986 resultados para Linear Quadratic


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The possible equivalence of second-order non-linear systems having quadratic and cubic damping with third-order linear systems is studied in this paper. It is shown that this equivalence can be established through transformation techniques under certain constraints on the form of the non-linearity of the given system.


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The paper deals with the existence of a quadratic Lyapunov function V = x′P(t)x for an exponentially stable linear system with varying coefficients described by the vector differential equation S0305004100044777_inline1 The derivative dV/dt is allowed to be strictly semi-(F) and the locus dV/dt = 0 does not contain any arc of the system trajectory. It is then shown that the coefficient matrix A(t) of the exponentially stable sy


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We develop a quadratic C degrees interior penalty method for linear fourth order boundary value problems with essential and natural boundary conditions of the Cahn-Hilliard type. Both a priori and a posteriori error estimates are derived. The performance of the method is illustrated by numerical experiments.


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Presentamos algunos resultados de una investigación más amplia cuyo objetivo general es describir y caracterizar el razonamiento inductivo que utilizan estudiantes de tercero y cuarto de Secundaria al resolver tareas relacionadas con sucesiones lineales y cuadráticas (Cañadas, 2007). Identificamos diferencias en el empleo de algunos de los pasos considerados para la descripción del razonamiento inductivo en la resolución de dos de los seis problemas planteados a los estudiantes. Describimos estas diferencias y las analizamos en función de las características de los problemas.


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There has been much interest recently in the analysis of optomechanical systems incorporating dielectric nano- or microspheres inside a cavity field. We analyse here the situation when one of the mirrors of the cavity itself is also allowed to move. We reveal that the interplay between the two oscillators yields a cross-coupling that results in, e.g., appreciable cooling and squeezing of the motion of the sphere, despite its nominal quadratic coupling. We also discuss a simple modification that would allow this cross-coupling to be removed at will, thereby yielding a purely quadratic coupling for the sphere.


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Electromagnetic induction (EMI) method results are shown for vertical magnetic dipole (VMD) configuration by using the EM38 equipment. Performance in the location of metallic pipes and electrical cables is compared as a function of instrumental drift correction by linear and quadratic adjusting under controlled conditions. Metallic pipes and electrical cables are buried at the IAG/USP shallow geophysical test site in Sao Paulo City. Brazil. Results show that apparent electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility data were affected by ambient temperature variation. In order to obtain better contrast between background and metallic targets it was necessary to correct the drift. This correction was accomplished by using linear and quadratic relation between conductivity/susceptibility and temperature intending comparative studies. The correction of temperature drift by using a quadratic relation was effective, showing that all metallic targets were located as well deeper targets were also improved. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cooper pairing is studied in three dimensions to determine its binding energy for all coupling using a general separable interfermion interaction. Also considered are Cooper pairs (CPs) with nonzero center-of-mass momentum (CMM). A coupling-independent linear term in the CMM dominates the pair excitation energy in weak coupling and/or high fermion density, while the more familiar quadratic term prevails only in the extreme low-density (i.e., vacuum) limit for any nonzero coupling. The linear-to-quadratic crossover of the CP dispersion relation is analyzed numerically, and is expected to play a central role in a model of superconductivity (and superfluidity) simultaneously accommodating a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer condensate as well as a Bose-Einstein condensate of CP bosons. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B,V. All rights reserved.


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Similarity solutions for flow over an impermeable, non-linearly (quadratic) stretching sheet were studied recently by Raptis and Perdikis (Int. J. Non-linear Mech. 41 (2006) 527–529) using a stream function of the form ψ=αxf(η)+βx2g(η). A fundamental error in their problem formulation is pointed out. On correction, it is shown that similarity solutions do not exist for this choice of ψ