179 resultados para MSE


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In the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) are used temporal series that contains the distances between successive heartbeats in order to assess autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system. These series are obtained from the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal analysis, which can be affected by different types of artifacts leading to incorrect interpretations in the analysis of the HRV signals. Classic approach to deal with these artifacts implies the use of correction methods, some of them based on interpolation, substitution or statistical techniques. However, there are few studies that shows the accuracy and performance of these correction methods on real HRV signals. This study aims to determine the performance of some linear and non-linear correction methods on HRV signals with induced artefacts by quantification of its linear and nonlinear HRV parameters. As part of the methodology, ECG signals of rats measured using the technique of telemetry were used to generate real heart rate variability signals without any error. In these series were simulated missing points (beats) in different quantities in order to emulate a real experimental situation as accurately as possible. In order to compare recovering efficiency, deletion (DEL), linear interpolation (LI), cubic spline interpolation (CI), moving average window (MAW) and nonlinear predictive interpolation (NPI) were used as correction methods for the series with induced artifacts. The accuracy of each correction method was known through the results obtained after the measurement of the mean value of the series (AVNN), standard deviation (SDNN), root mean square error of the differences between successive heartbeats (RMSSD), Lomb\'s periodogram (LSP), Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA), multiscale entropy (MSE) and symbolic dynamics (SD) on each HRV signal with and without artifacts. The results show that, at low levels of missing points the performance of all correction techniques are very similar with very close values for each HRV parameter. However, at higher levels of losses only the NPI method allows to obtain HRV parameters with low error values and low quantity of significant differences in comparison to the values calculated for the same signals without the presence of missing points.


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Um dos processos de envelhecimento do Vinho Madeira é a “Estufagem” realizada através da circulação de água aquecida a uma determinada temperatura por um sistema de serpentina existente no interior de cada estufa. De modo a tornar o processo de estufagem eficiente e preservar a qualidade do Vinho Madeira, a monitorização, registo e controlo da temperatura reveste-se da maior importância sendo, atualmente, todo esse processo realizado, por norma, manualmente, quer no sistema de dez estufas de aço inox existente no laboratório de enologia da Universidade da Madeira (UMa), quer nos sistemas das cooperativas de Vinho Madeira. Existem, no mercado, alguns sistemas que solucionam, com menor ou maior limitação, este problema. Porém, nenhum desses sistemas implementa um sistema de controlo “inteligente” capaz de se adaptar automaticamente a diferentes períodos de temperaturas predefinidos e manter o aquecimento das estufas de acordo com essas temperaturas com uma margem de erro inferior a ±0,5℃, bem como o custo associado aos mesmos é elevado o que dificulta a sua implementação neste setor. O sistema implementado, nesta tese, consiste em duas aplicações: uma aplicação web e uma Windows Forms Application. A aplicação web foi desenvolvida em C# com recurso à framework ASP.NET Web Pages e implementa toda a lógica necessária à monitorização gráfica e à gestão do sistema, nomeadamente a definição do setpoint para cada estufa. A Windows Forms Application, também desenvolvida em C# devido à necessidade de interligação com a biblioteca fornecida pela CAREL para conexão aos controladores de temperatura IR32, efetua o registo e controlo automático da temperatura, de acordo com o setpoint definido para cada estufa através da aplicação web. O controlo de temperatura realiza-se com recurso às redes neuronais, nomeadamente através dum controlador DIC (Direct Inverse Controller) que obteve, de entre os vários controladores testados, o melhor Erro Quadrático Médio (MSE) e o melhor Coeficiente de Correlação (R). Através da utilização do sistema implementado conseguiu-se eliminar a limitação física de erro com ± 1℃ em torno do setpoint tendo-se conseguido, para o melhor caso, uma margem de erro de ± 0,1℃ relativamente ao setpoint reduzindo-se, assim, a margem de variação de temperatura até um máximo de 1,8ºC e, consequentemente, o erro associado.


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This package includes various Mata functions. kern(): various kernel functions; kint(): kernel integral functions; kdel0(): canonical bandwidth of kernel; quantile(): quantile function; median(): median; iqrange(): inter-quartile range; ecdf(): cumulative distribution function; relrank(): grade transformation; ranks(): ranks/cumulative frequencies; freq(): compute frequency counts; histogram(): produce histogram data; mgof(): multinomial goodness-of-fit tests; collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; _collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; gini(): Gini coefficient; sample(): draw random sample; srswr(): SRS with replacement; srswor(): SRS without replacement; upswr(): UPS with replacement; upswor(): UPS without replacement; bs(): bootstrap estimation; bs2(): bootstrap estimation; bs_report(): report bootstrap results; jk(): jackknife estimation; jk_report(): report jackknife results; subset(): obtain subsets, one at a time; composition(): obtain compositions, one by one; ncompositions(): determine number of compositions; partition(): obtain partitions, one at a time; npartitionss(): determine number of partitions; rsubset(): draw random subset; rcomposition(): draw random composition; colvar(): variance, by column; meancolvar(): mean and variance, by column; variance0(): population variance; meanvariance0(): mean and population variance; mse(): mean squared error; colmse(): mean squared error, by column; sse(): sum of squared errors; colsse(): sum of squared errors, by column; benford(): Benford distribution; cauchy(): cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz dist.; cauchyden(): Cauchy-Lorentz density; cauchytail(): reverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; invcauchy(): inverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; rbinomial(): generate binomial random numbers; cebinomial(): cond. expect. of binomial r.v.; root(): Brent's univariate zero finder; nrroot(): Newton-Raphson zero finder; finvert(): univariate function inverter; integrate_sr(): univariate function integration (Simpson's rule); integrate_38(): univariate function integration (Simpson's 3/8 rule); ipolate(): linear interpolation; polint(): polynomial inter-/extrapolation; plot(): Draw twoway plot; _plot(): Draw twoway plot; panels(): identify nested panel structure; _panels(): identify panel sizes; npanels(): identify number of panels; nunique(): count number of distinct values; nuniqrows(): count number of unique rows; isconstant(): whether matrix is constant; nobs(): number of observations; colrunsum(): running sum of each column; linbin(): linear binning; fastlinbin(): fast linear binning; exactbin(): exact binning; makegrid(): equally spaced grid points; cut(): categorize data vector; posof(): find element in vector; which(): positions of nonzero elements; locate(): search an ordered vector; hunt(): consecutive search; cond(): matrix conditional operator; expand(): duplicate single rows/columns; _expand(): duplicate rows/columns in place; repeat(): duplicate contents as a whole; _repeat(): duplicate contents in place; unorder2(): stable version of unorder(); jumble2(): stable version of jumble(); _jumble2(): stable version of _jumble(); pieces(): break string into pieces; npieces(): count number of pieces; _npieces(): count number of pieces; invtokens(): reverse of tokens(); realofstr(): convert string into real; strexpand(): expand string argument; matlist(): display a (real) matrix; insheet(): read spreadsheet file; infile(): read free-format file; outsheet(): write spreadsheet file; callf(): pass optional args to function; callf_setup(): setup for mm_callf().


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Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Development and Technology, Washington, D.C.


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Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Fairbanks


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Federal Highway Administration, Environmental Design and Control Division, Washington, D.C.


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A importância das micro e pequenas empresas na economia brasileira já é sentida desde há muito tempo, pois esse segmento é fundamental na geração de riqueza para a sociedade. Apesar da importância econômica, ainda persiste um elevado grau de descontinuidade nas mesmas, o que lhes outorga dificuldades de transporem os dois primeiros e mais críticos anos de existência. Esta pesquisa visa identificar os fatores determinantes da sobrevivência das micro e pequenas empresas do setor industrial na cidade de Santos. A relevância do estudo se intensifica em decorrência da cidade de Santos estar vivenciando um momento de desenvolvimento econômico impulsionado pelas descobertas de petróleo na camada do pré-sal. Isso poderá aumentar ainda mais o número de criação de MPEs, principalmente no setor industrial, e que provavelmente necessitarão de informações nas quais possam se espelhar. O estudo é de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Os dados foram colhidos por meio de uma pesquisa de campo com aplicação de um questionário baseado em quatro dimensões: empreendedorismo, ambiental, recursos financeiros e organização interna. A pesquisa apresentou como principais fatores de sobrevivência o tempo dedicado à empresa; a adequação dos produtos a demanda; a capacidade de assumir riscos e a liderança do gestor. A amostra de estudo foi definida por conveniência, constituída de MPEs pertencentes ao setor econômico industrial, pois é o mais aderente à cadeia de exploração de petróleo. Foram consideradas as empresas que ultrapassaram os dois primeiros anos de existência, de acordo com os critérios de avaliação de sobrevivência adotado pelo SEBRAE (2011).


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Background. To evaluate the haemodynamic features of young healthy myopes and emmetropes, in order to ascertain the perfusion profile of human myopia and its relationship with axial length prior to reaching a degenerative state. Methods The retrobulbar, microretinal and pulsatile ocular blood flow (POBF) of one eye of each of twenty-two high myopes (N=22, mean spherical equivalent (MSE) =-5.00D), low myopes (N=22, MSE-1.00 to-4.50D) and emmetropes (N=22, MSE±0.50D) was analyzed using color Doppler Imaging, Heidelberg retinal flowmetry and ocular blood flow analyser (OBF) respectively. Intraocular pressure, axial length (AL), systemic blood pressure, and body mass index were measured. Results. When compared to the emmetropes and low myopes, the AL was greater in high myopia (p<0.0001). High myopes showed higher central retinal artery resistance index (CRA RI) (p=0.004), higher peak systolic to end diastolic velocities ratio (CRA ratio) and lower end diastolic velocity (CRA EDv) compared to low myopes (p=0.014, p=0.037). Compared to emmetropes, high myopes showed lower OBFamplitude (OBFa) (p=0.016). The POBF correlated significantly with the systolic and diastolic blood velocities of the CRA (p=0.016, p=0.036). MSE and AL correlated negatively with OBFa (p=0.03, p=0.003), OBF volume (p=0.02, p<0.001), POBF (p=0.01, p<0.001) and positively with CRA RI (p=0.007, p=0.05). Conclusion. High myopes exhibited significantly reduced pulse amplitude and CRA blood velocity, the first of which may be due to an OBF measurement artefact or real decreased ocular blood flow pulsatility. Axial length and refractive error correlated moderately with the ocular pulse and with the resistance index of the CRA, which in turn correlated amongst themselves. It is hypothesized that the compromised pulsatile and CRA haemodynamics observed in young healthy myopes is an early feature of the decrease in ocular blood flow reported in pathological myopia. Such vascular features would increase the susceptibility for vascular and age-related eye diseases.


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PURPOSE. To investigate objectively and noninvasively the role of cognitive demand on autonomic control of systemic cardiovascular and ocular accommodative responses in emmetropes and myopes of late-onset. METHODS. Sixteen subjects (10 men, 6 women) aged between 18 and 34 years (mean ± SD: 22.6 ± 4.4 years), eight emmetropes (EMMs; mean spherical equivalent [MSE] refractive error ± SD: 0.05 ± 0.24 D) and eight with late-onset myopia (LOMs; MSE ± SD: -3.66 ± 2.31 D) participated in the study. Subjects viewed stationary numerical digits monocularly within a Badal optical system (at both 0.0 and -3.0 D) while performing a two-alternative, forced-choice paradigm that matched cognitive loading across subjects. Five individually matched cognitive levels of increasing difficulty were used in random order for each subject. Five 20-second, continuous-objective recordings of the accommodative response measured with an open-view infrared autorefractor were obtained for each cognitive level, whereas simultaneous measurement of heart rate was continuously recorded with a finger-mounted piezoelectric pulse transducer for 5 minutes. Fast Fourier transformation of cardiovascular function allowed the relative power of the autonomic components to be assessed in the frequency domain, whereas heart period gave an indication of the time-domain response. RESULTS. Increasing the cognitive demand led to a significant reduction in the accommodative response in all subjects (0.0 D: by -0.35 ± 0.33 D; -3.0 D: by -0.31 ± 0.40 D, P < 0.001). The greater lag of LOMs compared with EMMs was not significant (P = 0.07) at both distance (0.38 ± 0.35 D) and near (0.14 ± 0.42 D). Mean heart period reduced with increasing levels of workload (P < 0.0005). LOMs exhibited a relative elevation in sympathetic system activity compared to EMMs. Within refractive groups, however, accommodative shifts with increasing cognition correlated with parasympathetic activity (r = 0.99, P < 0.001), more than with sympathetic activity (r = 0.62, P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. In an equivalent workload paradigm, increasing cognitive demand caused a reduction in accommodative response that was attributable principally to a concurrent reduction in the relative power of the parasympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The disparity in accommodative response between EMMs and LOMs, however, appears to be augmented by changes in the sympathetic nervous component of the systemic ANS. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the hypothesis that objective measures of open- and closed-loop ocular accommodation are related to systemic cardiovascular function, and ipso facto autonomic nervous system activity. METHODS: Sixty subjects (29 male; 31 female) varying in age from 18 to 33 years (average: 20.3 +/- 2.9 years) with a range of refractive errors [mean spherical equivalent (MSE): -7.12 to +1.82 D] participated in the study. Five 20-s continuous objective recordings of the accommodative response, measured with an open-view IR autorefractor (Shin-Nippon SRW-5000), were obtained for a variety of open- and closed-loop accommodative demands while simultaneous continuous measurement of heart rate was recorded with a finger-mounted piezo-electric pulse transducer for 5 min. Fast Fourier Transformation of cardiovascular function allowed the absolute and relative power of the autonomic components to be assessed in the frequency-domain, whereas heart period gave an indication of the time-domain response. RESULTS: Increasing closed-loop accommodative demand led to a concurrent increase in heart rate of approximately 2 beats/min for a 4.0 D increase in accommodative demand. The increase was attributable to a reduction in the absolute (p < 0.05) and normalised (p < 0.001) input of the systemic parasympathetic nervous system, and was unaffected by refractive group. The interaction with refractive group failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: For sustained accommodation effort, the data demonstrate covariation between the oculomotor and cardiovascular systems which implies that a near visual task can significantly influence cardiovascular behaviour. Accommodative effort alone, however, is not a sufficient stimulus to induce autonomic differences between refractive groups. The data suggest that both the oculomotor and cardiovascular systems are predominantly attributable to changes in the systemic parasympathetic nervous system.


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AIM: The aim of the study was to determine, objectively and non-invasively, whether changes in accommodative demand modify differentially the peripheral refraction in emmetropic and myopic human eyes. METHODS: Forty subjects (19 male, 21 female) aged 20-30 years (mean 22.7 (SD 2.8) years), 21 emmetropes (mean spherical equivalent refractive error (MSE) -0.13 (SD 0.29) D) and 19 myopes (MSE -2.95 (SD 1.76) D) participated in the study. Ametropia was corrected with soft contact lenses (etafilcon A, 58% water content). Subjects viewed monocularly a stationary, high contrast (85%) Maltese cross at 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 D of accommodative demand and at 0, 10, 20 and 30 degrees field angle (nasal and temporal) through a +3.0 D Badal optical system. Static recordings of the accommodation response were obtained for each accommodative level, at each field angle, with an objective, open-view, infrared optometer. RESULTS: Peripheral mean spherical equivalent (M) data showed that the emmetropic cohort exhibited relative myopic shifts into the periphery, while the myopic group showed hypermetropic shifts. Increasing accommodative demand did not alter the peripheral refractive profile in either the temporal (p = 0.25) or nasal (p = 0.07) periphery with no differential accommodative effect between refractive groups in either the temporal (p = 0.77) or nasal (p = 0.73) field. Significant shifts in the J(0) astigmatic component were seen in the temporal (p<0.0005) and nasal (p<0.0005) fields with increasing eccentricity. Interaction effects between eccentricity and accommodative demand illustrated that increasing accommodative demand significantly altered the peripheral refractive profile in the temporal J(0) astigmatic component (p<0.0005). The nasal periphery, however, failed to show such an effect (p = 0.65). CONCLUSIONS: Alterations in peripheral refraction augmented by changes in ocular accommodation are relatively unaffected by refractive error for young, healthy human eyes.


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Purpose: A clinical evaluation of the Grand Seiko Auto Ref/Keratometer WAM-5500 (Japan) was performed to evaluate validity and repeatability compared with non-cycloplegic subjective refraction and Javal–Schiotz keratometry. An investigation into the dynamic recording capabilities of the instrument was also conducted. Methods: Refractive error measurements were obtained from 150 eyes of 75 subjects (aged 25.12 ± 9.03 years), subjectively by a masked optometrist, and objectively with the WAM-5500 at a second session. Keratometry measurements from the WAM-5500 were compared to Javal–Schiotz readings. Intratest variability was examined on all subjects, whilst intertest variability was assessed on a subgroup of 44 eyes 7–14 days after the initial objective measures. The accuracy of the dynamic recording mode of the instrument and its tolerance to longitudinal movement was evaluated using a model eye. An additional evaluation of the dynamic mode was performed using a human eye in relaxed and accommodated states. Results: Refractive error determined by the WAM-5500 was found to be very similar (p = 0.77) to subjective refraction (difference, -0.01 ± 0.38 D). The instrument was accurate and reliable over a wide range of refractive errors (-6.38 to +4.88 D). WAM-5500 keratometry values were steeper by approximately 0.05 mm in both the vertical and horizontal meridians. High intertest repeatability was demonstrated for all parameters measured: for sphere, cylinder power and MSE, over 90% of retest values fell within ±0.50 D of initial testing. In dynamic (high-speed) mode, the root-mean-square of the fluctuations was 0.005 ± 0.0005 D and a high level of recording accuracy was maintained when the measurement ring was significantly blurred by longitudinal movement of the instrument head. Conclusion: The WAM-5500 Auto Ref/Keratometer represents a reliable and valid objective refraction tool for general optometric practice, with important additional features allowing pupil size determination and easy conversion into high-speed mode, increasing its usefulness post-surgically following accommodating intra-ocular lens implantation, and as a research tool in the study of accommodation.


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Purpose. The prevalence of myopia is known to vary with age, ethnicity, level of education, and socioeconomic status, with a high prevalence reported in university students and in people from East Asian countries. This study determines the prevalence of ametropia in a mixed ethnicity U.K. university student population and compares associated ocular biometric measures. Methods. Refractive error and related ocular component data were collected on 373 first-year U.K. undergraduate students (mean age = 19.55 years ± 2.99, range = 17-30 years) at the start of the academic year at Aston University, Birmingham, and the University of Bradford, West Yorkshire. The ethnic variation of the students was as follows: white 38.9%, British Asian 58.2%, Chinese 2.1%, and black 0.8%. Noncycloplegic refractive error was measured with an infrared open-field autorefractor, the Shin-Nippon NVision-K 5001 (Shin Nippon, Ryusyo Industrial Co. Ltd, Osaka, Japan). Myopia was defined as a mean spherical equivalent (MSE) less than or equal to -0.50 D. Hyperopia was defined as an MSE greater than or equal to +0.50 D. Axial length, corneal curvature, and anterior chamber depth were measured using the Zeiss IOLMaster (Carl Zeiss, Jena, GmBH). Results. The analysis was carried out only for white and British Asian groups. The overall distribution of refractive error exhibited leptokurtosis, and prevalence levels were similar for white and British Asian (the predominant ethnic group) students across each ametropic group: myopia (50% vs. 53.4%), hyperopia (18.8% vs. 17.3%), and emmetropia (31.2% vs. 29.3%). There were no significant differences in the distribution of ametropia and biometric components between white and British Asian samples. Conclusion. The absence of a significant difference in refractive error and ocular components between white and British Asian students exposed to the same educational system is of interest. However, it is clear that a further study incorporating formal epidemiologic methods of analysis is required to address adequately the recent proposal that juvenile myopia develops principally from myopiagenic environments and is relatively independent of ethnicity.