921 resultados para LOCAL ORDER
This paper presents the preliminary results of geological and geomechanical studies on the laterite stone exploited at Dano quarry in Burkina Faso. The field work described the geological structure of quarry sites and their environment to determine the rocks alteration and the links between the bedrock and lateritic material. Physic-mechanical properties have been studied for assessing the potentiality of this material for lightweight housing, to be completed with thermal and environmental considerations. Some social and economic evaluations are in progress in order to foster its utilization under local conditions.
This paper presents the preliminary results of geological and geomechanical studies on the laterite stone exploited at Dano quarry in Burkina Faso. The field work described the geological structure of quarry sites and their environment to determine the rocks alteration and the links between the bedrock and lateritic material. Physic-mechanical properties have been studied for assessing the potentiality of this material for lightweight housing, to be completed with thermal and environmental considerations. Some social and economic evaluations are in progress in order to foster its utilization under local conditions. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Researchers have argued that, depending on the framing of the Northern Ireland conflict, each group could either be a minority or a majority relative to the other. This complicates macrosocial explanations of the conflict which make specific predictions on the basis of minority or majority positions. The present paper argues that this conundrum may have arisen from the inherent variability in microidentity processes that do not fit easily with macroexplanations. In this paper the rhetoric of relative group position is analysed in political speeches delivered by leading members of an influential Protestant institution in Northern Ireland. It is apparent that minority and majority claims are not fixed but are
flexibly used to achieve local rhetorical goals. Furthermore, the speeches differ before and after the Good Friday Agreement, with a reactionary “hegemonic” Unionist position giving way to a “majority-rights power sharing” argument and a “pseudo-minority” status giving way to a “disempowered minority” argument. These results suggest a view of the Northern Ireland conflict as a struggle for “symbolic power,” i.e., the ability to flexibly define the intergroup situation to the ingroup’s advantage.
The member states of the European Union are faced with the challenges of handling “big data” as well as with a growing impact of the supranational level. Given that the success of efforts at European level strongly depends on corresponding national and local activities, i.e., the quality of implementation and the degree of consistency, this chapter centers upon the coherence of European strategies and national implementations concerning the reuse of public sector information. Taking the City of Vienna’s open data activities as an illustrative example, we seek an answer to the question whether and to what extent developments at European level and other factors have an effect on local efforts towards open data. We find that the European Commission’s ambitions are driven by a strong economic argumentation, while the efforts of the City of Vienna have only very little to do with the European orientation and are rather dominated by lifestyle and administrative reform arguments. Hence, we observe a decoupling of supranational strategies and national implementation activities. The very reluctant attitude at Austrian federal level might be one reason for this, nationally induced barriers—such as the administrative culture—might be another. In order to enhance the correspondence between the strategies of the supranational level and those of the implementers at national and regional levels, the strengthening of soft law measures could be promising.
Using low-energy electron-diffraction (LEED) formalism, we demonstrate theoretically that LEED I-V spectra are characterized mainly by short-range order. We also show experimentally that diffuse LEED (DLEED) I-V spectra can be accurately measured from a disordered system using a video-LEED system even at very low coverage. These spectra demonstrate that experimental DLEED I-V spectra from disordered systems may be used to determine local structures. As an example, it is shown that experimental DLEED I-V spectra from K/Co {1010BAR} at potassium coverages of 0.07, 0.1, and 0.13 monolayer closely resemble calculated and experimental LEED I-V spectra for a well-ordered Co{1010BAR}-c(2X2)-K superstructure, leading to the conclusion that at low coverages, potassium atoms are located in the fourfold-hollow sites and that there is no large bond-length change with coverage.
Strain effects have a significant role in mediating classic ferroelectric behavior such as polarization switching and domain wall dynamics. These effects are of critical relevance if the ferroelectric order parameter is coupled to strain and is therefore, also ferroelastic. Here, switching spectroscopy piezoresponse force microscopy (SS-PFM) is combined with control of applied tip pressure to exert direct control over the ferroelastic and ferroelectric switching events, a modality otherwise unattainable in traditional PFM. As a proof of concept, stress-mediated SS-PFM is applied toward the study of polarization switching events in a lead zirconate titanate thin film, with a composition near the morphotropic phase boundary with co-existing rhombohedral and tetragonal phases. Under increasing applied pressure, shape modification of local hysteresis loops is observed, consistent with a reduction in the ferroelastic domain variants under increased pressure. These experimental results are further validated by phase field simulations. The technique can be expanded to explore more complex electromechanical responses under applied local pressure, such as probing ferroelectric and ferroelastic piezoelectric nonlinearity as a function of applied pressure, and electro-chemo-mechanical response through electrochemical strain microscopy.
This article explores local authority responses to the cinematic release of Last Tango in Paris in Britain. Using a range of archival material from the BBFC, the National Archives and the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, it offers a detailed, comparative case study of three different locations; Belfast, Newport and Oxford. It argues that comparing local censorship decisions with the national decisions of the BBFC offer little in the way of regional nuance. In order to effectively understand the workings of local censorship, a deeper understanding of local discourses is needed as well as acknowledgement of broader pressure group activity and its impact on the local picture, such as that of the National Festival of Light.
Tendo como principal fio condutor a pergunta de partida (Qual o impacto das novas medidas de política educativa para o 1° Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Educação de Adultos na oferta local dos ambientes de aprendizagem?) procuramos encontrar uma resposta para a problemática na qual se centra esta investigação. A partir desta questão inicial delineámos o corpo da dissertação em duas partes: a primeira referente ao enquadramento teórico e a segunda respeitante ao estudo empírico. No âmbito do enquadramento teórico, procedemos a uma reflexão cruzada entre educação e território, no sentido de perceber as suas potenciais (inter) ligações, bem como à análise de alguns dos normativos que dão suporte legal a esta problemática, finalizando com a apresentação do campo de estudo. Ao nível do estudo empírico, seguimos uma metodologia partilhada (qualitativa quantitativa), apoiada essencialmente numa aproximação conceptual ao estudo de caso. Os dados recolhidos, por melo de inquérito por questionários aplicados, permitiram-nos conceber várias leituras do território: Cartografia Institucional do Concelho de Gavião e Cartografia Educacional do Concelho de Gavião referente aos anos Ietivos de 2004-2005 e 2006-2007, respetivamente, dado o estuda ter decorrido ao Iongo de um período de três anos Ietivos. Da análise dos dados disponíveis, centramos as nossas conclusões em, pelo menos, duas dimensões totalmente opostas. Por um lado, o novo paradigma de “escola a tempo inteiro” assume, atualmente, neste território um papel preponderante, devolvendo aos ambientes formais de educação uma clara liderança no que concerne à quantidade e diversidade de aprendizagens desenvolvidas; por outro, assistimos a um claro abandono das aprendizagens realizadas em espaços não formais, as quais eram dirigidas quase exclusivamente às faixas etárias mais avançadas, que agora vêm as várias possibilidades de aprender, o que quer que seja, como uma oportunidade cada vez mais distante. Face à problemática em estudo, a nossa dissertação termina com a formulação das sugestões e recomendações que nos parecem mais oportunas. /ABSTRACT - The main question of this work is: "Which is the impact of new rules of education politics and rules, in first level (6-10years old) and adult education, in local offers into learning contexts?” we look for an answer to this problematic which is the matter of our research. Throughout this question, this essay was divided into two parts: the first one refers the theoretic frame, and the second one is about the empiric study. On the theoretic frame, we made a profound consideration between education and district, in order to understand its potentials (inter) connections, as well as the analysis of some normatives, which Iegally supports this problematic, ending with a presentation of the subject. On the empiric study, our approach is a mix methodology (qualitative and quantitative one) mainly supported on the concept of the “case study” Data collected by inquiry and questionnaire, allowed us to realize several knowledge of the municipality: Institutional Cartography of Gavião's Municipality and Educational Cartography of Gavião's Municipality, it refers to the academic years 2004-2005 and 2006-2007, because the study was done during those two years. From data analyses, we centered our conclusions into, at least, two opposite ways. On one hand, a new paradigm of “full time school” (from 9:00am to 5:30pm) claims, actually, in this municipality an important rule, it restores in the formal educational environment a great control, concerning the quantity and diversity of developed learning, on the other hand, we saw a destitution of developed learning on no formal environment, which were almost exclusively direct to the elder one, now this population felt learning possibilities rather far away. Our essay ends with some suggestions and recommendations which seams to us proper into this context.
Ao longo das últimas três décadas, o envolvimento das comunidades na formulação de políticas locais tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais atenção como uma abordagem sustentável para o desenvolvimento rural na União Europeia (UE) e no mundo. Emergendo da globalização, novas estruturas de governação têm desafiado a base territorial restricta da autoridade do Estado soberano através do envolvimento de uma rede complexa e de autoorganização de atores governamentais e não-governamentais na tomada de decisões coletivas. A reestruturação territorial e institucional das zonas rurais, associada à expansão da governança rural, ganhou atenção considerável na literatura. No entanto, o potencial de empregar princípios de governança como fatores que determinam as direções de desenvolvimento rural através de desempenho organizacional e apoio no turismo não tem sido amplamente explorado na literatura. Deste modo, o principal objetivo desta tese consiste no emprego de ‘integração’, ‘participação’ e ‘empowerment’ como fatores críticos que influenciam os rumos do desenvolvimento rural (1) através do desempenho organizacional das organizações de governança rural e (2) apoio no turismo de organizações de desenvolvimento rural tendo em vista a validação da abordagem de governança para o turismo integrado. Ao longo deste duplo objectivo geral, a tese é dividida numa componente qualitativa de ‘desempenho’ e numa componente quantitativa de ‘apoio’. Seguindo uma abordagem sistemática baseada num sistema conceptual, foram realizadas 38 entrevistas em profundidade com pessoas chave envolvendo gestores do programa LEADER da UE na Hungria (34% do número total de Grupos de Ação Local [GAL]), seguido por um levantamento de campo transversal realizado através de um sistema de recolha de dados na Internet, tendo resultado em 662 questionários válidos para uma taxa de resposta de 63.6%. Os resultados da componente “desempenho” revelaram padrões na implementação dos princípios de governança, que por sua vez permitiram a identificação de fatores que permitem e restringem o desempenho organizacional. Os resultados da componente “apoio” permitiram destacar que o ponto de vista de redes de desenvolvimento local nos princípios de governança não é homogéneo. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre organizações responsáveis pelo planeamento e os grupos de aconselhamento. Contudo, os resultados sugeriram que a dimensão sustentável de turismo rural integrado é um prognosticador da contribuição do turismo para o desenvolvimento global da comunicade e para o apoio do turismo ao longo das redes de desenvolvimento local. Este estudo responde a uma necessidade crescente de investigação, que resulta da proliferação à escala mundial de formações de governança em sistemas de administração pública, tanto no lado dos investigadores como no lado dos praticantes.
Tese de doutoramento, Geografia (Planeamento Regional e Urbano), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2016
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
One of the most well-known bio-inspired algorithms used in optimization problems is the particle swarm optimization (PSO), which basically consists on a machinelearning technique loosely inspired by birds flocking in search of food. More specifically, it consists of a number of particles that collectively move on the search space in search of the global optimum. The Darwinian particle swarm optimization (DPSO) is an evolutionary algorithm that extends the PSO using natural selection, or survival of the fittest, to enhance the ability to escape from local optima. This paper firstly presents a survey on PSO algorithms mainly focusing on the DPSO. Afterward, a method for controlling the convergence rate of the DPSO using fractional calculus (FC) concepts is proposed. The fractional-order optimization algorithm, denoted as FO-DPSO, is tested using several well-known functions, and the relationship between the fractional-order velocity and the convergence of the algorithm is observed. Moreover, experimental results show that the FO-DPSO significantly outperforms the previously presented FO-PSO.
The influence of uncertainties of input parameters on output response of composite structures is investigated in this paper. In particular, the effects of deviations in mechanical properties, ply angles, ply thickness and on applied loads are studied. The uncertainty propagation and the importance measure of input parameters are analysed using three different approaches: a first-order local method, a Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) supported by a variance-based method and an extension of local variance to estimate the global variance over the domain of inputs. Sample results are shown for a shell composite laminated structure built with different composite systems including multi-materials. The importance measures of input parameters on structural response based on numerical results are established and discussed as a function of the anisotropy of composite materials. Needs for global variance methods are discussed by comparing the results obtained from different proposed methodologies. The objective of this paper is to contribute for the use of GSA techniques together with low expensive local importance measures.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
In the early nineteenth century, a widespread outbreak of cholera occurred in continental Europe, eventually spreading to the British Isles. The disease subsequently spread to Canada as impoverished British immigrants seeking a better life arrived in the country. To help curb the spread of the disease, local Boards of Health were created.