938 resultados para Limit to infinity
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this paper, synthesis of the Fe55Pt45/Fe3O4 core/shell structured nanoparticles using the modified polyol process combined with the seed-mediated growth method is reported. Iron oxide shell thickness was tuned controlling the Fe(acac)(3)/FePt seeds in the reaction medium. Annealing of the core/shell structure leads to iron-rich layer formation around the hard FePt phase in the nanoparticle core. However, the 2 nm Fe3O4 shell thickness seems to be the limit to obtain the enhanced magnetization close to the alpha-Fe and preserving an iron oxide shell after annealing at 500 degrees C for 30 min in a reducing atmosphere. The presence of both the oxide layer on nanoparticle surface and an intermediate iron-rich FePt layer after annealing promote strong decreases in the coercive field of the 2-nm-oxide shell thickness. These annealed nanoparticles were functionalized with dextran, presenting the enhanced characteristics for biomedical applications such as higher magnetization, very low coercivity, and a slightly iron oxide passivated layer, which leads an easy functionalization and decreases the nanoparticle toxicity.
O uso da fertirrigação possibilita a obtenção de bons resultados, todavia é notada a necessidade de trabalhos que venham possibilitar a adoção correta da técnica. Dessa forma ,o presente trabalho buscou comparar a uniformidade de distribuição do potássio e do nitrogênio em sistema de irrigação por gotejamento. A solução de fertilizantes foi injetada durante 25 minutos, sendo recolhidas amostras de solução em diferentes momentos, durante e após ter sido finalizada a operação de injeção, tendo sido especificado o tempo de 35 minutos após o início da operação de injeção da solução de fertilizantes, como tempo-limite para a coleta da última amostra. As amostras coletadas tiveram os teores de potássio (K+) e nitrogênio (NO3- + NH4+) determinados. Com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que não houve variação significativa da uniformidade de distribuição de nitrogênio e de potássio no sistema de irrigação por gotejamento; maiores tempos de funcionamento de sistemas de irrigação, quando em operação de fertirrigação, possibilitam melhores uniformidades de distribuição do fertilizante, e deve-se calcular o tempo de lavagem do sistema de irrigação, pois é uma forma de melhorar a uniformidade de distribuição do fertilizante no campo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram alocados aleatoriamente vinte trabalhadores expostos ocupacionalmente ao chumbo em uma indústria de acumuladores elétricos de médio porte, no interior do Estado de São Paulo, os quais apresentavam plumbemia e excreção urinária do ácido delta-aminolevulínico, nos últimos dois anos, sempre menores que 60 µg/dL e 10 mg/L, respectivamente. Os trabalhadores foram submetidos a eletroneurografia do nervo radial direito e a dosagem de plumbemia. Com estas medidas ajustou-se um modelo de regressão linear simples de primeira ordem, tendo como variável dependente a velocidade de condução e como variável independente a plumbemia. Analisando-se a regressão ajustada, infere-se que o valor preditivo negativo do limite de tolerância biológica brasileiro aplicado à plumbemia seja de apenas 0,63. O estudo sugere que o valor do referido limite de tolerância deva ser reduzido do atual valor de 60 µg/dL para 32 µg/dL, para ter um valor preditivo negativo de 0,99.
In this paper, we prove the exponential decay as time goes to infinity of regular solutions of the problem for the Kirchhoff wave equation with nonlocal condition and weak dampingu(tt) - M (\\delU\\(2)(2)) Deltau + integral(0)(t) g(t - s)Deltau(.,s) ds + alphau(t) = 0, in (Q) over cap,where (Q) over cap is a noncylindrical domain of Rn+1 (n greater than or equal to 1) with the lateral boundary (&USigma;) over cap and alpha is a positive constant. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A Fortran computer program is given for the computation of the adjusted average time to signal, or AATS, for adaptive (X) over bar charts with one, two, or all three design parameters variable: the sample size, n, the sampling interval, h, and the factor k used in determining the width of the action limits. The program calculates the threshold limit to switch the adaptive design parameters and also provides the in-control average time to signal, or ATS.
Let (a, b) subset of (0, infinity) and for any positive integer n, let S-n be the Chebyshev space in [a, b] defined by S-n:= span{x(-n/2+k),k= 0,...,n}. The unique (up to a constant factor) function tau(n) is an element of S-n, which satisfies the orthogonality relation S(a)(b)tau(n)(x)q(x) (x(b - x)(x - a))(-1/2) dx = 0 for any q is an element of Sn-1, is said to be the orthogonal Chebyshev S-n-polynomials. This paper is an attempt to exibit some interesting properties of the orthogonal Chebyshev S-n-polynomials and to demonstrate their importance to the problem of approximation by S-n-polynomials. A simple proof of a Jackson-type theorem is given and the Lagrange interpolation problem by functions from S-n is discussed. It is shown also that tau(n) obeys an extremal property in L-q, 1 less than or equal to q less than or equal to infinity. Natural analogues of some inequalities for algebraic polynomials, which we expect to hold for the S-n-pelynomials, are conjectured.
In this work we consider the dynamic consequences of the existence of infinite heteroclinic cycle in planar polynomial vector fields, which is a trajectory connecting two saddle points at infinity. It is stated that, although the saddles which form the cycle belong to infinity, for certain types of nonautonomous perturbations the perturbed system may present a complex dynamic behavior of the solutions in a finite part of the phase plane, due to the existence of tangencies and transversal intersections of their stable and unstable manifolds. This phenomenon might be called the chaos arising from infinity. The global study at infinity is made via the Poincare Compactification and the argument used to prove the statement is the Birkhoff-Smale Theorem. (c) 2004 WILEY-NCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this research it was studied a system composed by the anaerobic filter combined with a sand filter for the wastewater treatment. For this, three anaerobic filters were operated with hydraulic detention time of nine hours which had the effluent disposed over four sand filters in different frequencies of application. on the first sand filter, 50 L.m(-2) were applied once a day. on the second, the third and the fourth filters, the same load was disposed in twice, three and four times a day, distributed between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. The system presented a final effluent suitable for the COD and BOD legislation maximum limit to be discharged into water body (Decreto Paulista no 8,468/1976), showing the viability of dispose a higher quantity of effluent then the one suggested by NBR 13969/1997, which guides the constructive aspects for this kind of treatment.
A Fortran computer program is given for the computation of the adjusted average time to signal, or AATS, for adaptive X̄ charts with one, two, or all three design parameters variable: the sample size, n, the sampling interval, h, and the factor k used in determining the width of the action limits. The program calculates the threshold limit to switch the adaptive design parameters and also provides the in-control average time to signal, or ATS.