925 resultados para Low-nitrogen Diet


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Aim: To assess the effectiveness of specific advice for increasing fruit, vegetable and dairy intake in free-living men participating in a weight loss study.

Methods: Subjects were randomised to one of two 12-week weight loss diets, either the WELL with daily targets of four serves of fruit, four serves of vegetables and three serves of dairy or a low fat diet (LF) with general advice to increase fruit and vegetable intake. Three-day food group diaries and a food frequency questionnaire assessed intake.

Results: Fifty-four overweight/obese male adults completed the study (WELL, n = 27; LF, n = 27; body mass index (mean ± standard deviation), 30.4 ± 2.5 kg/m2; age, 47.7 ± 9.5 years). There was no difference in mean weight change between groups (WELL, −4.8 ± 3.3 kg; LF, −4.6 ± 3.1 kg). Subjects on the WELL diet had greater (mean difference ± standard error) fruit (0.7 ± 0.2 serves/day), vegetable (1.2 ± 0.2 serves/day) and dairy (1.1 ± 0.1 serves/day) intakes than the LF group (measured by the food group diaries) (all P < 0.01). The WELL group reached the daily target for fruit from week 1 (4.7 ± 1.4 serves/day), vegetables by week 6 (4.1 ± 1.5 serves/day) and for dairy by week 8 (3.0 ± 0.8 serves/day).

Providing specific dietary targets to men for weight loss appears to promote greater consumption of fruit, vegetable and dairy foods than providing general dietary advice. Meeting dietary targets appears to require different adjustment periods depending on the food type.


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Background: Low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates have been linked to increased satiety. The drive to eat may be mediated by postprandial changes in glucose, insulin and gut peptides.
: To investigate the effect of a low and a high GI diet on day-long (10 h) blood concentrations of glucose, insulin, cholecystokinin (CCK) and ghrelin (GHR).
Design: Subjects (n¼12) consumed a high and a low GI diet in a randomized, crossover design, consisting of four meals that were matched for macronutrients and fibre, and differed only in carbohydrate quality (GI). Blood was sampled every 30–60 min and assayed for glucose, insulin, CCK and GHR.
Results: The high GI diet resulted in significantly higher glucose and insulin mean incremental areas under the curve (IAUC, P¼0.027 and P¼0.001 respectively). CCK concentration was 59% higher during the first 7 h of the low GI diet (394±95 pmol/l min) vs the high GI diet (163±38 pmol/l min, P¼0.046), but there was no difference over 10 h (P¼0.224). GHR concentration was inversely correlated with insulin concentration (Pearson correlation 0.48, P¼0.007), but did not differ significantly between the low and high GI diets.
Conclusions: Mixed meals of lower GI are associated with lower day-long concentrations of glucose and insulin, and higher CCK after breakfast, morning tea and lunch. This metabolic profile could mediate differences in satiety and hunger seen in some, but not all, studies.


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Recent research in Australia has found that people with a mental illness experience higher mortality rates from preventable illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and diabetes compared to the general population. Lifestyle and other behavioural factors contribute significantly to these illnesses. Lifestyle behaviours that affect these illnesses include lack of physical activity, consumption of a poor diet and cigarette smoking. Research on the influence of these factors has been mainly directed towards the mainstream population in Australia. Consequently, there remains limited understanding of health behaviours among individuals with psychiatric disabilities, their health needs, or factors influencing their participation in protective health behaviours. This thesis presents findings from two studies. Study 1 evaluated the utility of the main components of Roger’s (1983) Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to explain health behaviours among people with a mental illness. A clinical population of individuals with schizophrenia (N=83), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (N=70) and individuals without a mental illness (N=147) participated in the study. Respondents provided information on intentions and self-reported behaviour of engaging in physical activity, following a low-fat diet, and stopping smoking. Study 2 investigated the health care service needs of people with psychiatric disabilities (N=20). Results indicated that the prevalence of overweight, cigarette smoking and a sedentary lifestyle were significantly greater among people with a mental illness compared to that reported for individuals without a mental illness. Major predictors of the lack of intentions to adopt health behaviours among individuals with schizophrenia and MDD were high levels of fear of cardiovascular disease, lack of knowledge of correct dietary principles, lower self-efficacy, a limited social support network and a high level of psychiatric symptoms. In addition, findings demonstrated that psychiatric patients are disproportionately higher users of medical services, but they are under-users of preventive medical care services. These differences are primarily due to a lack of focus on preventive health, feelings of disempowerment and lower satisfaction of patient-doctor relationships. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of designing education and preventive programs for individuals with schizophrenia and MDD.


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This study examined the differences in the chemical composition, particularly fatty acids, of the lipid extracted from the fibre of bucks, does and castrated goats. The study provides a more detailed understanding of the chemical composition of buck fibre lipid and how it varies throughout the year, and also details the effect of body region and nutrition on the production and chemical composition of lipid from buck fibre. Lipid was extracted with either petroleum ether (non-polar) or chloroform/methanol azeotrope (polar) and analysed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The more polar solvent system extracted larger amounts of lipid and more of each individual fatty acid. The following buck specific ethyl branched fatty acids were identified: 2-ethylhexanoic, 4-ethylhexanoic, 2-ethyloctanoic, 4-ethyloctanoic, 6-ethyloctanoic, 2-ethyldecanoic, 4-ethyldecanoic, 2-ethyldodecanoic, 6-ethyldodecanoic, 4-ethyldodecanoic, 2-ethyltetradecanoic, 6-ethyltetradecanoic, 4-ethyltetradecanoic, 2-ethylhexadecanoic and 4-ethyloctadecanoic acids. Of these buck specific fatty acids only 4-ethylhexanoic (T), 4-ethyloctanoic, 4-ethyldecanoic, 4-ethyldodecanoic, 6-ethyldodecanoic (T), 4-ethyltetradecanoic, 2-ethylhexadecanoic (T) and 4-ethylhexadecanoic acids have been previously identified or tentatively identified (T) in buck fibre extracts. This shows that the chemical composition of buck fibre lipid is more complex than previously reported, and that it may be more difficult than previously thought to artificially duplicate the odour of the buck. Buck fibre samples had lower average concentrations of 2-methylpropanoic, 2-methylbutanoic, iso-pentadecanoic, anteiso-pentadecanoic, iso-hexadecanoic, anteiso-heptadecanoic, iso-octadecanoic and anteiso-nonadecanoic acids as compared with fibre samples from does, spayed does, or wethers that were castrated at one month of age. The reduced concentrations of these fatty acids in buck fibre extracts were likely to be due to the synthesis of ethyl branched derivatives of iso and anteiso fatty acids. Buck fibre samples had higher concentrations of benzoic acid as compared with fibre samples from does, spayed does, or wethers that were castrated at one month of age. The significance of these results is that non buck specific fatty acids may also make a contribution to the odour of bucks. When fibre samples were collected at various times throughout the year, it was found that the bucks had increased amounts of lipid and ethyl branched fatty acids in fibre samples shorn from March to September, as compared with fibre samples shorn in November and January. The increase in the amount of lipid and ethyl branched fatty acids corresponded with both the rutting period of the buck and the period when the buck odour was increased. This suggests that ethyl branched fatty acids could be pheromones. The variation in lipid content and fatty acid composition was also examined between fibre samples collected from different body regions of the buck during April, as alterations in sebaceous gland activity around the neck during rutting have been reported. It was found that the average amount of lipid in the neck region of the bucks was not statistically higher than the average amounts in the midside and hind regions. However, the ethyl branched fatty acid concentrations were statistically higher in the fibre from around the neck as compared with the fibre from the other body regions, which is consistent with the odour of the buck being most pronounced around the head and neck region. The lipid content and composition of fibre samples from bucks fed high and low quality diets (lucerne and pangola grass, respectively) was examined to determine the effect of nutrition on buck specific components. The high quality diet increased the amount of lipid and ethyl branched fatty acids in fibre samples collected in April from the neck, midside and hind regions, as compared with fibre samples from the corresponding body regions from bucks fed the low quality diet. Thus it may be possible for the pheromone levels of bucks to be increased by simply providing them with good nutrition. The lipid content and ethyl branched fatty acid concentrations of fibre samples increased earlier in the year for the lucerne fed bucks as compared with the pangola grass fed bucks. The lucerne fed bucks had increased concentrations of ethyl branched fatty acids in fibre samples shorn during December to June (6 months) whereas the pangola grass fed bucks had increased concentrations of ethyl branched fatty acids in fibre samples shorn during April to August (4 months). These observations show that good nutrition can result in both the earlier production of ethyl branched fatty acids and an extended period when ethyl branched fatty acids are produced. This suggests that nutrition can be used to manipulate pheromone levels in the buck. The period when the ethyl branched fatty acids were increased corresponded with the period when the plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone concentrations, odour and sebaceous gland volume of the bucks were increased, which supports the assumption that ethyl branched fatty acids are involved in odour production and act as pheromones.


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In this study the nutrition, growth and production of C. destructor was examined. Selected nutritional requirements of juvenile animals were determined under controlled conditions with the aim of developing a pelleted diet for use in hatcheries, nurseries and growout situations. The best developed diet was assessed for its potential as a supplementary feed for animals cultured in earthen environments. The protein requirements were first determined simultaneously with an evaluation of the effect of replacing animal protein (fishmeal) by soybean meal. Juveniles were reared communally for 59 d on isoenergetic diets containing 15-30% protein and graded levels of soybean meal (0-60%, of protein). When soybean meal was included at a level of 40-60%, growth was reduced relative to that achieved with control diets containing 15% and 20% protein, but this was not the case at a 20% soybean meal substitution level. A two-way interaction occurred between dietary protein and soybean meal content. Higher protein feeds enabled higher soybean meal inclusion levels without significantly affecting growth. Protein increases of 5% produced better growth at the 40% and 60% soybean meal substitution levels. This effect was less pronounced in the control and the 20% soybean meal diets. Carcass %protein increased and %lipid decreased as dietary protein increased. A similar effect occurred by increasing the soybean meal level to 60%. No obvious trend in carcass moisture, energy, and ash occurred. A protein requirement of 30% was apparent when fish meal and soybean meal were included in diets at levels of 20% and 24% (dry matter) respectively. Alternative protein sources to soybean meal were subsequently identified. Juveniles were maintained for 12 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 30% protein and differing in the primary source of protein used, with meat, snail, soybean, yabby, and zooplankton meals comprising the major protein ingredient. No significant difference occurred in mean weight (MW), percentage weight gain (%WG), SGR or survival among diets. Food conversion ratios (FCR) were low, with a minimum value of 0.95 for the snail-based diet. The apparent net protein utilisation (ANPU) varied from 29.6% (zooplankton-based diet) to 41.2% (snail-based diet). Carcass composition varied with diet, with the greatest difference occurring in carapace colour. Animals fed the zooplankton-based diet developed the strongest, most natural pigmentation. A new combination of previously used protein-based ingredients was subsequently tested with reference to two yabby species, Cherax albidus and Cherax destructor, that were grown simultaneously in identical conditions. Juvenile male animals were reared individually for 20 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 15% or 30% protein with fish meal, soybean meal, yabby meal and wheat products forming the basis of the diets. C albidus grew the fastest and utilised the food the most effectively. Carcass composition was influenced by diet with the 30% protein diet resulting in an increase in carcass protein and ash and a decrease in carcass lipid and energy relative to the low protein diet. Carcass moisture and calcium were not affected by diet. The intermoult period (IP) was highly dependent on the premoult weight (W) but the mean moult increment (WI, as weight) was independent of the PM. The orbital carapace length (OCL) and the abdominal length (ABL) %moult increments generally declined with an increase in PM whereas the propus length (PL) %moult increment generally increased. The IP, WI, %OCL, %ABL, and %PL moult increments varied according to diet and to species. Elevated dietary protein caused a reduction to the IP (for similar sized animals) by 11 d and 7 d and an increase to the WI by 85% and 81% in C. albidus and C destructor respectively. Dietary induced morphological changes also occurred. Animals of a standard OCL (both species) had significantly larger abdomens when fed the higher protein diet. Growth on the best developed diet was compared to the growth obtained on a natural diet of freshwater zooplankton. Juveniles were reared individually for 12 weeks on the two diets. The MW, %WG and SGR were higher for the zooplankton diet. Carcass composition was influenced by diet and the zooplankton fed animals had a higher carcass %protein, %lipid, %ash and %fibre content and were more richly pigmented than animals fed pellets. The IP and the WI were highly dependent on the PM and varied according to diet; feeding with zooplankton reduced the IP by 1.2 days and increased the WI by 13.7% compared to pellets. Nutrient digestibility was determined for the pelleted diets evaluated in the growth trials. Protein digestibility (PD) and dry matter digestibility (DMD), using chromic oxide (Cr2O3) as an exogenous marker, were high for all diets, at around 93% and 83% respectively. Ash digestibility varied considerably from 17% to 73% for the snail and yabby meal diets respectively. Crude fibre digestibility was around 50% and probably indicates cellulase activity. Alternative markers to Cr2O3 were evaluated. Ash was considered to be the most suitable alternative to Cr2O3, providing a reasonable, albeit lower, estimate of nutrient digestibility. Cr2O3 and ash were preferentially excreted whereas fibre was retained in the digestive system for a longer period, consequently, the collection of a particular fraction of the deposited faeces (late or early) substantially affected the digestibility coefficients. In earthen-based environments, animals fed the best developed diet were compared to animals cultured using a forage crop of clover (Trifolium repens). Three supplementary feeding strategies representing varying levels of management intensity were evaluated in a series of trials conducted in ponds and pond microcosms. Growth on pellets consistently exceeded that obtained with the forage crop, with final MW being 67-159% higher than that using clover and appeared to be the result of direct pellet consumption and from a pellet fertiliser effect (on the sediment). Within-pond DMD and PD were high and similar for each treatment (DMD = 51-58%; PD = 89-92%). In the control pond, DMD and PD increased with each successive flood. The faecal egestion rate (PER) decreased with each successive flood in all ponds, and is negatively related to animal weight and to foregut fullness (FF) according to power curves. FF was consistently lowest in the control pond. Mean FF was 48.5%, 62.3%, and 26.7% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. FF increased to the third flood in each pond. The foregut protein content was high in all samples and the mean values were 33.9%, 32.7% and 35.6% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. Foregut ash was highly variable within each pond and is inversely related to the foregut protein content. In the control and pellet ponds the highest foregut ash content occurred during flood 1. The culture system (aquaria or pond) strongly influenced the composition of the foregut content. The foregut of animals fed the manufactured diet (B2) in ponds contained approximately 176% more ash and 5% more protein than the foregut of animals fed in bare-bottom tanks. The FF of the tank fed animals was approximately 45% higher than the FF of pond fed animals after a similar feeding period. Base-line yields for extensive production systems appeared to be around 400kg ha-1. The supplementary addition of T. repens produced yields of approximately 635kg ha-1 (in ponds) to around 1086kg ha-1 (in tanks). The sequential addition of cut-clover to tanks stimulated growth to levels approaching those achieved on pellets. Yabbies stocked into ponds at 15-20 m-2 with a mean weight of 2.67g and fed a 30% protein pelleted diet for 100 d, resulted in a yield of approximately 1117kg ha-1, but only 2% of the population were above a marketable size of 50g. The feed utilisation indices were better for animals reared on pellets in bare-bottom tanks than in earthen environments, indicating some degree of pellet wastage when natural feeds are simultaneously present. High apparent food conversion ratios and low protein efficiency ratios occurred when the forage crop was provided. A considerable quantity of the dry matter and protein content of the forage crop was either inefficiently utilised or directed into other production pathways. Sowing a forage crop into pond microcosms to which a pelleted diet was also provided, did not enhance growth performance. Pelleted feed inputs at a rate of approximately 129g m-2 to 198g m-2 (dry matter) and 38g -2 to 64g m-2 (protein) over 70-100 d resulted in acceptable growth and feed utilisation indices for animals reared in ponds and pond microcosms. Forage crop inputs of approximately 533g m-2 to 680g m-2 (as dry matter) or 84g m-2 to 177g m-2 (as protein) over a 70-100 d period produced reasonable growth rates but poor feed utilisation indices. Low inputs of dry matter (from 113-296g m-2) and protein (from 24-54g m-2) from clover were sufficient to maintain high growth rates in pond microcosms for around 28 d. In ponds, a very low level of 21g m-2 (dry matter) and 4.3g m-2 (protein) was sufficient for around 3 weeks. Forage depletion appeared to occur beyond week 3-4 and was probably a major growth limiting factor. The mean hepatosomatic index (HSI) was 9.44, 7.68, and 6.79 for the pellet, crop, and control ponds respectively. The relationship between hepatopancreas weight and overall animal weight was significantly different between treatments. The hepatopancreas of pellet-fed animals had the highest %lipid and lowest %ash, %protein, %carbohydrate and %moisture content. In terms of absolute quantities, the only major difference in hepatopancreas composition between treatments occurred for lipid and dry matter content. The hepatopancreas of the pellet-fed animals was a cream/cream-yellow colour and was very fragile, whereas in the other ponds it was a more ‘natural’ bright yellow colour and was structurally more robust. C. destructor has a capacious foregut, being approximately 5 times the volume of similar sized Penaeids. The foregut volume (V, ml) of the yabby is related to animal weight (W, g) according to V = 0.048 W0.9543. Animals that were starved for 96 h and then fed diet B2 were almost completely foil after 30 min. The ‘apparent enzymatic response’ of animals fed various natural and artificial diets in tanks was evaluated. Nutrient processing time and the enzymatic response following ingestion appeared to be regulated by the chemical and physical properties of the diet. For the natural feeds, foregut protein was 1.2% higher (for zooplankton) and up to 300% higher (for detritus) than dietary protein, whereas ash was 7.5% higher (zooplankton) and 46-63% lower (detritus) than dietary ash. For animals fed diet B2 after 48 h without food, FF was approximately half that of 96 h starved animals after a similar feeding period but foregut protein and ash contents were similar. Finally, the physiological and morphological attributes elucidated in this study are discussed with reference to the ecology of the yabby. High growth rates, excellent feed utilisation indices and high digestibility coefficients for a wide range of diet-types illustrate nutritional flexibility. A capacious foregut, a large hepatopancreas with a high energy storage capacity, the ability to partition and preferentially excrete the low nutrient value inorganic component of the diet, the capacity to alter body form, nutrient processing time and enzymatic secretions in relation to diet-type, and modified behaviour according to feed availability also demonstrate plasticity/adaptability/flexibility. The combined effect of these important characteristics ensures survival in environments that may be adverse and highly variable in terms of nutrient availability. Collectively the morphological and digestive traits elucidated in this study reflect the generalist-type nature of C destructor and indicate that a polytrophic classification still seems appropriate. Several priority areas for further nutrition research are identified and recommendations are made regarding the best-practices to use in the commercial culture of the yabby. Of paramount importance is the further clarification of the nutritional requirements and feeding preferences of animals in various phases of development.


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Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a major cause of death in Western countries. Mediterranean and Asian populations have a lower risk of death from CHD compared to Westernised population, as do vegetarian versus omnivorous populations. Dietary constituents of traditional diets consumed by these populations are thought to influence both the classical risk factors for CHD, and the more recently identified risk factors, such as oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL), LDL particle size, arterial compliance and haemostatic factors. The aim of this thesis was to examine the effects of several food components, particularly soybean and monounsaturated fat (MUFA), on CHD risk factors through 3 carefully controlled dietary interventions, and a cross-sectional study. A randomised crossover dietary intervention study was conducted in 42 healthy males to investigate the effect on CHD risk factors of replacing lean meat with tofu, a soybean product regularly consumed by Asian populations, while controlling all other dietary factors. The tofu diet resulted in significantly lower total cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels compared to the lean meat diet, and LDL particles that were more resistant to in vitro oxidative modification. However, insulin, fibrinogen, factor VII, and lipoprotein (a) were not significantly different on the 2 diets. A postprandial study was subsequently conducted to investigate any acute effects of a tofu test meal on the oxidative modification of LDL in 16 male subjects. There was no significant difference between the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative modification before and after the tofu meal. Twenty eight healthy subjects completed a separate randomised crossover dietary intervention comparing a high MUFA fat diet, using an Australian high oleic sunflower oil, with a low fat, high carbohydrate diet on CHD risk factors. The high MUFA oil diet significantly increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol compared to the low fat diet as well as producing LDL that were more resistant to oxidative modification. Neither the size of the LDL particle nor arterial compliance were significantly different on the 2 diets. Twelve matched pairs of vegetations and omnivores were also studies to compare the habitual diet of a low and higher risk population group, to compare their risk factors and identify dietary constituents that may explain the differences. The vegetarians consumed less saturated fat (SFA) and dietary cholesterol while consuming more polyunsaturated fat, dietary fibre and vitamin E compared to omnivores. The vegetarians had lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels compared to the omnivores and had LDL particles that were more resistant to in vitro oxidation. These findings contribute to our knowledge about the dietary constituents that can alter some CHD risk factors in healthy subjects, and which could reduce the risk of developing CHD. Investigations in high risk groups might reveal even more benefits.


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Background: Structured lipids are being incorporated into foods to reduce their energy value. One such lipid is rich in stearic acid.
Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the effects on plasma lipids of a stearic acid–rich triacylglycerol and a fat rich in palmitic acid in hypercholesterolemic subjects.
Design: Fifteen subjects with an average plasma cholesterol concentration of 6.13 ± 0.80 mmol/L initially ate a low-fat diet for 2 wk (run-in period), followed in random order and blinded fashion by 2 high-fat diets (for 5 wk each) containing foods derived from margarines rich either in palmitic acid or in the structured, stearic acid–rich triacylglycerol.
Results: Plasma cholesterol concentrations with the low-fat, the stearic acid–rich, and the palmitic acid–rich diets were not significantly different (5.35 ± 0.83, 5.41 ± 0.78, and 5.52 ± 0.68 mmol/L, respectively) but were significantly lower (P < 0.001) than those measured during the habitual diet period (ie, 2 wk before the study began). Neither HDL cholesterol nor plasma triacylglycerol differed significantly among the 3 study diets.
Conclusion: A similar increase in the intake of stearic and palmitic acids (differing by <5% of total energy) to ensure a high fat intake resulted in plasma total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations that did not differ significantly from concentrations measured during a period of low-fat intake.


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Background and Aim:  Reduction of short-chain poorly absorbed carbohydrates (FODMAPs) in the diet reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In the present study, we aimed to compare the patterns of breath hydrogen and methane and symptoms produced in response to diets that differed only in FODMAP content.
Methods:  Fifteen healthy subjects and 15 with IBS (Rome III criteria) undertook a single-blind, crossover intervention trial involving consuming provided diets that were either low (9 g/day) or high (50 g/day) in FODMAPs for 2 days. Food and gastrointestinal symptom diaries were kept and breath samples collected hourly over 14 h on day 2 of each diet.
Results:  Higher levels of breath hydrogen were produced over the entire day with the high FODMAP diet for healthy volunteers (181 ± 77 ppm.14 h vs 43 ± 18; mean ± SD P < 0.0001) and patients with IBS (242 ± 79 vs 62 ± 23; P < 0.0001), who had higher levels during each dietary period than the controls (P < 0.05). Breath methane, produced by 10 subjects within each group, was reduced with the high FODMAP intake in healthy subjects (47 ± 29 vs 109 ± 77; P = 0.043), but was not different in patients with IBS (126 ± 153 vs 86 ± 72). Gastrointestinal symptoms and lethargy were significantly induced by the high FODMAP diet in patients with IBS, while only increased flatus production was reported by healthy volunteers.
Conclusions:Dietary FODMAPs induce prolonged hydrogen production in the intestine that is greater in IBS, influence the amount of methane produced, and induce gastrointestinal and systemic symptoms experienced by patients with IBS. The results offer mechanisms underlying the efficacy of the low FODMAP diet in IBS.


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BACKGROUND: Studies of sodium have shown improvements in vascular function and blood pressure (BP). The effect of chronic sodium loading from a low-sodium diet to a Western diet on vascular function and BP has been less well studied.

OBJECTIVE: The objective was to examine the effects of dietary salt intake on vascular function and BP.

DESIGN: Thirty-five hypertensive volunteers met the inclusion criteria. After a 2-wk run-in with a low-sodium diet (60 mmol/d), the participants maintained their diets and were randomly assigned to receive sequentially 1 of 3 interventions for 4 wk, with a 2-wk washout between interventions: sodium-free tomato juice (A), tomato juice containing 90 mmol Na (B), and tomato juice containing 140 mmol Na (C). The outcomes were changes in pulse wave velocity (PWV), systolic BP (SBP), and diastolic BP (DBP).

RESULTS: The difference in PWV between interventions B and A was 0.39 m/s (95% CI: 0.18, 0.60 m/s; P = 0.001) and between C and A was 0.35 m/s (95% CI: 0.13, 0.57 m/s; P = 0.01). Differences in SBP and DBP between interventions B and A were 4.4 mm Hg (95% CI: 1.2, 7.8 mm Hg; P = 0.01) and 2.4 mm Hg (95% CI: 0.8, 4.1 mm Hg; P = 0.001), respectively, and between interventions C and A were 5.6 mm Hg (95% CI: 2.7, 8.4 mm Hg; P = 0.01) and 3.3 mm Hg (95% CI: 1.5, 5.0 mm Hg; P = 0.001), respectively. Changes in PWV correlated with changes in SBP (r = 0.52) and DBP (r = 0.58).

Dietary salt loading produced significant increases in PWV and BP in hypertensive volunteers. Correlations between BP and PWV suggest that salt loading may have a BP-independent effect on vascular wall function. This further supports the importance of dietary sodium restriction in the management of hypertension. This trial was registered with the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry as ACTRN12609000161224.


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To investigate the associations between sociodemographic factors and both diet indicators and food security among socio-economically disadvantaged populations in two different (national) contextual settings.

Logistic regression was used to determine cross-sectional associations between nationality, marital status, presence of children in the household, education, employment status and household income (four low income categories) with daily fruit and vegetable consumption, low-fat milk consumption and food security.

Socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the UK and Australia.

Two samples of low-income women from disadvantaged neighbourhoods: (i) in the UK, the 2003–05 Low Income Diet and Nutrition Survey (LIDNS; n 643); and (ii) in Australia, the 2007–08 Resilience for Eating and Activity Despite Inequality (READI; n 1340).

The influence of nationality, marital status and children in the household on the dietary outcomes varied between the two nations. Obtaining greater education qualifications was the most telling factor associated with healthier dietary behaviours. Being employed was positively associated with low-fat milk consumption in both nations and with fruit consumption in the UK, while income was not associated with dietary behaviours in either nation. In Australia, the likelihood of being food secure was higher among those who were born outside Australia, married, employed or had a greater income, while higher income was the only significant factor in the UK.

The identification of factors that differently influence dietary behaviours and food security in socio-economically disadvantaged populations in the UK and Australia suggests continued efforts need to be made to ensure that interventions and policy responses are informed by the best available local evidence.


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A suboptimal in utero environment leads to fetal adaptations to ensure short-term survival but in the long-term may lead to disease when the postnatal growth does not reflect that in utero. This study examined the effect of IUGR on whole body insulin sensitivity and metabolic activity in adult rats. Female Wistar-Kyoto rats were fed either a normal protein diet (NPD 20% casein) or a low protein diet (LPD; 8.7% casein) during pregnancy and 2 wk of lactation. In offspring at 32 wk of age, indirect calorimetry and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) were performed to assess metabolic activity and body composition. Insulin sensitivity was assessed using a euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp. At 3 d of age, male and female LPD offspring were 23 and 27% smaller than controls, respectively. They remained significantly smaller throughout the experimental period (~10% smaller at 32 wk). Importantly, there was increased insulin sensitivity in LPD offspring (47% increase in males and 38% increase in females); pancreatic insulin content was normal. Body composition, O2 consumption, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), and locomotor activity were not different to controls. These findings suggest that in the absence of “catch-up” growth IUGR programs for improved insulin sensitivity.


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Individuals born after intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) are at an increased risk of developing diabetes in their adult life. IUGR impairs β-cell function and reduces β-cell mass, thereby diminishing insulin secretion. IUGR also induces insulin resistance, with impaired insulin signaling in muscle in adult humans who were small for gestational age (SGA) and in rodent models of IUGR. There is epidemiological evidence in humans that exercise in adults can reduce the risk of metabolic disease following IUGR. However, it is not clear whether adult IUGR individuals benefit to the same extent from exercise as do normal-birth-weight individuals, as our rat studies suggest less of a benefit in those born IUGR. Importantly, however, there is some evidence from studies in rats that exercise in early life might be able to reverse or reprogram the long-term metabolic effects of IUGR. Studies are needed to address gaps in current knowledge, including determining the mechanisms involved in the reprogramming effects of early exercise in rats, whether exercise early in life or in adulthood has similar beneficial metabolic effects in larger animal models in which insulin resistance develops after IUGR. Human studies are also needed to determine whether exercise training improves insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity to the same extent in IUGR adults as in control populations. Such investigations will have implications for customizing the recommended level and timing of exercise to improve metabolic health after IUGR.


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The arctic climate places high demands on the energy metabolism of its inhabitants. We measured resting (RMR) and basal metabolic rates (BMR), body temperatures, and dry and wet thermal conductances in summer morphs of the lemmings Dicrostonyx groenlandicus and Lemmus trimucronatus in arctic Canada, and the BMR of D. torquatus, D. groenlandicus, L. sibiricus, L. bungei and L. trimucronatus in Siberia. In contrast to previous studies the data were collected on animals that had spent only a limited time in captivity. All parameters were analysed in relation to the variations in body mass (20-90 g). Body temperature and BMR were lower in D. groenlandicus than L. trimucronatus, which coincides with greater longevity in the former species. Wet and dry thermal conductances of both species were similar and comparable with those of other Myomorpha (mouse-type rodents), indicating no evidence for a previously claimed lower thermal conductance in lemmings. BMR in lemmings appeared to be higher than in other Arvicolidae (voles, lemmings and muskrats), which could relate to their typically high-latitude distribution. However, the more southerly living Lemmus species had higher BMR than the more northerly living Dicrostonyx species, which may be explained by the former having a relatively low-quality diet.


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Protein and caloric malnutrition has been considered one of the most concerned endemic diseases in Brazil and in the world. It has been known that depletion or reduction of proteins as far as meals are concerned can steer irreversible damages upon several organic systems. This study had as aim evaluate the effects the low-protein diet had over the formation and composition of the teeth components. 18 females and 6 males were used for the experiment. 12 from the 18 females had undertaken the low-protein diet (DH) for 03 weeks and the other 6, which remained, and those males had undertaken a controlled diet (DC) for the same period. All animals had the diets during their mating, pregnancy and lactation cycle. As soon as the offsprings had been born, 10 young males and females of each group faced a disease hood analysis to check the teeth germs of their lower fore teeth. The rest of the group had their lactation cycle normally 60 days. Then they were put to death and had their lower fore teeth removed both to be analyzed through a scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) of the structure alterations and to have their calcium checked by an atomic absorption of the phosphorus vanadate-molibdate method and by other minerals EDX method. The animals livers were removed to have their hepatic proteins analyzed as well. The histopatologic study showed that at first day of birth, all animals had their lower fore teeth come out. It was verified that 90% of the animals teeth were in an apposition and calcification period and it was possible to observe the dentin formation from 60% of the 90% already mentioned. Through the SEM method it could be realized that 90% of the animals of the DH group had their lower fore teeth easily broken and no definite shape. In this same group itself, it was also observed long micro fissures 369,66 nm ± 3,45 while the DC group had fissures of 174 nm ± 5,72. Now regarding the calcium and phosphorus concentration, it could be noticed that there was a great reduction of these components and other minerals in the DH group. Almost all minerals, except for the Cl and K, presented higher levels in the DC group enamel.The reduction of the protein input greatly influenced the offsprings´ weight and height. However the hepatic proteins had no important difference between the groups what can make one believe that those animals suffered from protein malnutrition of marasmic kind


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O quilotórax corresponde ao acúmulo de fluido linfático em um ou em ambos os espaços pleurais, resultante do extravasamento de linfa do ducto torácico ou de uma de suas divisões principais. Este pode estar associado à ascite quilosa em pacientes com distúrbios linfáticos sistêmicos, como na linfangiectasia, em decorrência de defeitos no transporte linfático-venoso do quilo da cavidade torácica para a circulação sistêmica. A linfangiectasia intestinal é um distúrbio obstrutivo que envolve o sistema linfático do órgão e revela-se como a causa mais comum de enteropatias associadas à má absorção e perda de proteínas em cães. São apresentados no presente relato o controle clínico com o uso de dieta caseira com baixa gordura e a quantificação da função digestiva, por meio da determinação da digestibilidade do alimento, em um cão acometido por quilotórax secundário à linfangiectasia intestinal. A dieta caseira incluiu arroz, peito de frango, cenoura, carbonato de cálcio, levedura de cerveja, suplemento vitamínico e mineral e sal. O ensaio de digestibilidade foi conduzido pelo método de coleta total de fezes. A dieta caseira foi eficaz em interromper o acúmulo de efusão quilosa torácica, restabelecer as concentrações de proteína total e albumina e promover ganho de peso no paciente. Os resultados da digestibilidade demonstraram menor aproveitamento de todos os nutrientes no cão com linfangiectasia em relação ao controle sadio.