996 resultados para Language promotion
This paper investigates the factors affecting the language choices of the Chinese Foochows of Sarawak, focusing in particular on how the use of the Foochow dialect vis-a`-vis English and other languages might potentially result in a shift in language allegiance away from Foochow. In the context of Sarawak, the Foochows are a substantial, cohesive and homogeneous Chinese ethnic group with a distinctive language and ethnic identity. One would predict that they would engage in extensive language maintenance behaviour. Instead, Foochows living in non-Foochow dominant areas do not seem to have sufficient attachment to the language to transmit it to the next generation. Is this because the Foochows consider that accommodating to communicative norms is more important than preserving their native language as an inherent symbol of their ethnic identity? Or is it the result of the Foochows’ insecurity about the prestige of the dialect and the status of the Foochow people? These issues of accommodation and language allegiance are discussed, based on interview and questionnaire data from 11 Foochow participants. This data set is part of a larger study on the language use of different ethnic groups in multilingual organisational settings in Sarawak.
The prevalence of people who are overweight or obese is continuing to rise. This is a key risk indicator of preventable morbidity and mortality resulting from many diseases. The increase in the number of obese people is associated with dietary practices and a reduction in physical activity. There is a need to implement strategies for the reduction of obesity in at-risk groups. People with a mental illness are at high risk of many physical illnesses related to behavioural factors, which include poor diet and lack of exercise. Health promotion programmes need to be incorporated into mental-health services to improve the general health and wellbeing of people with a mental illness. An Australian psychiatric rehabilitation service developed and implemented a health promotion programme, NEW Solutions, which aimed to address issues related to weight gain, dietary practice and physical inactivity.
A presente pesquisa, desenvolvida na linha Cultura, Currículo e Formação de Educadores, pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, tem como objetivo investigar práticas docentes consideradas pelas professoras do 4º e 5º anos do EF como promotoras de leitura e escrita em escolas do Sistema Municipal de Educação Vitória(ES). Apoiamo-nos, para isso, na base teórica da perspectiva histórico-cultural a partir de Bakhtin (2003, 2010); Freitas (2007, 2012) e Fichtner (2012). Levamos em consideração os conceitos de sujeito, linguagem e texto desenvolvidos por Bakhtin (2003, 2010); de educação e dialogicidade em Freire (1967, 1987, 1997, 2010); e de parceria em Foerste (2005); dentre outros, no sentido de buscar respostas para as perguntas: que práticas docentes estão sendo consideradas pelas professoras desses dois anos de escolarização como promotoras de leitura e escrita? Que políticas têm promovido tais práticas? Quem são os beneficiados/prejudicados por tais formas de ensinar? A pesquisa se deu por meio de um estudo de caso realizado durante o ano letivo de 2013 com docentes que atuam junto às turmas em questão, em duas escolas do EF. Utilizamos como procedimentos para a produção de dados a observação participante, o questionário, a entrevista, o acompanhamento de atividades desenvolvidas nos cadernos de alunos e a análise documental. A análise dos dados foi organizada a partir das categorias sujeito, linguagem e texto. Os resultados evidenciam que, conforme a concepção bakhtiniana de linguagem e a freireana de educação, as práticas docentes observadas ainda não sinalizam a promoção da leitura e da escrita junto aos alunos do 4º e 5º anos EF, sendo necessário para isso que se repensem as políticas públicas, em especial as voltadas para a formação de professores, com o intuito de beneficiar os estudantes oferecendo-lhes uma formação que lhes permita ter a consciência de que o centro de gravidade da linguagem não reside nas normas, mas na significação que essa forma adquire no contexto, na interação com outros sujeitos.
This article explores the role of the European Union in the human rights protection, implementation and promotion in Serbia. It is clear that the EU demands on democratisation in the region of Western Balkans are crucial to achieve the respect for human rights. The human rights standards as part of the conditionality criteria of the EU is a clear message towards the countries aspiring membership. However, Serbia progress in the field has been difficult due to several internal constraints. This paper aims to uncover the democratisation process of Serbia on its path towards the EU, and its progress (or not) regarding human rights protection and implementation.
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are critical components of today's software. Developers are dedicating a larger portion of code to implementing them. Given their increased importance, correctness of GUIs code is becoming essential. This paper describes the latest results in the development of GUISurfer, a tool to reverse engineer the GUI layer of interactive computing systems. The ultimate goal of the tool is to enable analysis of interactive system from source code.
The integration and composition of software systems requires a good architectural design phase to speed up communications between (remote) components. However, during implementation phase, the code to coordinate such components often ends up mixed in the main business code. This leads to maintenance problems, raising the need for, on the one hand, separating the coordination code from the business code, and on the other hand, providing mechanisms for analysis and comprehension of the architectural decisions once made. In this context our aim is at developing a domain-specific language, CoordL, to describe typical coordination patterns. From our point of view, coordination patterns are abstractions, in a graph form, over the composition of coordination statements from the system code. These patterns would allow us to identify, by means of pattern-based graph search strategies, the code responsible for the coordination of the several components in a system. The recovering and separation of the architectural decisions for a better comprehension of the software is the main purpose of this pattern language
The success of tourism development depends on the capacity of a region’s tourism agents to establish and sustain networks, involving both private-sector companies and the public sector. Creating an attractive destination able to compete with others that are better positioned and consolidated requires cooperative behaviour among the various agents involved. This behaviour will facilitate both external and internal competition, which in turn will assure better product quality, continuous product renewal, a strong offer of unique experiences and the efficient use of endogenous resources. In this paper, the authors discuss the results of a survey of restaurant owners and of interviews conducted with the main institutional agents concerned with tourism promotion and the economic development of the Minho–Lima region. Such an approach, the authors argue, can be valuable in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the area in question with regard to future tourism development. The authors work from the premise that the commitment of tourism agents constitutes a precondition for the success of the strategy to be defined. This is especially applicable to Minho–Lima, which to date has suffered from an absence of commitment and coordination on the part of those agents.
O XBRL - eXtensible Business Report Language - é uma linguagem que está sendo implementada em vários países para divulgação das informações contábil-financeiras pela internet. Este artigo mostra o estado-da-arte do XBRL e como se deu sua evolução, bem como avalia o estágio atual do Brasil na divulgação de informações contábil-financeiras pela internet. Foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo survey com empresas de capital aberto no Brasil. A pesquisa revelou uma forte aceitação do meio eletrônico para divulgação de informações financeiras e também que ainda é muito pequeno o conhecimento da linguagem XBRL no país e, conseqüentemente, menor ainda o número de entidades que já iniciaram formalmente os estudos para sua implementação. Mostrou ainda a inexistência de um padrão de divulgação de informações eletrônicas, tendo predominado os formatos PDF, HTML e DOC, o que dificulta a análise e comparação de informações entre órgãos reguladores e com o público em geral.
The aims of the study is to examine for intervention program of physical activity in the perception of fatigue, in patients with multiple sclerosis.