910 resultados para MSS membranes
Metz évêché ; Bulles et autres pièces, n os 1-10, 12-14, 17-24, 26-36. Voy. Bibl. nat., ms. fr. 4883, pp. 7789-7800 ; Bibl. de Nancy, ms. 763, 1 re partie, pp. 167 et 168. — Voy. ms. fr. 4883, pp. 7761-7789.
Contient : Vidimus (1497) des lettres de Marguerite, duchesse de Bourgogne, portant réception de l'hommage de Ferry, comte de Vaudémont, pour une rente sur le tonlieu de Damme (Arras, 22 novembre 1404) ; Affranchissement accordé par Marguerite de Joinville, comtesse de Vaudémont, à Geoffroy Parmentier et à Jeannette, sa femme, demeurant à Vézelise (1415) ; Lettres d'Antoine de Lorraine au duc de Bar, au sujet de déprédations commises dans la terre de Montiers-sur-Saulx (Vézelise, 1430) ; Déclaration de Philippe le Bon, duc de Bourgogne, concernant la mise en liberté de prisonniers faits depuis la trève, conclue sur sa médiation entre le duc de Bar et le comte de Vaudémont (1432) ; Lettres de Charles VII au comte Antoine (1443) ; Lettres du roi René au même (1435-1437) ; Lettres de la duchesse Isabelle au même (1435) ; « Instrument de Joffroi Bouquin, pour un accort fait à Condet-sur-Muselle, le xxije jour d'aoust l'an lxij, entre Pierre de Moncelz et le dit Joffroi pour ma dame, et messire Jehan de Saulmez pour monseigneur le duc de Bar » (28 mars 1363 ; n° 91 de la layette Traités III) ; Lettres du roi René portant don à Ferry II, comte de Vaudémont, du montant de l'imposition de 16 fl. par feu dans les seigneuries possédées par le dit Ferry en Provence (Angers, 27 décembre 1467) ; Vidimus (1477) des lettres du roi René, concédant la seigneurie de Beaufrémont au comte de Vaudémont (Marseille, 13 avril 1470) ; Mandement du roi René pour le paiement des gages de René, comte de Vaudémont, nommé gouverneur d'Anjou (Aix, 7 février 1473) ; Instructions données à Jean de Saint-Amadour et Huyn Roynette, lieutenant de Nancy, pour une mission auprès du roi (XVe siècle)
Duc des Monts, n os 1-12. — Voy. Bibl. nat., ms. fr. 4882, pp. 3593-3598 ; Bibl. de Nancy, ms. 758, pp. 295-301. — Pièces concernant les prétentions d'Adolphe, duc de Berg, sur le duché de Bar, à cause de son mariage avec Yolande, fille de Robert, duc de Bar.
Rançon du roi René, n os 31-49, 51-54, 56-61. — Voy. Bibl. nat., ms. fr. 4884, pp. 9522-9528 et 9505-9508.
Contient : Vidimus (1449) de quatre chartes relatives à Wolkrange (1400-1435) ; Don fait par Guérard de Rodemach à Kustgen von Rutgen, son vassal, de divers revenus en nature (1464) ; Lettres de Gilze von Busleiden, autorisant André d'Haraucourt à racheter, dans les douze ans, une rente qu'il avait constituée à son profit (1487) ; Accord entre Philippe, marquis de Bade, et Jean de Créhange, d'une part, et Marguerite d'Haraucourt, d'autre part, sur certaines contestations (1524) ; Investiture donnée au nom du roi d'Espagne à Georges de Créhange, pour ses fiefs mouvant des duché de Luxembourg et comté de Chiny (1572) ; Mémoire sur le ban de Rixange ; Liste des seigneurs, prélats, officiers, etc., convoqués aux États de Luxembourg
The clinical picture of 15 patients (10 male, five female) with amyloid arthropathy secondary to chronic renal failure treated with haemodialysis has been studied. The average period of haemodialysis was 10.8 years. Joint symptoms appeared between three and 13 years after starting haemodialysis. No patient had renal amyloidosis. Early symptoms were varied and often overlapped: knee swelling (seven patients), painful and stiff shoulders (seven), and carpal tunnel syndrome (six) were the most prominent. Follow up showed extension to other joints. Joint effusions were generally of the non-inflammatory type. Radiologically, geodes and erosions of variable sizes were seen in the affected joints, which can develop into a destructive arthropathy. Amyloid was found in abdominal fat in three of the 12 patients on whom a needle aspiration was performed. Four of 12 patients showed changes compatible with amyloid infiltration in the echocardiogram. One patient had amyloid in the gastric muscular layer, another in the colon mucus, and two of four in rectal biopsy specimens. Amyloid deposits showed the presence of beta 2 microglobulin in 10 patients. The clinical and radiological picture was similar to the amyloid arthropathy associated with multiple myeloma. These patients can develop systemic amyloidosis.
Membrane organization into condensed domains or rafts provides molecular platforms for selective recruitment of proteins. Cell migration is a general process that requires spatiotemporal targeting of Rac1 to membrane rafts. The protein machinery responsible for making rafts competent to recruit Rac1 remains elusive. Some members of the MAL family of proteins are involved in specialized processes dependent on this type of membrane. Because condensed membrane domains are a general feature of the plasma membrane of all mammalian cells, we hypothesized that MAL family members with ubiquitous expression and plasma membrane distribution could be involved in the organization of membranes for cell migration. We show that myeloid-associated differentiation marker (MYADM), a protein with unique features within the MAL family, colocalizes with Rac1 in membrane protrusions at the cell surface and distributes in condensed membranes. MYADM knockdown (KD) cells had altered membrane condensation and showed deficient incorporation of Rac1 to membrane raft fractions and, similar to Rac1 KD cells, exhibited reduced cell spreading and migration. Results of rescue-of-function experiments by expression of MYADM or active Rac1L61 in cells knocked down for Rac1 or MYADM, respectively, are consistent with the idea that MYADM and Rac1 act on parallel pathways that lead to similar functional outcomes.
The determination of the characteristics of micro-organisms in clinical specimens is essential for the rapid diagnosis and treatment of infections. A thorough investigation of the nanoscale properties of bacteria can prove to be a fundamental tool. Indeed, in the latest years, the importance of high resolution analysis of the properties of microbial cell surfaces has been increasingly recognized. Among the techniques available to observe at high resolution specific properties of microscopic samples, the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is the most widely used instrument capable to perform morphological and mechanical characterizations of living biological systems. Indeed, AFM can routinely study single cells in physiological conditions and can determine their mechanical properties with a nanometric resolution. Such analyses, coupled with high resolution investigation of their morphological properties, are increasingly used to characterize the state of single cells. In this work, we exploit the capabilities and peculiarities of AFM to analyze the mechanical properties of Escherichia coli in order to evidence with a high spatial resolution the mechanical properties of its structure. In particular, we will show that the bacterial membrane is not mechanically uniform, but contains stiffer areas. The force volume investigations presented in this work evidence for the first time the presence and dynamics of such structures. Such information is also coupled with a novel stiffness tomography technique, suggesting the presence of stiffer structures present underneath the membrane layer that could be associated with bacterial nucleoids.
A phase-field model for dealing with dynamic instabilities in membranes is presented. We use it to study curvature-driven pearling instability in vesicles induced by the anchorage of amphiphilic polymers on the membrane. Within this model, we obtain the morphological changes reported in recent experiments. The formation of a homogeneous pearled structure is achieved by consequent pearling of an initial cylindrical tube from the tip. For high enough concentration of anchors, we show theoretically that the homogeneous pearled shape is energetically less favorable than an inhomogeneous one, with a large sphere connected to an array of smaller spheres.
In the latest years the importance of high resolution analysis of the microbial cell surface has been increasingly recognized. Indeed, in order to better understand bacterial physiology and achieve rapid diagnostic and treatment techniques, a thorough investigation of the surface modifications induced on bacteria by different environmental conditions or drugs is essential. Several instruments are nowadays available to observe at high resolution specific properties of microscopic samples. Among these, AFM can routinely study single cells in physiological conditions, measuring the mechanical properties of their membrane at a nanometric scale (force volume). Such analyses, coupled with high resolution investigation of their morphological properties, are increasingly used to characterize the state of single cells. In this work we exploit such technique to characterize bacterial systems. We have performed an analysis of the mechanical properties of bacteria (Escherichia coli) exposed to different conditions. Such measurements were performed on living bacteria, by changing in real-time the liquid environment: standard phosphate buffered saline, antibiotic (ampicillin) in PBS and growth medium. In particular we have focused on the determination of the membrane stiffness modifications induced by these solutions, in particular between stationary and replicating phases and what is the effect of the antibiotic on the bacterial structure.
The physiological significance of the presence of GLUT2 at the food-facing pole of intestinal cells is addressed by a study of fructose absorption in GLUT2-null and control mice submitted to different sugar diets. Confocal microscopy localization, protein and mRNA abundance, as well as tissue and membrane vesicle uptakes of fructose were assayed. GLUT2 was located in the basolateral membrane of mice fed a meal devoid of sugar or containing complex carbohydrates. In addition, the ingestion of a simple sugar meal promoted the massive recruitment of GLUT2 to the food-facing membrane. Fructose uptake in brush-border membrane vesicles from GLUT2-null mice was half that of wild-type mice and was similar to the cytochalasin B-insensitive component, i.e. GLUT5-mediated uptake. A 5 day consumption of sugar-rich diets increased fructose uptake fivefold in wild-type tissue rings when it only doubled in GLUT2-null tissue. GLUT5 was estimated to contribute to 100 % of total uptake in wild-type mice fed low-sugar diets, falling to 60 and 40 % with glucose and fructose diets respectively; the complement was ensured by GLUT2 activity. The results indicate that basal sugar uptake is mediated by the resident food-facing SGLT1 and GLUT5 transporters, whose mRNA abundances double in long-term dietary adaptation. We also observe that a large improvement of intestinal absorption is promoted by the transient recruitment of food-facing GLUT2, induced by the ingestion of a simple-sugar meal. Thus, GLUT2 and GLUT5 could exert complementary roles in adapting the absorption capacity of the intestine to occasional or repeated loads of dietary sugars.
The clinical picture of 15 patients (10 male, five female) with amyloid arthropathy secondary to chronic renal failure treated with haemodialysis has been studied. The average period of haemodialysis was 10.8 years. Joint symptoms appeared between three and 13 years after starting haemodialysis. No patient had renal amyloidosis. Early symptoms were varied and often overlapped: knee swelling (seven patients), painful and stiff shoulders (seven), and carpal tunnel syndrome (six) were the most prominent. Follow up showed extension to other joints. Joint effusions were generally of the non-inflammatory type. Radiologically, geodes and erosions of variable sizes were seen in the affected joints, which can develop into a destructive arthropathy. Amyloid was found in abdominal fat in three of the 12 patients on whom a needle aspiration was performed. Four of 12 patients showed changes compatible with amyloid infiltration in the echocardiogram. One patient had amyloid in the gastric muscular layer, another in the colon mucus, and two of four in rectal biopsy specimens. Amyloid deposits showed the presence of beta 2 microglobulin in 10 patients. The clinical and radiological picture was similar to the amyloid arthropathy associated with multiple myeloma. These patients can develop systemic amyloidosis.