956 resultados para Kell, Walter


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This essay raises questions about how language educators might construct and further develop their epistemology of practice in and through the situations in which they work from day to day. The occasion for this paper is our work as guest editors of a special issue of L-1: Educational Studies in Language and Literature, when we invited L1 teachers to reflect on the role that language plays in their professional learning, whether it be in the form of conversations with peers, reflective writing, or by other means. We begin this essay by locating our reflections within our current policy context, namely the standards-based reforms that have come to dominate educational thinking around the world, offering a brief critique of the values and attitudes embedded within them. We then outline a philosophical framework as an alternative to the world-view reflected by such reforms, focusing specifically on the work of Walter Benjamin. In the final sections, we review our work as guest editors of the special issue of L-1, reflecting on what we have learned from the papers we have assembled for this issue, and locating our learning within the philosophical framework that we have drawn from Benjamin. We argue that it is timely for language educators to articulate the assumptions that inhere within their work, in contradistinction to the common sense embedded in standards. Thus we might begin to reconceptualise the relation between language, experience and professional learning in opposition to the hegemony of standards.


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A survey of 30 early settlement squatters in Victoria, using their letters, diaries and memoirs to compile a regional history of colonial readers. The resulting reader-responses support the emerging interpretations of Affective Reading, rather than more conventional strategies of literary criticism (New Historicism and Discourse Analysis).


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Filmmaking is frequently cited as the most collaborative of all arts, yet for the most part, mainstream and scholarly literature have received films as the creative voice of just one artist – the director. The reasons for this are many: general ignorance of how films are made; the hijacking of film theory by literary theory, and the continuing popularity of the myth of the Romantic Artist as solitary genius are some of them. The case for collaborative authorship has gained momentum since the 1980s as studies on the production of individual films, actors, production companies and the history of the film industry as a whole have proliferated and drawn attention to the disparities between how films are perceived and how they are actually made. This article analyses collaboration in film production culture through examination of the role of the film editor. Concentrating specifically on the film/sound editor and mixer Walter Murch, it examines his role as a collaborative author in his early work with director Francis Ford Coppola and his later work with English director Anthony Minghella.


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Este artigo analisa as características de experimentação e criatividade em composições de Walter Franco, nos discos Ou não (1973) e Revolver (1975). Quatro aspectos serão observados: a letra, os elementos musicais (instrumentação e arranjos), as relações entre letra, arranjo e performance, e o design das capas dos discos em diálogo com a natureza conceitual das canções.


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A presente dissertação versa sobre o conceito de experiência em Walter Benjamin. Discute, por conseguinte, a relação que esse conceito mantém com a tradição, a memória, a arte, o tempo, a história e a linguagem no corpus filosófico do autor em questão. Essa constelação de conceitos mantém estreita relação com a religião e a antropologia. Nesse sentido, o texto procura investigar, para além do conhecimento filosófico do autor, as referências antropológicas que constituiriam o substrato místico e político do pensamento benjaminiano sobre a experiência. Walter Benjamin é um pensador da modernidade, escreve a partir dela e para ela. A literatura, como forma de expressão histórica, é basicamente a modalidade artística por intermédio da qual o “filósofo da aura” lê o tempo, a história. A experiência estética, por seu turno, representa o termo em que se sintetiza no autor a modificação da experiência enquanto tal na era moderna. Como crítico cuidadoso da cultura, Benjamin é também seu maior protetor.


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Diretor de Inovação e Sustentabilidade da America Latina fala sobre inovação e sustentabilidade nas empresas


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Durante o evento anual do EPC 2011, o GVces conversou com Walter de Simoni, superintendente de economia verde do Rio de Janeiro


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Soulignant l´importance des transformations du discours politique du cinéma brésilien actuel, cet étude entreprend une analyse de la dimension éthique du cinéma de Walter Salles. Pour cela, nous avons parti de trois films long-métrages du directeur: Terra Estrangeira, Central do Brasil et Abril Despedaçado. Les films sélectionnés constituent les trois diférents chapitres de cette mémoire de maîtrise, qui s´articulent a des diférentes dimensions de l´éthique - l´hospitalité, la réliaison, et le pardon- et se présentent em format essayistique. Au texte, ces dimensions éthiques émergent à partir des récits, surtout des expériences existencielles des protagonistes et de ses singulières rencontres avec l´altérité. Comme tel, dialoguent avec des réflétions d´auteurs comme Edgar Morin, Zigmunt Bauman, Julia Kristeva, Paul Ricoeur et Hannah Arendt. Des diférents régistres de la connaissance -artistique, scientifique, religieuse- s´articulent donc dans le travail, et dialoguent en condition d´égalité. La recherche fait usage de matériels multiples qui incluent, au-delà des films mentionnés, et de ses respectifs scripts, des références à d´autres long-métrages et documentaires du directeur, ainsi que, des makingoffs, entretiens, et interprétations de commentaristes comme Lucia Nagib, Luiz Zanin Oricchio, Ivana Bentes, Pedro Butcher e Jurandir Freire Costa


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Trata-se de mostrar a originalidade crítica de Siegfried Kracauer diante da experiência da modernidade estética e de discutir as afinidades estético-teóricas de Kracauer e Benjamim ao analisar a Paris da segunda metade do século XIX, o Segundo Império, em particular, como fenômeno originário da sociedade de massas, da indústria cultural e do entretenimento e, sobretudo, do nazi-fascismo. Kracauer durante seu exílio parisiense (1933-41) escreveu uma biografia da sociedade: Jacques Offenbach e a Paris de sua época (Jacques Offenbach und das Paris seiner Zeit). Obra inovadora pelo seu enfoque da história do presente e com pontos de contatos com a Obra das Passagens (Passagen-Werk) ou Paris capital do século XIX de Walter Benjamin.