952 resultados para MAP-65


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Objectives: GPS technology enables the visualisation of a map reader s location on a mobile map. Earlier research on the cognitive aspects of map reading identified that searching for map-environment points is an essential element for the process of determining one s location on a mobile map. Map-environment points refer to objects that are visualized on the map and are recognizable in the environment. However, because the GPS usually adds only one point to the map that has a relation to the environment, it does not provide a sufficient amount of information for self-location. The aim of the present thesis was to assess the effect of GPS on the cognitive processes involved in determining one s location on a map. Methods: The effect of GPS on self-location was studied in a field experiment. The subjects were shown a target on a mobile map, and they were asked to point in the direction of the target. In order for the map reader to be able to deduce the direction of the target, he/she has to locate himself/herself on the map. During the pointing tasks, the subjects were asked to think aloud. The data from the experiment were used to analyze the effect of the GPS on the time needed to perform the task. The subjects verbal data was used to assess the effect of the GPS on the number of landmark concepts mentioned during a task (landmark concepts are words referring to objects that can be recognized both on the map and in the environment). Results and conclusions: The results from the experiment indicate that the GPS reduces the time needed to locate oneself on a map. The analysis of the verbal data revealed that the GPS reduces the number of landmark concepts in the protocols. The findings suggest that the GPS guides the subject s search for the map-environment points and narrows the area on the map that must be searched for self-location.


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The hot deformation characteristics of alpha-zirconium in the temperature range of 650 °C to 850 °C and in the strain-rate range of 10-3 to 102 s-1 are studied with the help of a power dissipation map developed on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model.[7,8,9] The processing map describes the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (η =2m/m + 1) calculated on the basis of the strain-rate sensitivity parameter (m), which partitions power dissipation between thermal and microstructural means. The processing map reveals a domain of dynamic recrystallization in the range of 730 °C to 850 °C and 10−2 to 1−1 with its peak efficiency of 40 pct at 800 °C and 0.1 s-1 which may be considered as optimum hot-working parameters. The characteristics of dynamic recrystallization are similar to those of static recrystallization regarding the sigmoidal variation of grain size (or hardness) with temperature, although the dynamic recrystallization temperature is much higher. When deformed at 650 °C and 10-3 s-1 texture-induced dynamic recovery occurred, while at strain rates higher than 1 s-1, alpha-zirconium exhibits microstructural instabilities in the form of localized shear bands which are to be avoided in processing.


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The element-based piecewise smooth functional approximation in the conventional finite element method (FEM) results in discontinuous first and higher order derivatives across element boundaries Despite the significant advantages of the FEM in modelling complicated geometries, a motivation in developing mesh-free methods has been the ease with which higher order globally smooth shape functions can be derived via the reproduction of polynomials There is thus a case for combining these advantages in a so-called hybrid scheme or a `smooth FEM' that, whilst retaining the popular mesh-based discretization, obtains shape functions with uniform C-p (p >= 1) continuity One such recent attempt, a NURBS based parametric bridging method (Shaw et al 2008b), uses polynomial reproducing, tensor-product non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) over a typical FE mesh and relies upon a (possibly piecewise) bijective geometric map between the physical domain and a rectangular (cuboidal) parametric domain The present work aims at a significant extension and improvement of this concept by replacing NURBS with DMS-splines (say, of degree n > 0) that are defined over triangles and provide Cn-1 continuity across the triangle edges This relieves the need for a geometric map that could precipitate ill-conditioning of the discretized equations Delaunay triangulation is used to discretize the physical domain and shape functions are constructed via the polynomial reproduction condition, which quite remarkably relieves the solution of its sensitive dependence on the selected knotsets Derivatives of shape functions are also constructed based on the principle of reproduction of derivatives of polynomials (Shaw and Roy 2008a) Within the present scheme, the triangles also serve as background integration cells in weak formulations thereby overcoming non-conformability issues Numerical examples involving the evaluation of derivatives of targeted functions up to the fourth order and applications of the method to a few boundary value problems of general interest in solid mechanics over (non-simply connected) bounded domains in 2D are presented towards the end of the paper


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The hot deformation behaviour of polycrystalline nickel has been characterised in the temperature range 750-1200-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.0003-100 s-1 using processing maps developed in the basis of the dynamic materials model. The efficiency of power dissipation, given by [2m/(m + 1)]. where m is the strain rate sensitivity, is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map. A domain of dynamic recrystallisation has been identified, with a peak efficiency of 31% occurring at 925-degrees-C and 1 s-1. The published results are in agreement with the prediction of the processing map. The variations of efficiency of power dissipation with temperature and strain rate in the dynamic recrystallisation domain are identical to the corresponding variation of hot ductility. The stress-strain curves exhibited a single peak in a single peak in the dynamic recrystallisation domain, whereas multiple peaks and 'drooping' stress-strain curves were observed at lower and higher strain rates, respectively. The results are explained on the basis of a simple model which considers dynamic recrystallisation in terms of rates of interface formation (nucleation) and migration (growth). It is shown that dynamic recrystallisation in nickel is controlled by the rate of nucleation, which is slower than the rate of migration. The rate of nucleation itself depends on the process of thermal recovery by climb, which in turn depends on self-diffusion.


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The hot deformation behavior of α brass with varying zinc contents in the range 3%–30% was characterized using hot compression testing in the temperature range 600–900 °C and strain rate range 0.001–100 s−1. On the basis of the flow stress data, processing maps showing the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (given by Image where m is the strain rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate were obtained. α brass exhibits a domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) at temperatures greater than 0.85Tm and at strain rates lower than 1 s−1. The maximum efficiency of power dissipation increases with increasing zinc content and is in the range 33%–53%. The DRX domain shifts to lower strain rates for higher zinc contents and the strain rate for peak efficiency is in the range 0.0001–0.05 s−1. The results indicate that the DRX in α brass is controlled by the rate of interface formation (nucleation) which depends on the diffusion-controlled process of thermal recovery by climb.


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The compression test flow stress data of Al-4Mg alloy at different temperatures and strain rates are analysed using a dynamic materials model which considers the workpiece material as a dissipator of power causing microstructural changes. A processing map representing the efficiency of power dissipation as a function of temperature and strain rate has been established and optimum processing conditions for the alloy are determined. The features of the map correlate well with the microstructure and mechanical properties.


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Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat Pyhtään työikäisten asukkaiden näkemykset ja kokemukset työssä esiintyvästä kilpailusta Tutkimusongelma oli työhön liittyvän kilpailun ilmiön hahmottaminen. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli valottaa työhön liittyvän kilpailun moninaisuutta antaen esimerkkejä sen eri muodoista, esittäen ajatuksia uusien tulkintojen tekemiselle ja herättäen ideoita kilpailun eri muotojen soveltamiselle työn ja työilmapiirin tutkimuksissa. Tavoitteena oli tutkia haastatteluissa esiintyviä tapoja käsittää työhön liittyvä kilpailu ja sitä, missä määrin eri ammateissa kuvattiin sosiaalista kilpailua verrattuna välineelliseen kilpailuun. Työyhteisöön samastumista tarkasteltiin kilpailun ja koetun oikeudenmukaisuuden näkökulmista. Työn arvostusta käsiteltiin tarkastellen haastateltujen käsitystä ammattinsa yleisestä arvostuksesta sekä haastateltujen omia arvioita ammatistaan, sekä millä tavalla ammattirooli nousi esiin haastateltujen itsen kuvauksissa. Työpaikan ihmissuhteita ja valtaa tarkasteltiin kohdistamalla huomio työtovereiden kanssa toimeen tulemiseen ja työpaikan ihmissuhteiden aiheuttamaan stressiin sekä haastateltujen työssään kokeman oman vaikutusvallan, tasavertaisuuden, epäreiluuden, arvostuksen ja kilpailun määrään. Selvitettiin myös miten vallankäyttöä ja kiusaamista kuvattiin ja millä tavalla vallankäytön ja kiusaamisen katsottiin edesauttavan tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Lopuksi tarkastelun kohteina olivat ongelmien käsittely, työssä viihtyminen ja viihtymiseen vaikuttavat seikat. Aineisto kerättiin Pyhtäällä kesällä 2007. Vastaajia oli yhteensä 245 ja vastausprosentti oli 50. Tutkimuksessa mukana olivat kalkki työilmapiiriä ja työpaikan ihmissuhteita koskeviin kysymyksiin vastanneet haastatellut (N = 167). Suurimmaksi osaksi tutkimus oli kuvailevaa, mutta siinä oli myös kvantitatiivista kysymyksenasettelua. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin sekä kvalitatiivisia että kvantitatiivisia analyysimenetelmiä. Puolistrukturoiduissa yksilöhaastatteluissa hyödynnettiin tulkitsevaa fenomenologista analyysia. Kirjattuja avovastauksia tutkittiin luokittavalla ja tulkitsevalla sisällönanalyysilla. Lisäksi laskettiin tilastollisia merkitsevyyksiä Työpaikalla esiintyvä kilpailu nähtiin haastateltujen selonteoissa hyvin moninaisena, sekä myönteisenä että haitallisena. Siihen ymmärrettiin kuuluvan niin resursseihin, työtehtäviin, tuloksiin ja palkkioihin liittyvää välineellistä kilpailua, kuin ihmisten välistä sosiaalista valtataisteluakin. Suhteessa välineelliseen kilpailuun sosiaalista kilpailua kuvattiin eniten hoiva- ja sosiaalialan ammateissa. Suhteessa sosiaaliseen kilpailuun välineellistä kilpailua kuvasivat eniten yrittäjät Vastausten perusteella suun kilpailun määrä korreloi työpaikan ihmissuhteiden aiheuttamaan stressiin, mutta vain silloin, kun kokemus työpaikan oikeudenmukaisuudesta oli matala. Kilpailun eri muotojen (kilpailu omien tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta vs. kilpailu organisaation tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta) väliset yhteydet työyhteisöön samastumiseen eivät aineistossa olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Haastatellun arvio oman ammattinsa arvostuksesta ei myöskään ennustanut haastatellun todennäköisyyttä esittää itsensä ammattikuntansa edustajana avoimen itsen kuvauksen tilanteessa. Koettu oikeudenmukaisuus kuitenkin korreloi työyhteisöön samastumiseen. Mitä oikeudenmukaisempana haastatellut työpaikkaansa pitivät, sitä tärkeämmäksi samastumiskohteeksi he sen tyypillisesti arvioivat. Myös työssä viihtymisen ja työpaikan koetun oikeudenmukaisuuden välinen korrelaatio oli aineistossa voimakas. Lisäksi silloin, kun kokemus oikeudenmukaisuudesta oli matalalla tasolla, oli myös työpaikan ihmissuhteiden aiheuttama stressi yhteydessä vähäiseen työssä viihtymiseen. Tärkeimmät läheet tutkimuksessa olivat: Turner. John C 1975. Social comparison and social identity. Some prospects for intergroup behaviour. European Journal of Social Psychology, 5(1), 5-34. Haslam, S. Alexander 2004. Psychology in organizalions. The social identity approach Second Edition. London: SAGE Publications. Tyler, Tom - Blader. Steven 2000. Cooperation in Groups: Procedural Justice, Social Identity, and Behavioural Engagement. Essays in Social Psychology. Philadelphia: Psychology Press / Taylor & Francis Group. Kantolahti, T. - Tikander, T. 2010. Puheenvuoroja työn kuormittavuudesta. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön selvityksiä 2010:17


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The constitutive flow behaviour of OFHC copper under working conditions is studied using hot compression in the temperature range 650 to 900-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.001 to 100 s-1. The variation of the efficiency of power dissipation given by [2m/(m + 1)] (where m is the strain rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate is represented in the form of a power dissipation map and interpreted on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model. The map prominently exhibited a domain centered at 850-degrees-C and 100 s-1 with a peak efficiency of 35 %. On the basis of the correlation of variations of grain size, efficiency of power dissipation and hot workability with temperature, the domain is identified to represent dynamic recrystallization (DRX).


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Processing maps for hot working of as-cast and wrought stainless steels of type AISI 304 have been developed in the temperature range 600 to 1250°C and strain rate range 0.001 to 100 s−1. The domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in as-cast material occurs at higher temperatures (1250°C) and lower strain rates (0.001 s−1) than in the wrought steel (1100°C and 0.01 s−1). The effect is explained in terms of enhanced nucleation rate of DRX due to the carbide, ferrite particles, stable oxides/nitrides and second-phase intermetallics in the as-cast microstructure. The DRX domain is wider in the wrought material although the peak efficiency is less (32%) than in the as-cast case (40%). The flow instability regime is not significantly affected by the initial microstructure


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Processing maps for hot working of stainless steel of type AISI 304L have been developed on the basis of the flow stress data generated by compression and torsion in the temperature range 600–1200 °C and strain rate range 0.1–100 s−1. The efficiency of power dissipation given by 2m/(m+1) where m is the strain rate sensitivity is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map, which is interpreted on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model. The maps obtained by compression as well as torsion exhibited a domain of dynamic recrystallization with its peak efficiency occurring at 1200 °C and 0.1 s−1. These are the optimum hot-working parameters which may be obtained by either of the test techniques. The peak efficiency for the dynamic recrystallization is apparently higher (64%) than that obtained in constant-true-strain-rate compression (41%) and the difference in explained on the basis of strain rate variations occurring across the section of solid torsion bar. A region of flow instability has occurred at lower temperatures (below 1000 °C) and higher strain rates (above 1 s−1) and is wider in torsion than in compression. To achieve complete microstructure control in a component, the state of stress will have to be considered.


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The constitutive flow behaviour in hot working of as cast magnesium has been studied with the help of a processing map developed in the temperature range 300-550°C and strain rate range 0·001-100 s−1. The map, interpreted using the dynamic materials model, revealed that the material undergoes dynamic recrystallisation at 425°C and 0·3 s−1, which are the optimum parameters for hot working. Ai temperatures higher than 450°C and strain rates lower than about 0·1 s−1, wedge cracking occurs in as cast magnesium. The wedge cracking domain has a high efficiency of power dissipation (60%), whereas the dynamic recrystallisation domain has a value of 34%. At temperatures below 450°C and strain rates above 10 s−1, the material exhibits flow instability in the form of mechanical twinning. At higher temperatures and strain rates, instability is manifested by flow localisation.


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Processing and instability maps using a dynamic materials model have been developed for stainless steel type AISI 316L in the temperature range 600-1250-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.001-100 s-1 with a view to optimising its hot workability. Stainless steel type AISI 316L undergoes dynamic recrystallisation, with a peak efficiency of 35% at 1250-degrees-C and 0.05 s-1, which are the optimum parameters for hot working this material. The material undergoes dynamic recovery at 900-degrees-C and 0.001 s-1. The increase in the dynamic recrystallisation and dynamic recovery temperatures in comparison with stainless steel type AISI 304L is attributed to the presence of a backstress caused by the molybdenum additions. These results are in general agreement with those reported elsewhere on stainless steel type 316 deformed in hot extrusion and hot torsion. At temperatures < 850-degrees-C and strain rates > 10 s-1, the material exhibits flow localisation owing to adiabatic shear band formation, whereas at higher temperatures (> 850-degrees-C) and strain rates (> 10 s-1) mechanical twinning and wavy slip bands are observed. (C) 1993 The Institute of Materials.


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The processing map for hot working of Al alloy 2014-20vol.%Al2O3 particulate-reinforced cast-plus-extruded composite material has been generated covering the temperature range 300-500 degrees C and the strain rate range 0.001-10 s(-1) based on the dynamic materials model. The efficiency eta of power dissipation given by 2m/(m + 1), where m is the strain rate sensitivity, is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map. A domain of superplasticity has been identified, with a peak efficiency of 62% occurring at 500 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1). The characteristics of this domain have been studied with the help of microstructural evaluation and hot-ductility measurements. Microstructural instability is predicted at higher strain rates above (ls(-1)) and lower temperatures (less than 350 degrees C).