore size analysis of mesoporous solids. To verify our improvement of the DBdB pore size analysis method (IDBdB), a series of the calcined MCM-41 samples, which are well-defined materials with hexagonally ordered cylindrical mesopores, were used for the evaluation of the pore size distributions. The correlation of the IDBdB method with the empirically calibrated Kruk-Jaroniec-Sayari (KJS) relationship is very good in the range of small mesopores. So, a major advantage of the IDBdB method is its applicability for small mesopores as well as for the mesopore range beyond that established by the KJS calibration, i.e., for mesopore radii greater than similar to4.5 nm. The comparison of the IDBdB results with experimental data reported by Kruk and Jaroniec for capillary condensation/evaporation as well as with the results from nonlocal density functional theory developed by Neimark et al. clearly justifies our approach. Note that the proposed improvement of the classical DBdB method preserves its original simplicity and simultaneously ensures a significant improvement of the pore size analysis, which is confirmed by the independent estimation of the mean pore size by the powder X-ray diffraction method.


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Ordered mesoporous carbon CMK-5 was comprehensively tested for the first time as electrode materials in lithium ion battery. The surface morphology, pore structure and crystal structure were investigated by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM), N-2 adsorption technique and X-ray diffraction (XRD) respectively. Electrochemical properties of CMK-5 were studied by galvanostatic cycling and cyclic voltammetry, and compared with conventional anode material graphite. Results showed that the reversible capacity of CMK-5 was 525 mAh/g at the third charge-discharge cycle and that CMK-5 was more compatible for quick charge-discharge cycling because of its special mesoporous structure. Of special interest was that the CMK-5 gave no peak on its positive sweep of the cyclic voltammetry, which was different from all the other known anode materials. Besides, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and XRD were also applied to investigate the charge-discharge characteristics of CMK-5.


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Ordered nanoporous carbon (ONC) was comprehensively tested for the first time as electrode material in lithium-ion battery. Structure characterization shows the order nanoporous structure and tiny crystallite structure of as-synthesized ONC. The electrochemical properties of this carbon were studied by galvanostatic cycling and cyclic voltammetry. Of special interest is that ONC gave no peak on its positive sweep of the cyclic voltammetry, which was different from other known anode materials. Besides, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and XRD were also used to investigate the electrochemical characteristics of ONC. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ordered mesoporous materials show great importance in energy, environmental, and chemical engineering. The diffusion of guest species in mesoporous networks plays an important role in these applications, especially for energy storage, such as supercapacitors based on ordered mesoporous carbons ( OMCs). The ion diffusion behavior in two different 2-D hexagonal OMCs was investigated by using cyclic voltametry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In addition, transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray diffraction, and nitrogen cryosorption methods were used to study the pore structure variations of these two OMCs. It was found that, for the OMC with defective pore channels ( termed as pore packing defects), the gravimetric capacitance was greatly decayed when the voltage scan rate was increased. The experimental results suggest that, for the ion diffusion in 2-D hexagonal OMCs with similar mesopore size distribution, the pore packing defect is a dominant dynamic factor.


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Highly ordered rodlike periodic mesoporous organosilicas (PMO) were successfully synthesized using 1.2-bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane as an precursor and triblock copolymer P123 as a template at low acid concentration and in the presence of inorganic salts (KCl). The role of acid and salt as well as the effects of synthesis temperature and reactant mole ratio in the control of morphology and the formation of ordered mesostructure was systematically examined. It was found that the addition of inorganic salt can dramatically expand the range of the synthesis parameters to produce highly ordered PMO structure and improve the quality of PMO materials. The morphology of PMOs was significantly dependent on the induction time for precipitation. The uniform PMO rods can only be synthesized in a narrow range of acid and salt concentrations. The results also show that the optimized salt concentration (I M) and low acidity (0.167 M) were beneficial to the formation of not only highly ordered mesostructure but also rodlike morphology. Increasing acidity resulted in fast hydrolysis reaction and short rod or plate-like particles. Highly ordered rod can also be prepared at low temperature (35 degrees C) with high salt amount (1.5 M) or high temperature (45 degrees C) with low salt amount (0.5 M). Optimum reactant molar composition at 40 degrees C is 0.035P123:8KCl:1.34HCI:444H(2)O:1.0bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane. Lower or higher SiO2/PI23 ratio led to the formation of uniform meso-macropores or pore-blocking effect. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bio-oil has successfully been utilized to prepare carbon-silica composites (CSCs) from mesoporous silicas, such as SBA-15, MCM-41, KIT-6 and MMSBA frameworks. These CSCs comprise a thin film of carbon dispersed over the silica matrix and exhibit porosity similar to the parent silica. The surface properties of the resulting materials can be simply tuned by the variation of preparation temperatures leading to a continuum of functionalities ranging from polar hydroxyl rich surfaces to carbonaceous aromatic surfaces, as reflected in solid state NMR, XPS and DRIFT analysis. N2 porosimetry, TEM and SEM images demonstrate that the composites still possess similar ordered mesostructures to the parent silica sample. The modification mechanism is also proposed: silica samples are impregnated with bio-oils (generated from the pyrolysis of waste paper) until the pores are filled, followed by the carbonization at a series of temperatures. Increasing temperature leads to the formation of a carbonaceous layer over the silica surface. The complex mixture of compounds within the bio-oil (including those molecules containing alcohols, aliphatics, carbonyls and aromatics) gives rise to the functionality of the CSCs.