167 resultados para Kemiska bekämpningsmedel
Det finns en mätbar entitet i all levande materia, nämligen förhållandet mellan ett atomslags lätta och tunga isotop. Denna entitet divideras med en definierad referens och ett värde erhålls som brukar anges i promille ( ). Värdet är ett mått på isotopfraktionering. Genom att studera ekologi, taxonomi, kretslopp, isotopeffekter, dokumenterad data och metabola effekter kan man skissera över vad isotopfraktionen betyder. Migrationsbeteende, trofinätverk, dieter, miljö- och klimatdata kan rekonstrueras i tid och rum. Vid rekonstruktioner av gången tid har de museala samlingarna en nyckelposition. I litteraturöversikten tas teori, praktik och forskning upp för att påvisa metodens faror och användningsområden.
Denna pro gradu avhandling är en litteraturstudie av intramolekylära aza-Wittigringslutningar vid syntes av sammansmälta kväveheterocykler. I arbetet behandlas material huvudsakligen från 1980 och framöver. Aza-Wittigreaktionen påminner om den analoga Wittigreaktionen. Aza-Wittigreaktioner har nästan uteslutande gjorts mellan karbonylgrupper och iminofosforaner. Reaktionsmekanismen sker enligt en tvåstegsaddition, som inleds av iminokvävets nukleofila attack till karbonylkolet och avslutas av att en zwitterjonisk betain bildar en azoxafosfetanintermediär. Intermediären sönderfaller spontant till en iminoprodukt och fosfinoxid. Reaktionen görs ofta under milda betingelser d.v.s. vid rumstemperatur och dessutom utan dyr arbetsutrustning Ett vanligt sätt att framställa iminofosforanen är från azid genom Staudingerreaktion och ofta kombineras Staudinger- och aza-Wittigreaktionerna så att iminofosforanen inte isoleras före ringslutningen. Alla andra ringslutningsreaktioner än aza-Wittig, såsom elektrocykliska ringslutningar, har uteslutits ur detta arbete. Materialet i litteraturstudien har indelats enligt vilken typ av karbonylgrupp iminofosforanen reagerar med. På så vis åskådliggörs hurudana typiska produktmolekyler som erhållits med ringslutning till en viss typ av karbonylgrupp. Det har visat sig att det är förmånligt om karbonylkolet har elektronunderskott och iminofosforanens kväve har elektronöverskott. Den ringslutande molekylens entropi och närbelägna substituenters elektroniska och steriska natur samt produktmolekylens termodynamiska fördelaktighet inverkar tillsammans på reaktionens gång. Ifall reaktionen förväntas ske långsamt är det bättre att använda sig av alkyliminofosforaner än aryliminofosforaner. Valet av lösningsmedel har nästan uteslutande lämnats oförklarat i de behandlade publikationerna men i de flesta fall har ortoxylen eller toluen varit goda lösningsmedel. Oönskad tetrazolbildning av aziden kan minimeras genom användning av opolärt lösningsmedel. Likaså kan förmånligt placerade kväveskyddsgrupper hindra intramolekylära vätebindningar. På senare tid har aza-Wittigreaktionen allt mera tillämpats vid framställning av farmakologiska produkter, vilket ökat intresset för att framställa stora mängder närbesläktade produktmolekyler. Dylika molekylbibliotek har med fördel framställts i fastfas varvid reningen av produkten underlättats märkbart. Ett nytt område inom aza-Wittigsyntetiken är asymmetriska reaktioner, vilka säkert kommer att få mera uppmärksamhet i framtiden. I denna litteraturstudie framkom det att många av de utförda synteserna på området kunde upprepas med större variation och systematik gällande reagens och reaktionsbetingelser.
Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin ensisijaisesti puuvartisten- ja ruohokasvien soluseinien fenyylipropanoidien ja ferulahappojen biosynteesiin ja kytkeytymisreaktioihin. Fenyylipropanoidireitti alkaa fenyylialaniinista ja johtaa monien prekursoreiden kuten lignaanien, flavonoidien, salisyylihappojen ja ligniiniprekursoreiden syntymiseen. Tutkielmassa keskityttiin ligniiniprekursoreiden muodostumiseen ja erityisesti sen biosynteesireitin välituotteen, ferulahapon hapetettuihin kytkeytymisreaktioihin kasvien soluseinillä. Fenyylipropanoiditutkimuksen lähtökohtana on jo vuosia ollut selvittää biosynteesireittejä ja menetelmiä, joiden avulla ligniini saadaan kasvin soluseinältä liukenemaan ja hiilihydraatti otettua talteen. Eräs tapa tunnistaa näitä hajoamistapahtumia on tutkia fenyylipropanoidien kytkentöjen muodostumista. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa fenyylipropanoidireitin välituotteiden entsyymien säätelyä tarkasteltiin luonnonvaraisissa ja geneettisesti muunnelluissa kasveissa. Bieosynteesireitti selkeytyi paljon. Lisäksi siirtogeenisillä kasveilla havaittiin kokonaan uusia kytkentöjä ja rakenteita. Eräillä geeniyhdistelmillä voitiin lisätä tuntuvasti hiilihydraattimäärää samalla kun ligniinin kokonaismäärä väheni. Näin arveltiin voitavan kasvattaa biomassan määrää puukasveilla. Ferulahapot dehydrogenoituvat entsymaattisesti hapettavissa olosuhteissa fenoksiradikaaleiksi, jotka reagoivat edelleen muodostaen toisen radikaalimonomeerin tai -polymeerin kanssa kytkentöjä. Soluseinä tuottaa radikaalireaktioissa tarvitsemansa hapettimet ja entsyymit, vetyperoksidin ja peroksidaasin itse. Ferulahapon monomeerit ja dimeerit muodostavat esterisidoksia soluseinän hemiselluloosan kanssa. Näin syntyneet ferulaattidimeerit ja -trimeerit muodostivat ristikytkentöjä hiilihydraattien ja ligniinin välille sekä yhden tai useamman polysakkaridiketjun välille. Ferulahappojen katsottiin olevan lignifioitumisen aloituskohtia soluseinillä ja yhdistävän kaksi suurta polymeerista verkkorakennetta toisiinsa. Myös soluseinän hiilihydraattien koostumuksen havaittiin vaikuttavan muodostuvien kytkentöjen rakenteeseen. Lopuksi tarkasteltiin vielä ferulahapon antioksidatiivisia ominaisuuksia. Todettiin ligniinin ja ferulahapon määrän korreloivan soluseinän peroksidaasi- ja vetyperoksidimäärän kanssa. Kaveissa monet taudinaiheuttajat, vioittuneet kasvin osat sekä UV-säteily lisäsivät peroksidaasien tuotantoa ja edelleen ferulahappojen määrää. Fenoksiradikaalina ferulahappo kykeni eliminoimaan vetyperoksidin haitallisten happiradikaalien vaikutuksia pelkistämällä ne hapettuen itse radikaalisessa kytkeytymisreaktiossa. Tämä johti mielenkiintoisiin tulevaisuuden näkymiin ferulahaposta funktionaalisena elintarvikkeena, lääkeaineena sekä kosmeettisena valmisteena.
Rare-gas chemistry is of growing interest, and the recent advances include the "insertion" of a Xe atom into OH and water in the rare-gas hydrides HXeO and HXeOH. The insertion of Xe atoms into the H-C bonds of hydrocarbons was also demonstrated for HXeCC, HXeCCH and HXeCCXeH, the last of which was the first rare-gas hydride containing two rare-gas atoms. We describe the preparation and characterization of a new rare-gas compound, HXeOXeH. HXeOXeH was prepared in solid xenon by photolysis of a suitable precursor, for example water, and subsequent mobilization of the photoproducts. The experimental identification was carried out by FTIR spectroscopy, isotopic substitution and by use of various precursors. The photolytical and thermal stability of the new rare-gas hydride was also studied. The experimental work was supported by extensive quantum chemical calculations provided by our co-workers. HXeOXeH forms in a cryogenic xenon matrix from neutral O and H atoms in a two-step diffusion-controlled process involving HXeO as an intermediate [reactions (1) and (2)]. This formation mechanism is unique in that a rare-gas hydride is formed from another rare-gas hydride. H + Xe + O → HXeO (1) HXeO + Xe + H → HXeOXeH (2) Similarly to other rare-gas hydrides, HXeOXeH has a strongly IR-active H-Xe stretching vibration, allowing its spectral detection at 1379.3 cm-1. HXeOXeH is a very high-energy metastable species, yet thermally more stable than many other rare-gas hydrides. The calculated bending barrier of 0.57 eV, is not enough to explain the observed stability, and HXeOXeH might be affected by additional stabilization from the solid xenon environment. Chemical bonding between xenon and environmentally abundant species like water is of particular importance due to the “missing-xenon” problem. The relatively high thermal stability of HXeOXeH compared to other oxygen containing rare-gas compounds is relevant in this respect. Our work also raises the possibility of polymeric (–Xe–O)n networks, similarly to the computationally studied (XeCC)n polymers.
The purpose of this study is to describe the development of application of mass spectrometry for the structural analyses of non-coding ribonucleic acids during past decade. Mass spectrometric methods are compared of traditional gel electrophoretic methods, the characteristics of performance of mass spectrometric, analyses are studied and the future trends of mass spectrometry of ribonucleic acids are discussed. Non-coding ribonucleic acids are short polymeric biomolecules which are not translated to proteins, but which may affect the gene expression in all organisms. Regulatory ribonucleic acids act through transient interactions with key molecules in signal transduction pathways. Interactions are mediated through specific secondary and tertiary structures. Posttranscriptional modifications in the structures of molecules may introduce new properties to the organism, such as adaptation to environmental changes or development of resistance to antibiotics. In the scope of this study, the structural studies include i) determination of the sequence of nucleobases in the polymer chain, ii) characterisation and localisation of posttranscriptional modifications in nucleobases and in the backbone structure, iii) identification of ribonucleic acid-binding molecules and iv) probing of higher order structures in the ribonucleic acid molecule. Bacteria, archaea, viruses and HeLa cancer cells have been used as target organisms. Synthesised ribonucleic acids consisting of structural regions of interest have been frequently used. Electrospray ionisation (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation (MALDI) have been used for ionisation of ribonucleic analytes. Ammonium acetate and 2-propanol are common solvents for ESI. Trihydroxyacetophenone is the optimal MALDI matrix for ionisation of ribonucleic acids and peptides. Ammonium salts are used in ESI buffers and MALDI matrices as additives to remove cation adducts. Reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography has been used for desalting and fractionation of analytes either off-line of on-line, coupled with ESI source. Triethylamine and triethylammonium bicarbonate are used as ion pair reagents almost exclusively. Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance analyser using ESI coupled with liquid chromatography is the platform of choice for all forms of structural analyses. Time-of-flight (TOF) analyser using MALDI may offer sensitive, easy-to-use and economical solution for simple sequencing of longer oligonucleotides and analyses of analyte mixtures without prior fractionation. Special analysis software is used for computer-aided interpretation of mass spectra. With mass spectrometry, sequences of 20-30 nucleotides of length may be determined unambiguously. Sequencing may be applied to quality control of short synthetic oligomers for analytical purposes. Sequencing in conjunction with other structural studies enables accurate localisation and characterisation of posttranscriptional modifications and identification of nucleobases and amino acids at the sites of interaction. High throughput screening methods for RNA-binding ligands have been developed. Probing of the higher order structures has provided supportive data for computer-generated three dimensional models of viral pseudoknots. In conclusion. mass spectrometric methods are well suited for structural analyses of small species of ribonucleic acids, such as short non-coding ribonucleic acids in the molecular size region of 20-30 nucleotides. Structural information not attainable with other methods of analyses, such as nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography, may be obtained with the use of mass spectrometry. Sequencing may be applied to quality control of short synthetic oligomers for analytical purposes. Ligand screening may be used in the search of possible new therapeutic agents. Demanding assay design and challenging interpretation of data requires multidisclipinary knowledge. The implement of mass spectrometry to structural studies of ribonucleic acids is probably most efficiently conducted in specialist groups consisting of researchers from various fields of science.
The respiratory chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane of higher organisms and in the plasma membrane of many bacteria. It consists of several membrane-spanning enzymes, which conserve the energy that is liberated from the degradation of food molecules as an electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane. The proton gradient can later be utilized by the cell for different energy requiring processes, e.g. ATP production, cellular motion or active transport of ions. The difference in proton concentration between the two sides of the membrane is a result of the translocation of protons by the enzymes of the respiratory chain, from the negatively charged (N-side) to the positively charged side (P-side) of the lipid bilayer, against the proton concentration gradient. The endergonic proton transfer is driven by the flow of electrons through the enzymes of the respiratory chain, from low redox-potential electron donors to acceptors of higher potential, and ultimately to oxygen. Cytochrome c oxidase is the last enzyme in the respiratory chain and catalyzes the reduction of dioxygen to water. The redox reaction is coupled to proton transport across the membrane by a yet unresolved mechanism. Cytochrome c oxidase has two proton-conducting pathways through which protons are taken up to the interior part of the enzyme from the N-side of the membrane. The K-pathway transfers merely substrate protons, which are consumed in the process of water formation at the catalytic site. The D-pathway transfers both substrate protons and protons that are pumped to the P-side of the membrane. This thesis focuses on the role of two conserved amino acids in proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase, glutamate 278 and tryptophan 164. Glu278 is located at the end of the D-pathway and is thought to constitute the branching point for substrate and pumped protons. In this work, it was shown that although Glu278 has an important role in the proton transfer mechanism, its presence is not an obligatory requirement. Alternative structural solutions in the area around Glu278, much like the ones present in some distantly related heme-copper oxidases, could in the absence of Glu278 support the formation of a long hydrogen-bonded water chain through which proton transfer from the D-pathway to the catalytic site is possible. The other studied amino acid, Trp164, is hydrogen bonded to the ∆-propionate of heme a3 of the catalytic site. Mutation of this amino acid showed that it may be involved in regulation of proton access to a proton acceptor, a pump site, from which the proton later is expelled to the P-side of the membrane. The ion pair that is formed by the ∆-propionate of heme a3 and arginine 473 is likely to form a gate-like structure, which regulates proton mobility to the P-side of the membrane. The same gate may also be part of an exit path through which water molecules produced at the catalytically active site are removed towards the external side of the membrane. Time-resolved optical and electrometrical experiments with the Trp164 to phenylalanine mutant revealed a so far undetected step in the proton pumping mechanism. During the A to PR transition of the catalytic cycle, a proton is transferred from Glu278 to the pump site, located somewhere in the vicinity of the ∆-propionate of heme a3. A mechanism for proton pumping by cytochrome c oxidase is proposed on the basis of the presented results and the mechanism is discussed in relation to some relevant experimental data. A common proton pumping mechanism for all members of the heme-copper oxidase family is moreover considered.
Jordens ekologiska system undergår för tillfället stora förändringar pga. människans aktiviteter. Ett växande antal studier visar att dessa förändringar påverkar naturliga och sexuella urvalet och därmed evolutiva processer. Målet med detta arbete var att undersöka effekterna av omgivningsförändringar på sexuella urvalet genom att använda den ökade övergödningen inom storpiggen Gasterosteus aculeatus lekområden som modell system. Sexuella urvalet är en viktig evolutiv kraft med följder på populations- och artnivå (Kapitel 1). Avhandlingens olika delar fokuserar på övergödningens effekter på upptäckandet av partners, användningen av visuella- och doftsignaler i partnersval, och fördelningen av parningsframgången mellan bobyggande hanar. I Kapitel II och III simuleras hur grumlighet orsakad av fytoplankton påverkar hastigheten med vilken potentiella partners påträffas, genom effekter på synligheten. Resultaten visar att normala algblomningar i Östersjön har en måttlig effekt på finnandet av potentiella partners. Detta tyder på att algblomningarna troligen inte kommer att minska på selektiva parningen pga. ökade sökkostnader. I Kapitel IV visas att storspiggen ändrar relativa användningen av olika signaler när vattnets grumlighet ökar; visuella signaler minskar i betydelse medan doftsignaler ökar i betydelse. Samtidigt underlättas användandet av doftsignaler av ändringar i vattnets kemiska sammansättning då fotosyntesen intensifieras (Kapitel V). Lek i övergödda vatten kan ändå vara kostsamt både på individ- och populationsnivån, då parasiterade hanar, som troligen är dåligt genetiskt anpassade till sin miljö, lyckas få mer ägg i sina bon än friskare hanar som troligen är av högre genetisk kvalitet (Kapitel VI). Övergödningen påverkar således partnersval och konkurrensen om partners genom att påverka upptäckandet av potentiella partners, evalueringen av partners och fördelningen av partners inom lekområdena. De följder detta kan ha för evolutionen av sexuellt selekterad egenskaper och för populationers dynamik och livskraft är dock oklara. Avhandlingen visar på svårigheten att förutse följderna av omgivningsförändringar för sexuella urvalet och effekterna på individ och populationsnivå.
It is widely accepted that the global climate is heating up due to human activities, such as burning of fossil fuels. Therefore we find ourselves forced to make decisions on what measures, if any, need to be taken to decrease our warming effect on the planet before any irrevocable damage occurs. Research is being conducted in a variety of fields to better understand all relevant processes governing Earth s climate, and to assess the relative roles of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions into the atmosphere. One of the least well quantified problems is the impact of small aerosol particles (both of anthropogenic and biogenic origin) on climate, through reflecting solar radiation and their ability to act as condensation nuclei for cloud droplets. In this thesis, the compounds driving the biogenic formation of new particles in the atmosphere have been examined through detailed measurements. As directly measuring the composition of these newly formed particles is extremely difficult, the approach was to indirectly study their different characteristics by measuring the hygroscopicity (water uptake) and volatility (evaporation) of particles between 10 and 50 nm. To study the first steps of the formation process in the sub-3 nm range, the nucleation of gaseous precursors to small clusters, the chemical composition of ambient naturally charged ions were measured. The ion measurements were performed with a newly developed mass spectrometer, which was first characterized in the laboratory before being deployed at a boreal forest measurement site. It was also successfully compared to similar, low-resolution instruments. The ambient measurements showed that sulfuric acid clusters dominate the negative ion spectrum during new particle formation events. Sulfuric acid/ammonia clusters were detected in ambient air for the first time in this work. Even though sulfuric acid is believed to be the most important gas phase precursor driving the initial cluster formation, measurements of the hygroscopicity and volatility of growing 10-50 nm particles in Hyytiälä showed an increasing role of organic vapors of a variety of oxidation levels. This work has provided additional insights into the compounds participating both in the initial formation and subsequent growth of atmospheric new aerosol particles. It will hopefully prove an important step in understanding atmospheric gas-to-particle conversion, which, by influencing cloud properties, can have important climate impacts. All available knowledge needs to be constantly updated, summarized, and brought to the attention of our decision-makers. Only by increasing our understanding of all the relevant processes can we build reliable models to predict the long-term effects of decisions made today.
Thin film applications have become increasingly important in our search for multifunctional and economically viable technological solutions of the future. Thin film coatings can be used for a multitude of purposes, ranging from a basic enhancement of aesthetic attributes to the addition of a complex surface functionality. Anything from electronic or optical properties, to an increased catalytic or biological activity, can be added or enhanced by the deposition of a thin film, with a thickness of only a few atomic layers at the best, on an already existing surface. Thin films offer both a means of saving in materials and the possibility for improving properties without a critical enlargement of devices. Nanocluster deposition is a promising new method for the growth of structured thin films. Nanoclusters are small aggregates of atoms or molecules, ranging in sizes from only a few nanometers up to several hundreds of nanometers in diameter. Due to their large surface to volume ratio, and the confinement of atoms and electrons in all three dimensions, nanoclusters exhibit a wide variety of exotic properties that differ notably from those of both single atoms and bulk materials. Nanoclusters are a completely new type of building block for thin film deposition. As preformed entities, clusters provide a new means of tailoring the properties of thin films before their growth, simply by changing the size or composition of the clusters that are to be deposited. Contrary to contemporary methods of thin film growth, which mainly rely on the deposition of single atoms, cluster deposition also allows for a more precise assembly of thin films, as the configuration of single atoms with respect to each other is already predetermined in clusters. Nanocluster deposition offers a possibility for the coating of virtually any material with a nanostructured thin film, and therein the enhancement of already existing physical or chemical properties, or the addition of some exciting new feature. A clearer understanding of cluster-surface interactions, and the growth of thin films by cluster deposition, must, however, be achieved, if clusters are to be successfully used in thin film technologies. Using a combination of experimental techniques and molecular dynamics simulations, both the deposition of nanoclusters, and the growth and modification of cluster-assembled thin films, are studied in this thesis. Emphasis is laid on an understanding of the interaction between metal clusters and surfaces, and therein the behaviour of these clusters during deposition and thin film growth. The behaviour of single metal clusters, as they impact on clean metal surfaces, is analysed in detail, from which it is shown that there exists a cluster size and deposition energy dependent limit, below which epitaxial alignment occurs. If larger clusters are deposited at low energies, or cluster-surface interactions are weaker, non-epitaxial deposition will take place, resulting in the formation of nanocrystalline structures. The effect of cluster size and deposition energy on the morphology of cluster-assembled thin films is also determined, from which it is shown that nanocrystalline cluster-assembled films will be porous. Modification of these thin films, with the purpose of enhancing their mechanical properties and durability, without destroying their nanostructure, is presented. Irradiation with heavy ions is introduced as a feasible method for increasing the density, and therein the mechanical stability, of cluster-assembled thin films, without critically destroying their nanocrystalline properties. The results of this thesis demonstrate that nanocluster deposition is a suitable technique for the growth of nanostructured thin films. The interactions between nanoclusters and their supporting surfaces must, however, be carefully considered, if a controlled growth of cluster-assembled thin films, with precisely tailored properties, is to be achieved.
Controlled nuclear fusion is one of the most promising sources of energy for the future. Before this goal can be achieved, one must be able to control the enormous energy densities which are present in the core plasma in a fusion reactor. In order to be able to predict the evolution and thereby the lifetime of different plasma facing materials under reactor-relevant conditions, the interaction of atoms and molecules with plasma first wall surfaces have to be studied in detail. In this thesis, the fundamental sticking and erosion processes of carbon-based materials, the nature of hydrocarbon species released from plasma-facing surfaces, and the evolution of the components under cumulative bombardment by atoms and molecules have been investigated by means of molecular dynamics simulations using both analytic potentials and a semi-empirical tight-binding method. The sticking cross-section of CH3 radicals at unsaturated carbon sites at diamond (111) surfaces is observed to decrease with increasing angle of incidence, a dependence which can be described by a simple geometrical model. The simulations furthermore show the sticking cross-section of CH3 radicals to be strongly dependent on the local neighborhood of the unsaturated carbon site. The erosion of amorphous hydrogenated carbon surfaces by helium, neon, and argon ions in combination with hydrogen at energies ranging from 2 to 10 eV is studied using both non-cumulative and cumulative bombardment simulations. The results show no significant differences between sputtering yields obtained from bombardment simulations with different noble gas ions. The final simulation cells from the 5 and 10 eV ion bombardment simulations, however, show marked differences in surface morphology. In further simulations the behavior of amorphous hydrogenated carbon surfaces under bombardment with D^+, D^+2, and D^+3 ions in the energy range from 2 to 30 eV has been investigated. The total chemical sputtering yields indicate that molecular projectiles lead to larger sputtering yields than atomic projectiles. Finally, the effect of hydrogen ion bombardment of both crystalline and amorphous tungsten carbide surfaces is studied. Prolonged bombardment is found to lead to the formation of an amorphous tungsten carbide layer, regardless of the initial structure of the sample. In agreement with experiment, preferential sputtering of carbon is observed in both the cumulative and non-cumulative simulations