909 resultados para Joint Stiffness


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RESUMO: A osteoartrose do joelho é uma condição clínica cuja prevalência tem aumentado nos últimos anos na população idosa. Trata-se de uma condição que pode ser bastante incapacitante para o idoso, gerando um forte impacto social e económico. O exercício aquático tem sido identificado como um factor de promoção da melhoria do quadro clínico nesta população, mas a sua efectividade não está, ainda, determinada. Objectivo: investigar a efectividade, a curto e médio prazo, de um programa de exercício aquático, realizado em grupo, com a duração de 8 semanas, na amplitude articular, dor e rigidez do joelho, e na função física e qualidade de vida, em idosos com osteoartrose do joelho. Metodologia: Recorreu-se a um estudo quase-experimental, double-blind, controlado, sem aleatorização, cuja amostra, constituída por 43 sujeitos, foi selecionada por conveniência. Os sujeitos do grupo experimental (n=22) foram submetidos ao programa de exercício aquático e os do grupo de controlo (n=21) foram submetidos ao programa de exercício no solo. Ambos os programas foram definidos de acordo com as recomendações internacionais para a prática de exercício físico em idosos com osteoartrose (Arthritis Foundation, 2009a, 2009b). Todo o grupo foi avaliado no início do programa, no final do mesmo (8 semanas) e após 6 semanas de follow-up, nos seguintes indicadores: amplitude articular do joelho (através do goniómetro), dor, rigidez, função e qualidade de vida (através do KOOS). Resultados: A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por sujeitos maioritariamente do género feminino (76,7%), com uma média de 72,7 anos (DP=5,49). O programa de exercício aquático implementado demonstrou um aumento da amplitude articular passiva de flexão (p<0,0001) e extensão (p=0,016) do joelho, uma diminuição da dor e da rigidez articular (p<0,0001), um aumento da função nas AVD’s (p<0,0001) e no desporto/lazer (p=0,031), e ainda, um aumento da qualidade de vida (p<0,0001). Contudo, apenas os níveis de amplitude articular passiva de extensão do joelho (p=0,083) e de função no desporto/lazer (p=0,244) se mantiveram ao longo das seis semanas de follow-up. Conclusões: Apesar de algumas limitações, considera-se que este estudo é de grande importância para a comunidade científica e para os fisioterapeutas preocupados com a crescente prevalência da osteoartrose e dos custos associados. O exercício aquático parece ser uma estratégia importante na melhoria do estado de saúde dos idosos com osteoartrose do joelho.----------------- ABSTRACT: The osteoarthritis of the knee is a clinical condition that has been increasing among the elderly population over the past few years. It’s a condition that can be fairly disabling to the elderly individual, and which generates a strong social and economic impact. Aquatic exercise has been named as a promotional factor in the improvement of the clinical picture in this population, but its effectiveness is yet to be determined. Objective: To investigate the effectiveness, in a short and medium term, of an aquatic exercise program undertaken by a group over eight weeks, in the joint amplitude, pain and stiffness of the knee, and in the physical function and quality of life in elderly people who suffer from knee osteoarthritis. Methodology: was used a double-blind, quasi-experimental study with no randomization and its 43 subjects were selected as a matter of convenience. The subjects of the experimental group (n=22) were subjected to an aquatic exercise program and those of the control group (n=21) were subjected to a land-based exercise program. Both programs have followed international recommendations on the practice of physical exercise in elderly people who suffer from osteoarthritis (Arthritis Foundation, 2009a, 2009b). The entire group was evaluated in the beginning and at the end of the program (8 weeks later), and after a 6 week follow-up, in these parameters: knee range of motion (through a goniometer), pain, stiffness, function and quality of life (through KOOS). Results: This sample was predominantly female (76,7%) with a mean age of 72,7 years (SD=5,49). Aquatic exercise resulted in increase of passive joint flexion (p<0,0001) and knee extension (p=0,016), in the decline of pain and stiffness (p<0,0001), in the increase of function in the ADLs (p<0,0001). However, only the knee extension amplitude (p=0,083) and the function in sports/leisure (p=0,244) were kept through the six-week follow-up. Conclusions: Despite some limitations, this study is of great importance to the community and to the physiotherapists concerned with the growing prevalence of osteoarthritis and the associated costs. Aquatic exercise appears to be an important strategy in the improvement of the health condition of patients who suffer from knee osteoarthritis.


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One of today's biggest concerns is the increase of energetic needs, especially in the developed countries. Among various clean energies, wind energy is one of the technologies that assume greater importance on the sustainable development of humanity. Despite wind turbines had been developed and studied over the years, there are phenomena that haven't been yet fully understood. This work studies the soil-structure interaction that occurs on a wind turbine's foundation composed by a group of piles that is under dynamic loads caused by wind. This problem assumes special importance when the foundation is implemented on locations where safety criteria are very demanding, like the case of a foundation mounted on a dike. To the phenomenon of interaction between two piles and the soil between them it's given the name of pile-soil-pile interaction. It is known that such behavior is frequency dependent, and therefore, on this work evaluation of relevant frequencies for the intended analysis is held. During the development of this thesis, two methods were selected in order to assess pile-soil-pile interaction, being one of analytical nature and the other of numerical origin. The analytical solution was recently developed and its called Generalized pile-soil-pile theory, while for the numerical method the commercial nite element software PLAXIS 3D was used. A study of applicability of the numerical method is also done comparing the given solution by the nite element methods with a rigorous solution widely accepted by the majority of the authors.


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The present work aimed to assess the early-age evolution of E-modulus of epoxy adhesives used for Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) strengthening applications. The study involved adapting an existing technique devised for continuous monitoring of concrete stiffness since casting, called EMM-ARM (Elasticity Modulus Measurement through Ambient Response Method) for evaluation of epoxy stiffness. Furthermore, monotonic tensile tests according to ISO standards and cyclic tensile tests were carried out at several ages. A comparison between the obtained results was performed in order to better understand the performance of the several techniques in the assessment of stiffness of epoxy resins. When compared to the other methodologies, the method for calculation of E-modulus recommended by ISO standard led to lower values, since in the considered strain interval, the adhesive had a non-linear stress–strain relationship. The EMM-ARM technique revealed its capability in clearly identifying the hardening kinetics of epoxy adhesives, measuring the material stiffness growth during the entire curing period. At very early ages the values of Young׳s modulus obtained with quasi-static tests were lower than the values collected by EMM-ARM, due to the fact that epoxy resin exhibited a significant visco-elastic behaviour.


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Five full-scale timber floors were tested in order to analyse the in-plane behaviour of these structural systems. The main objective was an assessment of the effectiveness of in-plane strengthening using cross-laminated timber (CLT). To this end, one unstrengthened specimen (original), one specimen strengthened with a second layer of floorboards, two specimens strengthened with three CLT panels, and one specimen strengthened with two CLT panels, were tested. A numerical analysis was then performed in order to analyse the composite behaviour of the timber floors in more detail. Due to its importance as regards composite behaviour, the first phase of the experimental programme was composed of push-out tests on specimens representing the shear connection between the timber beams and the CLT panels. This paper describes the tests performed and the numerical modelling applied to evaluate the composite behaviour of the strengthened timber floors. The use of CLT panels is revealed to be an effective way to increase the in-plane stiffness of timber floors, through which the behaviour of the composite structure can be significantly changed, depending on the connection applied, or modified as required.


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The effectiveness of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) as a seismic retrofitting solution for damaged interior RC beam-column joints is experimentally studied. HCP is composed of a thin plate made of strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) reinforced with CFRP sheets/laminates. Two full-scale severely damaged interior beam-column joints are retrofitted using two different configurations of HCPs. The effectiveness of these retrofitting solutions mainly in terms of hysteretic response, dissipated energy, degradation of secant stiffness, displacement ductility and failure modes are compared to their virgin states. According to these criteria, both solutions resulted in superior responses regarding the ones registered in their virgin states.


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Many of our everyday tasks require the control of the serial order and the timing of component actions. Using the dynamic neural field (DNF) framework, we address the learning of representations that support the performance of precisely time action sequences. In continuation of previous modeling work and robotics implementations, we ask specifically the question how feedback about executed actions might be used by the learning system to fine tune a joint memory representation of the ordinal and the temporal structure which has been initially acquired by observation. The perceptual memory is represented by a self-stabilized, multi-bump activity pattern of neurons encoding instances of a sensory event (e.g., color, position or pitch) which guides sequence learning. The strength of the population representation of each event is a function of elapsed time since sequence onset. We propose and test in simulations a simple learning rule that detects a mismatch between the expected and realized timing of events and adapts the activation strengths in order to compensate for the movement time needed to achieve the desired effect. The simulation results show that the effector-specific memory representation can be robustly recalled. We discuss the impact of the fast, activation-based learning that the DNF framework provides for robotics applications.


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In the Portuguese school system, form tutors (FTs) are an intermediate education management structure. The form tutor is responsible for a position of coordination and orientation with a «threefold function»: a relationship with students, relationship with the student’s family and relationship with other class teachers. The joint teaching of music is a part of the educational system in basic education. It is optional and provides musical and instrumental training to students who are interested in taking it. In order to achieve this, there is a system, subject to protocols, between general education schools and schools specializing in teaching music. There is also the position of FT in specialized schools and it also includes a «threefold function». However, these FTs have the additional role of representing music teachers at the class council, which is held at the general education school. Thus, in these cases, both FTs have a fourth joint area, between the music school and the general education school, which makes the relationship between them even more complex. This paper is based on the analysis of empirical data obtained from the testimonies of FTs regarding their representations and experiences in leadership and the coordination of teachers among schools in which there is a joint teaching system. The aim of collecting narratives is to look into some of the main challenges and confrontations related to leadership issues, which we assume to be the focus of those who have the role of form tutor in that specific context.


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Whether at the zero spin density m = 0 and finite temperatures T > 0 the spin stiffness of the spin-1/2 XXX chain is finite or vanishes remains an unsolved and controversial issue, as different approaches yield contradictory results. Here we explicitly compute the stiffness at m = 0 and find strong evidence that it vanishes. In particular, we derive an upper bound on the stiffness within a canonical ensemble at any fixed value of spin density m that is proportional to m2L in the thermodynamic limit of chain length L → ∞, for any finite, nonzero temperature, which implies the absence of ballistic transport for T > 0 for m = 0. Although our method relies in part on the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA), it does not evaluate the stiffness through the second derivative of the TBA energy eigenvalues relative to a uniform vector potential. Moreover, we provide strong evidence that in the thermodynamic limit the upper bounds on the spin current and stiffness used in our derivation remain valid under string deviations. Our results also provide strong evidence that in the thermodynamic limit the TBA method used by X. Zotos [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1764 (1999)] leads to the exact stiffness values at finite temperature T > 0 for models whose stiffness is finite at T = 0, similar to the spin stiffness of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain but unlike the charge stiffness of the half-filled 1D Hubbard model.


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The influence of the hip joint formulation on the kinematic response of the model of human gait is investigated throughout this work. To accomplish this goal, the fundamental issues of the modeling process of a planar hip joint under the framework of multibody systems are revisited. In particular, the formulations for the ideal, dry, and lubricated revolute joints are described and utilized for the interaction of femur head inside acetabulum or the hip bone. In this process, the main kinematic and dynamic aspects of hip joints are analyzed. In a simple manner, the forces that are generated during human gait, for both dry and lubricated hip joint models, are computed in terms of the system’s state variables and subsequently introduced into the dynamics equations of motion of the multibody system as external generalized forces. Moreover, a human multibody model is considered, which incorporates the different approaches for the hip articulation, namely ideal joint, dry, and lubricated models. Finally, several computational simulations based on different approaches are performed, and the main results presented and compared to identify differences among the methodologies and procedures adopted in this work. The input conditions to the models correspond to the experimental data capture from an adult male during normal gait. In general, the obtained results in terms of positions do not differ significantly when the different hip joint models are considered. In sharp contrast, the velocity and acceleration plotted vary significantly. The effect of the hip joint modeling approach is clearly measurable and visible in terms of peaks and oscillations of the velocities and accelerations. In general, with the dry hip model, intra-joint force peaks can be observed, which can be associated with the multiple impacts between the femur head and the cup. In turn, when the lubricant is present, the system’s response tends to be smoother due to the damping effects of the synovial fluid.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências (Especialidade em Matemática)


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BACKGROUND: By contrast with other southern European people, north Portuguese population registers an especially high prevalence of hypertension and stroke incidence. We designed a cohort study to identify individuals presenting accelerated and premature arterial aging in the Portuguese population. METHOD: Pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured in randomly sampled population dwellers aged 18-96 years from northern Portugal, and used as a marker of early vascular aging (EVA). Of the 3038 individuals enrolled, 2542 completed the evaluation. RESULTS: Mean PWV value for the entire population was 8.4?m/s (men: 8.6?m/s; women: 8.2?m/s; P??10?m/s). Logistic regression models indicated gender differences concerning the risk of developing large artery damage, with women having the same odds of PWV above 10?m/s 10 years later than men. CONCLUSION: The population PWV values were higher than expected in a low cardiovascular risk area (Portugal). High prevalence rates of EVA and noteworthy large artery damage in young ages were found.


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Sandwich geometries, mainly in the form of panels and beams, are commonly applied in various transportation industries, such as aerospace, aeronautic and automotive. Sandwich geometries represent important advantages in structural applications, namely high specific stiffness, low weight, and possibility of design optimization prior to manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to uncover the influence of the number of reinforcements (ribs), and of the thickness on the mechanical behavior of all-metal sandwich panels subjected to uncoupled bending and torsion loadings. In this study, four geometries are compared. The orientation of the reinforcements and the effect of transversal ribs are also considered in this study. It is shown that the all the relations are non-linear, despite the elastic nature of the analysis in the Finite Element software ANSYS MECHANICAL APDL.