988 resultados para Late Devonian Age


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La presente ricerca prende in esame le dinamiche archeologiche e storiche della regione egiziana del Fayyum durante il Nuovo Regno (1552 – 1069 a.C.). L’elaborato è suddiviso in quattro parti: la prima analizza tutti i contesti archeologici che hanno restituito materiale databile al Bronzo Tardo, la seconda riguarda, invece, la catalogazione di tutti i documenti iscritti provenienti dalla regione e databili al medesimo periodo. La terza parte rappresenta la sintesi dei dati acquisiti nelle due precedenti sezioni e descrive il divenire storico regionale tra XVIII, XIX e XX dinastia, mentre la quarta parte, un’appendice prosopografica, chiude l’intero studio. I contesti archeologici fayyumici che hanno restituito materiale databile al Bronzo Tardo sono solamente sette: Gurob, el-Lahun, Haraga, Hawara, Medinet Madi, Shedet e Tebtynis. La distribuzione della documentazione tende a concentrarsi, dal punto di vista territoriale nell’area d’ingresso della regione, mentre dal punto di vista cronologico sono molto ben attestate la seconda metà dell’epoca thutmoside, l’età amarniana e la prima parte dell’epoca ramesside. Per quanto la documentazione regionale pertinente al Nuovo Regno sia estremamente rarefatta, soprattutto se paragonata a quella contestualizzabile cronologicamente ad altri periodi storici, un’attenta analisi delle testimonianze porta a collocare il Fayyum in una fitta trama di rapporti politici, economici e militari non solo con il resto del Paese ma anche con altre aree geografiche, esterne all’Egitto.


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Lo scopo di questa ricerca è la ricostruzione dei Lungarni di Pisa nel Tardo Medioevo (XIV-XV secolo); lo studio intende sottolineare le trasformazioni urbanistiche che hanno cambiato il volto di Pisa nel corso del tempo e ricordare che l’area fluviale ebbe un ruolo di primo piano come baricentro commerciale ed economico della città, vocazione che si è in gran parte persa con l’età moderna e contemporanea. La metodologia seguita, affinata e perfezionata durante la partecipazione al progetto Nu.M.E. (Nuovo Museo Elettronico della Città di Bologna), si basa sull’analisi e il confronto di fonti eterogenee ma complementari, che includono precedenti studi di storia dell’urbanistica, un corpus di documentazione di epoca medievale (provvedimenti amministrativi come gli Statuti del Comune di Pisa, ma anche descrizioni di cronisti e viaggiatori), fonti iconografiche, tra cui vedute e mappe cinquecentesche o successive, e fonti materiali, come le persistenze medievali ancora osservabili all’interno degli edifici ed i reperti rinvenuti durante alcune campagne di scavo archeologiche. Il modello 3D non è concepito come statico e “chiuso”, ma è liberamente esplorabile all’interno di un engine tridimensionale; tale prodotto può essere destinato a livelli di utenza diversi, che includono sia studiosi e specialisti interessati a conoscere un maggior numero di informazioni e ad approfondire la ricerca, sia semplici cittadini appassionati di storia o utenti più giovani, come studenti di scuole medie superiori e inferiori.


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In this study two ophiolites and a mafic-ultramafic complexes of the northeastern Aegean Sea, Greece, have been investigated to re-evaluate their petrogenetic evolution and tectonic setting. These complexes are: the mafic-ultramafic complex of Lesvos Island and the ophiolites of Samothraki Island and the Evros area. In order to examine these complexes in detail whole-rock major- and trace-elements as well as Sr and Nd isotopes, and minerals were analysed and U-Pb SHRIMP ages on zircons were determined. The mafic-ultramafic complex of Lesvos Island consists of mantle peridotite thrusted over a tectonic mélange containing metasediments, metabasalts and a few metagabbros. This succession had previously been interpreted as an ophiolite of Late Jurassic age. The new field and geochemical data allow a reinterpretation of this complex as representing an incipient continental rift setting that led to the subsequent formation of the Meliata-Maliac-Vardar branches of Neotethys in Upper Permian times (253 ± 6 Ma) and the term “Lesvos ophiolite” should be abandoned. With proceeding subduction and closure of the Maliac Ocean in Late Jurassic times (155 Ma) the Lesvos mafic-ultramafic complex was obducted. Zircon ages of 777, 539 and 338 Ma from a gabbro strongly suggest inheritance from the intruded basement and correspond to ages of distinct terranes recently recognized in the Hellenides (e.g. Florina terrane). Geochemical similar complexes which contain rift associations with Permo-Triassic ages can be found elsewhere in Greece and Turkey, namely the Teke Dere Thrust Sheet below the Lycian Nappes (SW Turkey), the Pindos subophiolitic mélange (W Greece), the Volcanosedimentary Complex on Central Evia Island (Greece) and the Karakaya Complex (NW Turkey). This infers that the rift-related rocks from Lesvos belong to an important Permo-Triassic rifting episode in the eastern Mediterranean. The ‘in-situ’ ophiolite of Samothraki Island comprises gabbros, sparse dykes and basalt flows as well as pillows cut by late dolerite dykes and had conventionally been interpreted as having formed in an ensialic back-arc basin. The results of this study revealed that none of the basalts and dolerites resemble mid-ocean ridge or back-arc basin basalts thus suggesting that the Samothraki ophiolite cannot represent mature back-arc basin crust. The age of the complex is regarded to be 160 ± 5 Ma (i.e. Oxfordian; early Upper Jurassic), which precludes any correlation with the Lesvos mafic-ultramafic complex further south (253 ± 6 Ma; Upper Permian). Restoration of the block configuration in NE Greece, before extensional collapse of the Hellenic hinterland and exhumation of the Rhodope Metamorphic Core Complex (mid-Eocene to mid-Miocene), results in a continuous ophiolite belt from Guevgueli in the NW to Samothraki in the SE, thus assigning the latter to the Innermost Hellenic Ophiolite Belt. In view of the data of this study, the Samothraki ophiolite represents a rift propagation of the Sithonia ophiolite spreading ridge into the Chortiatis calc-alkaline arc. The ophiolite of the Evros area consists of a plutonic sequence comprising cumulate and non-cumulate gabbros with plagiogranite veins, and an extrusive sequence of basalt dykes, massive and pillow lavas as well as pyroclastic rocks. Furthermore, in the Rhodope Massif tectonic lenses of harzburgites and dunites can be found. All rocks are spatially separated. The analytical results of this study revealed an intra-oceanic island arc setting for the Evros ophiolitic rocks. During late Middle Jurassic times (169 ± 2 Ma) an intra-oceanic arc has developed above a northwards directed intra-oceanic subduction zone of the Vardar Ocean in front of the Rhodope Massif. The boninitic, island arc tholeiitic and calc-alkaline rocks reflect the evolution of the Evros island arc. The obduction of the ophiolitic rocks onto the Rhodope basement margin took place during closure of the Vardar ocean basins. The harzburgites and dunites of the Rhodope Massif are strongly depleted and resemble harzburgites from recent oceanic island arcs. After melt extraction they underwent enrichment processes by percolating melts and fluids from the subducted slab. The relationship of the peridotites and the Evros ophiolite is still ambiguous, but the stratigraphic positions of the peridotites and the ophiolitic rocks indicate separated origin. The harzburgites and dunites most probably represent remnants of the mantle wedge of the island arc of the Rhodope terrane formed above subducted slab of the Nestos Ocean in late Middle Jurassic times. During collision of the Thracia terrane with the Rhodope terrane thrusting of the Rhodope terrane onto the Thracia terrane took place, whereas the harzburgites and dunites were pushed between the two terranes now cropping out on top of the Thracia terrane of the Rhodope Massif.


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Mongolia occupies a central position within the eastern branch of the large accretionary Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) or Altaids. The present work aims to outline the geodynamic environment and possible evolution of this part of the eastern CAOB, predominantly from the Cambrian to the middle Palaeozoic. The investigation primarily focussed on zircon geochronology as well as whole-rock geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses for a variety of metaigneous rocks from the southern Hangay and Gobi-Altai regions in south-central Mongolia. The southern slope of the Hangay Mountains in central Mongolia exposes a large NWSE-trending middle Neoproterozoic ophiolitic complex (c. 650 Ma), which is tectonically integrated within an accretionary complex developed between the Precambrian Baydrag and Hangay crustal blocks. Formation of the entire accretionary system along the north-eastern margin of the Baydrag block mainly occurred during the early Cambrian, but convergence within this orogenic zone continued until the early Ordovician, because of on-going southward subduction-accretion of the Baydrag block. An important discovery is the identification of a late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic belt within the northern Gobi-Altai that was reworked during the late Cambrian and throughout the late Ordovician/Devonian. Early Silurian low-grade mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks from the northern Gobi-Altai display subduction-related geochemical features and highly heterogeneous Nd isotopic compositions, which suggest an origin at a mature active continental margin. Early Devonian protoliths of granodioritic and mafic gneisses from the southern Gobi-Altai display geochemical and Nd isotopic compositions compatible with derivation and evolution from predominantly juvenile crustal and mantel sources and these rocks may have been emplaced within the outboard portion of the late Ordovician/early Silurian active continental margin. Moreover, middle Devonian low-grade metavolcanic rocks from the southwestern Gobi-Altai yielded geochemical and Nd isotopic data consistent with emplacement in a transitional arc-backarc setting. The combined U–Pb zircon ages and geochemical data obtained from the Gobi-Altai region suggest that magmatism across an active continental margin migrated oceanwards through time by way of subduction zone retreat throughout the Devonian. Progressive extension of the continental margin was associated with the opening of a backarc basin and culminated in the late Devonian with the formation of a Japan-type arc front facing a southward open oceanic realm (present-day coordinates).


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As a large and long-lived species with high economic value, restricted spawning areas and short spawning periods, the Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT; Thunnus thynnus) is particularly susceptible to over-exploitation. Although BFT have been targeted by fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea for thousands of years, it has only been in these last decades that the exploitation rate has reached far beyond sustainable levels. An understanding of the population structure, spatial dynamics, exploitation rates and the environmental variables that affect BFT is crucial for the conservation of the species. The aims of this PhD project were 1) to assess the accuracy of larval identification methods, 2) determine the genetic structure of modern BFT populations, 3) assess the self-recruitment rate in the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean spawning areas, 4) estimate the immigration rate of BFT to feeding aggregations from the various spawning areas, and 5) develop tools capable of investigating the temporal stability of population structuring in the Mediterranean Sea. Several weaknesses in modern morphology-based taxonomy including demographic decline of expert taxonomists, flawed identification keys, reluctance of the taxonomic community to embrace advances in digital communications and a general scarcity of modern user-friendly materials are reviewed. Barcoding of scombrid larvae revealed important differences in the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications carried out by different ichthyoplanktologists following morphology-based methods. Using a Genotyping-by-Sequencing a panel of 95 SNPs was developed and used to characterize the population structuring of BFT and composition of adult feeding aggregations. Using novel molecular techniques, DNA was extracted from bluefin tuna vertebrae excavated from late iron age, ancient roman settlements Byzantine-era Constantinople and a 20th century collection. A second panel of 96 SNPs was developed to genotype historical and modern samples in order to elucidate changes in population structuring and allele frequencies of loci associated with selective traits.


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Gegenstand meiner Arbeit ist das Bettpaneel von Ugarit und seine komplexe Ikonographie, die Motive unterschiedlicher künstlerischer Traditionen des Alten Orients vereint. Das Bettpaneel bietet die einmalige Gelegenheit, das gesamte Bildprogramm eines Möbels zu untersuchen und die Entwicklung des levantinischen Kunsthandwerks der Späten Bronzezeit (2. Hälfte des 2. Jt.s v. Chr.) besser zu verstehen, besonders in Bezug auf Prestigegüter. Bereits 1952 ist das Bettpaneel im Königspalast von Ugarit entdeckt, jedoch bisher noch nicht monographisch abhandelt worden.rnEs wird gezeigt, dass das Bettpaneel von Ugarit ein hervorragendes Erzeugnis des lokalen Kunsthandwerks ist, gleichzeitig aber die kontinuierliche Übernahme fremder Motive bezeugt.rnWelche Vorbilder haben diese Rezeption begünstigt? Handelte es sich dabei um bewusste Anpassung an heimische Vorstellungen oder vielmehr um getreue Wiedergabe? Warum ließen sich die ugaritischen Handwerker von fremden Kunsttraditionen inspirieren? rnDank der detaillierten Untersuchung des Bettpaneels von Ugarit lassen sich diese wesentlichen Fragen über die Mechanismen der sozialen und kulturellen Interaktionen zwischen den Zivilisationen des Ostmittelmeergebiets im 2 Jt.s v. Chr. endgültig antworten.


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The Suretta nappe of eastern Switzerland contains a series of meta-igneous rocks, with the Rofna Porphyry Complex (RPC) being the most prominent member. We present LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon data from 12 samples representing a broad spectrum of meta-igneous rocks within the Suretta nappe, in order to unravel the pre-Alpine magmatic history of this basement unit. Fine-grained porphyries and coarse-grained augengneisses from the RPC give crystallization ages between 284 and 271 Ma, which either represent distinct magma pulses or long-lasting magmatic activity in a complex magma chamber. There is also evidence for an earlier Variscan magmatic event at ~320–310 Ma. Mylonites at the base of the Suretta nappe are probably derived from either the RPC augengneisses or another unknown Carboniferous–Permian magmatic protolith with a crystallization age between 320 and 290 Ma. Two polymetamorphic orthogneisses from the southern Suretta nappe yield crystallization ages of ~490 Ma. Inherited zircon cores are mainly of late Neoproterozoic age, with minor Neo- to Paleoproterozoic sources. We interpret the Suretta nappe as mainly representing a Gondwana-derived crustal unit, which was subsequently intruded by minor Cambrian–Ordovician and major Carboniferous–Permian magmatic rocks. Finally, the Suretta nappe was thrust into its present position during the Alpine orogeny, which hardly affected the U–Pb system in zircon.


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Changes in fire occurrence during the last decades in the southern Swiss Alps make knowledge on fire history essential to understand future evolution of the ecosystem composition and functioning. In this context, palaeoecology provides useful insights into processes operating at decadal-to-millennial time scales, such as the response of plant communities to intensified fire disturbances during periods of cultural change. We provide a high-resolution macroscopic charcoal and pollen series from Guèr, a well-dated peat sequence at mid-elevation (832 m.a.s.l.) in southern Switzerland, where the presence of local settlements is documented since the late Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Quantitative fire reconstruction shows that fire activity sharply increased from the Neolithic period (1–3 episodes/1000 year) to the late Bronze and Iron Age (7–9 episodes/1000 year), leading to extensive clearance of the former mixed deciduous forest (Alnus glutinosa, Betula, deciduous Quercus). The increase in anthropogenic pollen indicators (e.g. Cerealia-type, Plantago lanceolata) together with macroscopic charcoal suggests anthropogenic rather than climatic forcing as the main cause of the observed vegetation shift. Fire and controlled burning were extensively used during the late Roman Times and early Middle Ages to promote the introduction and establishment of chestnut (Castanea sativa) stands, which provided an important wood and food supply. Fire occurrence declined markedly (from 9 to 5–6 episodes/1000 year) during late Middle Ages because of fire suppression, biomass removal by human population, and landscape fragmentation. Land-abandonment during the last decades allowed forest to partly re-expand (mainly Alnus glutinosa, Betula) and fire frequency to increase.


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The archaeological evidence from Late Bronze Age Nuzi has ever since the publication of R.F.S. Starr’s final report in 1939 experienced few attention, leaving the interpretation of the inner structure of this extraordinarily extensively excavated settlement to a thriving philological research. This paper presents a macroscopic spatial analysis of mobile inventories in the domestic areas. Based on the comparison with stationary installations and the formal architectural structure a revised socio-topography is proposed. The combination with the evidence from the investigations of the private archives elucidates the great potential for the consideration of multiple approaches in the future research on the function, meaning and sociology of spaces in Near Eastern Archaeology.


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Summary: The stratigraphy of the Shackleton Range established by Stephenson (1966) and Clarkson (1972) was revised by results of the German Expedition GEISHA 1987/88. The "Turnpike Bluff Group" does not form a stratigraphic unit. The stratigraphic correlation of its formations is still a matter of discussion. The following four formations are presumed to belong to different units: The Stephenson Bastion Formation and Wyeth Heights Formation are probably of Late Precambrian age. The Late Precambrian Watts Needle Formation, which lies unconformably on the Read Group, is an independant unit which has to be separated from the "Turnpike Bluff Group". The Mount Wegener Formation has been thrusted over the Watts Needle Formation. Early Cambrian fossils (Oldhamia sp., Epiphyton sp., Botomaella (?) sp. and echinoderms) were found in the Mt. Wegener Formation in the Read Mountains. The Middle Cambrian trilobite shales on Mount Provender, which form the Haskard Highlands Formation, are possibly in faulted contact with the basement complex (Pioneers and Stratton Groups). They are overlain by the Blaiklock Glacier Group, for which an Ordovician age is indicated by trilobite tracks and trails, low inclination of the paleomagnetic field and the similarity to the basal units of the Table Mountain Quartzite in South Africa. The Watts Needle Formation represents epicontinental shelf sediments, the Mount Wegener Formation was deposited in a (continental) back-arc environment, and the Blaiklock Glacier Group is a typical molasse sediment of the Ross Orogen.


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Cretaceous to Quaternary sediments recovered at Leg 119 Sites 738 and 744 on the southern tip of the Kerguelen Plateau were studied in order to determine the depositional environment and the paleoceanography of the southern Indian Ocean and especially the long-term glacial history of East Antarctica. Emphasis is given to bulk-sediment composition, grain-size data, and clay mineralogy. The sediment sequence at the two sites is generally of a highly pelagic character, with nannofossil oozes, chalks, and limestones dominant from the Turanian to upper Miocene and diatom oozes dominant within the uppermost Miocene to Holocene interval. The first indication of glaciation at sea level is the occurrence of isolated gravel and terrigenous sand grains, which indicate ice rafting in the middle Eocene interval of 45.0-42.3 Ma. A major intensification of glaciation, probably the onset of continental East Antarctic glaciation, is recorded in sediments of early Oligocene age (36.0 Ma). All major sediment parameters document this event. The clay mineralogy changes from smectite-dominated assemblages, typical of moderately warm and humid climatic conditions in which chemical weathering processes are prevalent, to illite- and chlorite-dominated assemblages, indicative of cooler climates and physical weathering. Ice-rafted debris of both gravel and sand size occurs in large quantities in that interval and coincides with a change in the mode of carbonate deposition. Carbonate contents are relatively high and uniform (90%-95%) in strata younger than early Oligocene; in Oligocene to upper Miocene strata they fluctuate between 65% and 95%. Oligocene and Neogene hiatuses reflect an intensification of oceanic circulation and the increased erosional force of Circumpolar Deep Water. The long-term Cenozoic cooling trend was interrupted by a phase of early Miocene warming indicated by maximum Neogene smectite concentrations. Although ice-rafted debris is present only in minor amounts and mainly in the silt fraction of early Oligocene to late Miocene age, it shows that glaciers advanced to the East Antarctic shoreline throughout that time. Ice-rafting activity drastically increased in latest Miocene time, when carbonate deposition decreased and diatom ooze sedimentation started. This suggests a pronounced intensification of Antarctic glaciation combined with a northward migration of the Polar Front.


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Basal carbonate sediments recovered at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1149 lie directly on magnetic Anomaly M12. They contain abundant and moderately well preserved calcareous nannofossils. Two nannofossil zones are recognized: the lower Calcicalathina oblongata Zone and the upper Lithraphidites bollii Zone, indicating a late Valanginian-late Hauterivian age. The close occurrence of two significant bioevents, the first occurrence (FO) of L. bollii and the FO of Rucinolithus terebrodentarius in Core 185-1149B-20R, together with dip data recorded during in situ geophysical logging, suggest the presence of an unconformity that corresponds to the lower Hauterivian sedimentary section. The continuous occurrence of L. bollii is reported for the first time in sediments from the Pacific Ocean. Other marker species regarded as cosmopolitan (e.g., C. oblongata) have a sporadic occurrence. Nannoconids, very useful zonal markers for Tethyan areas, are virtually absent. The presence of an unusually high abundance of Diazomatolithus lehmanii is also recorded and correlates with the Valanginian 13C positive excursion.


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Stable isotopic data obtained from planktonic and benthic foraminifers were used to study paleoceanographic changes along the northeastern Australian margin from late Miocene (10 Ma) to Holocene time, and to evaluate the influence of these changes on reef growth. The data indicate that variations in surface-water temperatures may have had an important effect on the reef complexes on the Queensland Plateau and possibly off the northeastern Australian margin. Three sites were studied: Leg 21, Site 209 on the eastern edge of the Queensland Plateau, and Leg 133, Site 811 on the western margin, and Site 817 on the lower southern slope of the plateau. Shallow-water bioclasts recovered from Holes 811A and 817A indicate extensive reef growth on the Queensland Plateau during the middle Miocene (before 12 Ma), signifying surface-water temperatures of 20°C or greater. The amount of reefal detritus produced during the late Miocene (10.0-5.2 Ma) decreased progressively, resulting in a reduction in area of the reef complexes. The isotopic data from planktonic foraminifers in these late Miocene age sediments indicate the presence of relatively cool surface waters (16°-19°C), which may have been a major factor contributing to the demise of the reefs on the Queensland Plateau. Surface waters remained cool until the middle Pleistocene (1.2-0.5 Ma), when the surface-water temperature apparently increased to approximately 25°C, recorded both in the isotopic data and by renewed reef growth. This increase occurred simultaneously (within the error of the age model) with the initiation of the Great Barrier Reef. We propose that cooling of surface waters during the early late Miocene contributed to reef decline on the Queensland Plateau, and that subsequent warming of surface waters during the middle Pleistocene promoted the initiation of reef growth on the northeastern Australian margin. Reef development on the Queensland Plateau never recovered to the middle Miocene extent because of a combination of tectonic (accelerated subsidence of the plateau) and paleoceanographic (the cooler surface waters present from the late Miocene throughout the Pliocene) factors. Variations in seafloor d18O appear to be controlled by regional factors, as indicated by the similarity of data from Sites 811 and 817 to those from Site 590 on Lord Howe Rise.