987 resultados para Laguerre-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dados referentes a 1.719 controles de produção de leite de 357 fêmeas predominantemente da raça Murrah, filhas de 110 reprodutores, com partos distribuídos entre os anos de 1974 e 2004, obtidos do Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Bubalinos (PROMEBUL) com adição de registros do rebanho pertencente à EMBRAPA Amazônia Oriental - EAO, localizada em Belém, Pará. Os registros foram usados para comparar modelos de regressão aleatória na estimação de componentes de variância e predição de valores genéticos dos reprodutores utilizando a. função polinomial de Legendre, variando de segunda à quarta ordem. O modelo de regressão aleatória incluiu os efeitos de rebanho-ano, mês de parto, coeficientes de regressão para idade da fêmea (para descrever a parte fixa da curva de lactação) e coeficientes de regressão relacionados ao efeito genético direto e de ambiente permanente. A comparação entre modelos foram realizadas por meio do Critério de Informação de Akaike. O modelo de regressão aleatória que utilizou a terceira ordem de polinômio de Legendre, com quatro classes de resíduo para o ambiente temporário, foi o que melhor descreveu a variação genética aditiva da produção de leite. A herdabilidade estimada variou entre 0,08 a 0,40. A correlação genética entre produções mais próximas foram próximas da unidade, mas em idades mais distantes a correlação foi baixa. A correlação de Spearman e de Pearson entre os valores genéticos preditos em todas as situações foram próximas da unidade.


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O presente trabalho consiste na formulação de uma metodologia para interpretação automática de dados de campo magnético. Desta forma, a sua utilização tornará possível a determinação das fronteiras e magnetização de cada corpo. Na base desta metodologia foram utilizadas as características de variações abruptas de magnetização dos corpos. Estas variações laterais abruptas serão representadas por polinômios descontínuos conhecidos como polinômios de Walsh. Neste trabalho, muitos conceitos novos foram desenvolvidos na aplicação dos polinômios de Walsh para resolver problemas de inversão de dados aeromagnéticos. Dentre os novos aspectos considerados, podemos citar. (i) - O desenvolvimento de um algoritmo ótimo para gerar um jôgo dos polinômios "quase-ortogonais" baseados na distribuição de magnetização de Walsh. (ii) - O uso da metodologia damped least squares para estabilizar a solução inversa. (iii) - Uma investigação dos problemas da não-invariância, inerentes quando se usa os polinômios de Walsh. (iv) - Uma investigação da escolha da ordem dos polinômios, tomando-se em conta as limitações de resolução e o comportamento dos autovalores. Utilizando estas características dos corpos magnetizados é possível formular o problema direto, ou seja, a magnetização dos corpos obedece a distribuição de Walsh. É também possível formular o problema inverso, na qual a magnetização geradora do campo observado obedece a série de Walsh. Antes da utilização do método é necessária uma primeira estimativa da localização das fontes magnéticas. Foi escolhida uma metodologia desenvolvida por LOURES (1991), que tem como base a equação homogênea de Euler e cujas exigências necessárias à sua utilização é o conhecimento do campo magnético e suas derivadas. Para testar a metodologia com dados reais foi escolhida uma região localizada na bacia sedimentar do Alto Amazonas. Os dados foram obtidos a partir do levantamento aeromagnético realizado pela PETROBRÁS.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Weight records of Brazilian Nelore cattle, from birth to 630 d of age, recorded every 3 mo, were analyzed using random regression models. Independent variables were Legendre polynomials of age at recording. The model of analysis included contemporary groups as fixed effects and age of dam as a linear and quadratic covariable. Mean trends were modeled through a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of age. Up to four sets of random regression coefficients were fitted for animals' direct and maternal, additive genetic, and permanent environmental effects. Changes in measurement error variances with age were modeled through a variance function. Orders of polynomial fit from three to six were considered, resulting in up to 77 parameters to be estimated. Models fitting random regressions modeled the pattern of variances in the data adequately, with estimates similar to those from corresponding univariate analysis. Direct heritability estimates decreased after birth and tended to be lowest at ages at which maternal effect estimates tended to be highest. Maternal heritability estimates increased after birth to a peak around 110 to 120 d of age and decreased thereafter. Additive genetic direct correlation estimates between weights at standard ages (birth, weaning, yearling, and final weight) were moderate to high and maternal genetic and environmental correlations were consistently high.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work deals with some classes of linear second order partial differential operators with non-negative characteristic form and underlying non- Euclidean structures. These structures are determined by families of locally Lipschitz-continuous vector fields in RN, generating metric spaces of Carnot- Carath´eodory type. The Carnot-Carath´eodory metric related to a family {Xj}j=1,...,m is the control distance obtained by minimizing the time needed to go from two points along piecewise trajectories of vector fields. We are mainly interested in the causes in which a Sobolev-type inequality holds with respect to the X-gradient, and/or the X-control distance is Doubling with respect to the Lebesgue measure in RN. This study is divided into three parts (each corresponding to a chapter), and the subject of each one is a class of operators that includes the class of the subsequent one. In the first chapter, after recalling “X-ellipticity” and related concepts introduced by Kogoj and Lanconelli in [KL00], we show a Maximum Principle for linear second order differential operators for which we only assume a Sobolev-type inequality together with a lower terms summability. Adding some crucial hypotheses on measure and on vector fields (Doubling property and Poincar´e inequality), we will be able to obtain some Liouville-type results. This chapter is based on the paper [GL03] by Guti´errez and Lanconelli. In the second chapter we treat some ultraparabolic equations on Lie groups. In this case RN is the support of a Lie group, and moreover we require that vector fields satisfy left invariance. After recalling some results of Cinti [Cin07] about this class of operators and associated potential theory, we prove a scalar convexity for mean-value operators of L-subharmonic functions, where L is our differential operator. In the third chapter we prove a necessary and sufficient condition of regularity, for boundary points, for Dirichlet problem on an open subset of RN related to sub-Laplacian. On a Carnot group we give the essential background for this type of operator, and introduce the notion of “quasi-boundedness”. Then we show the strict relationship between this notion, the fundamental solution of the given operator, and the regularity of the boundary points.


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La tesis MEDIDAS AUTOSEMEJANTES EN EL PLANO, MOMENTOS Y MATRICES DE HESSENBERG se enmarca entre las áreas de la teoría geométrica de la medida, la teoría de polinomios ortogonales y la teoría de operadores. La memoria aborda el estudio de medidas con soporte acotado en el plano complejo vistas con la óptica de las matrices infinitas de momentos y de Hessenberg asociadas a estas medidas que en la teoría de los polinomios ortogonales las representan. En particular se centra en el estudio de las medidas autosemejantes que son las medidas de equilibrio definidas por un sistema de funciones iteradas (SFI). Los conjuntos autosemejantes son conjuntos que tienen la propiedad geométrica de descomponerse en unión de piezas semejantes al conjunto total. Estas piezas pueden solaparse o no, cuando el solapamiento es pequeño la teoría de Hutchinson [Hut81] funciona bien, pero cuando no existen restricciones falla. El problema del solapamiento consiste en controlar la medida de este solapamiento. Un ejemplo de la complejidad de este problema se plantea con las convoluciones infinitas de distribuciones de Bernoulli, que han resultado ser un ejemplo de medidas autosemejantes en el caso real. En 1935 Jessen y A. Wintner [JW35] ya se planteaba este problema, lejos de ser sencillo ha sido estudiado durante más de setenta y cinco años y siguen sin resolverse las principales cuestiones planteadas ya por A. Garsia [Gar62] en 1962. El interés que ha despertado este problema así como la complejidad del mismo está demostrado por las numerosas publicaciones que abordan cuestiones relacionadas con este problema ver por ejemplo [JW35], [Erd39], [PS96], [Ma00], [Ma96], [Sol98], [Mat95], [PS96], [Sim05],[JKS07] [JKS11]. En el primer capítulo comenzamos introduciendo con detalle las medidas autosemejante en el plano complejo y los sistemas de funciones iteradas, así como los conceptos de la teoría de la medida necesarios para describirlos. A continuación se introducen las herramientas necesarias de teoría de polinomios ortogonales, matrices infinitas y operadores que se van a usar. En el segundo y tercer capítulo trasladamos las propiedades geométricas de las medidas autosemejantes a las matrices de momentos y de Hessenberg, respectivamente. A partir de estos resultados se describen algoritmos para calcular estas matrices a partir del SFI correspondiente. Concretamente, se obtienen fórmulas explícitas y algoritmos de aproximación para los momentos y matrices de momentos de medidas fractales, a partir de un teorema del punto fijo para las matrices. Además utilizando técnicas de la teoría de operadores, se han extendido al plano complejo los resultados que G. Mantica [Ma00, Ma96] obtenía en el caso real. Este resultado es la base para definir un algoritmo estable de aproximación de la matriz de Hessenberg asociada a una medida fractal u obtener secciones finitas exactas de matrices Hessenberg asociadas a una suma de medidas. En el último capítulo, se consideran medidas, μ, más generales y se estudia el comportamiento asintótico de los autovalores de una matriz hermitiana de momentos y su impacto en las propiedades de la medida asociada. En el resultado central se demuestra que si los polinomios asociados son densos en L2(μ) entonces necesariamente el autovalor mínimo de las secciones finitas de la matriz de momentos de la medida tiende a cero. ABSTRACT The Thesis work “Self-similar Measures on the Plane, Moments and Hessenberg Matrices” is framed among the geometric measure theory, orthogonal polynomials and operator theory. The work studies measures with compact support on the complex plane from the point of view of the associated infinite moments and Hessenberg matrices representing them in the theory of orthogonal polynomials. More precisely, it concentrates on the study of the self-similar measures that are equilibrium measures in a iterated functions system. Self-similar sets have the geometric property of being decomposable in a union of similar pieces to the complete set. These pieces can overlap. If the overlapping is small, Hutchinson’s theory [Hut81] works well, however, when it has no restrictions, the theory does not hold. The overlapping problem consists in controlling the measure of the overlap. The complexity of this problem is exemplified in the infinite convolutions of Bernoulli’s distributions, that are an example of self-similar measures in the real case. As early as 1935 [JW35], Jessen and Wintner posed this problem, that far from being simple, has been studied during more than 75 years. The main cuestiones posed by Garsia in 1962 [Gar62] remain unsolved. The interest in this problem, together with its complexity, is demonstrated by the number of publications that over the years have dealt with it. See, for example, [JW35], [Erd39], [PS96], [Ma00], [Ma96], [Sol98], [Mat95], [PS96], [Sim05], [JKS07] [JKS11]. In the first chapter, we will start with a detailed introduction to the self-similar measurements in the complex plane and to the iterated functions systems, also including the concepts of measure theory needed to describe them. Next, we introduce the necessary tools from orthogonal polynomials, infinite matrices and operators. In the second and third chapter we will translate the geometric properties of selfsimilar measures to the moments and Hessenberg matrices. From these results, we will describe algorithms to calculate these matrices from the corresponding iterated functions systems. To be precise, we obtain explicit formulas and approximation algorithms for the moments and moment matrices of fractal measures from a new fixed point theorem for matrices. Moreover, using techniques from operator theory, we extend to the complex plane the real case results obtained by Mantica [Ma00, Ma96]. This result is the base to define a stable algorithm that approximates the Hessenberg matrix associated to a fractal measure and obtains exact finite sections of Hessenberg matrices associated to a sum of measurements. In the last chapter, we consider more general measures, μ, and study the asymptotic behaviour of the eigenvalues of a hermitian matrix of moments, together with its impact on the properties of the associated measure. In the main result we demonstrate that, if the associated polynomials are dense in L2(μ), then necessarily follows that the minimum eigenvalue of the finite sections of the moments matrix goes to zero.


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This paper presents a simplified finite element (FE) methodology for solving accurately beam models with (Timoshenko) and without (Bernoulli-Euler) shear deformation. Special emphasis is made on showing how it is possible to obtain the exact solution on the nodes and a good accuracy inside the element. The proposed simplifying concept, denominated as the equivalent distributed load (EDL) of any order, is based on the use of Legendre orthogonal polynomials to approximate the original or acting load for computing the results between the nodes. The 1-span beam examples show that this is a promising procedure that allows the aim of using either one FE and an EDL of slightly higher order or by using an slightly larger number of FEs leaving the EDL in the lowest possible order assumed by definition to be equal to 4 independently of how irregular the beam is loaded.


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We present an analysis of the free vibration of plates with internal discontinuities due to central cut-outs. A numerical formulation for a basic L-shaped element which is divided into appropriate sub-domains that are dependent upon the location of the cut-out is used as the basic building element. Trial functions formed to satisfy certain boundary conditions are employed to define the transverse deflection of each sub-domain. Mathematical treatments in terms of the continuities in displacement, slope, moment, and higher derivatives between the adjacent sub-domains are enforced at the interconnecting edges. The energy functional results, from the proper assembly of the coupled strain and kinetic energy contributions of each sub-domain, are minimized via the Ritz procedure to extract the vibration frequencies and. mode shapes of the plates. The procedures are demonstrated by considering plates with central cut-outs that are subjected to two types of boundary conditions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Determination of the so-called optical constants (complex refractive index N, which is usually a function of the wavelength, and physical thickness D) of thin films from experimental data is a typical inverse non-linear problem. It is still a challenge to the scientific community because of the complexity of the problem and its basic and technological significance in optics. Usually, solutions are looked for models with 3-10 parameters. Best estimates of these parameters are obtained by minimization procedures. Herein, we discuss the choice of orthogonal polynomials for the dispersion law of the thin film refractive index. We show the advantage of their use, compared to the Selmeier, Lorentz or Cauchy models.


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Using tools of the theory of orthogonal polynomials we obtain the generating function of the generalized Fibonacci sequence established by Petronilho for a sequence of real or complex numbers {Qn} defined by Q0 = 0, Q1 = 1, Qm = ajQm−1 + bjQm−2, m ≡ j (mod k), where k ≥ 3 is a fixed integer, and a0, a1, . . . , ak−1, b0, b1, . . . , bk−1 are 2k given real or complex numbers, with bj #0 for 0 ≤ j ≤ k−1. For this sequence some convergence proprieties are obtained.