955 resultados para Jean Piaget


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The aim of this work is presenting the development and the results of a research, which focus of interest has been the making of softwares that could help the process of teaching and learning of the hindu-arabic numerals system, on children in the alphabetical stage. Since the most important presupposes to this work are the development of the number concept according to Jean Piaget (1986-1980) and the reality of the classroom, then three different moments have been fixed: the creation of a beginning scheme of computer activities; the aplication of these activities on children in the alphabetical stage; and, finally, an analysis of the limits and possibilities of these activities while an environment cause of actions that would benefit the process of teaching and learning of the mentioned content. Finally, based on the anlysis of the results obtained, the next step was fixing a more consistant set of computer activities, which makes up a proposal to the use of computer in the process of teaching and learning of the first hindu-arabic numbers


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Present research investigated how morality has been developed from kinder garten through care relationships established between the nursery assistants, caregivers calls, and children aged 0-2 years old in order to identify if there the action of caring expressions of generosity, considered one of the virtues that are the genesis of human morality, as well as to analyze the conceptions of these nursery assistants about care as a possibility for the moral development of children. The research was based on theoretical studies of Jean Piaget (1932), a pioneer in psychological research on the development of moral judgment in children, and others who own research in the field of moral psychology related to the educational context as well as the care relationship with morality in order to support the research. The results show that the understanding of care in early child hood education is still superficial and based on concepts related to welfare, including caring in a limited way, just as an action aimed at the physical integrity of children. Unable to note concerns and moral development of children, taking care as a support. We hope this research instigate reflections on the importance of care in day care and their contributions to the moral awakening the children they serve


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The kindergarten has as main objective the development of the child from zero to five years in their physical, emotional, cognitive and social domains. This is also the goal of the Centers for Children Living from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) that caters to children of teachers, technical and administrative staff and students. In this work we report some of the action of the Technical Commission of the CCIs with reflections on the construction of children's knowledge through observations of the CCIs in different campuses of Unesp, conducted through technical visits. As a theoretical contribution we adopt the Genetic Epistemology of Jean Piaget. Partial results show that, although there are efforts to understand and assist the process of constructing knowledge of children, many challenges remain to be overcome in the realization of an excellent service to children.


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This study based on moral culture research and the theoretical Piagetian perspective aims to investigate the relation between virtue and rules in the procedures of participants in the Internet game Colheita Feliz (Happy Harvest) – an Orkut application. By means of descriptive qualitative analysis, the behavior of 60 participants in the game was observed during two months. The participants’ performance ranking was analyzed according to the procedures they used. The results showed predominance of the crop stealing procedure in comparison with the crop cultivation procedure and allowed to consider that the action of stealing of the participants was not guided by the universal principles of virtue, honesty or lack of it (moral domain) but by the playing convention for the game (social domain) favoring the stealing procedure, and also by personal domain (choices) and mutual agreement among the subjects participating in the game. The data did not indicate connections between the participants’ actions inside and outside virtual and real fields with regard to stealing, and reinforced the idea that rules are conventionalized in the domain of a group and depend on social interactions by which mutual respect among peers must prevail. The data also shows that morality is not the regulatory actions in the game. The results also showed the importance of carrying out research on procedures used by computer game players since such procedures can demonstrate cognitive, moral, affective and social aspects perceived during playful interaction situations.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This research sets up as a reflection on the development of moral judgment in children from 04, 05 years of the Early Childhood Education with the main theoretical reference the studies of Jean Piaget (1932/1994) on the subject. To this end, we conducted a case study in order to understand what types of conflicts that arise among children in the school of early childhood education and how the teacher seeks to solve them, or not assisting in promoting the moral autonomy of the small. Behaviors and conflicts observed were described and analyzed by correlating them to the practice of the teacher in the classroom that is the case study. We found that conflicts are avoided and unwanted by the teacher and, when they arise, are quickly resolved through attitudes centered educator without enable dialogue and reflection among the children involved. In this sense, we infer that the teaching practice focused on the development of moral judgment of children showed failure and ineffective. As a result of feedback from the first phase of this research we deem necessary to investigate about the training of teachers of early childhood education in relation to theories that deal with the development of moral judgment in children of this educational stage and identify the implications that such training reflects teacher practices in. We hope that by making such reflection can contribute to the debate on the need to educate morally in early childhood education, whose main objective is to promote the integral development of children


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This research sets up as a reflection on the development of moral judgment in children from 04, 05 years of the Early Childhood Education with the main theoretical reference the studies of Jean Piaget (1932/1994) on the subject. To this end, we conducted a case study in order to understand what types of conflicts that arise among children in the school of early childhood education and how the teacher seeks to solve them, or not assisting in promoting the moral autonomy of the small. Behaviors and conflicts observed were described and analyzed by correlating them to the practice of the teacher in the classroom that is the case study. We found that conflicts are avoided and unwanted by the teacher and, when they arise, are quickly resolved through attitudes centered educator without enable dialogue and reflection among the children involved. In this sense, we infer that the teaching practice focused on the development of moral judgment of children showed failure and ineffective. As a result of feedback from the first phase of this research we deem necessary to investigate about the training of teachers of early childhood education in relation to theories that deal with the development of moral judgment in children of this educational stage and identify the implications that such training reflects teacher practices in. We hope that by making such reflection can contribute to the debate on the need to educate morally in early childhood education, whose main objective is to promote the integral development of children


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Quel che Steiner e molti altri criticano alla lingua contemporanea è il fatto di conformarsi troppo facilmente ai dettami della scienza e della società odierna, svuotando le parole del loro senso e della loro bellezza. Ciò che la scienza e la società in generale tendono a dimenticare, infatti, è che la lingua è composta di parole, fonemi, suoni. La tesi si articola in due Sezioni: una Premessa pedagogica e una Premessa antropologica. La Premessa pedagogica si compone di un solo capitolo, nel quale metteremo a confronto due metodi apparentemente molto diversi tra loro ma che, in realtà, trovano un loro accordo. Si tratta di Jean Piaget e Maria Montessori: del primo affronteremo opere quali Lo strutturalismo e L’epistemologia genetica dal punto di vista dell’acquisizione dei processi cognitivi, focalizzandoci soprattutto sull’apprendimento del linguaggio; della seconda sottolineeremo gli approcci educativi tenuti al fine di un apprendimento linguistico che non risenta di traumi ma che sia fondato su basi scientifiche. Introdurremo il ruolo della musica nei piani didattici e l’importanza di assegnarle una funzione più precisa e determinante. La Premessa antropologica si compone di due capitoli, entrambi dedicati alla musica. Nel Capitolo I parleremo della musicoterapia, un tipo di approccio fondato sul potere comunicativo della musica al fine di ripristinare la comunicazione verbale come è comunemente intesa. Nel Capitolo II, infine, parleremo del Mother Tongue Method introdotto da Shinichi Suzuki e ancora oggi riconosciuto in tutto il mondo. Si tratta di una metodologia che vuole rendere la musica parte delle vite degli individui tanto spontaneamente quanto il linguaggio. La musica diventa, dunque, uno strumento utile a formare i bambini sin da piccoli perché possano affrontare ogni ambito della loro vita con fermezza e abilità.


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A presente pesquisa propõe-se a estudar possíveis relações entre idade, tempo de serviço como clérigo ou clériga na Igreja Metodista e auto-imagem destes últimos acerca de altruísmo. O tema do altruísmo é abordado a partir da filosofia, da psicanálise, dos estudos evolucionistas e da psicologia cognitiva do desenvolvimento moral. Examina as críticas e contribuições que a psicanálise de Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan deu aos debates sobre altruísmo, bem como as possíveis relações com o tema proporcionadas pelas investigações de Jean Piaget e Lawrence Kohlberg sobre a elaboração de juízos éticos pelas pessoas. Analisa a imagem que pastores(as) metodistas no Brasil têm ou apresentam acerca de si mesmos(as), no tocante a ações visando ao bem-estar de outros seres humanos, levando-se em conta suas respostas e justificativas ao questionário apresentado, no qual aparecem situações hipotéticas em que o altruísmo é requerido. Os resultados evidenciam que clérigos(as) mais idosos possuem uma auto-imagem mais positiva do que a apresentada pelos mais jovens, no tocante ao altruísmo.(AU)