999 resultados para Iturbide, Agustín de, 1783-1824-Poesía


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The occurrence of Bursaphelenchus species in the Czech Republic is poorly known, the first report of the genus being made by Kubátová et al. (2000) who reported the association of B. eremus with the hyphomycetous microfungus, Esteya vermicola, and the bark beetle, Scolytus intricatus, collected from Quercus robur, in central Bohemia. To date, four other species have been reported from the country, namely B. fungivorus (Braasch et al., 2002), B. hofmanni (see Braasch, 2001), B. mucronatus (see Braasch, 2001) and B. vallesianus (Gaar et al., 2006). More recently, a survey for Bursaphelenchus species associated with bark- and wood-boring insects in the Czech Republic identified B. pinophilus Brzeski & Baujard, 1997 from the Moravia region. Although this represents a new country record, it was also associated with nematangia on the hind wings of a new insect vector. A total of 404 bark- and wood-boring insects were collected from declining or symptomatic trees and screened for the presence of Bursaphelenchus. Bark and longhorn beetles were captured manually after debarking parts of the trunk displaying symptoms of insect attacks. Longhorn beetle larvae were also collected together with logs cut from the trunk. Logs were kept at room temperature in the laboratory until insect emergence. Each adult insect was individually dissected in water and examined for nematodes. All nematodes resembling dauer juveniles of Bursaphelenchus were collected and identified by molecular characterisation using a region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) containing the internal transcribed spacer regions ITS1 and ITS2. ITS-RFLP analyses using five restriction enzymes (AluI, HaeIII, HinfI, MspI, RsaI) were performed to generate the species-specific profile according to Burgermeister et al. (2009). Species identification was also confirmed by morphological data after culture of the dauers on Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Ft., growing in 5% malt extract agar. During this survey, only species belonging to the Curculionidae, subfamily Scolytinae, revealed the presence of nematodes belonging to Bursaphelenchus. Dauers of this genus were found aggregated under the elytra in nematangia formed at the root of the hind wings (Fig. 1). The dauers were identified from 12 individuals of Pityogenes bidentatus (Herbst, 1783) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) collected under the bark of Pinus sylvestris trunks. Each insect carried ca 10-100 dauers. The ITS-RFLP patterns of the dauers so obtained confirmed the identification of B. pinophilus associated with this insect species. Bursaphelenchus pinophilus has been found mainly in Europe and has been reported from various countries such as Poland (Brzeski & Baujard, 1997), Germany (Braasch, 2001), and Portugal (Penas et al., 2007). The recent detection of this species associated with dead P. koraiensis in Korea (Han et al., 2009) expands its geographical distribution and potential importance. It has been found associated only with Pinus species, but very little is known about the insect vector. The bark beetle, Hylurgus ligniperda, was initially suggested as the insect vector by Pe-nas et al. (2006), although the nematode associated with this insect was later reclassified as B. sexdentati by morphological and molecular analysis (Penas et al., 2007). According to the literature, P. bidentatus has been cited as a vector of Ektaphelenchus sp. (Kakuliya, 1966) in Georgia, and an unidentified nematode species in Spain (Roberston et al., 2008). Interestingly, B. pinophilus was found in the nematangia formed at the root of the hind wings of P. bidentatus. Although this phenomenon is not so common in other Bursaphelenchus species, B. rufipennis has been found recently in such a structure on the hind wings of the insect Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kanzaki et al., 2008). Although other nematode species (e.g., Ektaphelenchus spp.) are frequently found associated within the same nematangia (see Kanzaki et al., 2008), in this particular case, only dauers of B. pinophilus were identified. The association between B. pinophilus and P. bidentatus represents the first report of this biological association and the association with the Scolytinae strengthens the tight and specific links between this group of Bursaphelenchus species and members of the Scolytinae (Ryss et al., 2005).


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La manía del bibliófilo suele convertirse en un laberinto de ese tipo de encuentros fortuitos que los ingleses del siglo XVIII llamaron “serendipity”. En este ensayo, gracias a mis incursiones bibliofílicas en el ámbito de la literatura aurisecular, salió a flote un precedente muy probable del haikú hispánico (aceptada la relatividad de su parentesco con el haikú japonés) en otras formas casi ideográficas de la poesía que se cultivó siglos muy anteriores al modernismo. En este caso se trata de pequeñas estrofas que acompañaban sendos grabados, cuyos motivos emblemáticos obligaban a una expresión sintética y profundamente visual, casi gestual. En un estudio paralelo, cotejo los Jeroglíficos de Alonso de Ledesma con algunos hai-kai de José Juan Tablada, separados por una distancia de tres siglos, pero identificados en su búsqueda poética.


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O estudio do romanceiro de Galicia vén merecendo unha atención especial tanto dentro como fóra do país [pénsese nas análises de A. Valenciano (1998) ou A. Requeixo (1996), entre outras].


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La anómala situación de los estudios sobre el Romancero de Galicia, y la indefinición de su propio estatuto como rama del Romancero hispánico, tienen su origen, en última instancia, en las posturas cambiantes que adoptó el primer nacionalismo cultural gallego, por razones ideológicas, ante el género de la poesía oral narrativa. Manuel Murguía es considerado hoy, por la amplitud y el eco de su obra, además de por su longevidad (1833-1923) y su papel como impulsor y heredero de la obra poética en gallego de Rosalía de Castro, como indiscutible padre fundador del galleguismo. Un nacionalismo gallego fundamentado en la tradición histórica y cultural tenía forzosamente que conceder gran importancia a las producciones de la poesía narrativa popular, como sucedió en el resto de la Europa coetánea. Sin embargo, a la altura de los 1860, se conocían solo muy escasas muestras de romances en Galicia, y su lengua era básicamente el castellano. El Romancero era así inservible como seña de identidad nacional o regional, y Murguía decidió dar la vuelta al argumento: la inexistencia de un Romancero gallego era en sí misma la prueba de un rasgo diferencial definitorio frente a Castilla. El conocimiento del Romancero portugués y una incipiente exploración de la tradición oral gallega llevaron, pocos años después, al “patriarca” a afirmar no sólo la existencia sino el esplendor de un Romanero gallego con características singulares. Tal romancero ha resultado ser producto de mixtificaciones de diverso grado realizadas por el propio Murguía y otros folcloristas. Se publica en este artículo la primera parte de un estudio, que irá seguida ulteriormente del inventario completo y análisis crítico de los romances gallegos alegados, y nunca publicados en colección, por Murguía.


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This letter is from Henry D. to O. H. Spencer.


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