978 resultados para Linear Analytical Systems


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A method has been developed for the direct determination of As in sugar by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with a transversely heated graphite atomizer (end-capped THGA) and longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction. The thermal behavior of As during the pyrolysis and atomization steps was investigated in sugar solutions containing 0.2% (v/v) HNO3 using Pd, Ni, and a mixture of Pd + Mg as the chemical modifiers. For a 60-muL sugar solution, an aliquot of 8% (m/v) in 0.2% (v/v)HNO3 was dispensed into a pre-heated graphite tube at 70 degreesC. Linear analytical curves were obtained in the 0.25 - 1.50-mug L-1 As range. Using 5 mug Pd and a first pyrolysis step at 600 degreesC assisted by air during 40 s, the formation of a large amount of carbonaceous residue inside the atomizer was avoided. The characteristic mass was calculated as 24 pg As and the lifetime of the graphite tube was around 280 firings. The limit of detection (L.O.D.) based on integrated absorbance was 0.08 mug L-1 (4.8 pg As) and the typical relative standard deviation (n = 12) was 7% for a sugar solution containing 0.5 mug L-1. Recoveries of As added to sugar samples varied from 86 to 98%. The accuracy was checked in the direct analysis of eight sugar samples. A paired t-test showed that the results were in agreement at the 95% confidence level with those obtained for acid-digested sugar samples by GFAAS.


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New Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) conditions are proposed for the following problem, called Strictly Positive Real (SPR) synthesis: given a linear time-invariant plant, find a constant output feedback matrix Ko and a constant output tandem matrix F for the controlled system to be SPR. It is assumed that the plant has the number of outputs greater than the number of inputs. Some sufficient conditions for the solution of the problem are presented and compared. These results can be directly applied in the LMI-based design of Variable Structure Control (VSC) of uncertain plants. ©2008 IEEE.


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In this paper, the dynamical response of a coupled oscillator is investigated, taking in consideration the nonlinear behavior of a SMA spring coupling the two oscillators. Due to the nonlinear coupling terms, the system exhibits both regular and chaotic motions. The Poincaré sections for different sets of coupling parameters are verified. © 2011 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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Na atualidade, o estudo do desempenho térmico de um sistema de refrigeração por compressão de vapor representa uma ferramenta importante no auxílio do desenvolvimento de novos produtos ou melhoria dos já existentes. Um modelo de simulação em regime permanente foi elaborado para avaliar o desempenho do sistema frigorífico. O sistema estudado inclui uma Central de Ar Condicionado, modelo PA HILTON, constituída de um compressor alternativo do tipo semi-hermético, evaporador e condensador compacto de tubos e aletas e uma válvula de expansão termostática. O modelo do condensador considera três regiões distintas de troca de calor as quais são respectivamente a região de dessuperaquecimento, condensação e subresfriamento. Para a modelagem do evaporador, foram consideradas as regiões de evaporação e superaquecimento. No modelo de simulação foram utilizadas correlações adequadas para a estimativa dos coeficientes de transferência de calor e perda de pressão para cada região do evaporador e condensador. Não foram consideradas a transferência de calor e queda de pressão nas linhas de conexão entre os componentes. A solução do sistema de equações não lineares resultantes da modelagem matemática dos componentes do sistema simulado foi obtida utilizando-se o método das substituições sucessivas com o emprego do software Engineenng Equation Solver . Os resultados obtidos pelo modelo de simulação apresentaram erros inferiores a 9% em relação aos valores experimentais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study is to develop a new enzymeless electroanalytical method for the indirect quantification of creatinine from urine sample. This method is based on the electrochemical monitoring of picrate anion reduction at a glassy carbon electrode in an alkaline medium before and after it has reacted with creatinine (Jaffe's reaction). By using the differential pulse voltammetry technique under the optimum experimental conditions (step potential, amplitude potential, reaction time, and temperature), a linear analytical curve was obtained for concentrations of creatinine ranging from 1 to 80 mu mol L-1, with a detection limit of 380 nmol L-1. This proposed method was used to measure creatinine in human urine without the interference of most common organic species normally present in biological fluids (e.g., uric acid, ascorbic acid, glucose, and phosphocreatinine). The results obtained using urine samples were highly similar to the results obtained using the reference spectrophotometric method (at a 95% confidence level). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Linear dispersal systems, such as coastal habitats, are well suited for phylogeographic studies because of their low spatial complexity compared to three dimensional habitats. Widely distributed coastal plant species additionally show azonal and often essentially continuous distributions. These properties, firstly, make it easier to reconstruct historical distributions of coastal plants and, secondly, make it more likely that present distributions contain both Quaternary refugia and recently colonized areas. Taken together this makes it easier to formulate phylogeographic hypotheses. This work investigated the phylogeography of Cakile maritima and Eryngium maritimum, two species growing in sandy habitats along the north Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea coasts on two different spatial scales using AFLP data. The genetic structure of these species was investigated by sampling single individuals along most of their distributions from Turkey to south Sweden. On a regional scale the population genetic structure of both species was also studied in detail in the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, the Strait of Gibraltar and along a continuous stretch of dunes in western France. Additionally, populations of C. maritima were investigated in the Baltic Sea/Kattegat/North Sea area. Over the complete sampling range the species show both differences and similarities in their genetic structure. In the Mediterranean Sea, both species contain Aegean Sea/Black Sea and west Mediterranean clusters. Cakile maritima additionally shows a clustering of Ionian Sea/Adriatic Sea collections. Further, both species show a subdivision of Atlantic Ocean/North Sea/Baltic Sea material from Mediterranean. Within the Atlantic Ocean group, C. maritima from the Baltic Sea and the most northern Atlantic localities form an additional cluster while no such substructure was found in E. maritimum. In all three instances where population genetic investigations of both species were performed in the same area, the results showed almost complete congruency of spatial genetic patterns. In the Aegean/Black Sea/Marmara region a subdivision of populations into a Black Sea, a Sea of Marmara and an Aegean Sea group is shared by both species. In addition the Sea of Marmara populations are more close to the Aegean Sea populations than they are to the Black Sea populations in both cases. Populations from the Atlantic side of the Strait of Gibraltar are differentiated from those on the Mediterranean side in both species, a pattern that confirms the results of the wide scale study. Along the dunes of West France no clear genetic structure could be detected in any of the species. Additionally, the results from the Baltic Sea/North Sea populations of C. maritima did not reveal any geographical genetic pattern. It is postulated that the many congruencies between the species are mainly due to a predominantly sea water mediated seed dispersal in both species and their shared sandy habitat. The results are compared to hypothetical distributions for the last glacial maximum based on species specific temperature requirements. It is argued that in both species the geographical borders of the clusters in the Mediterranean area were not affected by quaternary temperature changes and that the Aegean/Black Sea/Marmara cluster, and possibly the Ionian Sea/Adriatic Sea cluster in C. maritima, is the result of sea currents that isolate these basins from the rest of the sampled areas. The genetic gap in the Strait of Gibraltar between Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea populations in both species is also explained in terms of sea currents. The existence of three subgroups corresponding to the Aegean Sea, Black Sea and Sea of Marmara basins is suggested to have arisen due to geographical isolation during periods of global sea regressions in the glacials. The population genetic evidence was inconclusive regarding the Baltic Sea cluster of C. Maritima from the wide scale study. The results of this study are very similar to those of an investigation of three other coastal plant species over a similar range. This suggests that the phylo-geographic patterns of widespread coastal plants may be more predictable than those of other terrestrial plants.


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Detection, localization and tracking of non-collaborative objects moving inside an area is of great interest to many surveillance applications. An ultra- wideband (UWB) multistatic radar is considered as a good infrastructure for such anti-intruder systems, due to the high range resolution provided by the UWB impulse-radio and the spatial diversity achieved with a multistatic configuration. Detection of targets, which are typically human beings, is a challenging task due to reflections from unwanted objects in the area, shadowing, antenna cross-talks, low transmit power, and the blind zones arised from intrinsic peculiarities of UWB multistatic radars. Hence, we propose more effective detection, localization, as well as clutter removal techniques for these systems. However, the majority of the thesis effort is devoted to the tracking phase, which is an essential part for improving the localization accuracy, predicting the target position and filling out the missed detections. Since UWB radars are not linear Gaussian systems, the widely used tracking filters, such as the Kalman filter, are not expected to provide a satisfactory performance. Thus, we propose the Bayesian filter as an appropriate candidate for UWB radars. In particular, we develop tracking algorithms based on particle filtering, which is the most common approximation of Bayesian filtering, for both single and multiple target scenarios. Also, we propose some effective detection and tracking algorithms based on image processing tools. We evaluate the performance of our proposed approaches by numerical simulations. Moreover, we provide experimental results by channel measurements for tracking a person walking in an indoor area, with the presence of a significant clutter. We discuss the existing practical issues and address them by proposing more robust algorithms.


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Kulturlandschaften als Ausdruck einer über viele Jahrhunderte währenden intensiven Interaktion zwischen Menschen und der sie umgebenden natürlichen Umwelt, sind ein traditionelles Forschungsobjekt der Geographie. Mensch/Natur-Interaktionen führen zu Veränderungen der natürlichen Umwelt, indem Menschen Landschaften kultivieren und modifizieren. Die Mensch/Natur-Interaktionen im Weinbau sind intensiv rückgekoppelt, Veränderungen der natürlichen Umwelt wirken auf die in den Kulturlandschaften lebenden und wirtschaftenden Winzer zurück und beeinflussen deren weiteres Handeln, was wiederum Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der gesamten Weinbau-Kulturlandschaft hat. Kulturlandschaft wird aus diesem Grund als ein heterogenes Wirkungsgefüge sozialer und natürlicher Elemente konzeptionalisiert, an dessen Entwicklung soziale und natürliche Elemente gleichzeitig und wechselseitig beteiligt sind. Grundlegend für die vorliegende Arbeit ist die Überzeugung, dass sich Kulturlandschaften durch Mensch/Natur-Interaktionen permanent neu organisieren und nie in einen Gleichgewichtszustand geraten, sondern sich ständig weiterentwickeln und wandeln. Die Komplexitätstheorie bietet hierfür die geeignete theoretische Grundlage. Sie richtet ihren Fokus auf die Entwicklung und den Wandel von Systemen und sucht dabei nach den Funktionsweisen von Systemzusammenhängen, um ein Verständnis für das Gesamtsystemverhalten von nicht-linearen dynamischen Systemen zu erreichen. Auf der Grundlage der Komplexitätstheorie wird ein Untersuchungsschema entwickelt, dass es ermöglich, die sozio-ökonomischen und raum-strukturellen Veränderungsprozesse in der Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung als sich wechselseitig beeinflussenden Systemzusammenhang zu erfassen. Die Rekonstruktion von Entwicklungsphasen, die Analysen von raum-strukturellen Mustern und Akteurskonstellationen sowie die Identifikation von Bifurkationspunkten in der Systemgeschichte sind dabei von übergeordneter Bedeutung. Durch die Untersuchung sowohl der physisch-räumlichen als auch der sozio-ökonomischen Dimension der Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung im Weinbau des Oberen Mittelrheintals soll ein Beitrag für die geographische Erforschung von Mensch/Natur-Interaktionen im Schnittstellenbereich von Physischer Geographie und Humangeographie geleistet werden. Die Anwendung des Untersuchungsschemas erfolgt auf den Weinbau im Oberen Mittelrheintal. Das Anbaugebiet ist seit vielen Jahrzehnten einem starken Rückgang an Weinbaubetrieben und Rebfläche unterworfen. Die rückläufigen Entwicklungen seit 1950 verliefen dabei nicht linear, sondern differenzierten das System in unterschiedliche Entwicklungspfade aus. Die Betriebsstrukturen und die Rahmenbedingungen im Weinbau veränderten sich grundlegend, was sichtbare Spuren in der Kulturlandschaft hinterließ. Dies zu rekonstruieren, zu analysieren und die zu verschiedenen Phasen der Entwicklung bedeutenden externen und internen Einflussfaktoren zu identifizieren, soll dazu beitragen, ein tief greifendes Verständnis für das selbstorganisierte Systemverhalten zu generieren und darauf basierende Handlungsoptionen für zukünftige Eingriffe in die Systementwicklung aufzuzeigen