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Since it is established that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) affects testosterone production and release in the human body, the use of this hormone as a performance enhancing drug has been prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Nowadays, the only validated biomarker of a hCG doping is its direct quantification in urine. However, this specific parameter is subjected to large inter-individual variability and its determination is directly dependent on the reliability of hCG immunoassays used. In order to counteract these weaknesses, new biomarkers need to be evidenced. To address this issue, a pilot clinical study was performed on 10 volunteers submitted to 3 subsequent hCG injections. Blood and urine samples were collected during two weeks in order to follow the physiological effects on related compounds such as the steroid profile or hormones involved in the hypothalamo-pituitary axis. The hCG pharmacokinetic observed in all subjects was, as expected, prone to important inter-individual variations. Using ROC plots, level of testosterone and testosterone on luteinizing hormone ratio in both blood and urine were found to be the most relevant biomarker of a hCG abuse, regardless of inter-individual variations. In conclusion, this study showed the crucial importance of reliable quantification methods to assess low differences in hormonal patterns. In regard to these results and to anti-doping requirements and constraints, blood together with urine matrix should be included in the anti-doping testing program. Together with a longitudinal follow-up approach it could constitute a new strategy to detect a hCG abuse, applicable to further forms of steroid or other forbidden drug manipulation.


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Aims: The aims were to create clinically feasible reference intervals for thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) and to analyze associations between thyroid function and self-rated health, neuropsychiatric symptoms, depression and dementia in the elderly. The second aim was also to establish reference intervals for sex hormones and to analyze associations between sex hormone levels and self-rated health, symptoms, depression and dementia in elderly men. Subjects and methods: The study population comprised 1252 subjects aged 65 years or over, living in the municipality of Lieto, south-western Finland. Self-rated health, life satisfaction, symptoms, depression, and dementia were assessed with specific questions, clinical examination and tools such as the Zung Self-report Depression Scale and the Mini-Mental State Examination. Independent variables were dichotomized, and associations of these variables with TSH, FT4 or sex hormone levels were assessed. Levels of TSH and FT4 in thyroid disease–free women and women treated with thyroxine were also compared. Results: Elevated concentrations of thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) or thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb) were found to have a marked effect on the upper reference limit for TSH among women, who were thyroid antibody positive more higher than suggested in several recent guidelines. After age adjustment, there were no associations between TSH levels and self-rated health, life satisfaction, or most neuropsychiatric symptoms in the thyroid disease-free population. Although women with thyroxine treatment for primary hypothyroidism had far higher TSH levels than thyroid disease-free women, there were no differences between thyroid-disease free women and women with stable thyroxine treatment regarding self-rated health, life satisfaction or symptoms. Age had a significant positive association with luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle 2 practice, one range in men aged 65 years or over can be used for T, E2 and FSH measured with the AutoDelfia method, but two separate reference intervals should be used for fT, LH and SHBG. After adjustment for age, higher levels of T and fT were associated with better self-rated health (SRH) in the reference population. After adjustment for age and body mass index (BMI), there were no associations between sex hormone concentrations and self-rated health, life satisfaction or most symptoms in concentration. Conclusion: Age-specific reference intervals were derived for thyroid function and sex hormones based on comprehensive data from a community-dwelling population with a high participation rate. The results do not support the need to decrease the upper reference limit for TSH or to lower the optimal TSH target in levothyroxine treatment in older adults, as recommended in recent guidelines. Older age or being overweight symptoms among elderly men. The associations of single symptoms with T levels were inconsistent among elderly men, although the association of low T level with diagnosed depression might be clinically significant.


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BACKGROUND: Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is defined as a primary ovarian defect characterized by absent menarche (primary amenorrhea), a decrease in the initial primordial follicle number, high follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and hypoestrogenism. Although the etiology of a majority of POI cases is not yet identified, several data suggest that POI has a strong genetic component. Conventional cytogenetic and molecular analyses have identified regions of the X chromosome that are associated with ovarian function, as well as POI candidate genes, such as FMR1 and DIAPH2. Here we describe a 10.5-year-old girl presenting with high FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, pathologic GH stimulation arginine and clonidine tests, short stature, pterygium, ovarian dysgenesis, hirsutism and POI. RESULTS: Cytogenetic analysis demonstrated a balanced reciprocal translocation between the q arms of chromosomes X and 1, with breakpoints falling in Xq21 and 1q41 bands. Molecular studies did not unravel any chromosome microdeletion/microduplication, and no XIST-mediated inactivation was found on the derivative chromosome 1. Interestingly, through immunofluorescence assays, we found that part of the Xq21q22 trait, translocated to chromosome 1q41, was late replicating and therefore possibly inactivated in 30 % metaphases both in lymphocytes and skin fibroblasts, in addition to a skewed 100 % inactivation of the normal X chromosome. These findings suggest that a dysregulation of gene expression might occur in this region. Two genes mapping to the Xq translocated region, namely DIAPH2 and FMR1, were found overexpressed if compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: We report a case in which gonadal dysgenesis and POI are associated with over-expression of DIAPH2 gene and of FMR1 gene in wild type form. We hypothesize that this over-expression is possibly due to a phenomenon known as "chromosomal position effect", which accounts for gene expression variations depending on their localization within the nucleus. For the same effect a double mosaic inactivation of genes mapping to the Xq21-q22 region, demonstrated by immunofluorescence assays, may be the cause of a functional Xq partial monosomy leading to most Turner traits of the proband's phenotype.


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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are structurally and functionally similar glycoprotein hormones acting through the same luteinizing hormone chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LHCGR). The functions of LH in reproduction and hCG in pregnancy are well known. Recently, the expression of LHCGR has been found in many nongonadal tissues and cancers, and this has raised the question of whether LH/hCG could affect the function or tumorigenesis of these nongonadal tissues. We have also previously generated an hCG expressing mouse model presenting nongonadal phenotypes. Using this model it is possible to improve our understanding of nongonadal action of highly elevated LH/hCG. In the current study, we analyzed the effect of moderately and highly elevated hCG levels on male reproductive development and function. The main finding was the appearance of fetal Leydig cell (FLC) adenomas in prepubertal males. However, the development and differentiation of FLCs were not significantly affected. We also show that the function of hCG is different in FLCs and in adult Leydig cells (ALC), because in the latter cells hCG was not able to induce tumorigenesis. In FLCs, LHCGR is not desensitized or downregulated upon ligand binding. In this study, we found that the testicular expression of two G protein-coupled receptor kinases responsible for receptor desensitization or downregulation is increased in adult testis. Results suggest that the lack of LHCGR desensitization or downregulation in FLCs protect testosterone (Te) synthesis, but also predispose FLCs for LH/hCG induced adenomas. However, all the hCG induced nongonadal changes observed in male mice were possible to explain by the elevated Te level found in these males. Our findings indicate that the direct nongonadal effects of elevated LH/hCG in males are not pathophysiologically significant. In female mice, we showed that an elevated hCG level was able to induce gonadal tumorigenesis. hCG also induced the formation of pituitary adenomas (PA), but the mechanism was indirect. Furthermore, we found two new potential risk factors and a novel hormonally induced mechanism for PAs. Increased progesterone (P) levels in the presence of physiological estradiol (E2) levels induced the formation of PAs in female mice. E2 and P induced the expression and nuclear localization of a known cell-cycle regulator, cyclin D1. A calorie restricted diet was also able to prevent the formation of PAs, suggesting that obesity is able to promote the formation of PAs. Hormone replacement therapy after gonadectomy and hormone antagonist therapy showed that the nongonadal phenotypes observed in hCG expressing female mice were due to ovarian hyperstimulation. A slight adrenal phenotype was evident even after gonadectomy in hCG expressing females, but E2 and P replacement was able to induce a similar phenotype in WT females without elevated LH/hCG action. In conclusion, we showed that the direct effects of elevated hCG/LH action are limited only to the gonads of both sexes. The nongonadal phenotypes observed in hCG expressing mice were due to the indirect, gonadal hormone mediated effects of elevated hCG. Therefore, the gonads are the only physiologically significant direct targets of LHCGR signalling.


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Objective: To evaluate the influence of end-stage liver disease and orthotopic liver transplantation in the pituitary function and hormone metabolism before and after liver transplantation.Methods: In a prospective study, serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2) and prolactin (PRL) of 30 male patients with cirrhosis were determined two to four hours before and six months after liver transplantation. The results were compared according to the Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD).Results: male patients with liver cirrhosis have hypogonadism. FSH was normal, but inappropriately low due to androgen failure; E2 and PRL, on their turn, were high. After liver transplantation, FSH and LH levels increased (p < 0.05), whereas E2 and PRL normalized (p < 0.05). The MELD score did not influence changes in FSH, PRL and LH, however, the more severe the cirrhosis was, the more significant was the normalization of E2 (p = 0.01).Conclusion: Patients with cirrhosis and male hypogonadism have inappropriately normal levels of FSH and LH, associated with an increase in E2 and LRP. After liver transplantation, FSH and LH increased, while E2 and PRL returned to normal. Changes in E2 levels were most pronounced in patients with MELD > 18. The severity of cirrhosis had no influence on FSH, PRL and LH.


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Conventional diagnostics tests and technologies typically allow only a single analysis and result per test. The aim of this study was to propose robust and multiplex array-inwell test platforms based on oligonucleotide and protein arrays combining the advantages of simple instrumentation and upconverting phosphor (UCP) reporter technology. The UCPs are luminescent lanthanide-doped crystals that have a unique capability to convert infrared radiation into visible light. No autofluorescence is produced from the sample under infrared excitation enabling the development of highly sensitive assays. In this study, an oligonucleotide array-in-well hybridization assay was developed for the detection and genotyping of human adenoviruses. The study provided a verification of the advantages and potential of the UCP-based reporter technology in multiplex assays as well as anti-Stokes photoluminescence detection with a new anti- Stokes photoluminescence imager. The developed assay was technically improved and used to detect and genotype adenovirus types from clinical specimens. Based on the results of the epidemiological study, an outbreak of adenovirus type B03 was observed in the autumn of 2010. A quantitative array-in-well immunoassay was developed for three target analytes (prostate specific antigen, thyroid stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone). In this study, quantitative results were obtained for each analyte and the analytical sensitivities in buffer were in clinically relevant range. Another protein-based array-inwell assay was developed for multiplex serodiagnostics. The developed assay was able to detect parvovirus B19 IgG and adenovirus IgG antibodies simultaneously from serum samples according to reference assays. The study demonstrated that the UCPtechnology is a robust detection method for diverse multiplex imaging-based array-inwell assays.


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Nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-containing neurons have been localized in various parts of the CNS. These neurons occur in the hypothalamus, mostly in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei and their axons project to the neural lobe of the pituitary gland. We have found that nitric oxide (NO) controls luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) release from the hypothalamus acting as a signal transducer in norepinephrine (NE)-induced LHRH release. LHRH not only releases LH from the pituitary but also induces sexual behavior. On the other hand, it is known that oxytocin also stimulates mating behavior and there is some evidence that oxytocin can increase NE release. Therefore, it occurred to us that oxytocin may also stimulate LHRH release via NE and NO. To test this hypothesis, we incubated medial basal hypothalamic (MBH) explants from adult male rats in vitro. Following a preincubation period of 30 min, MBH fragments were incubated in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer in the presence of various concentrations of oxytocin. Oxytocin released LHRH at concentrations ranging from 0.1 nM to 1 µM with a maximal stimulatory effect (P<0.001) at 0.1 µM, but with no stimulatory effect at 10 µM. That these effects were mediated by NO was shown by the fact that incubation of the tissues with NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (NMMA), a competitive inhibitor of NOS, blocked the stimulatory effects. Furthermore, the release of LHRH by oxytocin was also blocked by prazocin, an a1-adrenergic receptor antagonist, indicating that NE mediated this effect. Oxytocin at the same concentrations also increased the activity of NOS (P<0.01) as measured by the conversion of [14C]arginine to citrulline, which is produced in equimolar amounts with NO by the action of NOS. The release of LHRH induced by oxytocin was also accompanied by a significant (P<0.02) increase in the release of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), a mediator of LHRH release that is released by NO. On the other hand, incubation of neural lobes with various concentrations of sodium nitroprusside (NP) (300 or 600 µM), a releaser of NO, revealed that NO acts to suppress (P<0.01) the release of oxytocin. Therefore, our results indicate that oxytocin releases LHRH by stimulating NOS via NE, resulting in an increased release of NO, which increases PGE2 release that in turn induces LHRH release. Furthermore, the released NO can act back on oxytocinergic terminals to suppress the release of oxytocin in an ultrashort-loop negative feedback


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We investigated whether chronic stress applied from prepuberty to full sexual maturity interferes with spermatogenic and androgenic testicular functions. Male Wistar rats (40 days old) were immobilized 6 h a day for 60 days. Following immobilization, plasma concentrations of corticosterone and prolactin increased 135% and 48%, respectively, while plasma luteinizing hormone and testosterone presented a significant decrease of 29% and 37%, respectively. Plasma concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone was not altered in stressed rats. Chronic stress reduced the amount of mature spermatids in the testis by 16% and the spermatozoon concentration in the cauda epididymidis by 32%. A 17% reduction in weight and a 42% decrease in DNA content were observed in the seminal vesicle of immobilized rats but not in its fructose content. The growth and secretory activity of the ventral prostate were not altered by chronic stress.


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We investigated the participation of neuropeptide Y-Y1 receptors within the medial preoptic area in luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and prolactin release. Four bilateral microinjections of sense (control) or antisense 18-base oligonucleotides of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) (250 ng) corresponding to the NH2-terminus of the neuropeptide Y1 receptor were performed at 12-h intervals for two days into the medial preoptic area of ovariectomized Wistar rats (N = 16), weighing 180 to 200 g, treated with estrogen (50 µg) and progesterone (25 mg) two days before the experiments between 8.00 and 10:00 a.m. Blockade of Y1 receptor synthesis in the medial preoptic area by the antisense mRNA did not change plasma luteinizing hormone or follicle-stimulating hormone but did increase prolactin from 19.6 ± 5.9 ng/ml in the sense group to 52.9 ± 9.6 ng/ml in the antisense group. The plasma hormones were measured by radioimmunoassay and the values are reported as mean ± SEM. These data suggest that endogenous neuropeptide Y in the medial preoptic area has an inhibitory action on prolactin secretion through Y1 receptors.


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Nitric oxide (NO) plays a crucial role in reproduction at every level in the organism. In the brain, it activates the release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH). The axons of the LHRH neurons project to the mating centers in the brain stem and by afferent pathways evoke the lordosis reflex in female rats. In males, there is activation of NOergic terminals that release NO in the corpora cavernosa penis to induce erection by generation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). NO also activates the release of LHRH which reaches the pituitary and activates the release of gonadotropins by activating neural NO synthase (nNOS) in the pituitary gland. In the gonad, NO plays an important role in inducing ovulation and in causing luteolysis, whereas in the reproductive tract, it relaxes uterine muscle via cGMP and constricts it via prostaglandins (PG).


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Several genes that influence the development and function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal-axis (HPG) have been identified. These genes encode an array of transcription factors, matrix proteins, hormones, receptors, and enzymes that are expressed at multiple levels of the HPG. We report the experience of a single Endocrinology Unit in the identification and characterization of naturally occurring mutations in families affected by HPG disorders, including forms of precocious puberty, hypogonadism and abnormal sexual development due to impaired gonadotropin function. Eight distinct genes implicated in HPG function were studied: KAL, SF1, DAX1, GnRH, GnRHR, FSHß, FSHR, and LHR. Most mutations identified in our cohort are described for the first time in literature. New mutations in SF1, DAX1 and GnRHR genes were identified in three Brazilian patients with hypogonadism. Eight boys with luteinizing hormone- (LH) independent precocious puberty due to testotoxicosis were studied, and all have their LH receptor (LHR) defects elucidated. Among the identified LHR molecular defects, three were new activating mutations. In addition, these mutations were frequently associated with new clinical and hormonal aspects, contributing significantly to the knowledge of the molecular basis of reproductive disorders. In conclusion, the naturally occurring genetic mutations described in the Brazilian families studied provide important insights into the regulation of the HPG.


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The causes of luteal phase progesterone deficiency in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are not known. To determine the possible involvement of hyperinsulinemia in luteal phase progesterone deficiency in women with PCOS, we examined the relationship between progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and insulin during the luteal phase and studied the effect of metformin on luteal progesterone levels in PCOS. Patients with PCOS (19 women aged 18-35 years) were treated with metformin (500 mg three times daily) for 4 weeks prior to the test cycle and throughout the study period, and submitted to ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate. Blood samples were collected from control (N = 5, same age range as PCOS women) and PCOS women during the late follicular (one sample) and luteal (3 samples) phases and LH, insulin and progesterone concentrations were determined. Results were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Duncan's test and Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation (r). The endocrine study showed low progesterone level (4.9 ng/ml) during luteal phase in the PCOS women as compared with control (21.6 ng/ml). A significant negative correlation was observed between insulin and progesterone (r = -0.60; P < 0.01) and between progesterone and LH (r = -0.56; P < 0.05) concentrations, and a positive correlation (r = 0.83; P < 0.001) was observed between LH and insulin. The study further demonstrated a significant enhancement in luteal progesterone concentration (16.97 ng/ml) in PCOS women treated with metformin. The results suggest that hyperinsulinemia/insulin resistance may be responsible for low progesterone levels during the luteal phase in PCOS. The luteal progesterone level may be enhanced in PCOS by decreasing insulin secretion with metformin.


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Liver cirrhosis, a highly prevalent chronic disease, is frequently associated with endocrine dysfunctions, notably in the gonadal axis. We evaluated lactotroph population by immunohistochemistry, gonadotropins and prolactin by immunoradiometric assay and testosterone and estradiol by radioimmunoassay in adult male Wistar rats with cirrhosis induced by carbon tetrachloride. No significant difference in mean ± SEM percentages of lactotrophs was found between cirrhotic animals and controls (N = 12, mean 18.95 ± 1.29%). Although there was no significant difference between groups in mean serum levels of prolactin (control: 19.2 ± 4 ng/mL), luteinizing hormone (control: 1.58 ± 0.43 ng/mL), follicle-stimulating hormone (control: 19.11 ± 2.28 ng/mL), estradiol (control: 14.65 ± 3.22 pg/mL), and total testosterone (control: 138.41 ± 20.07 ng/dL), 5 of the cirrhotic animals presented a hormonal profile consistent with hypogonadism, all of them pointing to a central origin of this dysfunction. Four of these animals presented high levels of estradiol and/or prolactin, with a significant correlation between these two hormones in both groups (r = 0.54; P = 0.013). It was possible to detect the presence of central hypogonadism in this model of cirrhotic animals. The hyperestrogenemia and hyperprolactinemia found in some hypogonadal animals suggest a role in the genesis of hypogonadism, and in the present study they were not associated with lactotroph hyperplasia.


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We have studied testicular function in the biotin- deficient rat biochemically and morphologically. Serum testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were decreased significantly in the deficient rats. Administration of biotin or gonadotropins to the deficient rats reversed this decrease in serum testosterone. There was no difference in the serum cholesterol level between the control and biotin-deficient rats. A significant degree of sloughing of seminiferous tubule germinal epithelium was noticed in the biotin-deficient rat testes. Biotin treatment of biotindeficient rats reversed this condition whereas testosterone treatment was without any effect. The development and maintenance of morphological and functional integrity of the seminiferous tubules appears to require a biotin-mediated step in addition to testosterone.